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On 10/28/2020 at 7:57 AM, Cannucklehead said:



Washington Post puts an actual price tag on the amount of money Trump has funneled from the U.S. Treasury, as well as his campaign, directly into his own pocket: at least $8.1 million, which is reportedly more than his hotels in Hawaii and Vancouver have taken in since 2017.


Well at least he gave back his salary!  :lol:


16 minutes ago, ironstone said:

Can you show me any links that actually support what you said, namely that Trump has been lining his pockets daily and presumably increasing his net worth while doing so?

I already did....:mellow:

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3 minutes ago, Cannucklehead said:


I already did....:mellow:

Wow,now I'm really curious why the Democrats haven't impeached him for this theft. They go after him for years about the fake Russia collusion story and they ignore him stealing directly from the treasury?

I was shaking my head while reading your link lol.

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5 minutes ago, ironstone said:

Wow,now I'm really curious why the Democrats haven't impeached him for this theft. They go after him for years about the fake Russia collusion story and they ignore him stealing directly from the treasury?

I was shaking my head while reading your link lol.

Well seeing as how this all came out after he released his taxes(the ones he constantlynrefused to do, though he had promised to do so when he was campaigning) they couldn't before.  Now they could, but the gop controls the senate anyway, right?  Lol

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Does anybody have anything like real evidence to challenge the claim Trump's YouTube channel is making here. Notice I said "real evidence." Believe it or not the fact you or somebody you know of challenges the evidence on the grounds he or she or you doesn't like Trump will not qualify as "real evidence.

The claim is "The FBI has an active criminal investigation into the Biden family"


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1 hour ago, Infidel Dog said:

Does anybody have anything like real evidence to challenge the claim Trump's YouTube channel is making here. Notice I said "real evidence." Believe it or not the fact you or somebody you know of challenges the evidence on the grounds he or she or you doesn't like Trump will not qualify as "real evidence.

The claim is "The FBI has an active criminal investigation into the Biden family"


onus probandi.  

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10 hours ago, Cannucklehead said:

Well seeing as how this all came out after he released his taxes(the ones he constantlynrefused to do, though he had promised to do so when he was campaigning) they couldn't before.  Now they could, but the gop controls the senate anyway, right?  Lol

I'm trying to address your point that "Trump has been lining his pockets " since he's been in office courtesy of the Treasury. You put up some link that suggested he's taken over $8 million from the government for various things. I said that his overall net worth has declined since becoming President which apparently is rare . The link I put up had his net worth declining by $1 billion. $1 billion is a much greater sum than $8 million. At this time, Trump is not as wealthy as he was before he took office.

Compare this  to the Obama's they went from $1.3 million to over $40 million.How about the Clinton's getting extremely wealthy from pay to play as well?

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8 hours ago, Cannucklehead said:

onus probandi.  

The proof of credible claim deserving of investigation and newsworthiness has already been supplied. Where's your evidence saying it's not credible?

We can get into that if you like but right now I've got something that's more fun.

It's a conspiracy theory. Unlike the laptop from Hell, and other evidence incriminating the Biden crime family, there is no hard evidence here. It's just a fun thing to think about.

The FBI have had the laptop with the incriminating emails and other hard evidence for about a year. There's talk of a money laundering investigation. But nothing has actually been done. The FBI won't publicly announce their intentions.

In the meantime the Dems slipped a seemingly harmless, seemingly moderate candidate into the race. But behind that they planted a hard core Prog-Comm in Kamala Harris.

Then Nancy Pelosi did this below, which at the time seemed a little irrational:


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Friday announced legislation to create a commission that would allow Congress to oust a president from office, using the 25th Amendment, a day after she accused President Trump of being "in an altered state" from his coronavirus treatment. 

But nothing came of it as far as using the 25th to attack Trump so we forgot about it.

See where I'm going?

Nancy getting the 25th ready was never about attacking Trump. It's for if Joe gets elected. He was fine as a candidate but the more radical, farther left but unelectable Kamala Harris was who the elite cabal on top wanted for President.

If Biden is elected all of a sudden the FBI decides it's time to lay charges and Nancy roles out the 25th amendment. Welcome President Kamala Harris. Hail to the chief.

Edited by Infidel Dog
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5 hours ago, -TSS- said:

Biden looks like someone who you are not sure about if he can make it to next week let alone that he would last four years.



He didn't have time for make-up at one of his....rallies, let's call them. Looked quite like the undead. He speaks for about 10-20 minutes from notes or prompter at his sparsely attended events.

Trump just wrapped-up his....lost count....3rd rally, I think, today. Speaks without prompter or notes for however long he feels like going. A machine....

What I'm seeing across YouTube in a casual survey is an intense support for Trump....and about a tenth of that for Biden. Joe's events on YouTube usually have more DISLIKES than LIKES.

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21 hours ago, ironstone said:

Please let us know when an abandoned laptop with this information turns up to verify what you claim.

Please le us know when you actually have an abandoned laptop instead of just claiming to have one that you won’t let anyone actually see. 

 Everything I said on visits to Trumps properties is a matter of public record. 

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Geez Beave, try to keep up. 

The computer shop-owner no longer has the laptop. The FBI subpoenaed it. He made a copy before they took it. The FBI is not denying they have it.

As far as to why those who now have the copy won't share it yet, Giuliani has explained that. There are more revelations coming. At first it was just Burisma. Then they trickled out the China stuff. They claim there's more.

Trickling out the information was a technique created by the late great Andrew Breitbart. It's a guard against leftist media lies. They lie pretending they have knowledge the don't have. Then more information is trickled out showing they lie and haven't a clue.

In this case, for example, Clapper and Brennan were in on a petition of their fellow, former, swamp creeptures saying without evidence that "Russia, Russia, Russia" was responsible for the Biden Crime Family laptop scandal. However the following day current, high-ranking officials of government security who have actually seen the contents of the document just laughed at them and gave an official statement that Russia had nothing to do with it.

You know Beave...you personally have been burned by that Breitbart trick so many times I would think you would have figured it out by now.

Also Giuliani says he will eventually release the total contents of the Laptop. You'll just have to wait but feel free not to learn your lesson and tell us how there was never anything incriminating on it.

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15 hours ago, Infidel Dog said:

Geez Beave, try to keep up. 

The computer shop-owner no longer has the laptop. The FBI subpoenaed it. He made a copy before they took it. The FBI is not denying they have it.

As far as to why those who now have the copy won't share it yet, Giuliani has explained that. There are more revelations coming. At first it was just Burisma. Then they trickled out the China stuff. They claim there's more.

Trickling out the information was a technique created by the late great Andrew Breitbart. It's a guard against leftist media lies. They lie pretending they have knowledge the don't have. Then more information is trickled out showing they lie and haven't a clue.

In this case, for example, Clapper and Brennan were in on a petition of their fellow, former, swamp creeptures saying without evidence that "Russia, Russia, Russia" was responsible for the Biden Crime Family laptop scandal. However the following day current, high-ranking officials of government security who have actually seen the contents of the document just laughed at them and gave an official statement that Russia had nothing to do with it.

You know Beave...you personally have been burned by that Breitbart trick so many times I would think you would have figured it out by now.

Also Giuliani says he will eventually release the total contents of the Laptop. You'll just have to wait but feel free not to learn your lesson and tell us how there was never anything incriminating on it.

Pfft....Oh Giuliani claims its legit and claims he’ll release it i the future. Ok as ling as Giuliani “claims” something that’s the same as it actually being true l. The same Giuliani whose Ukrainian associates recently pleaded guilty to fraud and are currently awaiting trial on illegal US campaign finance charges. He’s a trustworthy guy!


Meanwhile Trump was briefed a year ago that Russian intelligence operatives were actively trying to feed Giuliani disinformation,  with or without Giulianis knowledge. 

So far the FBI has not said the emails are real or that that prove any wrongdoing we only have the word of your cabal of shady convicted criminals and Russian/Ukrainian fraudsters

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1 hour ago, BeaverFever said:

Pfft....Oh Giuliani claims its legit and claims he’ll release it i the future. Ok as ling as Giuliani “claims” something that’s the same as it actually being true l. The same Giuliani whose Ukrainian associates recently pleaded guilty to fraud and are currently awaiting trial on illegal US campaign finance charges. He’s a trustworthy guy!


Meanwhile Trump was briefed a year ago that Russian intelligence operatives were actively trying to feed Giuliani disinformation,  with or without Giulianis knowledge. 

So far the FBI has not said the emails are real or that that prove any wrongdoing we only have the word of your cabal of shady convicted criminals and Russian/Ukrainian fraudsters

All you've got there is what you or yours would like to believe. The Giuliani thing is just another one of those anonymous sources things WaPo has been BS-ing with since the Russian Collusion Delusion. Most likely even before that.

But if you like those then you'll have to accept this:


The FBI’s subpoena of a laptop and hard drive purportedly belonging to Hunter Biden came in connection with a money laundering investigation in late 2019, according to documents obtained by Fox News and verified by multiple federal law enforcement officials who reviewed them.

It is unclear, at this point, whether the investigation is ongoing or if it was directly related to Hunter Biden. 

Even if you want to get hypocritical and deny the claim the FBI wanted the laptop in connection with a money laundering investigation you can't deny they did subpoena it. If you do you're the only person who is denying. it.

And Biden's ex-business partner, Tony Bobulinsky is no part of a criminal or a shady Russian/Ukranian fraudster.


Bobulinski assured he has significant evidence to back up his claims, including documents and emails, the New York Post reported. His statement indicated that he provided this information to two Senate committees that requested it.

“I don’t have a political ax to grind; I just saw behind the Biden curtain and I grew concerned with what I saw,” Bobulinski told the Post. “The Biden family aggressively leveraged the Biden family name to make millions of dollars from foreign entities even though some were from communist controlled China.”


As to the suggestion the Russians are somehow involved:


Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe on Monday said that Hunter Biden’s laptop “is not part of some Russian disinformation campaign,” amid claims from House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff suggesting otherwise.


Starting to see how the trick works of 'Holding back facts to trickle out as the expected leftist smears of innuendo appear,'  are you?

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On 10/30/2020 at 8:13 PM, bcsapper said:

"You know our doctors get more money if somebody dies from COVID, you know that, right. I mean our doctors are very smart people."

I sure feel sorry for you guys.  It must be so embarrassing...

To be embarrassed, you have to have a sense of shame.

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On 10/30/2020 at 10:15 PM, bush_cheney2004 said:


Doesn't change anything....there' no money to be made in getting potable water to reserves in Canada...hence it still isn't complete with "heartfelt" Trudeau.

What no one in media will actually say is that almost all these reserves have been given water treatment facilities which the local band councils have failed to keep in working order. If they assign anyone to them it's a relative who knows little or nothing about them, takes no courses, and is drunk half the time.

There was a story in one of the papers some time back about this reserve which has had a boil water order for twenty years. It seems some kid of about 18 decided to take the courses offered by the government in how to maintain their water treatment plant. He soon got it working, and the reserve had clean water for the first time in twenty years.

Just like a lot of other stuff on the reserves the government builds it or pays for it and then the locals let it rot.

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On 10/31/2020 at 3:14 AM, Infidel Dog said:

Does anybody have anything like real evidence to challenge the claim Trump's YouTube channel is making here. Notice I said "real evidence." Believe it or not the fact you or somebody you know of challenges the evidence on the

I don't understand why you people still don't get it. Nobody gives a shit about Hunter Biden except you. Nobody is going to change their vote because of Hunter Biden. Your allegations that somehow Joe Biden has made money improperly are simply dumb. No one cares. Even if they were true, everyone other than the cult of Trump knows he has done a thousand times worse. No matter what slurs you throw at Biden about either personal or financial improprieties everyone but you knows Trump has already done them many, many, many times. Everyone who has ever worked for or with Trump says he's a congenital liar, cheat and bully, and breaks every rule, regulation and law he thinks he can get away with.

You'd be better off arguing policy, except he has none. He went into this election with no platform, and wasn't able to answer FOX questions about what he wanted to do.

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32 minutes ago, Infidel Dog said:

All you've got there is what you or yours would like to believe. The Giuliani thing is just another one of those anonymous sources things WaPo has been BS-ing with since the Russian Collusion Delusion. Most likely even before that.

But if you like those then you'll have to accept this:

Even if you want to get hypocritical and deny the claim the FBI wanted the laptop in connection with a money laundering investigation you can't deny they did subpoena it. If you do you're the only person who is denying. it.

And Biden's ex-business partner, Tony Bobulinsky is no part of a criminal or a shady Russian/Ukranian fraudster.


As to the suggestion the Russians are somehow involved:


Starting to see how the trick works of 'Holding back facts to trickle out as the expected leftist smears of innuendo appear,'  are you?

I guess time will prove one of is right and one of us a sucker for right wing nutjob conspiracy theories.

Given the right’s track record over the past couple of decades of unproven and far-fetched criminal conspiracy allegations against Clintons, Gores, Kerrys, Obamas and now Bidens, none of which netted as many charges much less arrests as the Trump-Russia investigation, I know where my money lies. 

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See here's the problem with the Progressive mindset your blatant TDS appears to confirm as a recent infection: 

Because you've been taught to believe something doesn't mean 'everybody' believes it.

For example, check the crowd out at this link:

They've polled these crowds. 20 to 50% aren't republicans. About 20% didn't vote last election. 

Believe it or not they don't think like you. Their minds are being changed. Early voting in battleground states is confirming this.

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3 minutes ago, Infidel Dog said:

See here's the problem with the Progressive mindset your blatant TDS appears to confirm as a recent infection: 

Because you've been taught to believe something doesn't mean 'everybody' believes it.

For example, check the crowd out at this link:


They've polled these crowds. 20 to 50% aren't republicans. About 20% didn't vote last election. 

Believe it or not they don't think like you. Their minds are being changed. Early voting in battleground states is confirming this.


The Minnesota governor blocking the Trump event in progress leaving ALL those people at the gates probably flipped the state. A lot of folks saw that....Democrats.

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You know...funny thing but what I posted there wasn't for this thread.

 I was posting on another thread, where I got the notification about this one and somehow what I was trying to post there posted here. 

Yet it kind of fits.

Go figure.

So now I'm wondering, do I go back to the thread I meant to post on to copy and paste the post? I'm thinking yeah.


No, wait. It was this thread, but it was @Argus. I get kind of confused when the TDSers all come at me at once, sometimes. Sorry about that.

Oh and Beave, you're just piling on more useless and unverified smears and innuendo. All that means is you're getting desperate again. I know this from experience.

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