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Romney surrounded by JEWS

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Romney, like Clinton, has surrounded himself with Jews (Jews are only 2% of the US population)

Read the full list of Romney advisors after the jump:


Cofer Black

Christopher Burnham

Michael Chertoff

Eliot Cohen

Norm Coleman

John Danilovich

Paula Dobriansky

Eric Edelman

Michael Hayden

Kerry Healey

Kim Holmes

Robert Joseph

Robert Kagan

John Lehman

Walid Phares


Evan Feigenbaum, Co-Chair

Aaron Friedberg, Co-Chair

Kent Lucken, Co-Chair


Eric Edelman, Co-Chair

Robert Joseph, Co-Chair

Stephen Rademaker, Co-Chair


Michael Chertoff, Co-Chair

Michael Hayden, Co-Chair


John Lehman, Co-Chair

Roger Zakheim, Co-Chair


Nile Gardiner, Co-Chair

Kristen Silverberg, Co-Chair


Jake Lew, Chief of Staff, JEW

Joe Biden (Present vice President), JEW

Bernanke, Head of Federal Reserve, JEW

Where are all the Black, Arab, Mexican, or Chinese names? Nowhere. They have no money or international political agenda.

Jews will use AIPAC, Americas most powerful lobby to pressure the US government to spend TRILLIONS on a war with Iran.

Not counting all the US soldiers dying for Israel.

Romney will ruin America.

Vote Ron Paul. He wants to stop Jewish wars. That's why the Jewish controlled mainstream media gives him little coverage.

Jews hate Paul and his anti-Israel policies.

America is ANTI-WHITE, not Anti-Semetic.

Edited by doitwell
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Romney, like Clinton, has surrounded himself with Jews (Jews are only 2% of the US population)

Read the full list of Romney advisors after the jump:


Cofer Black

Christopher Burnham

Michael Chertoff

Eliot Cohen

Norm Coleman

John Danilovich

Paula Dobriansky

Eric Edelman

Michael Hayden

Kerry Healey

Kim Holmes

Robert Joseph

Robert Kagan

John Lehman

Walid Phares


Evan Feigenbaum, Co-Chair

Aaron Friedberg, Co-Chair

Kent Lucken, Co-Chair


Eric Edelman, Co-Chair

Robert Joseph, Co-Chair

Stephen Rademaker, Co-Chair


Michael Chertoff, Co-Chair

Michael Hayden, Co-Chair


John Lehman, Co-Chair

Roger Zakheim, Co-Chair


Nile Gardiner, Co-Chair

Kristen Silverberg, Co-Chair


Jake Lew, Chief of Staff, JEW

Joe Biden (Present vice President), JEW

Bernanke, Head of Federal Reserve, JEW

Where are all the Black, Arab, Mexican, or Chinese names? Nowhere. They have no money or international political agenda.

Jews will use AIPAC, Americas most powerful lobby to pressure the US government to spend TRILLIONS on a war with Iran.

Not counting all the US soldiers dying for Israel.

Romney will ruin America.

Vote Ron Paul. He wants to stop Jewish wars. That's why the Jewish controlled mainstream media gives him little coverage.

Jews hate Paul and his anti-Israel policies.

America is ANTI-WHITE, not Anti-Semetic.


'sup,goose stepper?

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Romney, like Clinton, has surrounded himself with Jews (Jews are only 2% of the US population)

Read the full list of Romney advisors after the jump:


Where are all the Black, Arab, Mexican, or Chinese names? Nowhere. They have no money or international political agenda.

Jews will use AIPAC, Americas most powerful lobby to pressure the US government to spend TRILLIONS on a war with Iran.

Maybe because the people you mentioned can get things done? What does that have to do with religion?

Not counting all the US soldiers dying for Israel.

Ther are no U.S. soldiers in Israel.

Romney will ruin America.

Vote Ron Paul. He wants to stop Jewish wars. That's why the Jewish controlled mainstream media gives him little coverage.

Jews hate Paul and his anti-Israel policies.

America is ANTI-WHITE, not Anti-Semetic.

But are you anti-Jewish? Sure seem it.
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JEWS are not White.

Jews are a race.

Their interests are completely antithetical to white interests.

Russia was communised by Jews, so was China. (Not blacks, or mexicans, or arabs, or Indians).

Jews run Wall Street (Goldman Sachs is Jewish, Obama's biggest contributor)

Fed Reserve head is Jewish, media control.... Google it all.

The Jews recruit sometimes gentiles to make it look like the group/organization is not all Jewish.

Nation after nation has been wrecked by Jews (0.2% of the world population!)

Please check the link to see a little background:

Some say I'm antisemetic. Maybe you're anti-White.

The truth is racist.

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JEWS are not White.

Jews are a race.

Their interests are completely antithetical to white interests.

Russia was communised by Jews, so was China. (Not blacks, or mexicans, or arabs, or Indians).

Jews run Wall Street (Goldman Sachs is Jewish, Obama's biggest contributor)

Fed Reserve head is Jewish, media control.... Google it all.

The Jews recruit sometimes gentiles to make it look like the group/organization is not all Jewish.

Nation after nation has been wrecked by Jews (0.2% of the world population!)

Please check the link to see a little background:

Some say I'm antisemetic. Maybe you're anti-White.

The truth is racist.

Jews are a race...


Could you explain why we have Jews from Ethiopia...Who are,by definition,non-Caucasian???

We have Caucasian Jews from Europe...

Yet you are making the Schickelgruberesque claim that Jews themselves are a race of people...


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Guest Peeves

Most with experience with such as this raving idiot have learned never to add a post to the thread as it only encourages more ranting. I contravene my own rule, a rule I've followed for over a decade, because some here apparently need to have some guidance.

Just drop it!

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Most with experience with such as this raving idiot have learned never to add a post to the thread as it only encourages more ranting. I contravene my own rule, a rule I've followed for over a decade, because some here apparently need to have some guidance.

Just drop it!

A somewhat paternalistic little rejoinder, but I will take it as probably good advice regardless.

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Most with experience with such as this raving idiot have learned never to add a post to the thread as it only encourages more ranting. I contravene my own rule, a rule I've followed for over a decade, because some here apparently need to have some guidance.

Just drop it!

1. I don't require YOUR guidance on anything...

2.I disagree...

Continually expose loons for being loons...Catch them in their own failed logic and warped thought processes..

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I don't think that the racial-ethnic make up of any politicians supporters matters too much. The governments of North America are set on doing one thing, restricting our personal freedoms more and more. No matter who is in power this will continue to happen. We need less government not more.

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I don't think that the racial-ethnic make up of any politicians supporters matters too much. The governments of North America are set on doing one thing, restricting our personal freedoms more and more. No matter who is in power this will continue to happen. We need less government not more.

Mr Harper would not be pleased with this. You should probably retract that before he sends you to your room, with his firm, guiding hand.

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Jesus was a Jew.

He was also a christian.

A racial Jew who was a christian.

At 0.2% of the world population they have an enormously disproportionate negative influence on world history.

They control the majority of US Finance, US foreign policy, and mainstream media, ie. stealing billions, supporting wars in the Middle East supporting Israel using US taxpayers money, (AIPAC lobby), promoting violence and porn in their media, (good christian bitches, a new TV series, made by a JEW)

Frankfurt School = anti-western culture, = make the US and Canada as racially diverse as possible = make whites feel guilty about their past culture = can't be proud to be white, etc...

We talk about 911, bombing of USS Liberty, Lavon Affair, King David Hotel, ALL Jewish names.

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Jews will use AIPAC, Americas most powerful lobby to pressure the US government to spend TRILLIONS on a war with Iran.

some of the most prominent and outspoken activists in regards to different issues such as AIPAC's influence, the banking system, israel/palestine and wars are jews.

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