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Trudeau is now revealed a racist too?

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On 9/21/2019 at 8:12 AM, Army Guy said:

The entire party is racist to the bone, The liberal party has had a record amount of candidates asked to step down because of racist remarks, then their is Justin and his multi colored faces, the son of a PM , I would have thought someone would of had that speech about what is racism and what is not.....but he is blaming privilege for his racism...I guess poor people and middle class Canadians get it....well most of us, it seems citizens that vote liberal don't see a problem with anything Justin does, which explains a lot of things with what is wrong with this country...

Now we here from a liberal advisor, that things do tend to get a little racist with the liberals behind closed doors. but deep down is anyone surprised....no not really, and that is the sad part, right now we are so desperate for leadership, we have lowered the bar to this... 


The liberals will say anything and will suck up to any group of people that will listen too them just to get their votes. The liberals could careless about who you belong too. They will try to pretend that they are there for all the people and will fight against any kinds of prejudice or racism. Yet, we now can see today that it is all just liberal bull. The liberals are racist and prejudice themselves and do try to cause division to try and get the suckers that will listen too them to get their votes. Only fools will vote for a liberal party that has no problem with lying their asses off. 

There is only one true political leader that Canada has right now. His name is Maxine Bernier, and people would do well to go to his website and see what he has to offer that will make Canada great once again. Bernier is not politically correct and does talk about real issues that are affecting and ruining and destroying Canada today. The rest will not because they are all in the same leftist liberal boat together. They all want to turn Canada into a socialist third world country with no borders to try and stop anyone from coming into Canada illegally. All of them are avoiding the topic of multiculturalism and immigration. They all want more of those two, and not less.

This next election can either be the beginning of a better and greater Canada or a country that will not look or be like Canada anymore in another two decades if those others gain power and control of Canada. If one wants to continue with more liberal socialist globalist programs and agendas then vote for any other but Bernier. It's up too you. :)

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22 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

Am I the only one who likes Trudeau better as Captain Morgan?  Now that’s a guy I can party with.  Let it all hang out.  Be yourself.  Get off the sanctimonious political correctness.  Hang out with both conservatives and commies.  

No, You are one of many who still thinks that Blackface has been a great leader for Canada. Indeed, Trudeau may look like a fun guy to want to party with but it is sure as hell that he is not a great leader. As a leader he has shown us as to how a leader of a country should not act. Blackface is an ass. No thanks, I will never hang out with any commies. They have to be the most dumb ass stupid people on earth too want to be with who are willing to fight for their loss to be free. China and North Korea should be prime examples of why no one should ever want to be a part of or call themselves a commie. Hanging out with a commie could eventually get you hung. :P

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5 minutes ago, taxme said:

There is only one true political leader that Canada has right now. His name is Maxine Bernier, and people would do well to go to his website and see what he has to offer that will make Canada great once again. Bernier is not politically correct and does talk about real issues that are affecting and ruining and destroying Canada today.

If this blackface saga had come up before the Conservative leadership was determined then voters might have had more leeway to pick a candidate that was so far to the right. Scheer was hand-picked to beat Trudeau, not necessarily to run the tightest ship. Trudeau would have beaten Bernier like a rented mule in a head-to-head.

To be honest, Trudeau might still be able to beat Bernier right now if Bernier was leading the CPCs. Trudeau can't punch down on Scheer from the current altitude of his moral ground but could convince people that he was landing shots on Bernier.  

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On 9/21/2019 at 10:15 AM, Argus said:

I often disagree with Coyne, but in this column his response is almost the same as my own feelings. It isn't that Trudeau is revealed as a racist, but more that his sanctimonious hypocrisy is laid bare for all to see.

Perhaps the most damning thing that can be said is that, when the prime minister claims he was unaware, as a 29-year-old teacher in 2001, that dressing up as a member of a racial minority was offensive — that, in fact, it did not dawn on him until after he was elected as an MP, in 2008 — most of us believe him. It is difficult to believe he could be that racist, but it is all too easy to believe he could be that clueless.

Even so, the photos and video are disturbing, quite apart from their offensiveness. It requires more than mere ignorance or insensitivity to dress the part with such care, even to the point of blackening the parts of his body his clothes concealed, or with such enthusiasm. His delight in blackface appears to be of a piece with other aspects of his behaviour, such as his party trick of falling down stairs, and to stem from the same psychological wellsprings: the vanity, the insatiable desire for attention, the showy theatricality.


Exactly.  And that he’s asking for forgiveness.  Forgiveness he’d never extend to anyone else, especially his opponents.

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42 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

If this blackface saga had come up before the Conservative leadership was determined then voters might have had more leeway to pick a candidate that was so far to the right. Scheer was hand-picked to beat Trudeau, not necessarily to run the tightest ship. Trudeau would have beaten Bernier like a rented mule in a head-to-head.

To be honest, Trudeau might still be able to beat Bernier right now if Bernier was leading the CPCs. Trudeau can't punch down on Scheer from the current altitude of his moral ground but could convince people that he was landing shots on Bernier.  

With Scheer as the PM he will not change the status quo. All will be liberal business as usual. I believe that most Canadians do want a change from the status quo and I believe that Bernier can give that too them. I believe that most Canadians are tired of big government, high taxes, and losing their freedoms thru more red tape and hate laws. But I would not rule out anti-establishment Bernier just yet. The debates are coming up and anti-establishment Bernier will now be able to get his programs and agendas across to we the people. It could cause some problems for the progressive conservatives but if both Bernier and Scheer can share a minority government together we can then see big changes for Canada which should help make Canada great again. Scheer would have to become more of a conservative and less of a progressive conservative. They could work well together to get rid of liberalism for good in Canada. Put Trudeau and anti-establishment Bernier together in a debate and Bernier would cream Blackface. Blackface can show us that he has not offered a thing for Canada or Canadians and never will. Anti-establishment Bernier can give we the people hope for the future. But I guess we will have to wait and see after the debates as to who the people would like to have as their PM. I know as to who I would like to have as PM for Canada. Anti-establishment Bernier. :)

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14 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

Trudeau's blackface scandal changes Canada's international reputation-

Trudeau's blackface exposes the truth: Canada is no racial haven

LMAO. This is the editor's note:


Janaya Khan is an activist, writer and storyteller based in Los Angeles who lectures on racial justice, culture and gender equity across the US and abroad.

AKA a hater.


To put on blackface is to be contemptuous of other people's pain.

She's gotta be pretty evil to make the assumption that whenever someone puts on makeup to darken their skin they are doing it out of contempt. She's either ignorant or she needs a dictionary. That's why CNN is buying what she's selling.

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49 minutes ago, taxme said:

I believe that most Canadians do want a change from the status quo and I believe that Bernier can give that too them. I believe that most Canadians are tired of big government, high taxes, and losing their freedoms thru more red tape and hate laws. But I would not rule out anti-establishment Bernier just yet.

 Anti-establishment Bernier can give we the people hope for the future.

. I know as to who I would like to have as PM for Canada. Anti-establishment Bernier. 

Like Bernier also . . . . but at voting time, does the Canadian citizen take the chance on Bernier?  Does the voting citizen support Scheer because he's the best chance to dump Blackface ? Maxime Bernier has also made a tactical error in exiting the Conservatives when he would have been the powerhouse from within the party. This, I believe was a lapse of judgement combined with pride and ego.  There is no doubt that Bernier has policies and platforms that are very desirable when compared to Blackface and Scheer.  Our wonderful country is a rudderless ship at the moment.

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3 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

The word "too" doesn't imply that Scheer is a racist, it just means that Trudeau's name just got added to the list of racists.

When you say Li-Con gutter politics what you really mean is that Trudeau just got hoisted on his own petard. 

What I mean is that Lib-Con governance is indistinguishable: both toady to the powerful corporations. So the elections focus on mudslinging on superficial 'dog whistle' issues, jousting of interest to political strategy junkies, but not real issues of significance to Canadians. 

Gutter politics with no substance, because both Liberals and Conservatives have nothing to offer but the status quo.

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3 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

You're still a racist. You're fixated on race, and you're constantly assigning blame/hate on a race of people and acting like they alone possess certain bad traits that no other race of people ever did.

And of course you can show me where I did that (not).

If you'd been paying attention at all (not) you would have noticed I'm actually  fixated on governments that tilt playing fields towards the rich and powerful, are cozy with dictators...oh and that ignore climate change - which more often than not has more to do with dinking around with playing fields.

That's what I blame/hate.

Edited by eyeball
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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

AKA a hater.

She's gotta be pretty evil to make the assumption that whenever someone puts on makeup to darken their skin they are doing it out of contempt. She's either ignorant or she needs a dictionary. That's why CNN is buying what she's selling.

Now look who's defending Trudeau.

So where's Shady?

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4 hours ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

Still, it begs the question of how this went unreported for 18 years.   One would think that opposition research would have uncovered this kind of dirt long ago.

Why did it take foreign media to break this story ?    Does the "fake news" ban in Canada keep domestic media timid ?

Not only that, he lied to the riding vetting committee when he was applying to be a candidate, any other person would be booted ASAP for that.  

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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

LMAO. This is the editor's note:

AKA a hater.

Doesn't matter who writes it, point is, this is the Canadian brand now. People in other countries don't have time to listen to Mr. Trudeau's excuses for why he wore blackface. They just get the headlines.

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3 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Wait. I'll go and check if we can still get the NYTimes.


An American blogger spilled the beans on the Gomery hearings, bypassing the publication ban...Chretien was not pleased.


Somebody protected Trudeau all these years, but why stop now ?




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2 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

She's gotta be pretty evil to make the assumption that whenever someone puts on makeup to darken their skin they are doing it out of contempt. She's either ignorant or she needs a dictionary. That's why CNN is buying what she's selling.

If for other reasons like role acting, maybe not out of contempt. But if it's done to ridicule blacks for their skin colour, then it is. I say let these people have at it. The left feels offended and confused, conflicted by their faith in one so pure who has now so deeply betrayed them. Let's hear from some of those who don't like it. At least they are consistent with their bullshit, compared to those who now deny this is an issue by their own standards.

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1 hour ago, jacee said:

What I mean is that Lib-Con governance is indistinguishable: both toady to the powerful corporations. So the elections focus on mudslinging on superficial 'dog whistle' issues, jousting of interest to political strategy junkies, but not real issues of significance to Canadians. 

Gutter politics with no substance, because both Liberals and Conservatives have nothing to offer but the status quo.

That all sounds really profound jacee but the status quo isn't so bad that we're in a position like Venezuela or Iran where we need to blow it up and start from scratch.

Also, there are certain types of corporations that are worth helping out. SNC isn't one of them because if other companies are winning bids on major Canadian construction projects instead of SNC then SNC will be laying people off and others will be hiring. Bombardier is the type of company that it's worthwhile helping out somewhat because every job lost there goes out of the country.

The Conservatives aren't into the mud-slinging game, that's Lib territory. The number of unsubstantiated accusations by the Liberals in a year is up into the thousands. Racist, xenophobe, anti-semite, islamophobe, homophobe, etc, etc. A month ago Trudeau was talking about how politicians can't be forgiven for things they said on social media when they were in high school. Now he wants absolution for something he did 5 years after he graduated university. The hypocrisy, the double-standard is just too much. 

You know that saying "How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time?" Well, going from Trudeau's comments about how to treat other people to how he should be treated is like eating that elephant in one bite. 

The status quo for Libs is "old stock canadians suck, quebecers are better than the rest of the country, terrorists are ok people, Alberta oil and coal are the two worst things on the planet but Saudi oil and chinese coal are ok..." There's not even any common sense in it. They feel like by vilifying western-Canadian everything at every turn and being pro-foreign countries proves that they're on moral high ground and completely beyond reproach. 

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In the meantime, here we are seemingly heading into a period of very troubled global times on shaky ecosystems with dodgy economies, war drums beating in the background and the world is...hey look, there goes Justin Trudeau!  No doubt the people who get rich making ecosystems shakier, economies dodgier and especially thrive on war are ROTF and LTAO.

This is how it ends, seriously?

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1 hour ago, eyeball said:

And of course you can show me where I did that (not).

If you'd been paying attention at all (not) you would have noticed I'm actually  fixated on governments that tilt playing fields towards the rich and powerful, are cozy with dictators...oh and that ignore climate change - which more often than not has more to do with dinking around with playing fields.

That's what I blame/hate.

It's your go-to post, and I just called you out for being a racist 5 posts or so back.

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32 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

Doesn't matter who writes it, point is, this is the Canadian brand now. People in other countries don't have time to listen to Mr. Trudeau's excuses for why he wore blackface. They just get the headlines.

It's what one hater/idiot thinks. But at least the idiotic haters out there are against Trudeau now instead of following him. That was his prime voting demographic a month ago. 

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10 minutes ago, eyeball said:

In the meantime, here we are seemingly heading into a period of very troubled global times on shaky ecosystems with dodgy economies, war drums beating in the background and the world is...hey look, there goes Justin Trudeau!  No doubt the people who get rich making ecosystems shakier, economies dodgier and especially thrive on war are ROTF and LTAO.

Sounds pretty status quo to me. But you would like us to look away, wouldn't you. After all, he catapults the leftist platform so well, doesn't he. And now that he's been exposed, you can bet there'll be a sanctimonious backlash, a couple of orders of magnitude more than anyone else in the world. As atonement for his sins.

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6 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

That all sounds really profound jacee but the status quo isn't so bad that we're in a position like Venezuela or Iran where we need to blow it up and start from scratch.

Also, there are certain types of corporations that are worth helping out. SNC isn't one of them because if other companies are winning bids on major Canadian construction projects instead of SNC then SNC will be laying people off and others will be hiring. Bombardier is the type of company that it's worthwhile helping out somewhat because every job lost there goes out of the country.

The Conservatives aren't into the mud-slinging game, that's Lib territory. The number of unsubstantiated accusations by the Liberals in a year is up into the thousands. Racist, xenophobe, anti-semite, islamophobe, homophobe, etc, etc. A month ago Trudeau was talking about how politicians can't be forgiven for things they said on social media when they were in high school. Now he wants absolution for something he did 5 years after he graduated university. The hypocrisy, the double-standard is just too much. 

You know that saying "How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time?" Well, going from Trudeau's comments about how to treat other people to how he should be treated is like eating that elephant in one bite. 

The status quo for Libs is "old stock canadians suck, quebecers are better than the rest of the country, terrorists are ok people, Alberta oil and coal are the two worst things on the planet but Saudi oil and chinese coal are ok..." There's not even any common sense in it. They feel like by vilifying western-Canadian everything at every turn and being pro-foreign countries proves that they're on moral high ground and completely beyond reproach. 

I don't engage in the Lib-Con nonsense, don't care about either.

The Lib-Con party machines are just about holding onto power, not about leading people into a viable future. They are mired in petty mud-slinging and beholden to outdated status quo industries and corporations, with no vision. 

I hope for a minority government with Greens holding the balance of power. Then there will be at least some intelligent voices with a vision for Canada's future. 

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2 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

Sounds pretty status quo to me. But you would like us to look away, wouldn't you. After all, he catapults the leftist platform so well, doesn't he. And now that he's been exposed, you can bet there'll be a sanctimonious backlash, a couple of orders of magnitude more than anyone else in the world. As atonement for his sins.


Spot on...as if these issues would disappear with a leftist champion at the helm, virtue signaling his/her way around the world.

I don't know why Canadian news media is speaking about "forgiveness" for this blackface PM...since when is party leadership and the PM's office suppose to be a self help program to work through personal issues, racism, and a costume fetish ?  



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32 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


Spot on...as if these issues would disappear with a leftist champion at the helm, virtue signaling his/her way around the world.

I don't know why Canadian news media is speaking about "forgiveness" for this blackface PM...since when is party leadership and the PM's office suppose to be a self help program to work through personal issues, racism, and a costume fetish ?  



No that’s about how most of us live, 

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