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Refugee crisis escalating

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3 minutes ago, capricorn said:

"Metal barriers have been set up to help with crowd control"

Gee...if only there were a way to stop people from illegally entering Canada......

Hows about just turning those barriers about 90 degrees?  I believe the intent of calling something a "barrier" is so they can be used as.....barriers.  And how about a sign that says "Entering here is against the laws of Canada.  No crossing of the border at this location will be allowed.  Go to an official border crossing."....in English and french of course.  And then take a couple of those RCMP officers (you know, the ones with guns) and have them PREVENT people from breaking the law.

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14 minutes ago, Hydraboss said:

"Entering here is against the laws of Canada.  No crossing of the border at this location will be allowed.  Go to an official border crossing."....in English and french of course.

But...that warning would go in one ear out the other once they spotted the Canadian clearing a foot path for them. And imagine when some RCMP officers even carried their luggage over the border. You can't make this stuff up. :lol:

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1 hour ago, capricorn said:

Then we have a fiasco in Cornwall where a number of asylum seekers are being housed. Local authorities in Cornwall have complained that no one appears to be in charge of the situation so information is not forthcoming and no one designated to answer their questions and concerns.



It's not a fiasco, this is just more over-reaction.


Const. Daniel Cloutier, a Cornwall police spokesman, says almost 300 Haitians have arrived recently and, so far, there have been no problems and none are anticipated.

She said the community is “fairly receptive” to the new arrivals, who are not being detained and can circulate freely in the community. Typical questions are: How many are there? How long will they be staying at the Nav Centre? What is cost to the city?

“The next most popular question is: What can we do? What do they need?”

That’s because children account for one in five of the new arrivals, she said.

“The folks are not detained. They’re in the community, they’re walking about, it’s nice weather and there are children, so people are saying what do the kids need, and how can we help?”


Many people were getting all hyped up about Mexicans crossing the border when Canada lifted the visa requirements but it has since stabalized and the same reaction is happening with the Haitian claimants:


Canada can handle the load, Mr. Beuze said. The UN representative also cautioned against relying too much on projections. He noted Canada expected an influx of Mexican asylum seekers when Ottawa lifted a visa requirement for visits. It didn’t happen. This winter, as the number of border-hopping asylum claimants increased exponentially from January to March, many predicted the numbers would explode when the snow melted. Instead, the numbers from April to June stabilized before the July spike.



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10 minutes ago, WestCoastRunner said:

It's not a fiasco, this is just more over-reaction.

Many people were getting all hyped up about Mexicans crossing the border when Canada lifted the visa requirements but it has since stabalized and the same reaction is happening with the Haitian claimants:

Of course, no one is talking about the cost, especially the long term cost of uneducated, unskilled people who will likely spend the rest of their lives on welfare here.

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28 minutes ago, WestCoastRunner said:

It's not a fiasco, this is just more over-reaction.

I doubt you read the link I provided which explained quite clearly the situation in Cornwall. A couple of salient points:


Information was swirling both in public and in private, and no one seemed quite sure what is happening. Even mayor and councillors complained that the information they have been getting has been unreliable and changes depending on which organization they are talking to – perhaps because no agency has been put in charge of all the others, so far.


Nav Centre executive director Kim Coe-Turner spoke last, and acknowledged that the facility has a room availability issue that begins September, but promised that the tent city would “not be a permanent thing.”

“It’s just something that will allow us to get through September and into October when the bad weather comes,” she insisted.

Yes, it will be interesting to see how the situation develops when the cold weather moves in and snow begins to fall. Even the federal Minister of Immigration said that the present situation is unpredictable. Is there a plan going forward? If there is, where's that plan?

Edited by capricorn
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4 minutes ago, capricorn said:

I doubt you read the link I provided which explained quite clearly the situation in Cornwall. A couple of salient points:

Yes, it will be interesting to see how the situation develops when the cold weather moves in and snow begins to fall. Even the federal Minister of Immigration said that the present situation is unpredictable. Is there a plan going forward? If there is, where's that plan?

The plan?  Who needs a plan, the refugee crisis will take care of itself...won't it?

I find it interesting that the immigration minister says the situation is unpredictable.  Most people were talking about this and anticipating it back in January, most people knew that there would be an influx of illegal crossings once the weather warmed up.   It may have been unpredictable to the Liberals, but it certainly wasn't to everyone else in the country who was paying any attention at all to what was going on.

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4 hours ago, PIK said:

My understanding is they cut so many trees that it is nothing but mud slides, compared to the other side of the Island. Is that true?

That's what happens when money is free to roam the borderless unregulated world we created for it. Local economies are subordinate to a globalized economy that seeks to export virtually every natural resource that's available.

The world was warned in spades this would happen and that the result would be....an escalating refugee crisis amongst other things.

No doubt the other side of the island will be stripped of it's natural capital too.

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4 hours ago, PIK said:

My understanding is they cut so many trees that it is nothing but mud slides, compared to the other side of the Island. Is that true?

That's what happens when money is free to roam the borderless unregulated world we created for it. Local economies are subordinate to a globalized economy that seeks to export virtually every natural resource that's available.

The world was warned in spades this would happen and that the result would be....an escalating refugee crisis amongst other things.

No doubt the other side of the island will be stripped of it's natural capital too.

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Well, at least the Liberals have things under control.......


An increase in asylum claims in Canada could eventually mean a staggering 11-year wait for a hearing and $2.97 billion in social supports for claimants in the meantime, an internal government analysis has concluded.

Yup.  11 years - so says the government itself.  Good news Argus, it won't even cost 3 billion for the illegals......




Oh, and lets remember that these numbers were way back in the middle of June.  Long before Haiti became a province of Canada.

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On 21.8.2017 at 6:30 PM, -TSS- said:

2/3 of the Green-party voters are women and especially women under the age of 30. Therefore it is more puzzling that they are voting for a party which is in 100% favour of importing immigrants from countries where women must be dressed in veils.

Moreover, while I somewhat understand why the Greens are popular now because they are in the opposition and the government is really unpopular and the main opposition-party the Social Democrats are really a jaded bunch of old people whose time has gone by but still to support a party like the Greens is confusing.

The Greens are popular among university-students and have got a reputation of being a youthful cool party but they are really water-melons; green on the surface but red on the inside.


In a sane society a party like the Greens, who are nothing but deliberate saboteurs, would have a popularity of 1-2%. That is how much even village idiots can hope to achieve.

But as our society is not sane, the Greens are at the moment at 18% and may very well become the largest party.

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30 minutes ago, eyeball said:

That's what happens when money is free to roam the borderless unregulated world we created for it. Local economies are subordinate to a globalized economy that seeks to export virtually every natural resource that's available.

The world was warned in spades this would happen and that the result would be....an escalating refugee crisis amongst other things.

No doubt the other side of the island will be stripped of it's natural capital too.

Actually it is not. They maybe a little smarter on the other side. So is that the white man's fault also?

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1 hour ago, Spiderfish said:

The plan?  Who needs a plan, the refugee crisis will balance of itself...won't it?

I find it interesting that the immigration minister says the situation is unpredictable.  Most people were talking about this and anticipating it back in January, most people knew that there would be an influx of illegal crossings once the weather warmed up.   It may have been unpredictable to the Liberals, but it certainly wasn't to everyone else in the country who was paying any attention at all to what was going on.

Fixed it for you.

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23 hours ago, -TSS- said:

Haiti is a horrible shithole and anyone would want to get out of there but is there widespread religious or political persecution which would entitle to a refugee-status?

They do not qualify for refugee status for two reasons. First they entered a safe country prior to entering Canada which disqualified them. Second even if that criteria were removed they are economic migrants. In fact most people Omni and leftists and the news media calls refugees are not, they are economic migrants, i.e., they are part of a mass movement of population causes by draught, flooding,  earth-quakes or unemployment due to corrupt, inefficient governments.

In the Liberal fantasy world of Omni et al, Canada should just take in anyone who is poor. It appeases his guilt and its not his time or money being volunteered nor is Omni there when the impact causes Haitiens or others turmoil.

Trudeau has set Haitiens up for failure by not properly understanding social transition requires careful planning and support systems in place BEFORE you bring in thousands.

Omni quotes laws not understanding the fact that they exist in writing does not mean they are NOT being enforced by the current government which has circumvented the very laws Omni quotes. Omni has no clue in reality from  his privileged domain and sheltered home what happens when a poor person who is marginal and has no transferable skills is given the false image to come and bingo a world awaits them with a smiling PM and photo ops.

The reality is unemployment, racism, drug and alcohol addiction, mental illness, higher rates of cancer, diabetes, heart disease and in the case of Haitiens a very clear and obvious racism from Quebec society which is inherently racist against French speakers from Asia, Africa, the Arab world and the West Indies, French Islands.

Racists like Taxme get fueled and incited when they see unskilled migrants coming. They can piss on them and blame them and make themselves feel superior at their expense.

Taxme does it based on hatred and the need to prop his feelings of inferiority by thinking if he hates blacks it will make him feel superior. Omni is playing the same game I argue-instead of playing gutter racist, he plays a different form of racism, one that looks at Hatiens or the world's poor as inferior savages who will be grateful being placed in economic ghettoes in h is great civilized world and clean his toilets and serve him at MacDonald's in the years to come.

Taxme needs people he thinks are inferior than him to piss on, so does Omni and while Omni's reasons sound benevolent they are based on the same superiority assumptions.

Haitiens came to the US because they had no work. Period. Now they flock to Canada because they are fearing an impending crackdown.

The majority of them are not on welfare-they tale on menial and manual jobs people like Omni and Taxme will never do.

Whether its a liberal or a neo Nazi, ultimately they both come across as patronizing shmucks over this issue.

Let's stop playing. Either we have immigration laws or we don't. If the intent is to let anyone in who wants to be here which is the actual view of Trudeau then say so.

Trudeau  needs to stop being a pataronizing dishonest shmuck and  start leading.

We have to say we can' t take in unskilled  economic migrants at this point. He won't.

If we want to help in regards to humanitarianism, we should be sending Haitiens home and assisting with infrastructure programs there. Setting them up for failure in Canada is b.s.

If immigration is done properly neo Nazis have no fuel to justify their using immigration as a platform to piss on minorities.

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1 hour ago, Hydraboss said:

Well, at least the Liberals have things under control.......

Yup.  11 years - so says the government itself.  Good news Argus, it won't even cost 3 billion for the illegals......


Oh, and lets remember that these numbers were way back in the middle of June.  Long before Haiti became a province of Canada.

The social support costs for claimants — education, social assistance and health care — were $600 a month each in 2016-17, the memo said. At that claim volume, those costs could climb to $2.97 billion from 2017 through 2021.

Sorry, but does anyone else find these numbers to be way off? Anyone here think they can live on $600 a month? Anyone? We're going to pay for their food, clothing, shelter, education AND health care - plus their legal fees as they go through the refugee system and appeals -  for $600 a month!? I don't bloody think so! At a very minimum you have to double this, but even then I find it highly doubtful you're going to pay for food, clothing shelter, AND health care for $1200 a month.

Doing basic math seems to indicate the number ($2.97 billion) is for one year's intake of about 40,000 refugees. You'll have to double this every year if the same appear again next year and the year after that. So if we say that $1200 is a lot more realistic a number that's about $6 billion per year per year's intake. Which means since last year's refugees are almost all still on welfare, it's $12 billion for this year, $18 billion for next year.

And remember, even if they wind up working, it will almost certainly be at the kind of basic, low skilled, low wage job which does not pay enough to repay the government for the services they will require, like health care, and that these are the very jobs which are going to be disappearing over the next decade due to automation.

Edited by Argus
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On 8/5/2017 at 6:54 AM, capricorn said:

The Liberal government was warned by senior immigration staff that a crisis was looming with regard to refugees and our ability to handle it. Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussen was cautioned that there will be a need to review refugee related policies in response to the growing number of refugees entering Canada. Couple this with Trudeau's open invitation to the world that Canada will welcome one and all with open arms.


If we are so well prepared to absorb hundreds, soon to be thousands, of refugees streaming in from the US, how come we have to house them in a sports arena like so many head of cattle.

Mixed messages have been emanating from the Liberal government on this matter. Is it to much to ask that the government develop cohesive policies and take decisive action on this pressing situation?

Trudeau is in Quebec on CBC at this moment answering questions about the illegal migrants flooding into Quebec.  He is doubling down on the idea Canada is a welcoming and open country for migrants and refugees.  He repeated this several times.  He also calls the illegal migrants irregulars repeatedly.  He obviously continues to send the message to the world to come on in.  We will welcome you and take care of you.    

The Canadian government has set up refugee camps on the border and openly welcomes them to come in.  He claims there is no advantage to coming in "irregularly" on how they will be processed.  But he gives such a soft approach to the whole thing one would think they are welcoming illegal migrants with open arms, which they are. 

Almost 7000 have crossed into Canada in the last six weeks.

Edited by blackbird
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Blackbird I think he is going to grant a blanket amnesty myself. I also think he is deliberately undermining the very laws Omni quoted as a deliberate political tactic as he does not have the balls to go to Parliament and say let's just change the laws to allow anyone to come which is what he has now put into practice.

His advisors have told him he will win the next election doing this as all minorities will now have sufficient numbers to vote him back in. His handlers are convinced this will pander to minorities to get him the votes to come back in.

The question is will it? His handlers believe minorities are concentrated in cities which carry the day on election night and he will win cities heavy with ridings full of minorities.

I think he is going to lose Quebec this time round and thinks rural Canada is not enough to stop him.

Its a very deliberate ethnic pandering platform. Its deliberate right down to the use of a visible minority refugee from Somalia as an Immigration Minister. Its pandering at its most obvious and its essence is quite racist. Its not an exclusive message at all.

Remember his irregulars are choking out legitimate refugees and immigrants.


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6 hours ago, PIK said:

Actually it is not. They maybe a little smarter on the other side.

Actually it is - it's a consequence of globalization. So is scape-goating foreigners for the injustices globalization has created in our own society.

So is that the white man's fault also?

No, it's just money, and the right wing's celebration of economic injustice of course.

Edited by eyeball
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25 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


Equally matched by the left wing's celebration of economic injustice to fund social programs.

Yes, there's nothing quite like living with the consequences of right-wing prescriptions to steer us towards better solutions.

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18 hours ago, eyeball said:

Yes, there's nothing quite like living with the consequences of right-wing prescriptions to steer us towards better solutions.

So of course left wing prescriptions have had no negative consequences? You now going to pretend excessive government spending and the deficits it causes aids you or anyone else. Tell me has Trudeau's spendinggiven you anything in the last two years? He's saddled the next 5 generations with an escalating interest rate on the deficit he has created and  this country can not pay back.  Yah that's quite the solution-bankrupt future generations to an out of control spiralling debt triggering recession. That's a better solution

You are typical of leftist. You think your political opinions don't smell.....your  Marxist shit doesn't stink-ou have no clue how economic markets function.. None. Zero.

You think anything a state runs is a solution. Lol. Its time someone break you of the habit of sucking on the nipples of the state. Not me. I could care less if you bite Justin's nipples. Besides I am sure he will like it.


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On 8/23/2017 at 11:23 AM, Hydraboss said:

Gee...if only there were a way to stop people from illegally entering Canada......

Hows about just turning those barriers about 90 degrees?  I believe the intent of calling something a "barrier" is so they can be used as.....barriers.  And how about a sign that says "Entering here is against the laws of Canada.  No crossing of the border at this location will be allowed.  Go to an official border crossing."....in English and french of course.  And then take a couple of those RCMP officers (you know, the ones with guns) and have them PREVENT people from breaking the law.

You mean like they do at the US/ Mexico border? It's like they know something we don't know.

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On 8/23/2017 at 2:22 PM, Hydraboss said:

Well, at least the Liberals have things under control.......

Yup.  11 years - so says the government itself.  Good news Argus, it won't even cost 3 billion for the illegals......




Oh, and lets remember that these numbers were way back in the middle of June.  Long before Haiti became a province of Canada.

I guess the poor who are born in Canada shall continue to get nothing. Let them eat cake.

Canada ranks poorly among wealthy nations for children’s well-being: UNICEF

Canada ranks 37th on a list of 41 rich countries for children having access to enough nutritious food, and higher-than-average rates of child homicide and teen suicide also point to a need for action, a UNICEF report says. Over 22 per cent of Canadian children live in poverty and most issues related to kids showed no improvement or worsened during the last decade, said the 14th report from UNICEF on children’s well-being amongst wealthy countries.

Edited by OftenWrong
added pertinent link
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