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Pipeline protestors need to be jailed


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1 hour ago, Nefarious Banana said:

You sound like a politician . . . this thread's about pipeline protesters, and whether or not they should be jailed.

Yeah well, like I said you people usually only think about the small picture that's right in front of you in virtual isolation from anything else going on around you.

Let me guess you're a hoe operator....I've had to chase more of those morons out of fish-bearing streams than I can shake a depth gauge at.

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7 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

The other issue is that the CAF is not really a full spectrum military anymore, it's an armed constabulary by default.

None the less the senior brass in the military won't give up the ghost, they are still trying to be a full spectrum military in defiance of reality.

This results in  a champagne taste on a beer budget.  

They spend big bucks on stuff they can't afford, then run out of money and have to go with less of everything.

This has degenerated into a spiral resulting in a slow motion collapse, year after year, decade after decade of totally unrealistic military planning has hollowed it into an empty shell.

Those generals sure do sound like most of our politicians. Spending the taxpayer's tax dollars on stuff that they know that the country cannot afford nor needs but go ahead and do it anyway and borrow those bucks from the international filthy rich banksters and have some fun blowing those borrowed dollars at our expense on all of their pet peeve projects. It's time for we the people to take their grubby hands out of our money cookie jar, and stop borrowing money, and finally tell them that this is our tax dollars and not yours to spend on all of your foolishness nonsense. They need to get working on getting the pipeline built and they need to stop trying to de industrialize this country. Tens of thousands of new jobs are waiting to go ahead. Let them go ahead, and dam with some trees being cut down or birds being misplaced. Start to give a real chit about this country for a change. 

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9 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Yeah well, like I said you people usually only think about the small picture that's right in front of you in virtual isolation from anything else going on around you.

Let me guess you're a hoe operator....I've had to chase more of those morons out of fish-bearing streams than I can shake a depth gauge at.

You're making a fool of yourself, and you're off topic.  Care to comment on the back-up of commercial marine shipping and the consequences of the protesters actions ?

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14 minutes ago, taxme said:

Those generals sure do sound like most of our politicians.

You can't get promoted to General unless you make yourself into a military politician because the parameters for promotion in the senior ranks are entirely political.

Before they promote you to General, you have to have demonstrated as a Colonel that you are the kind of officer who will go along to get along and will tow the party line therein.

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27 minutes ago, Nefarious Banana said:

You're making a fool of yourself, and you're off topic.  Care to comment on the back-up of commercial marine shipping and the consequences of the protesters actions ?

Sure, its putting pressure on governments to start talking and changing the status quo on how we do business in Canada.  It's an effective strategy.  I've addressed the topic of jailing them several times now but I suspect you've been to busy foaming at the mouth to have noticed.  The topic as it usually does in these threads has expanded to other issues related to it.

Yup, I can spot a blinkered machine operator a mile away.  Hmmm a grader operator maybe?  Up and down the grade at 5 miles an hour for 43 years would give anyone tunnel vision.

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16 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

This is why they flipped out on Mark Norman, he broke the code, he bucked the rider, what he did was not illegal, but it was defiant, and that, they will not tolerate.

In your opinion, is there any way the taxpaying public could find out the details/payouts/greased palms/etc.of this sordid affair?  Was Mark Norman an honorable man - would it be dis-honorable to speak of his inquisition?  Just asking . . . .  

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2 minutes ago, Nefarious Banana said:

In your opinion, is there any way the taxpaying public could find out the details/payouts/greased palms/etc.of this sordid affair?  Was Mark Norman an honorable man - would it be dis-honorable to speak of his inquisition?  Just asking . . . .  

I was never a Mark Norman fan because he banned drinking in the navy over some sailors getting a little drunk in Florida which then got reported in the media.

He kind of got caught in his own brand of crackdown actually, he got thrown under the bus the way he threw people under the bus himself.

Thing is, the whole military is like that, everybody throws everybody under the bus at the slightest hint of controversy, the office politics are toxic.

In terms of the particulars as to the corruption, I think the general gist of it is pretty obvious, so I don't need anymore detail to make my judgements.



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The main thing about the Norman case in relation to these protests is that it proves that the PM is lying when he says the police can't be ordered around by the politicians.

Clearly they can when you need to shut Mark Norman up, they just aren't being directed to do so against protestors, since those protestors are the Liberals base.

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1 hour ago, cannuck said:

You win the interwebs!   That is definitely the funniest thing written in this world on this day.

You polled the Mohawks and Wetsuwetin on the picket lines? You got them to identify as far-left ideologically? See, I worked with lots and lots of Natives in mines and for nearly 30 years on structural steel and most of those guys were pretty conservative. Most of the guys I worked with wouldn't trust far-left activists any farther than they could toss them. Give it a moment's thought. Most of the Natives I worked with wanted no part of any ideological political partisanship. Hell, lots of them from the Six Nations didn't consider themselves Canadian or American. 

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44 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

The main thing about the Norman case in relation to these protests is that it proves that the PM is lying when he says the police can't be ordered around by the politicians.

Clearly they can when you need to shut Mark Norman up, they just aren't being directed to do so against protestors, since those protestors are the Liberals base.

How sad what has become of the Liberals.  I think Trudeau Senior would kick out half of the current Liberal caucus, publicly, with insults. 

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11 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

How sad what has become of the Liberals.  I think Trudeau Senior would kick out half of the current Liberal caucus, publicly, with insults. 

PET was in the exact same situation back in 1972, he jumped the shark with Trudueaumania and only won a minority, so had to be propped up by the NDP.

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1 hour ago, Grand Mal said:

You polled the Mohawks and Wetsuwetin on the picket lines? You got them to identify as far-left ideologically? See, I worked with lots and lots of Natives in mines and for nearly 30 years on structural steel and most of those guys were pretty conservative. Most of the guys I worked with wouldn't trust far-left activists any farther than they could toss them. Give it a moment's thought. Most of the Natives I worked with wanted no part of any ideological political partisanship. Hell, lots of them from the Six Nations didn't consider themselves Canadian or American. 

Fair enough.   I have lived and worked with prairie and northern bands.  You can very quickly get their political pulse by looking at how they vote...extremely biased to the left.   The difference may well be that you are familiar with some who WORK for a living.   The ones who can spend weeks travelling to and sitting on protest lines obviously do NOT work for their living.   Curiously, one of my closest "right wing" friends was once my NDP MLA in the bush.  Once one grows up one tends to shift your political benchmark.

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Why is he talking to the Mohawks, why is he not talking to the minority of hereditary chiefs who are against this.    Either way, this is about more than a pipeline, IMO it’s about dominance and infighting between the Chiefs…    

This is going to bring the country to the brink if Trudeau doesn’t act now as radical s ocialists, Greens, anarchists and wannabes are laying siege to democracy, the rule of law and insulting to the overwhelming support of resource development by indigenous groups.    Why are the majority of voices in favour of this not behing heard?



In the midt of Saturday's meeting, Wet'suwet'en hereditary Chief Woos, who also goes by the name of Frank Alec, was patched through on a speaker phone. He told the room that the RCMP was still on his territory. 

"I would suggest to you loud and clear that we want the RCMP out of Gidimt'en territory," said Woos. An audio recording of part of the meeting was leaked to CBC News by a source who attended. 

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16 hours ago, Grand Mal said:

You polled the Mohawks and Wetsuwetin on the picket lines? You got them to identify as far-left ideologically?

Seems from video about 95% of the people on picket lines are not natives.

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4 minutes ago, Argus said:

Seems from video about 95% of the people on picket lines are not natives.

At least. All those white kids with dreadlocks, pretty sure they're about environmentalism and just piggy-backing on the Native issue. Probably think it'll get them more time in front of the cameras.

I read somewhere that some didn't even know what would be going through the pipeline. All they're doing is alienating the public. I won't be surprised when the Native protesters put the run on them.

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3 hours ago, scribblet said:

Why is he talking to the Mohawks, why is he not talking to the minority of hereditary chiefs who are against this.   

Because ever since they stood up to Canada at Oka,  the Mohawks are the de facto military hegemons for all the Indians.

The Mohawks are the most militarized and prepared to fight, and they are the ones who are astride the Windsor to Quebec corridor, so they have the leverage against Canada.

These Wetsuwetsen Hereditary (left wing) Chiefs don't have any troops, so they are enlisting Mohawk troops to assist them.

The Mohawks at Belleville have a land claims dispute with Ottawa as well, in common cause.

The Tyendinaga Reservation was granted to them by the Crown for fighting against the Americans, then the town of Desoronto was carved out of their territory.

Again, the Tyendinaga Mohawks are the "friendly" Mohawks,  Loyalist Mohawks since 1793.

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18 hours ago, Dougie93 said:

The main thing about the Norman case in relation to these protests is that it proves that the PM is lying when he says the police can't be ordered around by the politicians.

Clearly they can when you need to shut Mark Norman up, they just aren't being directed to do so against protestors, since those protestors are the Liberals base.


17 hours ago, Dougie93 said:

PET was in the exact same situation back in 1972, he jumped the shark with Trudueaumania and only won a minority, so had to be propped up by the NDP.

Today, his royal highness Trudeaushire gave into the native Indians and also to their breaking of the law lawless supporters over the illegal pipeline blockades once again. Instead of saying arrest and charge those terrorists, he again said that we must talk. No talk of taking real action against these eco-terrorists. While trains are halted, commerce halted, ships waiting in Vancouver harbour waiting to be unloaded, people lives being disrupted, and all we hear from this buffoon is let's sit down and talk some more. We cannot talk with some of those Indians anymore. They are just to radical as the demonstrators are. 

They keep whining and crying about how hard they have been done by, for so many, many decades now, and yet they are still not happy. They have been receiving hundreds of billions in compensation from we the long suffering taxpaying taxpayer's of Canada, and it is still not enough for them. They have their own land, get billions of tax dollars from the taxpayer's to help feed, clothe and house them,  what the hell more do they want? If some nationalist conservative group of white people did the same thing that these Indian radicals are doing they would have been arrested weeks ago and their demo would have been stopped. Even this buffoon of a PM would be calling for their arrest. There appears to be one justice for one group, but not for the other group in this liberal/socialist/communist messed up country. And all we get from this dear leader of ours is let's sit down and talk again and have a coffee later. The taxpayer's of Canada will pay for the coffee. All this over one bloody pipeline that should have been built already. What a stupid ridiculous country this Canada has become. Lawlessness now prevails and there can be no doubt about it that there will be more to come when the next big project comes along unless these terrorists are put in jail. Liberalism???? :unsure:

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The thing that gives this an outside chance of escalating into a military confrontation is the fact that the pipeline is owned by the Japanese, Koreans and Chinese.

If it was a Canadian owned company, the Liberals could just tell the to wait.

But because it's Big Asian Money, at some point, if the Mohawks don't back down, even the Liberals will have to send the Mounties in.

Because I don't see the Liberals backing off forcing this pipeline though in the end, for their new Asian Overlords.

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7 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

Bear in mind this $6 billion GasLink pipeline is only part of a larger $40 billion project.

$22 billion in revenue for BC and Ottawa

For Canada, that's real money, they can't afford to just let this one go.


Doesn't matter, because Canada has become the place where things don't get done, and that has become acceptable.

Pipelines don't get built, ships don't get built, defence programs don't spend money, payroll systems fail...now trains don't run.

Bombardier just sold off both commercial airliner and train businesses to foreigners.   I guess the government got tired of throwing more good money after bad money.

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21 minutes ago, taxme said:


. Lawlessness now prevails and there can be no doubt about it that there will be more to come when the next big project comes along unless these terrorists are put in jail. Liberalism???? :unsure:

This is just nascent, the tip of the iceberg, a preview of what the future looks like.

The Thunberg Cult will have an arc, it's not anywhere near its peak yet.

Fear not tho, at some point, they will have to be crushed under the tank tracks, inevitably.

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5 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

Bear in mind this $6 billion GasLink pipeline is only part of a larger $40 billion project.

$22 billion in revenue for BC and Ottawa

For Canada, that's real money, they can't afford to just let this one go.

The liberals have sure blown a lot of that money profit already f'n around with those Marxists home grown terrorists. But ask Trudeau if he really cares about you and me the taxpayer's. The guy is a millionaire, and he and his family can go to places like Barbados for a holiday and wait it out. If just one of those politicians of ours gave a dam about this illegal terrorism going on here in Canada today they should have spoken up by now. But it is quite obvious that they could care less also. Hey, why should I care as a politician, I am getting paid anyway. While Canada burns, our politicians just keep throwing more fuel on the fire. Maybe we should just get rid of all fossil fuels. That way those poor excuse for being a politician will not be able to make the fire worse. Lol. 

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