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Rape By Migrants Isn't As Bad.


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Do we have a problem here in Canada with multi-culturalism? Is anyone in Canada imposing their cultural practice on you?

I wonder if there are any sharia law that secretly got sanctioned for the Muslim communities....I know that Ontario Premier McGuinty contemplated on letting it pass, but he backed down due to protests. So, I know there were attempts.

Oh yeah - the burqua-wearing swearing in at oath-taking citizenship ceremony. They're swearing citizenship in a western country - at least, show some respect for the culture of your host country! Nobody forced them to come here!

Edited by betsy
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Sure it is, but it's not very nice.

What's the difference with someone posting ignorant things in a forum, and her ignorance being pointed out?

And getting laughed about?

If you're going to make a spectacle of yourself, expect the various reactions! You'll get reactions - that's an

undeniable fact!

What do you think will happen if we see a 700 lbs woman parading naked in public? Or wearing a thong bikini?

You wouldn't gawk, to say the least? If you don't react - you must be dead! :D

It's not very nice of you either to be judgemental, especially when you know nothing about what you talk about!

Check out the big four-by-four plank in your eye, before you try to remove the speck of dust in someone's eye.

Edited by betsy
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Right on, Betsy. :) Multiculturalism is a game plan program and part of agenda 21 by the elite globalists who want to destroy a nation of it's culture traditions and heritage. A country cannot survive if it continues to let every culture, heritage and tradition from around the world enter that country, and then do everything possible to help be protect and promote their culture by that country as it is done in Canada today. 80% of the new immigrants coming to Canada are coming from the third world, and those people are changing and messing with our way of life, and how we do things here. They are pretty much told that we are a multicultural country when they get here, and that they really not need to assimilate but just carry on from where you immigrated from. Our politicians are destroying Canada with their multicultural agenda, and don't appear to mind doing so at all. I would never call any of our politicians Canadian patriots. On the contrary, they are just the opposite. None are worth the time of day. Just my opinion of course.

They're creating nations of sheeples!

Sheeple (a portmanteau of "sheep" and "people") is a derogatory term that highlights the passive herd behavior of people easily controlled by a governing power which likens them to sheep, a herd animal that is easily led about. The term is used to describe those who voluntarily acquiesce to a suggestion without critical analysis or research in large part because the majority of others possess a similar mindset.


Edited by betsy
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:lol: it boggles to continue to see the 'usual MLW suspects' continuing to scour the internet for their nuggests/gems in other continents/countries. Apparently, since there appear to be no avenues for these 'usual MLW suspects' to tap into and present concerns directly related to and impacting upon Canada/Canadians, they need to do... what they need to do!

Here ya go Waldo, just for you.

Another for you.

Want another?

Not enough Cancon for you yet? Have another then.

If this isn't enough there's plenty more out there. Just ask and you shall receive.

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They're creating nations of sheeples!


They already have created a nation of sheeples.

Here ya go Waldo, just for you.

Another for you.

Want another?

Not enough Cancon for you yet? Have another then.

If this isn't enough there's plenty more out there. Just ask and you shall receive.

There are just some people who when confronted with truth and facts will still fight on, no matter how much you offer up as evidence. They cannot be convinced that they just may be wrong. These people are just a waste of time. Sad but true.

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They're creating nations of sheeples!


The globalist elite have already done their job well, and have created a nation of zombie sheeple here in Canada. It's a struggle for people who try to use common sense and logic with others to try and get your point across to them. They just don't want to listen or hear what you have to say. We live in a country of politically correct emotional wimps and cowards, and it is getting very tough and very hard to try and change that mentality. Aw well.

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Here ya go Waldo, just for you.

Another for you.

Want another?

Not enough Cancon for you yet? Have another then.

If this isn't enough there's plenty more out there. Just ask and you shall receive.

For every extremist video you find of a Muslim talking about their extremist views, you will be able to find a video of an extremist Christian or Jew talking about their extremist views.

I find it kind of weird that there are people who so easily label millions of people based on the words of an idiot who is given the privilege to speak their crazy mind. I'm sure the people who spread these stereotypes are not the same. Some of them are lazy thinkers and are easily moved and some are intentionally trying to create division by spreading stereotypes and misinformation.

Edited by marcus
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For every extremist video you find of a Muslim talking about their extremist views, you will be able to find a video of an extremist Christian or Jew talking about their extremist views.

I find it kind of weird that there are people who so easily label millions of people based on the words of an idiot who is given the privilege to speak their crazy mind. I'm sure the people who spread these stereotypes are not the same. Some of them are lazy thinkers and are easily moved and some are intentionally trying to create division by spreading stereotypes and misinformation.

So there's no problem with finding them utterly reprehensible, then? Barbaric, primitive troglodytes guided by their interpretation of their religious doctrine.

And any others from their religion who agree with them, or even sympathise with their views, of course, would fall into the same category.

But, and this is the important bit, none of those who don't would.

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So there's no problem with finding them utterly reprehensible, then? Barbaric, primitive troglodytes guided by their interpretation of their religious doctrine.

And any others from their religion who agree with them, or even sympathise with their views, of course, would fall into the same category.

But, and this is the important bit, none of those who don't would.

Of course there is no problem to find them reprehensible. We should continue to speak out against them. But we shouldn't take these people as symbols of Muslims, which some people on here do.

I continue to see the misinformation about the average Muslims not disagreeing with extremists or speaking out against them. In reality, it's the other way around.

See this video from a British documentary. At around the 20 min. mark, it's the first instance of Muslims speaking out against the isolated extremists.

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For every extremist video you find of a Muslim talking about their extremist views, you will be able to find a video of an extremist Christian or Jew talking about their extremist views.

You must have misunderstood the point. Let me clarify it for you. Waldo stated in his condescending manner that people could not find examples directly relating to Canada so they used examples from other countries. This is obviously untrue as I found several examples in the space of about two minutes. Does that clear up your confusion now?

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What's the difference with someone posting ignorant things in a forum, and her ignorance being pointed out?

And getting laughed about?

If you're going to make a spectacle of yourself, expect the various reactions! You'll get reactions - that's an

undeniable fact!

What do you think will happen if we see a 700 lbs woman parading naked in public? Or wearing a thong bikini?

You wouldn't gawk, to say the least? If you don't react - you must be dead! :D

It's not very nice of you either to be judgemental, especially when you know nothing about what you talk about!

Check out the big four-by-four plank in your eye, before you try to remove the speck of dust in someone's eye.

I'll repeat. Not very Christian of you.

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Of course there is no problem to find them reprehensible. We should continue to speak out against them. But we shouldn't take these people as symbols of Muslims, which some people on here do.

I continue to see the misinformation about the average Muslims not disagreeing with extremists or speaking out against them. In reality, it's the other way around.

See this video from a British documentary. At around the 20 min. mark, it's the first instance of Muslims speaking out against the isolated extremists.

Again, I don't agree. I've never seen anyone accuse all Muslims of such behaviour. When you rail against Israel, I don't think you take the time, every time, to say you don't mean all of them. Quite right too. It's understood. And so it should be understood about those who point out abhorrent behaviour by Muslims.

But then, I do keep making this point.

Edit> I've always been of the opinion that Muslims are under no obligation to apologize for, or denounce, the behaviour of other Muslims. It's welcome, but certainly not required.

Edited by bcsapper
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What do you think will happen if we see a 700 lbs woman parading naked in public? Or wearing a thong bikini?

You wouldn't gawk, to say the least? If you don't react - you must be dead! :D


What if this woman was your neighbour? What about 'love they neighbour......'

This is one of the biggest problems I have with religion. The hypocrisy.

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Again, I don't agree. I've never seen anyone accuse all Muslims of such behaviour. When you rail against Israel, I don't think you take the time, every time, to say you don't mean all of them. Quite right too. It's understood. And so it should be understood about those who point out abhorrent behaviour by Muslims.

Why is it important to specify a 'group' when pointing out abhorrent behavior? Wouldn't headlines screaming "Extremists Hurl Bombs at Police" get the point across that extremists are extreme? Currently, every time a Muslim does something violent, his religion is highlighted. Why don't news headlines do the same for white guys --- "White man defrauds seniors of life savings"; "Three white men arrested robbing bank"; "White man holds girl captive for 18 years; fathers 2 children"; "White man shoots wife/daughter"; "13 White men arrested in pedophilia ring" "White man shoots 70 people; 12 die". If every crime that involved a white guy generated headlines pointing out that he was "white", who would look more violent - white guys or Muslims?

And if you think that people don't assume *all* Muslims as violent as the headlines inform them, you aren't paying attention. At least two people on this forum have made the statement that if a Muslim isn't being violent, he's not a true Muslim. Not to mention a particular presidential candidate got support for suggesting he'd refuse entry to Muslims, and register the ones who are already in his country. What is that if not belief by a significant number of people that all or most Muslims are inherently violent?

Edited by dialamah
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Why is it important to specify a 'group' when pointing out abhorrent behavior? Wouldn't headlines screaming "Extremists Hurl Bombs at Police" get the point across that extremists are extreme? Currently, every time a Muslim does something violent, his religion is highlighted. Why don't news headlines do the same for white guys --- "White man defrauds seniors of life savings"; "Three white men arrested robbing bank"; "White man holds girl captive for 18 years; fathers 2 children"; "White man shoots wife/daughter"; "13 White men arrested in pedophilia ring" "White man shoots 70 people; 12 die". If every crime that involved a white guy generated headlines pointing out that he was "white", who would look more violent - white guys or Muslims?

And if you think that people don't assume *all* Muslims as violent as the headlines inform them, you aren't paying attention. At least two people on this forum have made the statement that if a Muslim isn't being violent, he's not a true Muslim. Not to mention a particular presidential candidate got support for suggesting he'd refuse entry to Muslims, and register the ones who are already in his country. What is that if not belief by a significant number of people that all or most Muslims are inherently violent?

The IRA were Irish. I had no problem with them being identified as such because that was the reason they were doing what they were doing. If the white guy was defrauding seniors because he was white, I would have no problem identifying him as such. I bet greedy heartless bastard would be a better description. If a Muslim was defrauding seniors, I would rather he was identified as a greedy heartless bastard than a Muslim.

The reason it's okay, indeed necessary, to identify Muslims who terrorize and kill in the name of their religion is because it's in the name of their religion.

As to those who think a strict reading of the Koran is necessary to be a Muslim, I disagree, but really, all they are doing is saying that all those Muslims that I would not think of blaming for the actions of others are not true Muslims. They aren't blaming them either. Their point can be debated.

And as for Trump, well, who cares?

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Again, I don't agree. I've never seen anyone accuse all Muslims of such behaviour. When you rail against Israel, I don't think you take the time, every time, to say you don't mean all of them. Quite right too. It's understood. And so it should be understood about those who point out abhorrent behaviour by Muslims.

But then, I do keep making this point.

Edit> I've always been of the opinion that Muslims are under no obligation to apologize for, or denounce, the behaviour of other Muslims. It's welcome, but certainly not required.

I agree with some of the comments you are making above. However, I see sweeping generalization and bigots here. Not because they don't give disclaimers, but because they clearly state comments like "Islam is dangerous" or "We don't want people from Muslim countries immigrating here". These are people like betsy, scarlette, argus, shady, etc.

My comments about Israel is in regards to the actions committed by Israel. I don't rail on Jews. I rail on ideologies such as Zionism just like I do with Wahabism. Both are extremist ideologies that are okay with sacrificing the rights of others in favour of pushing their own ideologies and beliefs. I know for a fact that there are many Jews who speak out against extremist views of Zionists and are leaders in trying to end it.

Edited by marcus
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I agree with some of the comments you are making above. However, I see sweeping generalization and bigots here. Not because they don't give disclaimers, but because they clearly state comments like "Islam is dangerous" or "We don't want people from Muslim countries immigrating here". These are people like betsy, scarlette, argus, shady, etc.

My comments about Israel is in regards to the actions committed by Israel. I don't rail on Jews. I rail on ideologies such as Zionism just like I do with Wahabism. Both are extremist ideologies that are okay with sacrificing the rights of others in favour of pushing their own ideologies and beliefs. I know for a fact that there are many Jews who speak out against extremist views of Zionists and are leaders in trying to end it.

I don't care too much about immigration, being an immigrant myself, but I don't think being concerned about immigration from countries where gay people can be executed, or bloggers hacked to death, is particularly horrifying. My personal fix would be the PC's barbaric cultural practices warning. That way you can deport anyone who doesn't pay attention.

And Islam is dangerous. There were over two hundred people killed recently in Baghdad because of it. It's not a big deal to state that, nor does it tar.

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:lol: it boggles to continue to see the 'usual MLW suspects' continuing to scour the internet for their nuggests/gems in other continents/countries. Apparently, since there appear to be no avenues for these 'usual MLW suspects' to tap into and present concerns directly related to and impacting upon Canada/Canadians, they need to do... what they need to do!


Here ya go Waldo, just for you.

Another for you.

Want another?

Not enough Cancon for you yet? Have another then.

If this isn't enough there's plenty more out there. Just ask and you shall receive.

You must have misunderstood the point. Let me clarify it for you. Waldo stated in his condescending manner that people could not find examples directly relating to Canada so they used examples from other countries. This is obviously untrue as I found several examples in the space of about two minutes. Does that clear up your confusion now?

if you've "got something just for me", don't be such a chicken-shyte as to purposely quote my post and take my name out of the quotation... of course, when you do that, you effectively disable the board notification feature alerting a member to being quoted. As for your supposed clarification, I highlighted those 'MLW member usual suspects", those who so obsess themselves with copy/paste of supposed extremist examples from (principally) Europe... and if you give credence to any of those "gems and nuggets" presented... present those examples as an ALL encompassing broad-brush indictment... with fear-mongering extension towards Canada.

so... thanks for taking up the challenge and actually looking inward to Canada. Thanks for presenting your apparent answer... your equivalency to all those European "gems and nuggets" being obsessed over. That's quite the equivalency you're presenting! :lol: Your video grouping is a true testament to, at best, a couple (your first two videos) of free-exchange thought street-scape interactions... at worst, a couple (your last two videos) of purposeful highly provocative exchanges intended to solicit reaction for agenda driven purpose.

although I didn't watch all the videos to length, I suggest I 'caught the highlights'... it was truly quite humourous to watch that dueling Bible passage exchange with the one individual intent to showcase "JihadJesus' in a Bible passage... and the competing Bible thumper insisting the passage wasn't Jesus' words and was just a parable! Bloody hell - we get stronger exchanges here within MLW threads/posts! Wait now - was that the equivalency you were going for? Ok, ok... your last 2 showcased videos are an indictment - of the purposeful antagonistic and provoking tactics deployed by the representative of that BS organization, 'Rise Canada'. But hey, they accomplished what they intended... they got the likes of you to bite!

if you want to present your equivalency, to speak to the supposed concerns/threats you perceive to exist within Canada, come back with mainstream media articles/examples of legitimate events/circumstance - and what you perceive as a concern/threat... and why you feel concerned/threatened particularly factoring Canadian law and policing... don't further waste my time with tailored videos from "Christian activist groups"; one's you simply drop without adding a single word of your interpretation or explanation as to why you're presenting them. But hey, thanks for your showcased equivalency! :D


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And Islam is dangerous. There were over two hundred people killed recently in Baghdad because of it. It's not a big deal to state that, nor does it tar.

You are making the same mistake that I outlined in my previous post and other posts in the past. What ISIS believes and practices does not reflect the beliefs and practices of over 1 billion people. It's an ignorant and lazy way of thinking.

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They already have created a nation of sheeples.

There are just some people who when confronted with truth and facts will still fight on, no matter how much you offer up as evidence. They cannot be convinced that they just may be wrong. These people are just a waste of time. Sad but true.

Agenda 21 is aimed world-wide.

But yes, Canada is a leader among sheeples - the taking of Canada went so easy - for once, we can be proud

of that leadership! :lol:

Religion was the first target. Without any moral compass, the person becomes so maleable.

What more when they use self-gratification as a carrot to suck people in.

Edited by betsy
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And yet, the mainstream Canadian media puppets never show these!

You can't trust mainstream media like the CBC, CTV....they're liberal propagandists!

To show what exactly!? A muppet promoting religious hatred by being provocative? Yeah I get it....

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You are making the same mistake that I outlined in my previous post and other posts in the past. What ISIS believes and practices does not reflect the beliefs and practices of over 1 billion people. It's an ignorant and lazy way of thinking.

It's not a mistake. It's a fact. Just because it becomes a fact due to the actions of only a small percentage of its adherents does not make it any less a fact. It ought not to be a problem to say so.

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if you've "got something just for me", don't be such a chicken-shyte as to purposely quote my post and take my name out of the quotation... of course, when you do that, you effectively disable the board notification feature alerting a member to being quoted. As for your supposed clarification, I highlighted those 'MLW member usual suspects", those who so obsess themselves with copy/paste of supposed extremist examples from (principally) Europe... and if you give credence to any of those "gems and nuggets" presented... present those examples as an ALL encompassing broad-brush indictment... with fear-mongering extension towards Canada.

so... thanks for taking up the challenge and actually looking inward to Canada. Thanks for presenting your apparent answer... your equivalency to all those European "gems and nuggets" being obsessed over. That's quite the equivalency you're presenting! :lol: Your video grouping is a true testament to, at best, a couple (your first two videos) of free-exchange thought street-scape interactions... at worst, a couple (your last two videos) of purposeful highly provocative exchanges intended to solicit reaction for agenda driven purpose.

although I didn't watch all the videos to length, I suggest I 'caught the highlights'... it was truly quite humourous to watch that dueling Bible passage exchange with the one individual intent to showcase "JihadJesus' in a Bible passage... and the competing Bible thumper insisting the passage wasn't Jesus' words and was just a parable! Bloody hell - we get stronger exchanges here within MLW threads/posts! Wait now - was that the equivalency you were going for? Ok, ok... your last 2 showcased videos are an indictment - of the purposeful antagonistic and provoking tactics deployed by the representative of that BS organization, 'Rise Canada'. But hey, they accomplished what they intended... they got the likes of you to bite!

if you want to present your equivalency, to speak to the supposed concerns/threats you perceive to exist within Canada, come back with mainstream media articles/examples of legitimate events/circumstance - and what you perceive as a concern/threat... and why you feel concerned/threatened particularly factoring Canadian law and policing... don't further waste my time with tailored videos from "Christian activist groups"; one's you simply drop without adding a single word of your interpretation or explanation as to why you're presenting them. But hey, thanks for your showcased equivalency! :D


Here you go Waldo, I included your whole rationalization, just for you. Now, will you speak to the fact that you made a statement that was patently false? For myself I wasn't claiming any huge problem existed or our demise was imminent. Simply replying to your claim that people could not find anything to use that related to Canada, an obviously false claim. It took all of a minute or two to find them, many more examples do exist. the guy who was attacked in Nathan Phillips square, the guy attacked for walking his dog, the immigrant in Lethbridge assaulting the woman and her daughters at a pool, etc. etc. Those ones are just off the top of my head. So, as to your obvious butt hurt, just man up and admit you made a vacuous statement out of either arrogance or desperation. Personally I just don't give a flying f*ck about any of this petty childish squabbling so many here appear to thrive on. Hence the reason I simply can't be bothered with this forum anymore.

Oh, as to your media red herring. The media does not report these things most of the time. For instance, the Lethbridge incident was not picked up by the media. It was Lethbridge police who broke this one in the interest of public safety. If the media is your barometer for whats happening then you are really are misinformed. Here's a hint, the media is not a reliable source for what happens in this world of ours.

By the way, what exactly is "the likes" of me? Is that someone who stung you by showing how irrelevant and untrue some of the things you say actually are? Would you like to hear my thoughts on the "likes of you". Or, perhaps you could just try growing up instead.

Edited by AngusThermopyle
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