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America under President Trump

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Just now, Omni said:

Trump somehow got himself into the highest office of our closest neighbor, largest trading partner, and  he is a very scary, incompetent buffoon, that's why we give a damn. But as I have pointed out, he is well on his way to getting himself impeached.

So just what has Trump done so far that has ruined your Canadian life? 

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8 minutes ago, Omni said:

"Ruined my life?" Try making less phony drama speech comments and we might take you more seriously.

 I will ask you again. What has Trump done to ruin your life? Simple question? 

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3 hours ago, taxme said:

I did and I got screwed by the fools who voted for kid trudeau. And I also got screwed by the foolish NDP and Green supporters here in BC. It would seem that the wolves have gained entrance into the sheeps den. Canadians are now being ruled by emotional and foolish politicians who have no clue as to what they are doing or talking about. They just want to screw Canada up as much as they can get away with. 


Either way, your pointed question is a good one with regards to why Trump matters so much to some Canadians.    I agree with you that Canada is now being led by an intellectual midget and avowed globalist, but he is largely irrelevant to my life in another country.   Trudeau has no power over me, and I certainly won't give any to him, real or imagined.  Donald Trump has been given such psychological power by the very people with anxiety who fear his actions from across the border.  

Maybe it's because they have absolutely no say in how Trump became president, or what he may do while he is president.   So now all they can do is hope and wish that the very same American politics that made him president will magically decide to impeach him.

President Donald Trump is the same as any other American POTUS, except he likes to use Twitter to stir the pot.

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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6 hours ago, taxme said:

It just goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on with those sore liberal/dumbocrat losers. They really are a bunch of cry babies. 

It's now impossible to NOT hear about what Trump said or when he farted, every day. Every Canadian news outlet is totally obsessed with presenting the minutia of Trump/ US politics. CTV news, CBC news. Can't find relevant useful news about Canada, all I hear is Trump, Trump, Trump. Some guy on a panel giving his opinion whether it's constitutional or not. Today the narrative is that "Trump firing Comey is essentially an admission of guilt".

Eventually, people with common sense will grow tired of the nonsense and this will backfire on liberals.

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We have a new derangement syndrome, maybe to a whole new level..   TDS   

Sure Trump is doing things that people don't like  but really - he gets two dishes of ice cream and it's   wah wah wah.     Much of this reporting is supposition and innuendo, the media's journalistic irresponsibility is just giving Trump more ammunition - that and it's lack of fairness and objectivity.  



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1 hour ago, OftenWrong said:

It's now impossible to NOT hear about what Trump said or when he farted, every day. Every Canadian news outlet is totally obsessed with presenting the minutia of Trump/ US politics. CTV news, CBC news. Can't find relevant useful news about Canada, all I hear is Trump, Trump, Trump. Some guy on a panel giving his opinion whether it's constitutional or not. Today the narrative is that "Trump firing Comey is essentially an admission of guilt".

Eventually, people with common sense will grow tired of the nonsense and this will backfire on liberals.

You don't need to listen to any of them, just actually listen to what comes out of Trump's own mouth.

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47 minutes ago, scribblet said:

We have a new derangement syndrome, maybe to a whole new level..   TDS   

Sure Trump is doing things that people don't like  but really - he gets two dishes of ice cream and it's   wah wah wah.     Much of this reporting is supposition and innuendo, the media's journalistic irresponsibility is just giving Trump more ammunition - that and it's lack of fairness and objectivity.  



The ice cream thing was trivial and the there are varying degrees of objectivity on both sides, but Trudeau does things you don't like. I don't hear you making excuses for him.

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15 minutes ago, dialamah said:

Trump Derangement Syndrome = Trump supporters.

Even if you don't support the guy, you must admit what we're seeing from the media is just awful. That's what I'm talking about. I don't "support" him, I think he's behaving like an amateur. But give us serious things to discuss, and stop conflating everything using innuendo and suggestion. Anyone can see this is a campaign to get ordinary people to react.

I am watching CBC news right now. Top story- Trump's plane is landing somewhere and he will be giving a speech at some university. Carole - "What did Trump say this on the flght this morning?" Steven - "He spoke to reporters off the record saying that he can hire a new Director any day now." and more blah blah blah about what he might do next, press releases to be cancelled. Russian collusion still possible, maybe. He gets two scoops of ice cream.

Why should I care? How about something important to discuss, like Canada's impending commitment to put troops back in Afghanistan. That gets 10 seconds. :rolleyes:

Edited by OftenWrong
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1 minute ago, OftenWrong said:

Even if you don't support the guy, you must admit what we're seeing from the media is just awful. Give us serious things to discuss, and stop conflating everything using innuendo and suggestion. Anyone can see this is a campaign to get ordinary people to react.


Trump supporters are hypocrites.  Consider how they complained about Obama taking too many vacations, yet not a peep about Trump golfing every weekend.  

Consider their demand to throw Clinton in jail because FBI was investigating emails, yet when Trump fires someone who is investigating his possible ties to Russia, they say it's 'unfair media tactics' to cover such a bizarre happening.

Consider how they casually accept all the contradictory statements coming out of Trump's mouth but scream bloody murder if they even suspect Trudeau has contradicted himself.   

This is only a small sampling of all the bizarre stuff he's done, which his supporters find excuses for while vilifying people who've done much less bizarre things.

Trump is a disaster by any sane measure.  The fact that Trump supporters can't see this is a testament to how blind partisanship makes you. 

For me, the idiocy of Trump supporters is fascinating and the ways in which they justify their support, but ultimately he's ruling America, not Canada, so he's their problem and not ours.    If anything, this example of how partisan politics makes absolute fools out of people makes me determined not to fall into the trap of supporting an ideology above everything.

20 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

Why should I care? How about something important to discuss, like Canada's impending commitment to put troops back in Afghanistan. That gets 10 seconds.


I agree; the stuff important to Canada often gets missed.   But here on this board, same partisanship makes actual discussion pretty much impossible anyway.    Personally, I don't think Canada should be sending troops anywhere at all.  Nor should the States, Britain, Austrailia; if there are problems in these lands, let them sort it out.  We should offer non-military assistance to support human rights and democracy and that's it, imo.


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33 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

Even if you don't support the guy, you must admit what we're seeing from the media is just awful. That's what I'm talking about. I don't "support" him, I think he's behaving like an amateur. But give us serious things to discuss, and stop conflating everything using innuendo and suggestion. Anyone can see this is a campaign to get ordinary people to react.


Exactly...     I have no doubt that Trump will implode fairly soon...   but really, the Democrats have their knickers in such knots over him if Trump banned guns they would come out in full support of the second amendment.   

 Not to mention shows like Colbert who really went over the edge with his malicious  obscene rants, nothing humorous about them anymore.  Now it appears that Tim Allen's Last Man Standing, just fell   


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43 minutes ago, dialamah said:


Trump supporters are hypocrites.  Consider how they complained about Obama taking too many vacations, yet not a peep about Trump golfing every weekend.

Hypocrisy is everywhere. I am the patron saint of hypocrisy.

I absolve you, I absolve you, I absolve you...

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3 hours ago, scribblet said:

Sure Trump is doing things that people don't like  but really - he gets two dishes of ice cream and it's   wah wah wah.     Much of this reporting is supposition and innuendo, the media's journalistic irresponsibility is just giving Trump more ammunition - that and it's lack of fairness and objectivity. 

After 8 years of Fox News and other right-wing news outlets criticizing every aspect of Obama, you're just noticing this now?

The same people who once went off the rails because Obama wore a TAN suit (the horror!) now want everybody to ignore the Russia inquiry.


Glad our arrogant Pres. is enjoying his taxpayer funded golf outing after announcing the US should take military action against Syria.  -Sean Hannity


(He said that in 2013, not 2017, though.)

They used to complain about Obama's "lavish vacations" and that his vacations cost $100 million over 8 years.  Now that their champ has spent $20 million in just 4 months on trips to Mar-a-Lago, they don't have anything to say about it. Or the additional millions it's costing to keep Melania and Barron in a separate residence.


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I thought this was an interesting read on Trump's mindset, the Dunning Kruger Effect.

Pennycook and his colleagues concluded that the Dunning-Kruger effect applies to people’s very ability to reason and reflect. They asked subjects to take a test of reflectivity and to guess how they did. Many of those who were unreflective thought they did well, since they had no idea what it would mean to be reflective and therefore were too incompetent to evaluate their own performance.

This is getting close to Will’s diagnosis of Donald Trump as a person who thinks he knows everything but in fact doesn’t know what it is to know something. The Dunning-Kruger effect and the knowledge illusion aren’t disorders, but are part and parcel of being human. Some people, however, are much more subject to these than others. And Trump seems to occupy an extreme end of the spectrum.


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2 hours ago, dialamah said:

This is only a small sampling of all the bizarre stuff he's done, which his supporters find excuses for while vilifying people who've done much less bizarre things.

And all very valid points. I also have followed the gong show close enough lately to, within very short order, heard Pence say one thing, Conway say something totally different, and both of them contradicting what their boss has said. Can a Canuck sue the POTUS for whiplash I wonder?

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2 hours ago, dialamah said:

So you haven't noticed the mental gymnastics of Trump supporters?  


Not when pointed out by the very same people who adore their own confused, flip-flopping leader (Trudeau).   This doesn't make them any smarter or astute than Trump "supporters", it just means more partisan politics as usual.   President Trump owes his harshest critics nothing, and he got elected that way.

Trump's methods are now well understood....confrontation...confusion....misdirection....only to walk it back to a more moderate position/decision that is more than he otherwise would have achieved.  Trump is basically a salesman from Queens.  And that is...very, very American.

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6 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


Not when pointed out by the very same people who adore their own confused, flip-flopping leader (Trudeau).   This doesn't make them any smarter or astute than Trump "supporters", it just means more partisan politics as usual.   President Trump owes his harshest critics nothing, and he got elected that way.

Trump's methods are now well understood....confrontation...confusion....misdirection....only to walk it back to a more moderate position/decision that is more than he otherwise would have achieved.  Trump is basically a salesman from Queens.  And that is...very, very American.

You call that a method? I call it stumbling from one disaster to the next. He can't seem to even get himself, Pence, and Conway on the same page on the same issue on the same day. Maybe he is too busy blurting out his silly tweets to notice such things. Very "methodical". 

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Trump has been so successful at dominating the news cycle, he has Canada and other nations devoting copious amounts of media bandwidth to whatever he is doing.

President Trump's communications team and other "handlers" cannot keep up with him.  The entrenched Washington D.C. culture cannot keep up with him.    Even the SNL writers cannot keep up with him.

... and Trump "supporters" love it.


Edited by bush_cheney2004
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30 minutes ago, Omni said:

You call that a method? I call it stumbling from one disaster to the next. He can't seem to even get himself, Pence, and Conway on the same page on the same issue on the same day. Maybe he is too busy blurting out his silly tweets to notice such things. Very "methodical". 

Trump, Pence, and Conway are all together on the same page. The problem I see here is that you are on the wrong page. Trumps tweets are viewed by millions, and they all enjoy his tweets. Trump doesn't fool around with the leftist zio media anymore because he knows that he cannot win with those liars and losers. Trump can give all those liars and losers a million dollars each and they will still cry about it. Oh look, Trump is blowing tax dollars again or will say something stupid like that. Go, Trump, go. 

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26 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

Trump has been so successful at dominating the news cycle, he has Canada and other nations devoting copious amounts of media bandwidth to whatever he is doing.

President Trump's communications team and other "handlers" cannot keep up with him.  The entrenched Washington D.C. culture cannot keep up with him.    Even the SNL writers cannot keep up with him.

... and Trump "supporters" love it.


And I love it too. The more the SNL types keep opening their mouths the more they look like foolish cry baby loser fools. Love it. :D

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