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America under President Trump

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Just now, WestCanMan said:

I blame the Obamas for dog-whistling to rioters and looters. That's disgusting, and far worse than anything that any other US POTUS has done in a long time.

Did Obama see broadbased protests for north of 3 weeks? 


Trump has to own that in Dem-controlled states, covid killed about 650 people per million. Almost 3x as many as in Republican states. 

Republican states are catching up now. See Florida, Texas, Oklahoma and Arizona. 


Even Florida, with all of it's retirement communities, kicked ass on Covid. 

Currently thousands of cases a day. Ontario has a few hundred and more resolutions. 


The hardest-hit place on earth had a dem mayor and a dem governor. They were both guilty of incredibly stupid things, like sending infected people into care homes and telling people to continue riding the subway and eating in restaurants even after the POTUS had already taken significant steps which showed that the feds were taking covid seriously. 

You pinned that on population density. New York has well passed the peak and is down in infection. 

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39 minutes ago, Boges said:

Did Obama see broadbased protests for north of 3 weeks? 

Yes, they had broad-based protests for the last half of 2014, all of 2015 and all of 2016, but that's not something to brag about. 

Why did you even bring it up?


Republican states are catching up now. See Florida, Texas, Oklahoma and Arizona. 

Florida had 43 deaths yesterday, 6 more deaths than New York, 4 more than Pennsylvania. Arizona is behind those two.

Texas had 6. 

Oklahoma still has zero covid deaths. WTF are you talking about?

Florida's high death rate is because of their elderly population. They have 1/5th the number of cases and more deaths than NY. 

Florida's death rate is lower than Canada's. They'd have 4,500 deaths if they were on our pace. 


You pinned that on population density. New York has well passed the peak and is down in infection. 

It is mostly on pop density, the crowded subway, and the presence of the UN HQ, which makes NYC a prime destination for any virus that breaks out anywhere in the world. Nice to see you're learning something Boges! I'm actually really happy about that. 

Interestingly, Tokyo has as much higher ridership than NYC, at 10M per day. 

I think that the use of masks was the main deciding factor in fighting covid. No doubt the travel ban they did helped, but if you had to choose one or the other, I would choose masks. In either event, 'our' government [if they're really concerned about Canada] was 100% wrong on both counts. 

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The USSF was perhaps one of the more practical things he's done for both science, civilian space efforts and the military.

These jokers were all launching willy-nilly...US Army needs a sat...fire one up...Navy needs one now...fire away. Oooops...here comes Elon again...he's going to want....several...pads. What? I was supposed to get pad 36 this month...


Now...one ring to rule them all...

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So does "Kung Flu" help him get re-elected? Cuz it sounds like its his new "Lock Her Up". He's bailed on trying to imply that Joe Biden committed a crime. 

Do people like that level of candour? He actually said yesterday that he didn't know what the 19 in Covid-19 meant. 

Sheesh. He's in a bad spot right now. 

Edited by Boges
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42 minutes ago, Boges said:

1. So does "Kung Flu" help him get re-elected?
2. Cuz it sounds like its his new "Lock Her Up". He's bailed on trying to imply that Joe Biden committed a crime. 
3. Do people like that level of candour?
4. He actually said yesterday that he didn't know what the 19 in Covid-19 meant. 
5. Sheesh. He's in a bad spot right now. 

1. Given that his #1 job is to enrage reasonable people... he will continue on that track.  Hey, it worked once.
2. He also bailed on saying that Covid will go away when the warm weather hits, and that hydrocloriquide will cure it, that he didn't tell his lawyer to cover up the porn star he paid off... sorry I don't have time to write the OTHER FIVE THOUSAND.
3. I believe that I do not understand Americans as I thought I did.  Serves me right for thinking the MSM knew what was going on.  But my latest guess is that a slim but significant slice of American voter decided to roll the dice on a true outsider and maverick to see what would happen.  
4. Well, he's a FAR BIGGER IDIOT THAN THAT.  Just listen to his off-the-cuff speaking.  He's a dolt, but to be fair a dolt with bad values.
5. Who cares ?  He should die and America would be in much better shape.  I don't care if he dies, but that's what the result would be.  In any case, it won't stop the giant leftist wave that is coming... too bad.

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Yesterday, some damning polls came out showing that, in key battleground states, Trump is way down to Biden. 

But NYT, Fake News BLARGHHHHH!!!!

So how about this? 




President Trump trails his presumptive Democratic opponent, former Vice President Joe Biden (D), in several key states, according to Fox News polls released Thursday evening.

His greatest deficit behind Biden is in Florida, where a Fox News poll found the president trailing his rival by 9 points, 49 percent to 40 percent, up from a 3-point gap in Biden's favor in April. The former vice president's lead is even greater, 11 percent, among those "extremely" committed to voting this fall in the state. 

Biden holds strong demographic advantages in the poll, including among Florida's sizable Hispanic population (17 points ahead of the president) and among younger voters (30 points). Biden also leads Trump among women in the state with an 18-point advantage. 

In Georgia, Biden's lead is slimmer (47 percent to 45 percent) and falls within the poll's margin of error. Still, the vice president holds several key leads in among various groups of voters in the state: Biden has the support of 83 percent of Georgia's Black voters, according to the poll, and his also supported by 62 percent of millennial voters and 56 percent of suburban voters.


Biden is leading in Georgia, Texas and North Carolina. Not to mention Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Wisconsin and Michigan. 

If these trends hold Trump could get blown out. All Biden needs is to take back Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. He looks to be doing more than that. 

Does talking about taking down Confederate statues really expand the base? 

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By now it should be clear, there is a media agenda to disrupt civil society in the United States. What's happening in Canada is merely spillover effect as Canadians typically and react to all things cultural coming from the USA. The Democrats are using this to their advantage... it is good that the country is falling into chaos under Donald Trump. They seek to paint this as the kind of America he has created.

What's interesting is that media outlets in countries all around the world float the same articles, use the same biased tones that Trump is the reason the US is in "utter chaos" today. That statement is not even true, of course. Political manipulation becomes a coup, or revolution when it gets to the point of causing real-world damage, and using that damage as a political lever. That the effort seems to be coordinated, orchestrated events released one-by-one, makes me think there is a purpose behind this. There is an intelligence that seeks to make these events happen, and to make them appear much worse than they are through ready access to huge media outlets. It can only be a cabal of millionaires or billionaires. Trump has many enemies at this level and there is no reason for them not to use their power, in consolidated fashion, to create the news you see before you now.

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14 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

Political manipulation becomes a coup, or revolution when it gets to the point of causing real-world damage, and using that damage as a political lever. That the effort seems to be coordinated, orchestrated events released one-by-one, makes me think there is a purpose behind this. There is an intelligence that seeks to make these events happen, and to make them appear much worse than they are through ready access to huge media outlets. It can only be a cabal of millionaires or billionaires. Trump has many enemies at this level and there is no reason for them not to use their power, in consolidated fashion, to create the news you see before you now.

That's bunk. 

COVID-19 numbers are available to the public. People are free to analyze them the way they want. 

We all get unfiltered access to Trump. His Twitter or his public appearance are seen without any political bias. 

We saw him say he told his people to "Slow the Testing Down!". Then he said "I don't kid" even though his handlers said he was kidding. Then pleges to shut down federally funded testing facilities. 


We saw him gas peaceful protestors inorder to do Photo-Op with the bible. 

To say it's all manipulation for leftist propaganda is itself propaganda. 

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On 6/24/2020 at 9:04 AM, Michael Hardner said:

1. Given that his #1 job is to enrage reasonable people... he will continue on that track.  Hey, it worked once.
2. He also bailed on saying that Covid will go away when the warm weather hits, and that hydrocloriquide will cure it, that he didn't tell his lawyer to cover up the porn star he paid off... sorry I don't have time to write the OTHER FIVE THOUSAND.
3. I believe that I do not understand Americans as I thought I did.  Serves me right for thinking the MSM knew what was going on.  But my latest guess is that a slim but significant slice of American voter decided to roll the dice on a true outsider and maverick to see what would happen.  
4. Well, he's a FAR BIGGER IDIOT THAN THAT.  Just listen to his off-the-cuff speaking.  He's a dolt, but to be fair a dolt with bad values.
5. Who cares ?  He should die and America would be in much better shape.  I don't care if he dies, but that's what the result would be.  In any case, it won't stop the giant leftist wave that is coming... too bad.

Stating that somebody should die is against forum rules, and pretty disgusting.

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41 minutes ago, Shady said:

Stating that somebody should die is against forum rules, and pretty disgusting.

I don't WANT him to die, and I said I don't care if he dies.  I'm saying that if someone cares about the overall direction of the country, then his death would help that cause overall.  It's not like he hasn't had an exciting life after all.  Really you shouldn't be so sensitive.  If you cared about people dying more, you would be out marching with BLM instead of quivering about my comments about the orange menace...

But that's where we are.  I wish him a long life and good health.

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5 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

I don't WANT him to die, and I said I don't care if he dies.  I'm saying that if someone cares about the overall direction of the country, then his death would help that cause overall. 


So...like Abe Lincoln or JFK ?     They both met untimely deaths and the overall direction of the country did not change.

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26 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


So...like Abe Lincoln or JFK ?     They both met untimely deaths and the overall direction of the country did not change.

What will change, and will be funny to see once Trump is gone either this year or in 4 years, is the complete cratering of the mainstream media's ratings.  It will be amusing to see their revenue fall off of a cliff.

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5 minutes ago, Shady said:

What will change, and will be funny to see once Trump is gone either this year or in 4 years, is the complete cratering of the mainstream media's ratings.  It will be amusing to see their revenue fall off of a cliff.


Indeed....the critics  bitched and moaned about George W. Bush too for 2004.

It is very naive to presume that the "death" of a U.S. president will change the course of America.

I view such musings as desperation.

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43 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

Indeed....the critics  bitched and moaned about George W. Bush too for 2004.

It is very naive to presume that the "death" of a U.S. president will change the course of America.

I view such musings as desperation.

Tell that to MAGA heads that will equate a Biden Presidency to Communism taking over. 

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5 minutes ago, Boges said:

Tell that to MAGA heads that will equate a Biden Presidency to Communism taking over. 


Joe Biden is clearly diminished, but Trumpers are not wishing for his death.    They want RBG to die instead.

Some Democrats want Biden to die so the anointed VP would replace him early in the first term.



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Just now, bush_cheney2004 said:

Joe Biden is clearly diminished, but Trumpers are not wishing for his death.    They want RBG to die instead.

Some Democrats want Biden to die so the anointed VP would replace him early in the first term.

A lot of Trumpers actually like Biden. That's why the Trump narrative is that he's a puppet of the Extreme Left. 

That being said, if he was a puppet, why would they just not select Bernie Sanders?

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1 minute ago, Boges said:

A lot of Trumpers actually like Biden. That's why the Trump narrative is that he's a puppet of the Extreme Left. 

That being said, if he was a puppet, why would they just not select Bernie Sanders?


Wannabes in Canada who "support" Biden out of their hatred for Trump are basically admitting that previous American domestic and foreign policies are preferable to them compared to Trump's policies, despite decades of bitching and moaning about 'murica long before Trump became president.

Trump's 2016 election win was astounding...to win another term in office under the current circumstances would be remarkable for any president.   LBJ,  Carter, and Bush #41 couldn't do it, and it will be a challenge for Trump too.    Trump is just another U.S. president.


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7 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

Wannabes in Canada who "support" Biden out of their hatred for Trump are basically admitting that previous American domestic and foreign policies are preferable to them compared to Trump's policies, despite decades of bitching and moaning about 'murica long before Trump became president.

Trump's 2016 election win was astounding...to win another term in office under the current circumstances would be remarkable for any president.   LBJ,  Carter, and Bush #41 couldn't do it, and it will be a challenge for Trump too.    Trump is just another U.S. president.

I can only speak for myself. 

#45 is the only POTUS I've actively disliked. Dubya was fine, Clinton was fine, Obama was more than fine. 

I thought it was amusing when Trump got elected. Good on those complacent Dems. But he really is a regrettable human being. 

It makes me question Christians in the US that they overwhelmingly support such a hateful person. 

Just for the record, I also actively dislike Justin Trudeau. 

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2 minutes ago, Boges said:

I thought it was amusing when Trump got elected. Good on those complacent Dems. But he really is a regrettable human being. 

It makes me question Christians in the US that they overwhelmingly support such a hateful person. 


Don't confuse politics with religion....many Christians did not support Jimmy Carter (Nobel Laureate) either.

Trump may be a crude bastard, but he is their crude bastard.

My view is that anyone who lets their hatred of Trump to fog the reality of U.S. politics is just too biased to be objective.    They are running on emotions.

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