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63% of Canadians want immigration cut - poll

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3 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

Nice theory, but the anti-progressives who are on the populist bandwagon aren't exactly benefiting from the new economy, where you need tech skills or higher education to succeed.  Populism looks like a proletariat movement, and as soon as they figure out that tax cuts and automations aren't helping them they will head hard left, or their kids will.

As soon as people figure out the high taxes and government boondoggles are bleeding them dry, and their tech skills and/or higher education only shelter them so much, they will head hard right, or their kids will. Tax cuts certainly won't be the cause of the economic problems, though I'm sure many Eskimo Communists will be hold that delusion, bet dat.

Edited by Yzermandius19
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There will be a war in the gulf coming soon following the false flag attacks on the tankers. The British will go there too as always but you Canadians don't have to go if you don't want to even though the Queen is your Queen as well.

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3 minutes ago, Yzermandius19 said:

As soon as people figure out the high taxes and government boondoggles are bleeding them dry, and their tech skills and/or higher education only shelter them so much, they will head hard right, or their kids will. Tax cuts certainly won't be the cause of the economic problems, bet dat.

Kansas would disagree.

"Moreover, Kansas revenues plunged, leading to cuts to education and other vital services and downgrades in the state’s bond rating.  On June 6, 2017, the legislature terminated what Brownback had termed a “real live experiment” in supply-side tax policy, repealing the business profits exemption and moving income tax rates back toward where they had started."

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8 hours ago, Yzermandius19 said:

Cocky progressives think they can brainwash everyone and the further into the future they go, the more people they will have converted. The Progressive era culture war is propped up by the economy, when the bubble pops, that sh*t won't sell anymore, enjoy it while it last progressives, because the future won't be the "utopia" they perceive it to be, they won't remain ascendant forever, far from it.

Hear, hear, Yzermandias, with crisis comes opportunity, chaos is a ladder, and so long as one is always hedging for the unsustainable leverage, the downfall of the so called "Progressive Era" will be quite fun and profitable.

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5 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

Nice theory, but the anti-progressives who are on the populist bandwagon aren't exactly benefiting from the new economy, where you need tech skills or higher education to succeed.  Populism looks like a proletariat movement, and as soon as they figure out that tax cuts and automations aren't helping them they will head hard left, or their kids will.

A quick perusal of the historical record will show that in the event of economic crisis the left is always blamed, unfortunately Jews, ethnic minorities, homosexuals and intellectuals will also be scapegoated, but it's not like we are in control of this monstrous leverage, it's not possible to stick the landing with any precision, all we can do is ensure that we profit from it personally as free individuals not subject to the delusions of the masses.

You're at the peak of your "Progressive Era" now because it's a big free money party and so the masses will vote for faireys and unicorns and free everything for everybody, when you go broke, that doesn't drive people further left, quite the opposite, when the punch bowl gets taken away is when the fangs come out.

Once the CDIC and CMHC have to bail everybody out,  there's not going to be anything for the hard left to offer as they're not going to have much in the coffers, thus going hard left will be a dead end.  Once people get the bad news, then they will turn on those who promised them farieys and unicorns.

In the end, the farcical Kneedipper/Green leftists in Canada would just make things worse, so even if  the masses were to turn to them in desperation, that wouldn't last long, as it would just be another kick in the teeth.

Austerity will be imposed by the markets and there isn't going to be an NDP/Green "hard left" revolution in the face of it, tho I wouldn't even mind if they tried to be honest, as that would incite an orgy of short selling to great profit in of itself.

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2 hours ago, Yzermandius19 said:

As soon as people figure out the high taxes and government boondoggles are bleeding them dry, and their tech skills and/or higher education only shelter them so much, they will head hard right, or their kids will. Tax cuts certainly won't be the cause of the economic problems, though I'm sure many Eskimo Communists will be hold that delusion, bet dat.

I can't make out what you are saying.  You seem to have ignored my points.

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46 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:


You're at the peak of your "Progressive Era" now because it's a big free money party and so the masses will vote for faireys and unicorns and free everything for everybody, when you go broke, that doesn't drive people further left, quite the opposite, when the punch bowl gets taken away is when the fangs come out.


I am thinking about the depression here.  It was the opposite of what you describe.  If the coffers are dry they will nationalize the means of production.

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Bear in mind that I am not predicting a Great Depression with 30% unemployment and men being sent to concentration camps in Northern Ontario, there will be imposed austerity and the Progressive punch bowl will be taken away, but there will be a bailout,  that bailout will  simply use up the leeway the Progressive government uses to buy votes with borrowed money, which is all "Progressive-ism" amounts to in the end.

There will be populist rage, it will be directed at the urbane Progressive elites, but it's not going to be World War Two, tho World War Two was the thing that got Canada out of the Depression, you can't use that model in the age of thermonuclear war.

In terms of a catastrophe on that scale, according to the Climate Scientists, that will be incited by global temperature increases and associated scarcity and degradation, that however is on a scale beyond the ability to hedge for, other than ammo, water, rations, etc.

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16 hours ago, dialamah said:

You do realize that most Christians and conservatives had to be dragged, kicking and screaming all the way, into a progressive era don't you?  And that even now there are Christians and conservatives who would gladly turn back the clock. 

One of your many problems is a refusal to make any distinction between Christians who are uncomfortable with gay marriage and Muslims who want gays executed.

16 hours ago, dialamah said:

Even right now, many Christians and conservatives are following the same path with transgenderism-declaring it a mental illness,

Because it's a mental illness. It afflicts a tiny percentage of people. Most of those now claiming to be transgendered, this sudden rush of humanity eager to thrust themselves into the limelight, are people suffering from a variety of mental and emotional problems


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2 hours ago, Argus said:

One of your many problems is a refusal to make any distinction between Christians who are uncomfortable with gay marriage and Muslims who want gays executed.

Your primary problem is that you refuse to acknowledge the reality of extremists such as ISIS and the real life of Muslims in many of these these countries.  

 Its true that Muslim countries impose legal sanctions for being gay, but a minority have death penalty and some of them rarely, if ever, carry it out.

 Same-sex sexual activity is a crime in 70 countries. Some of them, including six nations that are members of the United Nations, impose the death penalty. Another five make such punishment technically possible, even though it is rarely enforced. In 26 other countries, the maximum penalty is prison with terms varying anywhere from a few years to life imprisonment. 

And it's not as if citizens are automatically turning in their gay loved ones, either.  

"How families respond to a coming out depends on several factors, including social class and their level of education. In the more extreme cases, coming out results in the person being ostracised by their family or even physically attacked. A less harsh reaction is to seek a “cure” – either through religion or, in better-off families – through expensive but futile psychiatric treatment."

Seeking a cure for gayness - still a thing for some conservative Christian types, as well as Muslins, but a far cry from turning people over to authorities for imprisonment or execution.  

And here's a couple of first person accounts of people who have come out to family and friends in Egypt and are neither in jail, nor dead.

Citizens have also expressed disapproval of government attempts to crack down on gays.

The development of social media has also created space for a more informal kind of activism which seems to have proved successful in a couple of instances recently.

One came in 2014 when police and a TV channel collaborated in a raid on a Cairo bathhouse. Far from winning praise for exposing “the secret behind the spreading of Aids in Egypt”, the programme’s presenter was resoundingly condemned and later ran into legal problems.

Last April, the authorities in Amman, Jordan, cancelled a concert by Mashrou’ Leila, a popular Lebanese rock band with an openly gay singer, just a few days before it was due to take place. Such was the outcry on social media that the authorities rescinded their decision 24 hours later – though too late to reorganise the concert as originally planned.

Small steps, to be sure, but clear evidence that there is no "One size fits all" Muslim attitude or belief.

None of this denies that Islamic countries are homophobic in the extreme or that gay people are persecuted, beaten and killed in these countries. 

But your "Muslims want to kill gays" is so far from reality as to be an outright falsehood.  You keep repeating it because you get your information from Islamophobic websites that cater to your xenophobia instead of employing any common sense or actual fact gathering and checking.

By the way, Kenya, Uganda and Russia are examples of Christian countries that have laws against homosexuality.  Uganda wanted to impose a death penalty, encouraged by American evangelicals, but the world made noise and they backed down.  Something similar happened in Brunei recently.  Homophobia and brutality have no religion.


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21 hours ago, eyeball said:

Not at all, progressives have reason to celebrate the evidence that reality favours their bias everyday - the fact that bitter cranky old conservative assholes will only die off faster moving forward is living proof.

It is starting to look like the leftist liberal asshole progressives are going to lose the next election to Scheer and the conservative party or maybe even to Maxine Bernier. Those leftist lieberal assholes have done nothing for the past four years except to fight for more gay/trans rights, more refugees, and more of nothing else. How these lefty commie liberal progressive aholes got this far in life with so little is truly amazing. The day has to come when smart thinking people will realize that it was the days of the "cranky old conservative assholes" that made this country a great place to grow up and live in. Bringing those days back will make Canada great again. Common sense and logic have been removed and have now been replaced by emotion, political correctness and just plain stupid liberal leftist commie policies. 

Drugs and gun violence hardly were a thing of the day back then like it is today. It wasn't those old cranky white conservatives who started up the gun violence and the spreading of drugs into our schools and on the streets today. It was the leftist lieberals commies of the past few decades who have been behind the push for more gun violence and the spreading of drugs in our schools and else where. They have done sweet dik all about it. Progressives are the enemy of all things decent, moral and normal as it once was in the days when the old cranky white conservatives ran the show. In the days of the old cranky conservatives, it was all about family values, acting decent and moral and normal, and not like today where we see a bunch of homos today prancing around like fairies in gay parades. Some like you will call that progress. Ha-ha-ha. For old white cranky conservatives like me that is the beginning of Canada becoming another Sodom and Gomorrah. I am just waiting for the day when the leftist liberals try and make incest, beastiality, and pedophilia legal in Canada. Hopefully, by the next election that dream for them will never come true and those aholes will be gone for good. 

Go, you cranky old white conservatives, go. :D



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3 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

I can't make out what you are saying.  You seem to have ignored my points.

For someone who likes to think that he is the most educated one here, it's plain as day to see as to what he was saying here. It is you who can never seem to figure out just about anything as to what anyone is saying here. I wonder why that is anyway? :rolleyes:

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7 hours ago, -TSS- said:

There will be a war in the gulf coming soon following the false flag attacks on the tankers. The British will go there too as always but you Canadians don't have to go if you don't want to even though the Queen is your Queen as well.

Unless dems win the 2020, USA will not go here. Given USA is not going, why will British go?

BTW, I think you are right; there will be a war in the gulf :rolleyes:

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19 hours ago, dialamah said:

Your primary problem is that you refuse to acknowledge the reality of extremists such as ISIS and the real life of Muslims in many of these these countries. 

No. That's YOUR primary problem. You seem to believe that aside from those who actually burn people alive or behead them the Muslim world is full of peaceful people who ignore the violent teachings of their own religion. The polls show differently. They show huge numbers, majorities, in almost every Muslim countries, support the most brutal and barbaric violence against those who offend Islam in any way.

And the reality is that you don't need to have every person throwing bombs. Most Germans weren't Nazis in WW2, but they provided the strength behind the ones who were and enabled them to make war.

The only reason the Muslim world is not continually launching military attacks against the West, against all non-Muslim countries, is because they can no longer do so. They attacked for year after year, decade after decade, century after century until the power ratio turned against them. But that hasn't changed their religion and its view of 'infidels', and if they ever got the military ability again they'd be right back attacking us.

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2 hours ago, Argus said:

No. That's YOUR primary problem. You seem to believe that aside from those who actually burn people alive or behead them the Muslim world is full of peaceful people who ignore the violent teachings of their own religion. The polls show differently. They show huge numbers, majorities, in almost every Muslim countries, support the most brutal and barbaric violence against those who offend Islam in any way.

People like this keep saying "Oh, it's such a small number of extremists, you all are racists and Islamophobes for even being concerned about it."  

1% or even .5% sounds like a small number.  But when that percentage is from a pool of 1.6 billion:

That 1% is 16 million people.

That .5% is 8 million people.

Still seems like relatively small numbers - until you put faces and intentions to that number.  Now it is too large.

And NEWSFLASH - the percentage of Islamics with extremist views is much, much higher than .5% or 1%.

This is why the Amish or the Bountiful, BC cult, while problematic and disgusting, are not as much of a threat and people are not overly concerned about them.  Also, they have no influence in politics or world-wide, so not much of a threat.  More of an individual type threat - not a national one.  So using them to justify Islamic barbarism is extremely disingenuous.

It's not racism or Islamophobia that make people disgusted by the religion - it's the scale of what they are doing


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