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Women to march against Trump.

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I'm confused why there are no protests from the pro-life group outside IVF clinics. 

These clinics store embryos for implantation into a woman's uterus which is the exact same type of embryo that a woman would abort. However, when an IVF clinic is done with the embryo and it is no longer needed, it is thrown in the trash or donated for research. 

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9 hours ago, WestCoastRunner said:

I'm confused why there are no protests from the pro-life group outside IVF clinics.


Pro-life groups are too busy defending themselves from violent Pro-abortion supporters:




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3 hours ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


Pro-life groups are too busy defending themselves from violent Pro-abortion supporters:




  Care to answer my post instead of using it to post something completely irrelevant?  

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6 hours ago, cybercoma said:

Because you're making an argument that the government doesn't need to be involved in humanitarian efforts and my entire point was that charities, plural, do not have the same capacity or ability to focus as the government does. You picked a charity that's exceptional in terms of its impact and you're using that as the definition of what charities can do. That's like me pointing to some billionaire and suggesting that everyone is a billionaire, so we don't need a social safety net. It's an awful example because the Gates Foundation is an outlier amongst charities. If you were being intellectually honest, you would note that the average charity doesn't have the impact of governments. If you don't get why framing your argument around an outlier only proves my point, I don't know how else to explain it to you. More likely, you just refuse to acknowledge it.

Here's a list of the largest private charities:


These charities typically spend about ~10% of their current endowment yearly, meaning that the largest ones each spend $1-4 billion yearly on their programs. In comparison, here's a list of foreign aid by governments:


Only the top 7 governments outspend private charities. How does the "average" government's contribution compare to the "average" charities contribution? 

You're doing the very same thing that you accuse me of doing - pointing to an "exceptional" government (the US government) and stating that the work it does can't be equaled by private charities. And yet there are many charities that do far more than an "average" government does. Your comparison to a silly claim that "everyone is a billionaire" is not in any way analogous and is not worth responding to further. 

As for your claim about "ability to focus"... care to elaborate? Many charities have a laser-like focus on the specific issue(s) they are trying to address, whereas the same obviously cannot be said of government which are always dealing with thousands of different priorities and trade-offs, and where programs can be cut or modified at any political whim, making them in many ways less reliable than private institutions which exist only to address one specific issue or set of issues and have endowment funds with sufficient funds to carry them through years or decades of continued work even as donation income fluctuates from year to year. 

Edited by Bonam
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From another woman......




I am not a "disgrace to women" because I don't support the women's march.

I do not feel I am a "second class citizen" because I am a woman. I do not feel my voice is "not heard" because I am a woman. I do not feel I am not provided opportunities in this life or in America because I am a woman. I do not feel that I "don't have control of my body or choices" because I am a woman. I do not feel like I am " not respected or undermined" because I am a woman.

I AM a woman. I can make my own choices. I can speak and be heard. I can VOTE. I can work if I want. I control my body. I can defend myself. I can defend my family. There is nothing stopping me to do anything in this world but MYSELF. I do not blame my circumstances or problems on anything other than my own choices or even that sometimes in life, we don't always get what we want. I take responsibility for myself.

I am a mother, a daughter, a wife, a sister, a friend. I am not held back in life but only by the walls I choose to not go over which is a personal choice. Quit blaming. Take responsibility. If you want to speak, do so. But do not expect for me, a woman, to take you seriously wearing a pink va-jay-jay hat on your head and screaming profanities and bashing men.


If you have beliefs, and speak to me in a kind matter, I will listen. But do not expect for me to change my beliefs to suit yours. Respect goes both ways. If you want to impress me, especially in regards to women, then speak on the real injustices and tragedies that affect women in foreign countries that do not that the opportunity or means to have their voices heard. Saudi Arabia, women can't drive, no rights and must always be covered. China and India, infanticide of baby girls. Afghanistan, unequal education rights. Democratic Republic of Congo, where rapes are brutal and women are left to die, or HIV infected and left to care for children alone. Mali, where women can not escape the torture of genital mutilation. Pakistan, in tribal areas where women are gang raped to pay for men's crime. Guatemala, the impoverished female underclass of Guatemala faces domestic violence, rape and the second-highest rate of HIV/AIDS after sub-Saharan Africa. An epidemic of gruesome unsolved murders has left hundreds of women dead, some of their bodies left with hate messages. And that's just a few examples. So when women get together in AMERICA and whine they don't have equal rights and march in their clean clothes, after eating a hearty breakfast, it's like a vacation away that they have paid for to get there.

Now to those who keep going around social media telling me that you are protecting my rights by the march:

Where were you protecting our rights when that poor helpless woman was raped behind a dumpster and the rapist served only 3 months?

Where were you protecting our right when the US Women's Team was fighting for EQUAL PAY?

Where were you protecting our rights when women soldiers fought to be in the front lines?

You were NO WHERE- You had so many opportunities to stand for women in the past 8 years, and did nothing.

So stop giving me the speech that you are "protecting my rights."

You can't protect women's rights when it's only convenient for you- you protect rights at EVERY moment you get- NO MATTER who is President. That's the true definition of being a feminist.


Read more at http://www.sunnyskyz.com/blog/1968/This-Woman-Explains-Why-She-Does-NOT-Support-The-Women-s-March#eEDSPfR4hBi0Ic6H.99


I second that!


That march was a joke!  All it shows are a huge number of women who can't accept  the outcome of an election.  And Canadian women who participated ought to feel ashamed for showing how mindless they are! 



Wearing pink v jay pussy hats!  Gimme a break!  You women, get this:

That march INSULTED women!


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Just look at these pussyhats!  :rolleyes:  And then you see and listen to  Judd who seemed to have skipped her medication! :lol:




Is this a parody or something?  Are these women spoofing?  :D



Let me ask you women, why are you wearing pink pussy hats?  Are we back to associating the stereotypical color pink with females?  I thought we're past that already - now, you make a revival!  Make up your minds.



Why do you use the misogynist term for a vagina?   You should've just worn BEAVER hats!  Kitty-cats are over-used!


Judd looks so ridiculous bashing misogyny, and yet she's looking out to a sea of bobbing pink pussyheads - all of them, being misogynists! :lol:


See?  Even Capt Kirk didn't like it! Hahahahaha :lol:





Oh Ashley Judd....I never thought you to be this pathetic.  :lol:



Oh well....as Ann Coulter put it, Trump was able to do in 1 day what Michelle Obama failed to do in 8 years:  get lard ass women off the couch to do their workout! :lol:

Edited by betsy
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For Betsy  :)







You Are Not Equal. I’m Sorry.

A post is making rounds on social media, in response to the Women’s March on Saturday, January 21, 2017. It starts with “I am not a “disgrace to women” because I don’t support the women’s march. I do not feel I am a “second class citizen” because I am a woman….”

This is my response to that post.

Say Thank You

Say thank you. Say thank you to the women who gave you a voice. Say thank you to the women who were arrested and imprisoned and beaten and gassed for you to have a voice. Say thank you to the women who refused to back down, to the women who fought tirelessly to give you a voice. Say thank you to the women who put their lives on hold, who –lucky for you — did not have “better things to do” than to march and protest and rally for your voice. So you don’t feel like a “second class citizen.” So you get to feel “equal.”

Thank Susan B. Anthony and Alice Paul for your right to vote.

Thank Elizabeth Stanton for your right to work.

Thank Maud Wood Park for your prenatal care and your identity outside of your husband.

Thank Rose Schneiderman for your humane working conditions.

Thank Eleanor Roosevelt and Molly Dewson for your ability to work in politics and affect policy.

Thank Margaret Sanger for your legal birth control.

Thank Carol Downer for your reproductive healthcare rights.

Thank Sarah Muller for your equal education.

Thank Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Shannon Turner, Gloria Steinem, Zelda Kingoff Nordlinger, Rosa Parks, Angela Davis, Malika Saada Saar, Wagatwe Wanjuki, Ida B. Wells, Malala Yousafzai. Thank your mother, your grandmother, your great-grandmother who did not have half of the rights you have now.

You can make your own choices, speak and be heard, vote, work, control your body, defend yourself, defend your family, because of the women who marched. You did nothing to earn those rights. You were born into those rights. You did nothing, but you reap the benefits of women, strong women, women who fought misogyny and pushed through patriarchy and fought for you. And you sit on your pedestal, a pedestal you are fortunate enough to have, and type. A keyboard warrior. A fighter for complacency. An acceptor of what you were given. A denier of facts. Wrapped up in your delusion of equality.

You are not equal. Even if you feel like you are. You still make less than a man for doing the same work. You make less as a CEO, as an athlete, as an actress, as a doctor. You make less in government, in the tech industry, in healthcare.

You still don’t have full rights over your own body. Men are still debating over your uterus. Over your prenatal care. Over your choices.

You still have to pay taxes for your basic sanitary needs.

You still have to carry mace when walking alone at night. You still have to prove to the court why you were drunk on the night you were raped. You still have to justify your behavior when a man forces himself on you.

You still don’t have paid (or even unpaid) maternity leave. You still have to go back to work while your body is broken. While you silently suffer from postpartum depression.

You still have to fight to breastfeed in public. You still have to prove to other women it’s your right to do so. You still offend others with your breasts.

You are still objectified. You are still catcalled. You are still sexualized. You are still told you’re too skinny or you’re too fat. You’re still told you’re too old or too young. You’re applauded when you “age gracefully.” You’re still told men age “better.” You’re still told to dress like a lady. You are still judged on your outfit instead of what’s in your head. What brand bag you have still matters more than your college degree.

You are still being abused by your husband, by your boyfriend. You’re still being murdered by your partners. Being beaten by your soulmate.

You are still worse off if you are a woman of color, a gay woman, a transgender woman. You are still harassed, belittled, dehumanized.

Your daughters are still told they are beautiful before they are told they are smart. Your daughters are still told to behave even though “boys will be boys.” Your daughters are still told boys pull hair or pinch them because they like them.

You are not equal. Your daughters are not equal. You are still systemically oppressed.

Estonia allows parents to take up to three years of leave, fully paid for the first 435 days. United States has no policy requiring maternity leave.

Singapore’s women feel safe walking alone at night. American women do not.

New Zealand’s women have the smallest gender gap in wages, at 5.6%. United States’ pay gap is 20%.

Iceland has the highest number of women CEOs, at 44%. United States is at 4.0%.

The United States ranks at 45 for women’s equality. Behind Rwanda, Cuba, Philippines, Jamaica.

But I get it. You don’t want to admit it. You don’t want to be a victim. You think feminism is a dirty word. You think it’s not classy to fight for equality. You hate the word pussy. Unless of course you use it to call a man who isn’t up to your standard of manhood. You know the type of man that “allows” “his” woman to do whatever she damn well pleases. I get it. You believe feminists are emotional, irrational, unreasonable. Why aren’t women just satisfied with their lives, right? You get what you get and you don’t get upset, right?

I get it. You want to feel empowered. You don’t want to believe you’re oppressed. Because that would mean you are indeed a “second-class citizen.” You don’t want to feel like one. I get it. But don’t worry. I will walk for you. I will walk for your daughter. And your daughter’s daughter. And maybe you will still believe the world did not change. You will believe you’ve always had the rights you have today. And that’s okay. Because women who actually care and support other women don’t care what you think about them. They care about their future and the future of the women who come after them.

Open your eyes. Open them wide. Because I’m here to tell you, along with millions of other women that you are not equal. Our equality is an illusion. A feel-good sleight of hand. A trick of the mind. I’m sorry to tell you, but you are not equal. And neither are your daughters.

But don’t worry. We will walk for you. We will fight for you. We will stand up for you. And one day you will actually be equal, instead of just feeling like you are.

~ Dina Leygerman, 2017







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13 minutes ago, Goddess said:


For Betsy  :)











There are so many causes worth fighting for - why oh why don't they? 


That march was nothing more than a frivolity, cooked up by those who'd thought they'd be making a triumphal march for a President Hillary Clinton! 

It masquerades as a march for women.  It uses women.  There is nothing for me to be thankful for, to those women.



Edited by betsy
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50 minutes ago, betsy said:

Just look at these pussyhats!  :rolleyes:  And then you see and listen to  Judd who seemed to have skipped her medication! :lol:




Is this a parody or something?  Are these women spoofing?  :D



Let me ask you women, why are you wearing pink pussy hats?  Are we back to associating the stereotypical color pink with females?  I thought we're past that already - now, you make a revival!  Make up your minds.



Why do you use the misogynist term for a vagina?   You should've just worn BEAVER hats!  Kitty-cats are over-used!


Judd looks so ridiculous bashing misogyny, and yet she's looking out to a sea of bobbing pink pussyheads - all of them, being misogynists! :lol:


See?  Even Capt Kirk didn't like it! Hahahahaha :lol:



Oh Ashley Judd....I never thought you to be this pathetic.  :lol:



Oh well....as Ann Coulter put it, Trump was able to do in 1 day what Michelle Obama failed to do in 8 years:  get lard ass women off the couch to do their workout! :lol:

Why do you care whether women march or not.  It's an individual choice and why do you attack the individual female speakers?  That's something a nasty woman would do?  Did you buy the T-shirt?

Edited by WestCoastRunner
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49 minutes ago, betsy said:

Why do you use the misogynist term for a vagina?   You should've just worn BEAVER hats!  Kitty-cats are over-used!

I believe it was to mock the term.


50 minutes ago, betsy said:

Oh Ashley Judd....I never thought you to be this pathetic.  :lol:

I didn't agree with the WAY some of the speakers made their points, Ashley Judd's style is not The Goddess' style.  But I don't think the points made were "pathetic" .

52 minutes ago, betsy said:

Oh well....as Ann Coulter put it, Trump was able to do in 1 day what Michelle Obama failed to do in 8 years:  get lard ass women off the couch to do their workout! :lol:

Ouch.  Who's the mysoginist now?  (I won't touch "Ann Coulter".....:rolleyes:)

36 minutes ago, betsy said:

There is nothing for me to be thankful for, to those women.

I THINK you're talking about the marchers and not all the women you were told to be thankful for in the article I posted.  At least that's what I hope.  

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20 hours ago, Hal 9000 said:

It's not like cancer, abortion is a choice, why should taxpayers pay for it?

It may be a choice, but it is not necessarily a completely FREE choice.   

Overwhelmingly, the highest PERCENTAGE of pregnancies are aborted by RICH single women.


... but the most abortions are by POOR single women.... precisely those women who are less education, are more apt to be in abusive or "controlling" relationships, the women whose social, economic, and physical situation is totally unsuitable for rearing children.

Those people need help.  Increasing their access to birth control and other medical care, is much more likely to decrease the rate of unwanted pregnancy and actually REDUCE the rate of abortions.... Cutting help off will only increase misery in many ways, not the least of which is that abortions will be done anyway in unsanitary and dangerous ways.



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19 minutes ago, Icebound said:

It may be a choice, but it is not necessarily a completely FREE choice.   

Overwhelmingly, the highest PERCENTAGE of pregnancies are aborted by RICH single women.


... but the most abortions are by POOR single women.... precisely those women who are less education, are more apt to be in abusive or "controlling" relationships, the women whose social, economic, and physical situation is totally unsuitable for rearing children.

Those people need help.  Increasing their access to birth control and other medical care, is much more likely to decrease the rate of unwanted pregnancy and actually REDUCE the rate of abortions.... Cutting help off will only increase misery in many ways, not the least of which is that abortions will be done anyway in unsanitary and dangerous ways.



I agree completely, I don't thing anyone is cutting of help for birth control or medical care though.

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9 minutes ago, Hal 9000 said:

I agree completely, I don't thing anyone is cutting of help for birth control or medical care though.


Oh, but they are.    


"Donald Trump on Monday signed an executive order banning international NGOs from providing abortion services or offering information about abortions if they receive US funding."

The practical effect is:  cutting funding.




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18 minutes ago, Hal 9000 said:

I agree completely, I don't thing anyone is cutting of help for birth control or medical care though.

It has been explained to you and links have been provided. Here is a video so you don't have to read anything.  Perhaps the men that surrounded Trump while he signed it, should have viewed this video first.



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4 minutes ago, Icebound said:


Oh, but they are.    


"Donald Trump on Monday signed an executive order banning international NGOs from providing abortion services or offering information about abortions if they receive US funding."

The practical effect is:  cutting funding.




Women can go to many places for their birth control and medical care, how about a clinic - they don't need to go to Planned Parenthood.

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1 minute ago, WestCoastRunner said:

It has been explained to you and links have been provided. Here is a video so you don't have to read anything.  Perhaps the men that surrounded Trump while he signed it, should have viewed this video first.



Oh yes, Huffington post sure got into you head with the whole "men" thing.

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