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Trudeau's Committment to Syrian Refugees - 25,000 by Year End

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You know, everyday that passes brings more and more evidence showing the Paris attacks were plotted and carried out by domestic extremists, which makes all of this hand wringing about potential terrorists in the ranks of refugees look stupider and stupider.

Look, if you, like Argus, simply don't like Muslims and don't believe Canada should add to their numbers here, say so. But lay off the bogus stuff about security because nobody is buying it.

Bingo, you nailed it. Bigotry keeps rearing it's ugly head and it's not likely to stop, even after it has been previously been pointed out.

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You know, everyday that passes brings more and more evidence showing the Paris attacks were plotted and carried out by domestic extremists, which makes all of this hand wringing about potential terrorists in the ranks of refugees look stupider and stupider.

Look, if you, like Argus, simply don't like Muslims and don't believe Canada should add to their numbers here, say so. But lay off the bogus stuff about security because nobody is buying it.

Guess you missed my earlier post:

And that is the truly scary part about bringing 25,000 Syrians to Canada in less than two months. Home grown or not, terrorists are almost exclusively from the Middle East. Western society has its fair share of poverty and exclusion - just look at our First Nations people. Yet they do not resort to wanton mayhem and murder, suicide bombs and decapitations. How about the centuries of poverty and exclusion suffered by African-Americans? Yet they do not resort to wanton mayhem and murder, suicide bombs and decapitations. So why do we make excuses for those from the Middle East? They become radicalized because of their pre-disposition to accepting the beliefs of a perverted interpretation of Islam. That is the trigger - and therein will lie the solution.
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Yeah, 1000 is still too high for me. Paris was "merely" 130-140 dead. That's too high for me also.

Your question is basically, what would be an acceptable number of casualties? I'd have to be pretty sick to give a number, but it''s way less than 130.

Well, I didn't ask you that. That was YOUR question to me. I asked you what was acceptable and all I know is it's less than 130. What is it ?

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Fine, I will say something. Please check out the following two videos; both about how a community can be affected by this move. I am not sure if it will happen in Canada, but I feel like it would be too late when it does occurs.



I don't see them as any different than the Westboro Baptist Church or KKK. What I see here is that you're used to those extremist groups and not to these Muslim extremist groups.

Our rule of law trumps whatever beliefs they may have about our rules and laws.

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Fine, I will say something. Please check out the following two videos; both about how a community can be affected by this move. I am not sure if it will happen in Canada, but I feel like it would be too late when it does occurs.



The first video reminds me of the protests of the 60s, yelling nasty stuff about the police. Pretty sure similar things have happened at G20 conferences in the US and Canada; didn't Canada employ some pretty heavy-handed methods recently? What about the flag-burning photo I posted earlier, carried out in Vancouver during a G20 conference? People protesting and marching, and shouting has been going on in Western countries for at least decades; it's part of being free society. Why is wrong if it's a Muslim group?

In the second video, the guy in the car is an obnoxious ass. He calls the Muslim guy a pedophile and a fascist, already has his mind made up about who/what Muslims are. He complains that he can't walk through the area without being battered; if his present behavior is anything to go by, I'm not surprised. How many white guys would accept being called all kinds of names without objecting, including physically? Having said that, the Muslim guy ought to have ignored this ignorant ass, and he should definitely not have smacked him however inviting a prospect.

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Well, I didn't ask you that. That was YOUR question to me. I asked you what was acceptable and all I know is it's less than 130. What is it ?

Michael Hardner - "If they become Canadian, how many Canadian casualties would it take for you to say that it wasn't worth it to bring them in ?"

Hal - "Your question is basically, what would be an acceptable number of casualties? I'd have to be pretty sick to give a number, but it''s way less than 130."

​The only think you're right about is that zero is a failing mark. It'll never be zero and we know that, i said way less than 130 because I think the question in itself is very poor taste.

Would I trade 500 Canadian lives for 25,000 Syrian lives? If I thought it would end there or if I thought it would end a war - who knows! But that wouldn't be the case.

Our Military is made up of volunteers and lefties freak out when a couple hundred soldiers die trying to liberate Afghanistan, but seem to not care about potential Canadian civilian deaths.

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Bingo, you nailed it. Bigotry keeps rearing it's ugly head and it's not likely to stop, even after it has been previously been pointed out.

And again, if I may, it must be reiterated time and time again that people were pointing out years and years ago how the problems stemming from the GWOT would include western intolerance, bigotry and the rise of right-wing political parties that are perfectly willing to cater to this basest of base sentiments in their pursuit of power.

This time around we'll likely be joining the Europeans in the construction of detention camps if not worse things.

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Canada Immigration has already fully vetted over 25,000 "refugees" who have been in detention camps from 2 to 4 years. They are ready to come. Placement is the only challenge left. That is being resolved as quickly as possible with negotiations with provinces, agreements with support groups and financial details left. Those refugees will be arriving very soon. The question of the success of Canada accepting 25,000 refugees will depend what is considered "acceptance". If it is "cleared to immigrate" then this government is already successful.

Cite - inside information.

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Canada Immigration has already fully vetted over 25,000 "refugees" who have been in detention camps from 2 to 4 years. They are ready to come. Placement is the only challenge left. That is being resolved as quickly as possible with negotiations with provinces, agreements with support groups and financial details left. Those refugees will be arriving very soon. The question of the success of Canada accepting 25,000 refugees will depend what is considered "acceptance". If it is "cleared to immigrate" then this government is already successful.

Cite - inside information.

Inside information eh. What happened to open and accountable government already?

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I don't see them as any different than the Westboro Baptist Church or KKK. What I see here is that you're used to those extremist groups and not to these Muslim extremist groups.

Our rule of law trumps whatever beliefs they may have about our rules and laws.

If we told the black community, we were moving a shitload of people into their community and 15-20% were KKK members, would they be racist for expressing their concerns?

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Canada Immigration has already fully vetted over 25,000 "refugees" who have been in detention camps from 2 to 4 years. They are ready to come. Placement is the only challenge left. That is being resolved as quickly as possible with negotiations with provinces, agreements with support groups and financial details left. Those refugees will be arriving very soon. The question of the success of Canada accepting 25,000 refugees will depend what is considered "acceptance". If it is "cleared to immigrate" then this government is already successful.

Cite - inside information.

It's not inside info. BC is well aware of the incoming refugees and are making plans to welcome them.

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Canada Immigration has already fully vetted over 25,000 "refugees" who have been in detention camps from 2 to 4 years. They are ready to come. Placement is the only challenge left. That is being resolved as quickly as possible with negotiations with provinces, agreements with support groups and financial details left. Those refugees will be arriving very soon. The question of the success of Canada accepting 25,000 refugees will depend what is considered "acceptance". If it is "cleared to immigrate" then this government is already successful.

Cite - inside information.

What a coincidental new development - I don't believe in coincidences, so I'll call bullshit.

Just days ago they were saying how hard it will be to do the vetting, now we hear that it's already done - Bullshit!


"Canada's government will inevitably have to cut some corners on security screening to achieve its ambitious goal of bringing in 25,000 Syrian refugees by year-end, said current and former security sources.

The plan by newly elected Prime Minister Justin Trudeau seeks to complete in six weeks a process that can take up to two years in the United States, where last Friday's attacks in Paris have sparked a political backlash against plans to allow in 10,000 Syrians over the coming year.

In Canada, which shares about 5,500 miles (8,850 km) of relatively porous border with the United States, Friday's attacks have prompted calls for Trudeau to push back the Jan. 1 deadline to ensure all the refugees are properly screened.

Trudeau has vowed to stick to the plan, reiterating the security of Canadians would be paramount when dealing with the refugees.

The Canadian plan will entail background checks that include biometric and fingerprint checks, as well as health assessments. Some screening will have to be done after the refugees arrive in Canada given the short time frame.

That could create vulnerabilities, said one recently retired Canadian intelligence official, since a refugee could already be in the country by the time any red flags are raised by the screening.

"You can't say that when you cut some corners and speed up the system that it's completely risk-free," said the former official, who has knowledge of the immigration system.

Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale told a briefing on Wednesday that he expected the vast majority of the work to be done before refugees arrived in Canada, and he said the intention was for all the database work to be finished.

The ex-official said it was unclear if the refugees would immediately be free to settle in Canada or would be detained in some way pending further screening.

A current Canadian intelligence official said there was "a clear risk" given the pace at which security screeners would have to work to interview, select and process such a high volume of applicants.

Josee Sirois, a spokeswoman for the Public Safety ministry, said that a "thorough" screening process would be in place, but that the vast majority of Syrian refugees "pose little or no risk to Canada."

In the United States, two dozen state governors, mostly Republicans, have vowed not to accept any refugees, despite reassurances from the State Department that the immigrants will be rigorously screened to block any potential militants."

Rand Beers, former deputy secretary of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, said that weaker security screening north of the border would be a worry.

"There would be a concern for anything that is less than our screening, and even we would say that our screening isn't perfect," he said.


Canada will primarily focus on families with children under the age of 18 who have been in Lebanon, Turkey or Jordan since the beginning of the Syrian conflict in 2011, said an intelligence source and a non-government source familiar with deliberations.

The first step in the Canadian plan is to select refugees registered with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), then conduct checks against Interpol, Canadian security and immigration as well as foreign allies' watchlists before issuing permanent or temporary residence permits.

Canadian immigration and border agents who have been dispatched to the region, most of them in Beirut, will select the refugees and raise any red flags to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police or Canada's spy agency for deeper screening.

Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall, who asked Trudeau to suspend the plan on Monday citing security concerns, said the government was moving too quickly and questioned whether normal vetting steps were being skipped.

"We're going from years to a couple of months in terms of the wait time or the process," Wall said on CBC TV.

The process for screening and admitting refugees into the United States lasts between 18 months and two years. The Department of Homeland Security travels to screen refugees outside the United States and they are only admitted after passing security and health checks.

Biographical and biometric data is matched up with any available databases including travel and criminal records to confirm the identity of the applicant.

The FBI, Defense Department, State Department and National Counterterrorism Center all work to screen applicants.

Canadian Foreign Minister Stephane Dion, asked in Manila whether Washington had expressed security concerns about the plan, said: "Everything that we have heard is that our initiative is welcome and everyone wants to cooperate with this – the United States, but also Lebanon, Turkey and Jordan."

Spokespeople at the White House and Homeland Security did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

A European government source said British security authorities do not regard Syrian refugees as a major source of or cover for terror activities. About 100 Syrian refugees arrived in Scotland on Tuesday.

Countries such as Germany and the United States also conduct their own security checks after the UNHCR registers an applicant.

"It is a slow process," said a Western diplomat in Beirut, whose country has taken in Syrian refugees. "The UNHCR doesn't do its own security checks."

Goodale, Canada's public safety minister, has said there were domestic laws to deal with those who fail the screening process conducted after their arrival in Canada. The process of deporting refugees can be legally difficult and lengthy.

The two Canadian intelligence sources said such an outcome posed headaches for the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), which would then have to monitor the individuals.

"You could end up with CSIS having to place 20 agents tracking him for years to come," said the retired intelligence official.

However, CSIS Director Michel Coulombe said at a news conference on Wednesday he was satisfied with the process and confident the measures were "robust."

(Additional reporting by Sylvia Westall in Beirut, Mike De Souza in Calgary, David Ljunggren in Manila, Mark Hosenball in Washington, Editing by Stuart Grudgings)

Read more at Reutershttp://www.reuters.com/article/2015/11/18/us-france-shooting-canada-idUSKCN0T727520151118#SXWmLf3s3dXHJiE6.99

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