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Time to take on far-right terrorists

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3 minutes ago, GostHacked said:


We know.


We? How many of you are there?

Your use of dime-store debate tactics is completely see-through. Try to be a bit more sophisticated. This isn't the courtroom scene from a Law & Order episode.

As the Sophists would say: But, what do you know? 

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2 hours ago, Goddess said:

No one in my family has ever said they've been called "mangiacake."

They would probably find it amusing.

Chinese people have a slang word for white people - "big nose".  Should we all get our panties in a bunch over that?  

Every culture has a slang word they use for people of other cultures.  

Read the whole thing. Make sure to look at the reprint of a 'cartoon' that was published at the time.

My point is that there was prejudice and there were attacks on Italian immigrants who fled to Canada by the thousands.

Also, Ukrainian immigrants faced considerable amounts of discrimination at the hands of non-Slavic, non-Southern EuropeanCanadians, an example of which was the internment.


Just as there is prejudice and attacks on Muslims fleeing to Canada today. 

My point is that every new wave of immigrants has been subjected to prejudice and attacks by some Canadians. 

It isn't just specific to Muslims because of their differences from Canadians.

It's an irrational fear of 'different' people, a phenomenon older than Canada . Today it has reached a hysterical and dangerous level.  

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1 hour ago, eyeball said:

Chances are its what they see around you.

Ok so you back up a broad, serious, declarative statement with nothing more than a baseless accusation that's equally serious in nature.

Good job eyeball, you've literally mastered Liberal debating tactics.Go back to your echo chamber for some kudos from other "winners".

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I have to chuckle about the very title of this thread "Far Right" terrorists????   What in any sane world it would say is simply "terrorists".   This is little if anything to do with politics of the "right" or "left", it simply is about religious differences and intolerance.

If you want to see a really strong reaction, just go and build a church, temple or synagogue in Jeddah and see how quickly the shit hits the fan.

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49 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:


Your use of dime-store debate tactics is completely see-through. Try to be a bit more sophisticated.

The thing is, I can only get as sophisticated as the poster who spits out 'Do you beat up your wife' as a 'sophisticated' response.

You get what you give.

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1 hour ago, jacee said:

Not to you.

White supremacists see Andre Bissonette as a hero for murdering 6 Muslims at prayer in QC. Brenton Tarrant had Bissonette's name on one of his weapons as he murdered 50 Muslims at prayer in NZ. 

There are no white supremacist groups in Canada. We had one neo nazi group years ago that had something like ten members but it's no more. Your fear of a vast far right conspiracy is wildly overblown.

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1 hour ago, jacee said:

Read the whole thing. Make sure to look at the reprint of a 'cartoon' that was published at the time.

My point is that there was prejudice and there were attacks on Italian immigrants who fled to Canada by the thousands.

Also, Ukrainian immigrants faced considerable amounts of discrimination at the hands of non-Slavic, non-Southern EuropeanCanadians, an example of which was the internment.


Just as there is prejudice and attacks on Muslims fleeing to Canada today. 

My point is that every new wave of immigrants has been subjected to prejudice and attacks by some Canadians. 

It isn't just specific to Muslims because of their differences from Canadians.

It's an irrational fear of 'different' people, a phenomenon older than Canada . Today it has reached a hysterical and dangerous level.  

While I agree with you that there has been/can be/is irrational fear of "different" people, I disagree that this is intrinsic to white people only.  It's a natural fear humanity had since the beginning of evolution, it was a survival instinct.  You can believe it or not, but Muslims have their own set of irrational fear of "others", too.

Some fears about Muslims today are rooted in this natural fear we all possess, but the world is a very, very different place from when the early immigrants to Canada arrived.  We are more accustomed to other cultures and seeing other faces and ways of doing things, due to advances in technologies that have made the world a closer, tighter-knit community.  I disagree with you that all fear of Muslims is unfounded and based only on irrationality, racism and prejudice. Or any kind of "right-wing" conspiracy, frankly. 

For the time period you are discussing and trying desperately to connect to what is happening today with Islam - there is no comparison.  Immigrants were mainly economic migrants, and they didn't belong to groups who were terrorizing the rest of the world.

Edited by Goddess
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3 hours ago, Hal 9000 said:

The muslim population is at 3.5% (or so).  With a growth rate of 3:1 while ours is 1.1:1, and the fact that they reproduce at an earlier age, their population will be higher that 7.2%...guaranteed. 

But, lets say it is only 7%, Belguim is ruled by muslims and they have a mere 6.5% muslim population, France - about 7-8%, Sweden (the new rape capital of the world) 8%, Germany 6% and England 5%.  One can look at the populations in other countries and see how the trend follows the population growth by single percentage points.  We'll start seeing drastic change to Canada when they settle in, and have a solid 5% of the population -  that will be less than 10 years.

As an edit:  The muslim population in Toronto is now over 7% and in Montreal 6%.  These 2 places will see a muslim population of over 10% in just a few years.  The Chinese have a stranglehold on Vancouver, so I don't see a major islamic uprising happening there, but check out Montreal and Toronto in a about 5-10 years.

Multiculturalism? Isn't it just a wonderful liberal/socialist program and agenda for promoting peace and joy and love. All the world can live together in peace under one Canadian roof if only we could get the Muslims to go along with that plan. It is said that once a Muslim population reaches the magic number of 10% of the population then prepare for demands. The citizen's of Montreal and Toronto should start to prepare for an Islamic takeover. It will come. Just saying. 


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Wignat monkeys stutter in disbelief as their desire to slaughter Muslims to "protect western civilisation" actually results in 100x fold interest in Islam and conversions. The blood of martyrs is not cheap.








They plan, and Allah plans. And Allah is the best of planners. (8:30)

Edited by Saudi Monitor
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8 hours ago, Saudi Monitor said:

I'm curious, what do you think of Anglo-American/Canadian converts to Islam? Do you see them as a "problem" as well, in terms of the Islamic values, ethics and morals they've adopted? Where will you deport them to :D

I think that those people may have been drunk at the time and got talked into joining Islam. I cannot see where anyone, especially a western woman, would want to join a religion that will treat her as second class and be forced to have to wear a scarf to cover her hair up or may have to where a Halloween black cover up the body outfit after living in a country where she had her freedom to do as she pleased without her husbands permission and dressed as she pleased. She cannot even go to the beach anymore and strip down to a bathing suit or take it all off and get some sun and get her daily dose of vitamin D. Some men will join because they were no doubt led to believe that Islam will save the world from all of his western evils and sins. But you must accept from time to time that we may have to throw a few gay people off roof tops or stone women. If they are already a Canadian citizen then we are stuck with them although I would say to them that if you do not like our western ways and values and sins anymore then you can always leave. Plenty of Muslim countries to emigrate too. Just saying.  

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15 minutes ago, Saudi Monitor said:

Wignat monkeys stutter in disbelief as their desire to slaughter Muslims to "protect western civilisation" actually results in 100x fold interest in Islam and conversions. The blood of martyrs is not cheap.








They plan, and Allah plans. And Allah is the best of planners. (8:30)

When some guy murdered a bunch of Christians during an American church service several years ago we never saw such a spectacle come close for the sympathy of the people of that religion and Christianity that we see going on in NZ and around the rest of the world. Ottawa even lowered the Canadian flag to half mass. Hunh? I do not believe that Ottawa lowered the flag for those Christians murdered. It's incredible indeed. This Islam religion is the one religion that appears that it is must be protected and coddled at all costs no matter what is done to them or they do to others. It was a sad incident to have happened but come on, eh. 

In the picture we see several NZ police members sitting in a mosque and learning all about Islam. WTH? The brainwashing has begun for the people of NZ and the NZ police. What are they going to teach them? That killing gays and stoning women to death is good for a society? This has giving Islam a great opportunity and chance of pushing even more of their Sharia law onto the people of NZ and they will no doubt fall for their brainwashing and conditioning to accept Sharia as a part of their NZ justice and culture. It will happen. Islam just needs another few more years and population to finish off the western countries of the world with of course the help of our stupid and brainwashed politically correct buffoon politicians. My opinion of course. Aw well.

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On 3/15/2019 at 4:53 PM, jacee said:

Far-right nationalists can no longer be thought of as a fringe group. They're leading one of the major terrorist movements of our time.


6 people killed in Quebec.

Now 49 killed in New Zealand. 

If the far right terrorists want to go fight ISIS, they are free to do so. Murdering innocent people praying in a mosque is a coward's act.

And all of these violent white supremacists are free to kill where and when they choose BECAUSE THE POLICE AREN'T WATCHING THEM! 

And in Canada, it’s not clear how seriously police and intelligence agencies take the threat of far-right extremism.


Get your shit together RCMP & CSIS! 

But of course we should all ignore Muslim nationalist terrorism, right? Let's just go get those white nationalist guys and gals, right? They are the real threat in the world. Let's all jsut ignore all the Muslim crimes that are being committed in London, England these days.

Now that you have shown us some stats on what some some far right murderers have done could you now post and show us all just how many murders Islamic terrorists have committed over these past few years? I really would appreciate you doing that, thank you. 

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1 hour ago, Argus said:

Gost and Dog really need to stop talking to (at) each other... :rolleyes:


1 hour ago, Goddess said:

While I agree with you that there has been/can be/is irrational fear of "different" people, I disagree that this is intrinsic to white people only.  It's a natural fear humanity had since the beginning of evolution, it was a survival instinct.  You can believe it or not, but Muslims have their own set of irrational fear of "others", too.

Some fears about Muslims today are rooted in this natural fear we all possess, but the world is a very, very different place from when the early immigrants to Canada arrived.  We are more accustomed to other cultures and seeing other faces and ways of doing things, due to advances in technologies that have made the world a closer, tighter-knit community.  I disagree with you that all fear of Muslims is unfounded and based only on irrationality, racism and prejudice. Or any kind of "right-wing" conspiracy, frankly. 

For the time period you are discussing and trying desperately to connect to what is happening today with Islam - there is no comparison.  Immigrants were mainly economic migrants, and they didn't belong to groups who were terrorizing the rest of the world.





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2 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

So can you give me some examples of that?

I live here, I'm around dozens of people every day, and I don't see it at all.




There are lots of white supremacist groups in Canada. The concern is not only with people belonging to those groups but also unstable and potentially violent people, like Andre Bissonette who killed 6 people in a Quebec mosque, becoming radicalized via the groups' online propaganda, discussion groups, etc. 




Just for starters. 

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5 minutes ago, jacee said:



There are lots of white supremacist groups in Canada. The concern is not only with people belonging to those groups but also unstable and potentially violent people, like Andre Bissonette who killed 6 people in a Quebec mosque, becoming radicalized via the groups' online propaganda, discussion groups, etc. 




Just for starters. 

I'll admit, that's disturbing. 

I'd be curious to see what those guys talk about and what they're actually up to but I wouldn't want to visit their sites and get red-flagged by CSIS or get a crazy computer virus.

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3 hours ago, DogOnPorch said:

So a police state that kicks down the doors of those you deem unworthy. Sounds fun.


3 hours ago, DogOnPorch said:

Meanwhile, since you put Islam in quotes, am I to gather you do not consider Islam to be a threat

Terrorists are just criminals motivated by hate.

What/who they claim to represent is just subterfuge, whether 'Christianity', 'Islam', or whether they claim to 'secure ... a future for white children'.

The fact that they may believe it is not evidence that it's true.   

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11 hours ago, Saudi Monitor said:

I'm curious, what do you think of Anglo-American/Canadian converts to Islam? Do you see them as a "problem" as well, in terms of the Islamic values, ethics and morals they've adopted? Where will you deport them to :D

I'm curious where do you deport Saudi converts to Christianity ? ahh thats right the Saudis have a law against that do they not. Whats the punishment for that I wonder ?  Up to and including the death penalty....What is it in Canada I wonder, nothing, you can practice what ever religion you want, it may cost you a few dollars to have some of you papars changed to reflect your new religion....but we have not killed anyone just yet.....


Islam is the state religion of Saudi Arabia, where the legal system is based on Sharia law. Courts regularly impose severe physical punishments, including the death penalty, for apostasy, and non-Muslim places of worship are prohibited.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

law. No law requires all citizens to be Muslim, but non-Muslims and many foreign and Saudi Muslims whose beliefs are deemed not to conform with the government’s interpretation of Islam must practice their religion in private and are vulnerable to discrimination, harassment, detention, and, for noncitizens, deportation.




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15 minutes ago, jacee said:

If your door is still standing, you can conclude that I have no influence in that regard. :P

Terrorists are just criminals motivated by hate.

What/who they claim to represent is just subterfuge, whether 'Christianity', 'Islam', or whether they claim to 'secure ... a future for white children'.

The fact that they may believe it is not evidence that it's true.   

WOW, Jacee you suffer a stroke....DOP finally threw you over the edge....as much as we disagree I hope nothing happened to you...

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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

I'll admit, that's disturbing. 

I'd be curious to see what those guys talk about and what they're actually up to but I wouldn't want to visit their sites and get red-flagged by CSIS or get a crazy computer virus.

I'd stay as far away from any of those sites as you can, and your 100 % right they are all being monitored, by many Federal government depts....despite what Jacee says...not only that some of those groups have their own hackers/ geeks  if you will, and you'll start getting their propaganda mail as well, and be tracked on their side...Not worth the hassle...

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