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America under President Trump

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10 hours ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


Get your facts straight before posting....Senator Robert Byrd never became a Republican.

A younger Canadian using America's Google will not usually best an old American who doesn't need it.

Huh?? Nobody said he became Republican get your eyes checked.

I said he spent a lifetime denouncing the klan  after his brief membership in the 1940s    That’s why he stayed Democrat. Those who remained segregationist and refused to renounce their racist past left the Dems and converted to Republican n the 60s and 70s. 

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15 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:

I said the ones who wanted to remain racist switched to Republican.


 "These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we've got to do something about this, we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference... I'll have them niggers voting Democratic for the next two hundred years"


Edited by DogOnPorch
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13 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:

ANTIFA knocks the teeth from this fellow's head for daring to protest against Big Tech.

The victim of this assault was then banned from various social media platforms...for daring to protest Big Tech.

I love how these cowards think they're unidentifiable. Hope they left their cell phones at home.

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1 hour ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


You don't know which ones remained "racist"....you just made a gross generalization.

In American politics, the Southern strategywas a Republican Party electoral strategy to increase political support among white voters in the South by appealing to racism against African Americans.[1][2][3] As the civil rights movement and dismantling of Jim Crow laws in the 1950s and 1960s visibly deepened existing racial tensions in much of the Southern United States, Republican politicians such as presidential candidate Richard Nixon and Senator Barry Goldwater developed strategies that successfully contributed to the political realignment of many white, conservative voters in the South who had traditionally supported the Democratic Party rather than the Republican Party. It also helped to push the Republican Party much more to the right.[4]

...The perception that the Republican Party had served as the "vehicle of white supremacy in the South", particularly during the Goldwater campaign and the presidential elections of 1968 and 1972, made it difficult for the Republican Party to win back the support of black voters in the South in later years.[4] In 2005, Republican National Committeechairman Ken Mehlman formally apologized to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) for exploiting racial polarization to win elections and ignoring the black vote.[13][14]



And as soon as Republicans got the Supreme Court to remove Voting Righs Act restrictions in the South in 2013, the Southern states immediately submitted disenfranchisement legislation that they had already drafted in anticipation, to try and suppress the black vote again. 

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2 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:

In American politics,

And as soon as Republicans got the Supreme Court to remove Voting Righs Act restrictions in the South in 2013, the Southern states immediately submitted disenfranchisement legislation that they had already drafted in anticipation, to try and suppress the black vote again. 


More copy and paste, disregarding the far more recent Democratic "racists" like Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden (i.e. "Super-Predators", "Predators")

"In American politics", the Republican Party was founded by abolitionists who fought Democrats over slavery in southern states and new territories.

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3 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

I said he spent a lifetime denouncing the klan  after his brief membership in the 1940s    That’s why he stayed Democrat.

And Trump has spent his presidency denouncing white supremacy. You guys (progressives and their bot-people) won't accept that., so this denunciation thing works for thee but not for he, eh?

Also Byrd didn't just play with the KKK. He was a leader. What they called "an exalted Cyclops." He was all in when he was in then when his slobbering, fast-talking, good ol' boy mouth gave him an opening in the political arena it became politically expedient to get out of the clan. He was still talking like a racist up to the time he died though.

And the "Southern Strategy" is regressive leftist revisionism. Wikipedia is useless junk for anything political. It's a hard left partisan site that twists history without conscience. 

Even the creator of Wikipedia says it's gotten too partisan left and untrustworthy. Last week they were banning editors for being against gay marriage.

Edited by Infidel Dog
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One of the worse racists in American political history was Lyndon Baines Johnson, LBJ. You know the guy who finally adopted the Republicans civil rights policies.


The new politically left Snopes doesn't believe you should believe the second one but even they can't deny there's just too much there there to deny he was a rampant racist.


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And LBJ wasn't just a big hearted bigot...he's the guy that took American soldiers to SEA in large numbers...mostly the poor...beyond those regulars that ended-up there. Marines, etc...

Not Nixon...not someone else.

JFK was in there first with troops...but had no intention of sending anything beyond the Green Berets and other advisors. Helicopter pilots and such. Life Magazine even did a big photo-essay on one of the crews in action. Not a secret...

FDR sent the OSS into Indochina in 1945...Deer Team as they were called. To help Ho fight the Japanese. Things went well...battles won. But the McCarthy Era that followed WW2 pretty much put an end to any further cooperation with an avowed Socialist/Marxist...no matter how pro-American. 

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17 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

That is the most idiotic argument...   

You are being racially divisive by advancing a racially divisive and false message. You're actually fear-mongering against police. That's a fact.

FYI police are not committing genocide against blacks, they're not even in the top 20 killers of black people. 

Black people, even criminals who are black, are completely safe when they're being arrested if they're just polite.

Sharks and murderers are still dangerous if you're polite with them. Police are not. Therefor, police are not dangerous. It's just your own stupidity that gets you killed.

Eg, if Brionna's boyfriend hadn't shot at cops she'd still be alive. If Rayshard hadn't shot a taser at a cop's head, he'd still be alive. If Michael Brown hadn't tried to wrestle a cop's gun away from him, he'd still be alive. 

If you're not like those idiots, you've got no more to worry about than a white person who gets arrested.


Trump says racially divisive things habitually  oh an uh...


That's an extremely serious claim to make without proof, and it's a lie. 



Cite required, again.

FYI the KKK can endorse anyone they want, and I'm sure that by doing so they know that they're actually damaging that party's chances of winning.

It's an absolute certainty that every islamic terrorist group wanting to gain entry into the US prefers the Dems and their open borders, defunding police, abolishing ICE, etc, but Al Qaeda isn't doing a press release to that effect because their leaders know the effect it will have.


Your subscription to crackpot conspiracy theories make you a conspiracy theorist. It’s got nothing to do with me.

It's no crackpot theory. Just watch the Floyd Bodycam video yourself and you'll see exactly what I'm talking about.

Leftist theory: Floyd didn't resist arrest and the police should have known he was having respiratory trouble...

Video: Floyd most certainly was resisting arrest, and he said that he was having respiratory trouble when no one was even touching him.

Like I said, no theories, just absolute proof that you are 100% wrong again. 


WOW I knew you were a crackpot but that is just crazy man    All those Klansmen and neonazis praising Trump are plants by Saul Alinsky. He also stole the Klans newspaper press and printed out their official Trump endorsement too huh?.

That's not what I said at all. Your reading comprehension sucks.

Saul Alinsky did something. I can't say exactly what everyone else's motivation was when they did similar things. I am not pretending to know exactly why every single human on earth makes their individual choices.

FYI the KKK was a branch of the Dem party. That's an absolute historical fact. Black people still fare far worse in Dem-controlled areas than in Republican-controlled areas. That's another fact.

Dems pander to black people with their words, but not by their actions. Fear-mongering against the police and defunding police in majority-black neighbourhoods is not actually good for black people at all.


 Do you believe the murdered Sandy Hook kids were also actors?

That's atrocious and utterly pathetic. You should be ashamed of yourself for even thinking that. I have no clue what you get out of saying something like that, but it's disgusting.


That’s true back when southern social conservatives voted Democrat because it was the party of the rural and poor and the Republicans were the party of east coast Moneyed elites.

But then after the DNC endorsed the civil rights movement those conservatives and segregationists all defected to the Republican Party and were welcomed with open arms   

Listen to yourself. They were a bunch of racists, then for some reason all the racists suddenly embraced black people in the world's greatest hallelujah/kumbaya moment ever lol. 

FYI a larger percent of Republicans than Demonrats, both in the Senate and Congress, voted in favour of the Civil Rights Act. Go look it up.

In the whole history of the United States, this is the only example of a Bill getting more support from across the aisle than from the party that presented it. 


Says who?

The stats for homicide rates, homelessness & poverty levels. 


Omg how sheltered are you?  This has been an ongoing issue since his initial candidacy. He refused to condemn them during the debates. He refused to decline their endorsement in his first election.

Trump has disavowed and condemned white supremacists over a dozen times.

You made a false claim and I correctly labelled you as a liar. 

You've now dialled your claim back to: "at a few exact moments", my initial claim that you're a liar was still correct.


Whenever asked directly he mutters half-hearted condemnations of “both sides”,  or Non-denouncements like “Proud Boys Stand down, stand by”.  

You're referencing common CNN lies. Shocker.

1) Trump correctly said that there were good people on both sides OF THE STATUE DEBATE. 

2) Trump correctly said that there were people on both sides FIGHTING. 

3) The Proud Boys aren't white supremacists. A lot of them are Mexican-American and African-American. There are areas where Dem mayor and governors refuse to stop Antifa and BLM's terrorist activities (murders, beatings, looting and billions of dollars in property damage) and the Proud Boys feel like it's up to them to stop it.

4) Trump was asked to say "Proud boys stand down" and he did. The reason for this is simple - what Antifa is doing is 100% wrong, and they are domestic terrorists, but vigilanteism is illegal and the Proud Boys are actually not allowed to take it upon themselves to counter Antifa or BLM with physical force.


The man who can rant for hours about immigrants and antifa is suddenly a man of few words when asked to condemn white supremacy. When those responses proved controversial he’s  issued statements through spokespeople.   Most recently he tried to cover up his “Proud Boys stand by” gaffe by reading a highly scripted denouncement that was clearly written by someone else.

There was no "Proud Boys gaffe". 

Trump was asked a question in the form of a trap.

Wallace: "Will you condemn white supremacists?"

Trump: "Sure. Name the group you want me to condemn."

Wallace: "Will you tell the Proud Boys to stand down?"

Trump: "Proud Boys stand down." And then Trump said something which correctly identified Antifa as the most violent and destructive group in North America. 


Like I said it was a trap, framed like a question. He had two options: 1) don't tell the proud boys to stand down and then the likes of you will say that he's encouraging the Proud Boys  or 2) tell them to stand down, and then be accused of being their de facto leader. 


Just like the highly scripted denouncement of Russia after the shocking felatio he gave Putin in Helsinki

Grow up.



If there's something you don't understand, just ask next time. 

Edited by WestCanMan
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5 hours ago, DogOnPorch said:

ANTIFA knocks the teeth from this fellow's head for daring to protest against Big Tech.

The victim of this assault was then banned from various social media platforms...for daring to protest Big Tech.

"This is absolute proof that Antifa doesn't exist, and it's also proof that if they do exist, they're not fascists."

- Joe "coal miner turned Valedictorian" Biden.

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In an interview with Sean Hannity on Thursday evening President Trump said: "I've said it many times, let me be clear again, I condemn the KKK [Ku Klux Klan]. I condemn all white supremacists. I condemn the Proud Boys.

"I don't know much about the Proud Boys, almost nothing, but I condemn that."


So he doesn't know much about them, tells them to stand back and stand by, then condems them.  






Voting from rooftops always works out well.  

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