marcus Posted July 13, 2016 Report Posted July 13, 2016 It's not a mistake. It's a fact. Just because it becomes a fact due to the actions of only a small percentage of its adherents does not make it any less a fact. It ought not to be a problem to say so. Some people will use any excuse to be violent and to push their agenda. Just because these sociopaths and impressionable people in ISIS are using Islam, it doesn't mean that Islam is dangerous. Islam is a religion that has pretty much the same teachings of the old and new testaments. Why are you lowering yourself by applying the stereotype and generalization that lazy thinkers do? When there are over 1 billion people who consider themselves followers of Islam, does it make them 'dangerous'? Quote "What do you think of Western civilization?" Gandhi was asked. "I think it would be a good idea," he said.
waldo Posted July 13, 2016 Report Posted July 13, 2016 Here you go Waldo, I included your whole rationalization, just for you. Now, will you speak to the fact that you made a statement that was patently false? For myself I wasn't claiming any huge problem existed or our demise was imminent. Simply replying to your claim that people could not find anything to use that related to Canada, an obviously false claim. It took all of a minute or two to find them, many more examples do exist. the guy who was attacked in Nathan Phillips square, the guy attacked for walking his dog, the immigrant in Lethbridge assaulting the woman and her daughters at a pool, etc. etc. Those ones are just off the top of my head. So, as to your obvious butt hurt, just man up and admit you made a vacuous statement out of either arrogance or desperation. Personally I just don't give a flying f*ck about any of this petty childish squabbling so many here appear to thrive on. Hence the reason I simply can't be bothered with this forum anymore. petty? Well, not withstanding your own overt pettiness on display here... you should read what I actually write! When I even (albeit mockingly) thank you for taking up the challenge and actually looking inward to Canada, that clearly should have reinforced the challenge I was putting out there. The challenge to instead of anally dredging up "real or suspect/imagined" foreign circumstance that has no direct bearing on Canada/Canadians, focus inward and present examples of what I labelled (your) concerns/threats. I made a pointed emphasis on your juvenile dumping of agenda-driven tailored Christian activist videos... videos you just dropped without adding a single word of your own, "interpretation or explanation as to why you're presenting them... why they're examples that concern you, that threaten you... that concern/threaten Canada/Canadians and I put that in the over-riding context of the influence of Canadian law and policing. . Oh, as to your media red herring. The media does not report these things most of the time. For instance, the Lethbridge incident was not picked up by the media. It was Lethbridge police who broke this one in the interest of public safety. If the media is your barometer for whats happening then you are really are misinformed. Here's a hint, the media is not a reliable source for what happens in this world of ours. oh pleeese! Try a googly and realize just how widely the mainstream media reported that Lethbridge incident. Oh wait... what you're really saying is what the Rebel Commander championed, right... that the incident wasn't widely reported to identify the single person assailant as a supposed immigrant from Pakistan... a 'Muslim' immigrant from Pakistan. That's it, right? That's your big concern with that incident, right? Now I don't know this to be the case - apparently, as my firing googlies present, only the Rebel Commander and his Commando Brigade managed to flush that detail out. It must be true - it's the Rebel Commander, after all! but this is an example to speak to. Someone earlier sarcastically mentioned (can't recall if it was this thread) identifying all perpetrators of crime by their race/ethnicity/religion... like that, for example, "white Catholic Canadian born guy with German/Irish ethnicity who diddled a young boy in the school yard". In the Lethbridge example you're so fixated upon, the individual was arrested and charged - Canadian law and Canadian policing. . By the way, what exactly is "the likes" of me? Is that someone who stung you by showing how irrelevant and untrue some of the things you say actually are? Would you like to hear my thoughts on the "likes of you". Or, perhaps you could just try growing up instead. I revel in "the likes of you" who think they've, as you say, "stung" the waldo! I've already addressed your fail in this regard. I really, really would like you to relate your thoughts on the "likes of me"... I won't take it personal and, if you're smart, you'll generalize it so as not to draw moderator attention. But hey - fire away... it expect it will say much more about you than it will about "the likes of me". In any case, your "likes" are on display throughout your posting history... unless I'm confusing you with someone else! . Quote
betsy Posted July 13, 2016 Author Report Posted July 13, 2016 (edited) For every extremist video you find of a Muslim talking about their extremist views, you will be able to find a video of an extremist Christian or Jew talking about their extremist views. We're talking more than just views, Marcus! We're definitely talking of EVIL DEEDS! Like sex assaults. Like terrorist attacks in Paris, San Bernardino, Turkey, Indonesia those ring any bells to you? Have you been reading or watching the news? Edited July 13, 2016 by betsy Quote
msj Posted July 13, 2016 Report Posted July 13, 2016 (edited) This has always been an ongoing theme among the Left, but like almost everything the Left trumpets it's absolute nonsense. The Church never had any more pedophiles than anyone else. The incidence of child sexual abuse within the Catholic church was no worse, though distressingly no better, than in society in general. Likewise the bureacratic effort to ignore or hide what happened mirrors what happened in other institutions, as well as families back then. But that's pretty much in the past. I don't think it is in the past at all. Stories still pop up from time to time. The point I was making is why are people like Bonam talking about drastic changes to political systems because of isolated incidents as compared to the systemic rape of children by institutions? Why no revolution when the rape is from within but when it is from those from outside then that's it, revolution! There are other ways to deal with it such as applying the laws that are already on the books. But then we have seen how ineffective that has been against anyone who rapes so maybe I have answered my own question. What Left don't talk about is the child sexual abuse by Muslim clergy around the world, something which continues unimpeded to this day in Muslim countries. I bet it happens lots just like the good old days when no one talked about child abuse in Western countries. That's a big part of rape/abuse - covering it up. Less opportunity to do that now here thanks to a secular society willing to put religious institutions and bad religious ideas in there place. That is, lets not allow any excuses for abuse - religious, cultural, racial, gender what have you. Once again, apply the existing laws against all abusers even if it means we must raise taxes to pay for it. Edited July 13, 2016 by msj Quote If a believer demands that I, as a non-believer, observe his taboos in the public domain, he is not asking for my respect but for my submission. And that is incompatible with a secular democracy. Flemming Rose (Dutch journalist) My biggest takeaway from economics is that the past wasn't as good as you remember, the present isn't as bad as you think, and the future will be better than you anticipate. Morgan Housel
scribblet Posted July 13, 2016 Report Posted July 13, 2016 A big part of the issue is the cover up It is not racist to oppose unchecked/unlimited migration, neither can you blame people for being extremely apprehensive about it the mounting costs and integration (or lack thereof). It is not racist to oppose unchecked migration of people who subscribe to a completely different set of values and beliefs, especially towards women. They are watching violence and chaos in places like Calais, Italy and Greece. It is not racist to want this to end as thousands more are still streaming in. The unchecked border chaos is a threat to the stability of Europe, not to mention the good chance that terrorists are streaming in with regular migrants. Quote Hey Ho - Ontario Liberals Have to Go - Fight Wynne - save our province
msj Posted July 13, 2016 Report Posted July 13, 2016 Yes, it is interesting how people find a need to cover up such abuses for political/religious purposes. Which is why I raised the issue that I did. There are more similarities here than differences - but what is different is the political response by certain people. I have no problem applying the laws as I believe they are already adequate to deal with the abusers whether they are from far away or are local. If the authorities/media would stop trying to make excuses for the abuses and started taking action then I think most people would agree with the law being applied as it currently stands. Quote If a believer demands that I, as a non-believer, observe his taboos in the public domain, he is not asking for my respect but for my submission. And that is incompatible with a secular democracy. Flemming Rose (Dutch journalist) My biggest takeaway from economics is that the past wasn't as good as you remember, the present isn't as bad as you think, and the future will be better than you anticipate. Morgan Housel
Bonam Posted July 13, 2016 Report Posted July 13, 2016 If the authorities/media would stop trying to make excuses for the abuses and started taking action then I think most people would agree with the law being applied as it currently stands. Which of course is the point I was making. Apply the laws that already exist equally, regardless of whether it's an atheist college student, a Muslim migrant, or a Catholic bishop. Don't make excuses for any one group. The focus on the migrant case is because that is what this thread is about, and what the comments of the politician in the OP are about. Quote
marcus Posted July 13, 2016 Report Posted July 13, 2016 (edited) We're talking more than just views, Marcus! We're definitely talking of EVIL DEEDS! Like sex assaults. You have a lot of fear in you. Sex assaults happen quite often within many different groups. Should we start deporting Catholics for the high percentage of pedophilia that happens within the Catholic church? Like terrorist attacks in Paris, San Bernardino, Turkey, Indonesia those ring any bells to you? Have you been reading or watching the news? We have over 1 million Muslims in Canada. Over 3 million of them in the United States. With over 1 billion of them in this world, and since, according to you, Muslims and Islam are so evil, the world would be on fire right now. As a scared of Muslims person, are you not scared of the hundreds of incidents of mass shootings by white men? What about the thousands of Catholic priests who like to fuck little kids? Are you not scared of Catholics? I recommend that you turn off the TV and go outside and find it in you to chat to people who seem unfamiliar to you. Edited July 13, 2016 by marcus Quote "What do you think of Western civilization?" Gandhi was asked. "I think it would be a good idea," he said.
Rue Posted July 13, 2016 Report Posted July 13, 2016 (edited) Sexual assault as a crime is covered in the Criminal Code of Canada. Sexual assault, rape, is about abuse of power and using that power to impose on another person's body sexual acts. Its at its pith and substance power abuse expressed usually with violence but sometimes the violence is not needed if the mental coercion is there. I am of the belief if the criminal laws are applied equally they will work and whether someone is a Muslim or a non Muslim or whatever, if they don't want to adopt to the beliefs that women are equal and entitled to safety-they have problems and they should not use their race, skin colour, culture as an excuse to avoid liability under the law. On the other hand don't ask me to believe Muslims are more prone to rape than non Muslims because of their religion. I think its far more complex then that as to why men rape and how our cultures, religion, environment, genetics play a role in that. I believe any man has the potential to rape, kill, maim, torture and engage in the utmost of evil to his fellow humans but for the same reasons also has the ability to bring peace, respect, healing, positivity. I think most of us are a complicated mix of equal parts of good and evil that boil within constantly balancing each other. I also think some men regardless of where they come from are genetically destined to kill, rape, engage in utmost evil and for those who I have sat across a table from you can see dead black eyes and faces with unnatural sneers or smiles or just frozen and believe me they can not be let loose but our loss put them back out on the streets too quickly. As much as I believe in law and order above chaos and never believe violence is a solution to violence I am tempted to believe some people once exposed to blood whether it be from domestic or war violence are in need of putting down. Interesting I say that because I volunteer rehabbing bad dogs people have written off but I know some have to be put down. As wrong as that is I believe it may be the only solution with certain criminals. Edited July 13, 2016 by Rue Quote I come to you to hell.
msj Posted July 13, 2016 Report Posted July 13, 2016 Which of course is the point I was making. Apply the laws that already exist equally, regardless of whether it's an atheist college student, a Muslim migrant, or a Catholic bishop. Don't make excuses for any one group. The focus on the migrant case is because that is what this thread is about, and what the comments of the politician in the OP are about. Yes, I think we agree about applying the law equally. However, you were justifying the rise of right wing radicals as a result of the stupidity of the cover up on this issue. I take issue with this attitude in that it is odd that people would call for "revolution" now and not previously when it was the priest down the road. IOW, some people seem to have little problem with certain people abusing others - it is not only a "left wing" thing to dismiss the abuse. There are lots of people who would identify as "right wing" who seem to not want to talk about the continued abuse that goes on to this day in our Churches. In fact, to even bring it up to point out how odd this contradiction is brings out all types of people accusing me of bringing up old tales that are not relevant to the migrants. Well, it is relevant in so much as people want to cover up abuse because it is convenient for their political/religious belief systems. Which is appalling. Quote If a believer demands that I, as a non-believer, observe his taboos in the public domain, he is not asking for my respect but for my submission. And that is incompatible with a secular democracy. Flemming Rose (Dutch journalist) My biggest takeaway from economics is that the past wasn't as good as you remember, the present isn't as bad as you think, and the future will be better than you anticipate. Morgan Housel
Guest Posted July 14, 2016 Report Posted July 14, 2016 (edited) Some people will use any excuse to be violent and to push their agenda. Just because these sociopaths and impressionable people in ISIS are using Islam, it doesn't mean that Islam is dangerous. Islam is a religion that has pretty much the same teachings of the old and new testaments. Why are you lowering yourself by applying the stereotype and generalization that lazy thinkers do? When there are over 1 billion people who consider themselves followers of Islam, does it make them 'dangerous'? I'm not lowering myself. I think you are lowering yourself by denying facts that you are uncomfortable with. ISIS isn't the only example of how Islam is dangerous, though it is the most obvious. You can go from ISIS to the fellow from my home town in England, who travelled to Glasgow to kill a shopkeeper for disrespecting the prophet, passing homosexuals, cartoonists, bloggers, film makers, politicians and women in general along the way, if you want examples of how dangerous Islam is. The billion Muslims you mention have nothing at all, nothing whatsoever, to do with it, unless they subscribe to the same views as those of the Muslims I am speaking of above. Edited July 14, 2016 by bcsapper Quote
Bonam Posted July 14, 2016 Report Posted July 14, 2016 In fact, to even bring it up to point out how odd this contradiction is brings out all types of people accusing me of bringing up old tales that are not relevant to the migrants. Well, it is relevant in so much as people want to cover up abuse because it is convenient for their political/religious belief systems. Which is appalling. So because some few idiots want to justify the horrible actions of some catholic priests, we can't talk about a separate issue that is now happening on a much larger scale and is in the process of being made much worse? There are lots of people who would identify as "right wing" who seem to not want to talk about the continued abuse that goes on to this day in our Churches. Literally no one here is defending Catholic priests raping people in Churches. They are evil. horrible people and should be punished to the fullest extent possible under the law. They should get no special consideration because they belong to the Church, nor for any "good works" they may have done. In fact, their punishment should be made more severe if possible in consideration of how they abused their position of trust and power. Any religious organization that attempts to interfere with the proper course of justice in such cases should also be sanctioned to the maximum extent possible. On the other hand, there are posters here who agree or partially agree with the statements made by the person in the link in the OP. That's why the latter is being discussed, and the former is not. I take issue with this attitude in that it is odd that people would call for "revolution" now and not previously when it was the priest down the road. As I already explained, the revolution against the Church and its evil practices has, very fortunately, been in progress in the West for centuries. The Church is a pale shadow of its former self. Sadly, just as we were finally laying to rest most of the fanaticism and suffering caused by one religion, we decided to let in millions of followers of a new religion, younger and as yet untamed, as fanatical and violent as Christianity was in its darkest days. Why are we doing this? Why, as triumph over religion and an embrace of rationality and secularism is so close (in most western countries except the US), must we snatch defeat from the jaws of victory? Do people want to fight the battle that has been fought since the dark ages against the tyranny and violence of religion all over again for the next thousand years? 1 Quote
msj Posted July 14, 2016 Report Posted July 14, 2016 Where did I say we can't talk about it? I am saying it is odd which is talking about "it" while people like you want to ignore "it" and let's move on and talk about the migrants raping people.... Etc etc. As for scale, no, I think what the churches around the world have done for the past few hundred years (if not longer) is of a much higher scale than what has happened recently. The fact remains that people don't like talking about abuse for political/religious reasons and I think you are one of those people too. Quote If a believer demands that I, as a non-believer, observe his taboos in the public domain, he is not asking for my respect but for my submission. And that is incompatible with a secular democracy. Flemming Rose (Dutch journalist) My biggest takeaway from economics is that the past wasn't as good as you remember, the present isn't as bad as you think, and the future will be better than you anticipate. Morgan Housel
Bonam Posted July 14, 2016 Report Posted July 14, 2016 The fact remains that people don't like talking about abuse for political/religious reasons and I think you are one of those people too. Yeah... I'm a real defender of the Church Quote
msj Posted July 14, 2016 Report Posted July 14, 2016 No I would never accuse you of that. But you certainly have some kind of other prejudice. Once again, just observing how odd it is to get all riled up when it is the outsiders doing it but not so much when it is people "like us" doing it. A strange bias/prejudice. Quote If a believer demands that I, as a non-believer, observe his taboos in the public domain, he is not asking for my respect but for my submission. And that is incompatible with a secular democracy. Flemming Rose (Dutch journalist) My biggest takeaway from economics is that the past wasn't as good as you remember, the present isn't as bad as you think, and the future will be better than you anticipate. Morgan Housel
Bonam Posted July 14, 2016 Report Posted July 14, 2016 (edited) No I would never accuse you of that. But you certainly have some kind of other prejudice. Once again, just observing how odd it is to get all riled up when it is the outsiders doing it but not so much when it is people "like us" doing it. A strange bias/prejudice. Tell you what, start a thread about all the bad things the Church and its members are doing and I'll come get all riled up with you, ok? As for a bias against outsiders... no, not really. I've been an outsider in every country I've ever lived in (which has been four different countries) myself. The relevant part here is that you can't really kick out of your country people that were born there. On the other hand, it is up to governments to decide who and how many people to let in. And right now, Europe is making a serious mistake, in my view. While the law needs to deal with the homegrown crazies, there is no need to invite more crazies in. And most certainly governments and their representatives shouldn't be making statements that migrants will be held to a lower standard than locals. Edited July 14, 2016 by Bonam Quote
msj Posted July 14, 2016 Report Posted July 14, 2016 Sure, I have no problem not letting males in as refugees. I think that would go a long way to solving this issue. But that's my bias. I see no need to go on about the abuses of the church in any more detail. That is not the point: once again, the point is with respect to the attitude that the migrants must lead to radical political changes while the same attitude does not appear to have occurred with the church scandal. Perhaps society has become more secular because of it but I doubt it. And no one is seriously calling for radical atheist secular changes because of it. But the migrants, well, they get revolution! It's odd. One would hope both sets of abusers would get lots of jail time and or deportation where applicable. That would likely set a tone for society most people, "right" and "left," could agree on. Quote If a believer demands that I, as a non-believer, observe his taboos in the public domain, he is not asking for my respect but for my submission. And that is incompatible with a secular democracy. Flemming Rose (Dutch journalist) My biggest takeaway from economics is that the past wasn't as good as you remember, the present isn't as bad as you think, and the future will be better than you anticipate. Morgan Housel
Bonam Posted July 14, 2016 Report Posted July 14, 2016 Sure, I have no problem not letting males in as refugees. I think that would go a long way to solving this issue. Yeah... cause only males hold crazy and harmful religions beliefs. I see no need to go on about the abuses of the church in any more detail. So you don't care either and it's all a show to deflect from the issue this thread is about? That is not the point: once again, the point is with respect to the attitude that the migrants must lead to radical political changes while the same attitude does not appear to have occurred with the church scandal. As already explained, the radical political process by which the Church is losing its power and influence is under way and has been for a long time. Perhaps society has become more secular because of it but I doubt it. Society is becoming more secular all the time, and the history of what has been done by and in the name of institutionalized religion is certainly a major reason why. One would hope both sets of abusers would get lots of jail time and or deportation where applicable.That would likely set a tone for society most people, "right" and "left," could agree on. And yet, apparently some would seek to excuse or diminish the extent to which migrants are held responsible. Hence the existence of this thread, the subject of which you keep trying to deflect from. Quote
msj Posted July 14, 2016 Report Posted July 14, 2016 Males seem to be more readily available to behave in awful ways whether it is to strap explosives to themselves or to rape other people. I'm pretty sure the statistics would support that but no doubt exceptions occur. As for trying to deflect: I'm not trying to deflect at all. Pointing out that the migrants deserve the same application, in fact a harsher application of the law since so many priests got nothing, is not deflection. Once again, my main observation is how odd it is that you think that when someone like us does the abuse then no big deal, little to no penalties, while when migrants do it then it should lead to radical political changes. Perhaps you should think about this attitude you have instead of thinking I'm trying to deflect attention away from this abuser to that abuser. If you are not capable of holding onto two fairly easy view points at once then I really can't say much more about this. For the record the view points are that certain priests deserve(d) more jail time while certain migrants deserve jail time/deportation. To hold such a view does not mean one thinks the migrants should get away with abuse because so many priests did. Quote If a believer demands that I, as a non-believer, observe his taboos in the public domain, he is not asking for my respect but for my submission. And that is incompatible with a secular democracy. Flemming Rose (Dutch journalist) My biggest takeaway from economics is that the past wasn't as good as you remember, the present isn't as bad as you think, and the future will be better than you anticipate. Morgan Housel
Bonam Posted July 14, 2016 Report Posted July 14, 2016 (edited) Once again, my main observation is how odd it is that you think that when someone like us does the abuse then no big deal, little to no penalties, while when migrants do it then it should lead to radical political changes. Care to point out where I indicated that when priests "do the abuse" that it's "no big deal". In fact, I've stated the exact opposite. But at this point you are literally just trolling, you know exactly what my thoughts are because I have made them 100% clear in no uncertain terms, and yet you pretend that I actually think the opposite. As for "someone like us"... honestly I'm a lot more similar to a migrant than to a Catholic priest, in most any way possible or relevant. If you are not capable of holding onto two fairly easy view points at once then I really can't say much more about this. For the record the view points are that certain priests deserve(d) more jail time while certain migrants deserve jail time/deportation. To hold such a view does not mean one thinks the migrants should get away with abuse because so many priests did. I have already stated that I believe the priests should have been punished to the harshest extent possible, including more jail time. Lock em up and throw away the key. Hang them. Get all medieval and feed them their own balls on a stick, for all I care. Happy yet? How many times do I have to say it? At this point I can only conclude that you want to pretend that I have the opposite views of those that I have very explicitly and repeatedly stated just to troll. Edited July 14, 2016 by Bonam Quote
marcus Posted July 14, 2016 Report Posted July 14, 2016 (edited) The billion Muslims you mention have nothing at all, nothing whatsoever, to do with it, unless they subscribe to the same views as those of the Muslims I am speaking of above. You agree that over a billion Muslims have nothing at all to do with it, after saying this earlier: And Islam is dangerous. If Islam is dangerous, then why are there more than a "billion Muslims who have nothing at all to do with it", as you have said? This is an inconsistency in the thoughts you're sharing on here. Edited July 14, 2016 by marcus Quote "What do you think of Western civilization?" Gandhi was asked. "I think it would be a good idea," he said.
betsy Posted July 14, 2016 Author Report Posted July 14, 2016 (edited) The challenge to instead of anally dredging up "real or suspect/imagined" foreign circumstance that has no direct bearing on Canada/Canadians, You're short-sighted! You're the kind of mentality that sleepwalks around, and actually waits for the hammer to hit you squarely on the head.... and then you react too late! Your mentality is outdated! Yours is solely focused on "damage control," when the damage is already done. The 21st century is more into PREVENTIVE! You've got to learn to anticipate. Learn to duck! You won't know when to duck.....if you don't watch out for the in-coming. Edited July 14, 2016 by betsy Quote
betsy Posted July 14, 2016 Author Report Posted July 14, 2016 (edited) I don't think it is in the past at all. Stories still pop up from time to time. The point I was making is why are people like Bonam talking about drastic changes to political systems because of isolated incidents as compared to the systemic rape of children by institutions? Why no revolution when the rape is from within but when it is from those from outside then that's it, revolution! There are other ways to deal with it such as applying the laws that are already on the books. But then we have seen how ineffective that has been against anyone who rapes so maybe I have answered my own question. I bet it happens lots just like the good old days when no one talked about child abuse in Western countries. That's a big part of rape/abuse - covering it up. Less opportunity to do that now here thanks to a secular society willing to put religious institutions and bad religious ideas in there place. That is, lets not allow any excuses for abuse - religious, cultural, racial, gender what have you. Once again, apply the existing laws against all abusers even if it means we must raise taxes to pay for it. Here's reality for you, MSJ: There will always be child abuse in institutions - especially places where there is access to kids! Of course pedophiles will naturally seek to work in those places! You think there are no pedophiles among atheists???? That atheists are somehow above posing as religious just to get to their intended victims? Why do you think institutions such as churches are swarming with pedophiles? What perfect place it is to work for when you're granted with "authority" that you can claim to have come from God? You think pedophiles will want to work in retirement homes? Pedophiles are hard to spot unless they make their move. Who would've thought the Minister of Education was a pedophile? Islamic culture though, is out in the open! There's nothing secret about it. Islamists would naturally be adherents of Islam! Migrant perpetrators of rapes in Europe are predominantly identified as Muslims! It is unfair to non-Muslim migrants to be lumped along with the group that poses the problem! Give the "credit" where credit is due! If that's racial profiling - then it's the fault of Muslims who did those crimes, that Muslims are being racially profiled! You're comparing culture (Muslim's views of women), with perversion (pedophilia). Well I've got news for you: Islamic culture believes in both! Not only do they think nothing of women, they think it's okay to have sex with a 9 year old! You and Waldo suffer from the same malady: your heads are in the clouds. Edited July 14, 2016 by betsy Quote
betsy Posted July 14, 2016 Author Report Posted July 14, 2016 (edited) You have a lot of fear in you. Sex assaults happen quite often within many different groups. Should we start deporting Catholics for the high percentage of pedophilia that happens within the Catholic church? We have over 1 million Muslims in Canada. Over 3 million of them in the United States. With over 1 billion of them in this world, and since, according to you, Muslims and Islam are so evil, the world would be on fire right now. As a scared of Muslims person, are you not scared of the hundreds of incidents of mass shootings by white men? What about the thousands of Catholic priests who like to fuck little kids? Are you not scared of Catholics? I recommend that you turn off the TV and go outside and find it in you to chat to people who seem unfamiliar to you. Refer to the OP! Edited July 14, 2016 by betsy Quote
betsy Posted July 14, 2016 Author Report Posted July 14, 2016 (edited) As a scared of Muslims person, You can try to use your reverse-psychology, won't apply here. You're out of touch with reality. We're not scared of Muslims. We're very much concerned of the the mentality of those who's selling out their nations for the sake of political correctness, and self-interest. That sheeples are the majority in some places (like Canada) - now, that's scary! Edited July 14, 2016 by betsy Quote
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