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The Battle of Charlottesville

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This is too funny not to share. Interviews with anti-racist, anti-fascist protestors expressing their near total lack of knowledge about just about everything related to just about everything.


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3 hours ago, Cum Laude said:

I suspect that the white and black working classes, and soon lower middle classes, would be on the same side too. Keeping them from recognizing this and fighting each other is THE most important task of the mainstream media at the moment, owned and run as it is by oligarchs.

Not just the media, but government as well LOVES that people are obsessed with the culture war (race, religion, abortion, etc) and that it divides people into two camps. Because of people were not distracted by that, they might actually hold the governments feet to the fire over things that actually matter.

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8 hours ago, Cum Laude said:

In broader terms, the people fighting the Right in Charlottesville, the apologists for those people aren’t fighting hate. They’re haters themselves.

If there are times when hate can be justified then being sick of being hated is probably one of them. Maybe decades of overt right-wing scorn and sneering hatred for the left has finally passed a breaking a point.

Its telling that less than a year of pushback has caused the right-wing to come so unglued.  Pinochet would know what to do.

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11 hours ago, dre said:

Not just the media, but government as well LOVES that people are obsessed with the culture war (race, religion, abortion, etc) and that it divides people into two camps. Because of people were not distracted by that, they might actually hold the governments feet to the fire over things that actually matter.

The modern world is approaching some very important milestones. This is evidenced by the analysis of the world news feed. The fact is that the news tape has been loaded with a variety of information noise, and this, in principle, is a common thing.

But what has been observed for the past six months, after the election of US President Donald Trump, does not fit into any framework.

Information noises have become so strong that they blow out any small attempts to see the real outline of events. And the Russian central mass media in this respect do not lag behind the global ones, which try to obscure the processes that really occur in the world as much as possible, or give absolutely ridiculous to insanity interpretations of what is happening.

The situation in the world has become so acute that two global world parties, both having their center in the United States are ready to go from a cold state, to attempts to jail the leaders of the opponents, either through a coup attempt or a Civil War.

In early August, the political struggle in Washington went into a new plane. Now the administration of the White House and the Trump loyalists, on the one hand, and the opponents of the President, on the other, has set about developing criminal cases against each other.

Thus, the head of the House’s special committee, Devin Nunes, called on the US Attorney General to appoint a special prosecutor on cases involving improper handling of confidential state information by representatives of the Obama administration and Hillary Clinton’s entourage.

If the US Justice Department takes this step, two independent special prosecutors will work in Washington at once. One is on the RussiaGate, i.e., will continue to investigate the surroundings of Donald Trump, the second – for those alleged violations committed by people from the Hillary and Obama teams, as well as from the leadership of the Democratic Party.

This is an unprecedented case.

In fact, two political forces (not necessarily strictly affiliated with the two leading parties) will investigate each other.

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6 hours ago, eyeball said:

If there are times when hate can be justified then being sick of being hated is probably one of them. Maybe decades of overt right-wing scorn and sneering hatred for the left has finally passed a breaking a point.

Its telling that less than a year of pushback has caused the right-wing to come so unglued.  Pinochet would know what to do.

The only way we’ll ever know the unvarnished truth of what happened at Charlottesville is for an unbiased commission to conduct an investigation. Look for example at what the main stream press seem determined to not discuss: counter demonstrators carrying clubs. You may not like those swastika-bearing neo-Nazis. Nor do I. They’re insufferable, the refuge of losers. But then so is the Oligarch bought-and-paid-for, witless, clueless, violent Left.

Of course such an commission would turn into an all-out effort to condemn the Right in all its forms. You want to see witch-hunt? Who would be best to lead it? Chuck Shumer? Oh, wait, I know who to get: HILLARY!

No matter who heads it up, the most extreme and violence-promoting elements will be conflated with anything the Left doesn’t like or doesn’t agree with and will get tarred by the same brush. Do you go to church? You’re f#%$&#. Did you vote Republican? You’re really f#$%&*. Did you vote for Trump? You f%$#ing Nazi, your life won’t be worth living. That in my estimation is where this is going.

Nope, there won’t be anything remotely resembling an impartial look at how things got here and what took place. What WILL likely happen in my estimation is that – gag – “progressive” High-Horse riders will double down on all the idiot stuff they’ve done to date. What led up to Charlottesville was stupidly provocative but this was of a piece with wha they’ve been inflicting for years. Expect much more of the same and then as night follows day, expect a nasty counter-reaction.

Do I detest the likes of the NYT, New Yorker and all those likewise self-appointed judges? You can’t imagine. They laud the supposed ”creative” class, you know, the white-collar “educated” ones. But just what have they created? Trivialities like Snapchat? Or end-of-the-road capitalist endeavors like Uber (glorified taxi driving)? Can you live without these? Will you die?

They think it’s a good idea to export the livelihoods of millions of Americans. Could they be more transparently in the pockets of the Oligarch-Davos class? They destroy the viability of that very place they need to survive both economically and socially. Do they seriously think that they themselves will survive this destruction?

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2 minutes ago, Cum Laude said:

the Oligarch bought-and-paid-for, witless, clueless, violent Left.


Oh ffs.

Nobody sent me a cheque. I'm pretty sure I would have seen notice of one coming in the dispatches from the global Lefty Commie Oligarch HQ. 

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Just now, eyeball said:

Oh ffs.

Nobody sent me a cheque. I'm pretty sure I would have seen notice of one coming in the dispatches from the global Lefty Commie Oligarch HQ. 

Have you carefully studied the video of the incident in C'Ville? His brake lights were on the whole time he was “recklessly screaming” forward. Then before he began backing up and the carnage really began, his car was engulfed by enraged protesters, one of who bashed in his rear window with a club. Seeing as he had only one way out of there – in reverse – his actions there were completely understandable if he was in a panicked state. Even more so if he was put there to do what he did and much of the crowd rage was provided by agent provocateurs in a largely stage managed “incident.” MUCH more going on here than what the “official” narrative indicates. Official story? PURE BULLSHIT, as usual. Anyone who trusts the MSM is out to lunch.

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8 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Oh ffs.

Nobody sent me a cheque. I'm pretty sure I would have seen notice of one coming in the dispatches from the global Lefty Commie Oligarch HQ. 

That fight is still largely a media story. The working classes are too busy working to pay that much attention.
It’s the college kids with the ‘news’ feeds on their cell phones who think BLM is actually a force to be reckoned with, for instance.
Most of the ‘protestors’ in Ferguson had to be bused in from other parts of the country.
I’m not saying there isn’t a divide in this country. I’m just saying it isn’t like people think it is.

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3 hours ago, Cum Laude said:

I’m not saying there isn’t a divide in this country. I’m just saying it isn’t like people think it is.

What you're saying is that there's some sort of left-wing media oligarchy conspiring against right wingers. What you're saying is ridiculous.

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44 minutes ago, eyeball said:

What you're saying is that there's some sort of left-wing media oligarchy conspiring against right wingers. What you're saying is ridiculous.

You are not understanding. Perhaps you watch too much of your cheezy CBC to understand what is really happening.

Children of all ages are given symbols to manipulate as a rehearsal for adult life. Children get a steady diet of toys and stories in hopes of teaching them about how real life should work. At some point in the process of maturation, young people hopefully should abandon symbols for the real thing. However, the real thing is scary enough to cause adult people to revert to an infantile obsession with symbols. Economies are explained in terms of money or credit. Contentment is the accumulation of plastic artifacts imported by the container load from low wage manufacturing havens. One can feel powerful by pushing your toe against the accelerator pedal of a V-8 powered transportation appliance. All of this is constructed on the notion that if you can finance it, you’re entitled to it.

Now if life isn’t going your way it must be the fault of some symbol. Therefore, the only way to reverse the trend is to attack the offending symbol. What you’re left with is a symbolic victory. Energy returned on energy invested continues to slide and along with it the physical economy of things and the movement of things. The great god of growth has feet of clay but we’re not having it. The only obvious recourse is to throw a temper tantrum and give that lump of bronze the thrashing it deserves. It has the added bonus of simultaneously defeating that other group of people who worship that symbol. Except that it doesn’t.

The human brain is a pattern seeking/pattern generating organic neural processor. It observes its environment and then creates a mental map of what it observes. It’s constantly projecting that map as it looks for food to stuff down its assigned gullet and locate a complimentary set of genitals with which to make copies of itself. The system works pretty good so long as there’s a balance between available resources and its reproductive capacity. But along comes exosomatic use of energy and that mental map evolves to expect an enormous reproductive subsidy. The evolutionary process has taken a couple of centuries. By geological standards a blink of an eye. In fact it has been almost too rapid for human brains to assimilate. We’ve had to invent a pantheon of new symbols just to cope. However, the ride up does not resemble the ride down. We’re confronted with Seneca’s Cliff armed with a map that only goes up. What we need is exactly what we don’t have, namely, a couple of centuries or so to adapt to the new environment. The emergency requires immediate action, so we must act. Obviously, the fault lies in bad symbols or the people who brandish them.


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4 hours ago, GostHacked said:

A few years back, during the Ferguson, Mo. riots, when Ferguson got burned to the ground, a Croatian immigrant  got dragged out of his car and beat to death with claw hammers by an angry mob. Does anybody remember his name? Was there wall to wall coverage of his funeral? Was there any handwringing? Was anybody worried about the violence; the racial nature of it?

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On ‎8‎/‎19‎/‎2017 at 3:29 PM, Omni said:

You mean like the right winger/nazi who drove over the young woman in Virginia. Sorry that seems to be your ilk. 

Nice! I notice that the term “neo-Nazi” has now become an all-purpose label to be applied liberally to whomever the leftists are demonizing at any given moment; apparently not realizing that in so doing they’re merely watering down whatever meaning it once had to utter irrelevance and converting it to a mere epithet and conversation stopper. Yes, America’s own propaganda, perfected during the Cold War and bolstered by a pitifully and by design inadequate educational system, has turned modern day Americans into little more than pathetic regurgitators of their masters’ mendacious propagandist shit. Truly an epic shit storm in the making!

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On ‎8‎/‎21‎/‎2017 at 6:34 PM, Wilber said:

Specially all the cockamamie ones you love about Soros.:lol:

Are you a member of the distracted cabal? It amazes me. All the racial and political rhetoric. When are all of us going to realize that this is much bigger than Dems vs. GOP or Black vs. White. Who benefits from this discord? Who wants America to tear itself apart? Who is paying $25/hr for protestors and now agitators to go to innumerable hot spots and spark unrest. One name stands out. But he is one of a number of globalist elites who are using all of us to forward their goals of world domination. Where does income inequality lead us? The elites vs. the serfs. Welcome back to the feudal system!

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On 8/22/2017 at 0:27 PM, Omni said:

I see, so ratings you don't like are "fixed" eh? I think we could all see that one coming. Just sayin'.:lol: 

Yup, ratings can be fixed just like polls. If you do not believe that then you really are a naive little snowflake. Just sayin'. :P

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37 minutes ago, Cum Laude said:

Are you a member of the distracted cabal? It amazes me. All the racial and political rhetoric. When are all of us going to realize that this is much bigger than Dems vs. GOP or Black vs. White. Who benefits from this discord? Who wants America to tear itself apart? Who is paying $25/hr for protestors and now agitators to go to innumerable hot spots and spark unrest. One name stands out. But he is one of a number of globalist elites who are using all of us to forward their goals of world domination. Where does income inequality lead us? The elites vs. the serfs. Welcome back to the feudal system!

Sad or happy to say it but when it comes to those emotional liberal snowflakes any common sense and logic that they may have had has long ago departed from their snowflake heads. I think that maybe most never had any common sense or logic at all from the the day of their birth. Indeed these fools are cutting off their own ba-ls, and can't or won't or don't want to see that they are just being made idiots and fools of. If the globalist elite do one day get their dream world started those snowflakes will be the first ones to no what the communist gulags were all about. They will be the first to try them out because they already know too much. They will deserve it. 

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23 hours ago, Argus said:

This is too funny not to share. Interviews with anti-racist, anti-fascist protestors expressing their near total lack of knowledge about just about everything related to just about everything.


ANTIFA fascist thugs go home. ANTIFA fascist thugs go home. ANTIFA fascist thugs go home. :D:D:D

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11 hours ago, eyeball said:

Oh ffs.

Nobody sent me a cheque. I'm pretty sure I would have seen notice of one coming in the dispatches from the global Lefty Commie Oligarch HQ. 

You didn't do anything to deserve a cheque. You first have to get out there and commit violence and create a riot if you want to get paid. Geez, you liberals always think that you should get a cheque for doing nothing. Send a letter to Soros and demand that he send you your cheque. If he asks as to why he should pay you just tell him that you were watching the riots on TV and you were cheering on ANTIFA. That might work for you. Good luck, eh? 

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23 hours ago, dre said:

Not just the media, but government as well LOVES that people are obsessed with the culture war (race, religion, abortion, etc) and that it divides people into two camps. Because of people were not distracted by that, they might actually hold the governments feet to the fire over things that actually matter.

Until the globalist elite bankster zionists are defeated nothing will get better. They are the architects of all this chaos. And with their control of our cowardly puppet on a string politicians and the lying fake and phony liberal leftist media the truth finds it very hard to get this out to the people. The alternative media is working hard to do just that. Trying to get the other side of the story told.  

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19 hours ago, eyeball said:

If there are times when hate can be justified then being sick of being hated is probably one of them. Maybe decades of overt right-wing scorn and sneering hatred for the left has finally passed a breaking a point.

Its telling that less than a year of pushback has caused the right-wing to come so unglued.  Pinochet would know what to do.

The right are getting sick of being pizzed on all the time by the leftist cultural marxists who only want to create violence, and not peace. The right is starting to fight back, and it is not going to be veypretty for the left when the right takes their country and freedom back. What they have sown today, they will reap and weep over tomorrow for what they have sown. Fun times ahead. Stay tuned. 

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