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Our PM speaks in french only in France.

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16 hours ago, -TSS- said:

Have any former PM's who can't speak French visited France and spoken English only? Or is it impossible to be PM of Canada without being able to speak French?

No Canadian politician can become the PM of Canada if they cannot speak french. That is pretty much the rule. The PM must speak in both official languages when they visit a country and give a speech. But it would appear that the PM of Canada does not have to speak in English at all when they go to a french speaking country like France. And in most instances the PM's of Canada will always start off speaking in french first. Even Harper an Anglophone pretty much always spoke in french first. It would appear that the french won the battle on the Plains of Abraham, and not the English. My observations. 

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French has been the traditional language of Court in England until recently. 

The French re-took Quebec after the Plains of Abraham, but gave it up to the British in exchange for Guadalupe in the treaty negotiations.

It is bad politics to alienate an entire province holding over 70 seats.

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6 hours ago, Thinkinoutsidethebox said:

He could speak Klingon for all I care, if it's significant for anglophones somebody can translate it to English. 

Actually it would be a waste of time to address people of a nation in a language hardly anybody speaks as well as their native tongue. 

The English language is well understood and spoken by millions of people all around the world french is not. It is official policy that both English and french must be spoken in any country that the PM of Canada goes too and gives a speech. This just showed the contempt that this prime mistake of Canada has for the English language and the Anglophones of this country. 

Never mind Klingon. What if one day our PM's will be forced to have to say a few words in Chinese or East Indian? That may very well happen one day. Hey, in Canada, you never know. :D

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6 hours ago, Thinkinoutsidethebox said:

Angiophone wimps and cowards??? Being slapped by a pretty French maiden would be kind of a turn on actually :) Personally I don't lose sleep over the fact the cereal box has French as well as English written on it. 

With an attitude like you display on here I can understand the French people's problem with you... 

A bit kinky I would say if being slapped in the face is a turn on for you.

Did you know that there is a law in Quebec that says that all cereal boxes must have the french side sticking out in front of the shopper while the English side is turned in towards the back. I wish that the rest of Canada had a law that said that English only must face out front and french to the rear. But than again that would be taken as an insult to kweebeckers and the wimpy Anglophone politicians and the media would be the first ones to cry their crybaby eyes out saying this is an insult to the french of Canada. No problem for kweebec to do it though.Hey, they are just trying to save their slang french.   :huh:

I have the attitude of being ready and willing to defend and protect my Anglophone culture and traditions and heritage just like the french are always trying to do in kweebec in their trying to protect and defend their french culture and language. But as an Anglophone it is pretty much considered a crime to want to do so. Bull to that. God save the Queen. :D

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57 minutes ago, PIK said:

We had a great one in Stephen Harper, and I wish he was still around. Every bad thing the left wing media said about Harper is coming true under Trudeau.

Unfortunately for me, Harper was not a Trump like person. He was to politically correct for me. Instead of giving Canadians more freedom and less government and less taxes he gave us just the opposite. Harper could hardly even give a speech anywhere without starting off in french first. I wished that Harper had more of a gusto in his speeches rather than talk like a little boy. Just my observations noted of the guy.

Harper was afraid of the left wing liberal media , and so he just went along with them. His worse enemy was the CBC and yet he kept them on the air. Harper should have privatized the CBC, not just take a few billion tax dollars away from them. The liberals are now giving all the money back to the CBC that they lost. Sad to say it but Harper was a conservative wimp. Will Scheer be any different? I doubt it. But we will have to wait and see I guess. 

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5 minutes ago, taxme said:

Unfortunately for me, Harper was not a Trump like person. He was to politically correct for me. Instead of giving Canadians more freedom and less government and less taxes he gave us just the opposite. Harper could hardly even give a speech anywhere without starting off in french first. I wished that Harper had more of a gusto in his speeches rather than talk like a little boy. Just my observations noted of the guy.

Harper was afraid of the left wing liberal media , and so he just went along with them. His worse enemy was the CBC and yet he kept them on the air. Harper should have privatized the CBC, not just take a few billion tax dollars away from them. The liberals are now giving all the money back to the CBC that they lost. Sad to say it but Harper was a conservative wimp. Will Scheer be any different? I doubt it. But we will have to wait and see I guess. 

Starting in french kept the peace.

He did cut taxes.

And of course the media scared him, like any other conservative leader in canada. Everything evil said by the left wing media about harper is coming true with trudeau and where is the media, Yes some are complaining but not the rhetoric harper would have received if he did the stupid stuff like trudeau. Harper had peace in the country not the division we have now and the provincial wars, that would never had happen under harper.

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37 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

French has been the traditional language of Court in England until recently. 

The French re-took Quebec after the Plains of Abraham, but gave it up to the British in exchange for Guadalupe in the treaty negotiations.

It is bad politics to alienate an entire province holding over 70 seats.

1. Tell me more about this. 

2. WTH? 

3. That province has always tried to alienate itself from the rest of English Canada. Don't you know that by now?  Those 70 seats are no doubt all full of french minded Quebec separatists. They are only there to look after the interests of Quebec. Canada means nothing to them. Canadian history has been changed to make it appear as though the battle on the Plains of Abraham was a draw which of course the real history will always show that the British beat their butts. 

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6 minutes ago, PIK said:

Starting in french kept the peace.

He did cut taxes.

And of course the media scared him, like any other conservative leader in canada. Everything evil said by the left wing media about harper is coming true with trudeau and where is the media, Yes some are complaining but not the rhetoric harper would have received if he did the stupid stuff like trudeau. Harper had peace in the country not the division we have now and the provincial wars, that would never had happen under harper.

Starting in french shows that it has not kept the peace. Separatism is alive and well in Quebec. Approx. 40% of the french in Quebec want to separate from Canada. Catering to them only shows weakness and they have learned to take advantage of that weakness of the English Anglophones of Canada. The french wanted bilingualism and french rights across Canada and Canada gave it to them. And then they want on later to declare themselves to be officially a french speaking only province. The English language is treated as a second class language and really not wanted or required in Quebec. The Anglophones are wimps and the french know it. The Anglophones are so stunned in Ontario that they have pretty much declared themselves to be a bilingual province even after Quebec declared itself officially french only. And all of Ontario's highway signs are pretty much bilingual now. No bilingual highway signs in Quebec. 

If he did I don't know where? All I ever see is my taxes going up and never down. If he did it was not very noticeable on my paycheck. Whatever it was kid Trudeau is taking them back and giving it to terrorists. 

Liberalism? The destroyer of all things decent and moral. Liberalism destroys cultures traditions and heritages and replaces it with mindless communist programs and agendas that do us all no good. Harper was given a shot at it and he blew it because he was so afraid of the left wing liberal media. Harper never called the liberal media fake and phony like someone we know who did. That was his mistake. He may still be the PM if he said what needs to be said like someone else we know. Aw well, too late now. We have kid Trudeau now leading the parade. 

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1 hour ago, taxme said:

1. Tell me more about this. 

2. WTH? 

3. That province has always tried to alienate itself from the rest of English Canada. Don't you know that by now?  Those 70 seats are no doubt all full of french minded Quebec separatists. They are only there to look after the interests of Quebec. Canada means nothing to them. Canadian history has been changed to make it appear as though the battle on the Plains of Abraham was a draw which of course the real history will always show that the British beat their butts. 

1. The first King of England who understood and spoke English was John. French was the language of Court and after 1066, the people who ruled England considered themselves Dukes of Normandy before Kings of England. Richard the Lion Heart hated the place so much, he only spent 8 months in England during his reign. Even after John, the monarchs continued to use French. George I spoke no English and his meeting with his ministers were conducted in French. Our current sovereign speaks flawless French, as does the Prince of Wales.

2. Quebec changed hands a couple of times during the Seven Years War. At the Treaty of Paris France preferred to keep Guadalupe rather than Quebec.

3. It is possible to form a government without seats in Quebec, but it is a lot easier to do so with seats in Quebec. Only an idiot would toss away the opportunity to win more seats anywhere. 

Taxme wrote, "Canadian history has been changed to make it appear as though the battle on the Plains of Abraham was a draw which of course the real history will always show that the British beat their butts. " The Americans also claim they won the War of 1812, but that doesn't change the fact that we kicked their butts as well. 

The race may not always go to the swiftest, not the struggle to the strong, but that is the way to bet.

Edited by Queenmandy85
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5 hours ago, PIK said:

We had a great one in Stephen Harper, and I wish he was still around. Every bad thing the left wing media said about Harper is coming true under Trudeau.

Especially the worst thing Harper warned about, wheeling and dealing with dictatorships like China's.  At least that's how Harper used to talk, but then he came to power and apparently saw the light - probably whatever it must have been that Trudeau admires about China's government.  But to be fair to these maligned bastards I suspect virtually every elected politician feels that way once they're actually in power.

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12 hours ago, eyeball said:

Especially the worst thing Harper warned about, wheeling and dealing with dictatorships like China's.  At least that's how Harper used to talk, but then he came to power and apparently saw the light - probably whatever it must have been that Trudeau admires about China's government.  But to be fair to these maligned bastards I suspect virtually every elected politician feels that way once they're actually in power.

With Harper, that's true only to a small extent. He spent his first 4 or 5 years making it clear to China and the world what he thought of their Human Rights record.....so much so that the media was continually on his case to warm the relationship. He did so - but more on his terms. Never did he sit back and pretend that all was good with China. In defense of Trudeau on all matters of substance, he doesn't have the intellect to go beyond provided talking points. In matters of political nuance, well.......I doubt he understands what the word means...probably confuses it, er, uh....with nuisance. 

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23 minutes ago, Centerpiece said:

With Harper, that's true only to a small extent. He spent his first 4 or 5 years making it clear to China and the world what he thought of their Human Rights record.....so much so that the media was continually on his case to warm the relationship. He did so - but more on his terms. Never did he sit back and pretend that all was good with China. In defense of Trudeau on all matters of substance, he doesn't have the intellect to go beyond provided talking points. In matters of political nuance, well.......I doubt he understands what the word means...probably confuses it, er, uh....with nuisance. 

Disapproval and disdain rarely persuades anyone; isn't that what the deplorables told us with the election of Donald Trump?

Experts in communucation claim that respect, understanding and friendliness works much better to change minds.  

If this is true and if the goal is to persuade China to improve human rights, perhaps JT will be more effective than Harper.  On the other hand, if the goal is to simply signal disapproval and convince Canadians of our moral superiority, then Harper's approach may be more effective.

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6 minutes ago, dialamah said:

Disapproval and disdain rarely persuades anyone; isn't that what the deplorables told us with the election of Donald Trump?

Experts in communucation claim that respect, understanding and friendliness works much better to change minds.  

If this is true and if the goal is to persuade China to improve human rights, perhaps JT will be more effective than Harper.  On the other hand, if the goal is to simply signal disapproval and convince Canadians of our moral superiority, then Harper's approach may be more effective.

Both are required - especially with an authoritarian/autocratic government like China's. To delve a little deeper, you have to understand the culture that is bred inside a system like China's or the former USSR. When the aspiration of government is to in simple terms, make everyone equal......the innate human desire for personal growth and family betterment is suppressed. That leads to "gaming" the system - cheating and corruption. It becomes natural to cheat and circumvent the system. The biggest cheaters are those who can influence others - ie, government. It goes much deeper and more insidious but hopefully, you get my drift. That's what Canada is dealing with in China - they don't play fair - it's their culture. If you fail to take advantage of someone, you're just cheating yourself out of opportunity. If you expect that if we're nice, they'll be nice - forget it. Russia is somewhat in the same boat - they still have the residual black market/cheating mentality that allowed some people to just survive, but others to gain power. Harper favoured the carrot and the stick - which when applied in the correct dosage, has helped families raise children for millenia.

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22 hours ago, PIK said:

We had a great one in Stephen Harper, and I wish he was still around. Every bad thing the left wing media said about Harper is coming true under Trudeau.

Yes, but it's not bad when Trudeau does it. When Harper's government was reluctant to give out information he was scary, secretive and ran a closed government. Now that Trudeau is in power, even his own information commissioner says his government is worse. But does anyone complain? Nope. He's still mister happy face shiny pony with the pretty hair.  The Left endlessly complains about the deficits Harper ran during a terrible recession but praises Trudeau for running deficits during good economic times.

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On 21/04/2018 at 12:39 PM, taxme said:

The English language is well understood and spoken by millions of people all around the world french is not. It is official policy that both English and french must be spoken in any country that the PM of Canada goes too and gives a speech. This just showed the contempt that this prime mistake of Canada has for the English language and the Anglophones of this country. 

Millions? Might want to research that... 

Millions understand and speak flemish, maybe he should speak that? 

Your making whitey anglophones look stupid. 


Never mind Klingon. What if one day our PM's will be forced to have to say a few words in Chinese or East Indian? That may very well happen one day. Hey, in Canada, you never know. :D

There are a whole lot more than "millions" speaking "Chinese" and "East Indian" ... 

Still makes no sense he address the French population in English, it's not even an official language of the country. What a waste of time. 

Edited by Thinkinoutsidethebox
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On 21/04/2018 at 12:58 PM, taxme said:

A bit kinky I would say if being slapped in the face is a turn on for you.

Did you know that there is a law in Quebec that says that all cereal boxes must have the french side sticking out in front of the shopper while the English side is turned in towards the back. I wish that the rest of Canada had a law that said that English only must face out front and french to the rear. But than again that would be taken as an insult to kweebeckers and the wimpy Anglophone politicians and the media would be the first ones to cry their crybaby eyes out saying this is an insult to the french of Canada. No problem for kweebec to do it though.Hey, they are just trying to save their slang french.   :huh:

Yeah yeah, that has nothing to do with Trudeau speaking French to the French people. 

On 21/04/2018 at 12:58 PM, taxme said:

I have the attitude of being ready and willing to defend and protect my Anglophone culture and traditions and heritage just like the french are always trying to do in kweebec in their trying to protect and defend their french culture and language. But as an Anglophone it is pretty much considered a crime to want to do so. Bull to that. God save the Queen. :D

English is a language, other than that we have no differences in "culture". 

Again this has nothing to do with speaking French to the French. 

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At least the relations between France and canada are good again. There was some incident years ago when De Gaulle visited canada and he shouted from the balcony of some building in Quebec Vive la Quebec libre or something similar.

He was sent packing and told he was no longer welcome to Canada.

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On 4/22/2018 at 9:29 AM, dialamah said:

Disapproval and disdain rarely persuades anyone; isn't that what the deplorables told us with the election of Donald Trump?

Experts in communucation claim that respect, understanding and friendliness works much better to change minds.  

If this is true and if the goal is to persuade China to improve human rights, perhaps JT will be more effective than Harper.  On the other hand, if the goal is to simply signal disapproval and convince Canadians of our moral superiority, then Harper's approach may be more effective.

JT is weak and china knows it. They respect strength.

Edited by PIK
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3 hours ago, -TSS- said:

At least the relations between France and canada are good again. There was some incident years ago when De Gaulle visited canada and he shouted from the balcony of some building in Quebec Vive la Quebec libre or something similar.

He was sent packing and told he was no longer welcome to Canada.

Wow, you have a good memory! Thanks for reminding us of this.

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On 4/21/2018 at 1:48 PM, Queenmandy85 said:

1. The first King of England who understood and spoke English was John. French was the language of Court and after 1066, the people who ruled England considered themselves Dukes of Normandy before Kings of England. Richard the Lion Heart hated the place so much, he only spent 8 months in England during his reign. Even after John, the monarchs continued to use French. George I spoke no English and his meeting with his ministers were conducted in French. Our current sovereign speaks flawless French, as does the Prince of Wales.

2. Quebec changed hands a couple of times during the Seven Years War. At the Treaty of Paris France preferred to keep Guadalupe rather than Quebec.

3. It is possible to form a government without seats in Quebec, but it is a lot easier to do so with seats in Quebec. Only an idiot would toss away the opportunity to win more seats anywhere. 

Taxme wrote, "Canadian history has been changed to make it appear as though the battle on the Plains of Abraham was a draw which of course the real history will always show that the British beat their butts. " The Americans also claim they won the War of 1812, but that doesn't change the fact that we kicked their butts as well. 

The race may not always go to the swiftest, not the struggle to the strong, but that is the way to bet.

1. Maybe back then. Not today as far as I know. 

2. Never the less Canadian history has been altered to not embarrass the french. It was altered to make it appear as though the french did not lose the battle on the Plains of Abraham. 

3. For now Quebec being a part of Canada can still have seats in Ottawa and are able to steal tax dollars from the rest of Canada. The Bloc separatist party should not have any seats in parliament at all. I am pretty sure that Ottawa would not tolerate having western separatist seats in parliament. Quebec always wins in Canada. 

4. I am talking about Canada, not America. What has the battle on the Plains of Abraham have to do with the war of 1812? In the end though it would appear that the Americans did win the war otherwise why is Washington D.C. in American hands today? Just wondering. 

The battle goes to the victor and the victor here appears to have gone to Quebec as it always will in Canada. The french have Canada by the you know what and there doesn't seem to be anything English Canada wants to do about it. 

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