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  1. https://www.jfklibrary.org/archives/other-resources/john-f-kennedy-speeches/american-university-19630610 This speech was given in June 1963, after the October 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis.
  2. The covid hoax, the climate crisis hoax and the EV hoax are all just but three of the evil and satanic WEF globalist ilk plans that want us to eat bugs while they can still eat steak. Inflation and the high cost of everything is just more bullshit being created by the scumbags that control the creation of money and the manipulation in the stock markets. JFK was assassinated by the globalist banksters because he wanted too pretty much get rid of the federal reserve. That just shows us all as to what power they have over our controlled politicians and what they can get away with. Right on. All this mass hysteria is all just the evil and satanic globalists trying to convince we the sheeple that there is a crisis everywhere going on in the world and only they will have the answer to fix their created crisis. Try and pay cash for everything that you buy, and above all, avoid a cashless society that those evil and satanic WEF globalists want to put on us all. If it happens, we will all be phkd. Just my opinion. 😇
  3. Alternate electors is not illegal and has been used before by people like JFK. In fact, had JFK not had alternate electors, he never would have been president.
  4. Kissinger was a stooge of the same people that had JFK killed.  

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Queenmandy85


      My apologies. I didn't realize you were serious. 

    3. DUI_Offender


      So what you are saying, is that Kissinger was a stooge of Lee Harvey Oswald, until his death in November 1963?

    4. sharkman


      Ah yes, thank you DUI for that earnest response.  Perhaps that growing rash in your nether regions is more serious than what a little soap and water can do.  I suggest a round of antibiotics.

  5. 1. I don't what ? You're saying I'm lying about myself here ? Did you see that part where I said you shouldn't talk to me if you think I'm a liar ? 2. I didn't say I wasn't concerned. I do not take it personally the way you do. I acknowledge that I have a dislike for Trump and I work to try to rise above that in my analysis. I have also said good things about him here as I really dislike binary takes. 3. I have also said there's potential for him to do well, have expressed hope that he does well, etc. Do you think Trudeau or Singh have potential to do well ? Do you hope they succeed ? 4. Obama was a non-factor in so many ways. I would say he listened to the experts on the economy and it eventually went well for him, and I would say his foreign policy was inconsistent and weak. He had the least experience of any president I can think of back to... He was a one-term Senator but let's see Bush - State Governor Clinton - State Governor Bush Sr - VP and head of CIA Reagan - State Governor Carter - State Governor Ford - Not elected but I think he was a Senator Nixon - Senator, VP Johnson - Senator, VP JFK - Senator Eisenhower - Military Leader in European Theatre, WW2 Truman - Senator, VP Roosevelt - State Governor Hoover ... ? Ok I went back 100 years just out of interest and Hoover is the one guy who is less qualified than Obama
  6. Ok, so JFK was an illegitimate president then that committed a soft coup.
  7. I don't know who you are talking to, you completely ignored my question. I didn't say anything about JFK or Nixon, nor did I ask you about that part of your comment. You said: "you Americans now want war." I asked: "What do you mean, Americans want war? War in Ukraine? Somewhere else? Just in general? "
  8. OMG. I'm talking with a computer - in public. JFK and Nixon did not want war. They knew what it was.
  9. This cut/paste post terrifies me. Unlike JFK & Nixon - who sought freedom for all peacefully - you Americans now want war.
  10. From conservative Murdoch-owned New York Post by conservative blowhard Piers Morgan Moscow Marjorie’ Taylor Greene is Putin’s useful idi*t and the real betrayer of America Piers Morgan Every time mad-eyed blond blunderbuss Marjorie Taylor Greene opens her big, loud, expletive-fueled mouth, I feel like some of my brain cells spontaneously die. Since she first appeared on the Washington scene after the 2016 election, “MTG” has proven herself to be a trash-talking, cerebrally challenged, shockingly shameless, attention-grabbing political Barbie for whom no conspiracy theory is ever bonkers enough to reject. She claimed mass shootings like those at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut and Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, were “false flag” operations. She suggested the 9/11 attacks were part of a government conspiracy and that no plane hit the Pentagon. She said California wildfires might have been ignited by a space laser controlled by a Jewish cabal that included the Rothschild banking firm. She claimed Bill and Hillary Clinton murdered political rivals — including JFK Jr. in a plane crash. She has supported insane QAnon rabbit hole BS that top Democrats are involved in child sex-trafficking, Satan worship and cannibalism. And so — crazily — on. In fact, the full list of Taylor Greene’s stupefyingly cretinous comments and beliefs is so long, there literally isn’t enough room in this column to cite them all. Yet staggeringly, none of this has stopped her rise to one of the most influential voices in the Republican Party — and one of the most dangerous. This weekend saw the nadir of her nefarious antics as she led a campaign to stop America offering support to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, in urgent need of security assistance to defend themselves from the ruthless totalitarian regimes of Russia, Iran and China. It shouldn’t have been a difficult bill for Republicans to support. When three of America’s historical enemies are threatening freedom and democracy, the world’s No. 1 superpower has a moral duty, and obvious self-interest, to flex its financial and military might to help the targets defend themselves. If not, frankly, why claim to be the leader of the free world? And don’t give me all this disingenuous guff about how the US should forgo this duty to focus on the domestic chaos at the southern border. As many conservative commentators like Ben Shapiro have said, the nation can, and should, be perfectly capable of doing both things at the same time. Yet Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) seems intent on making America abrogate all responsibility for protecting freedom and democracy, and on doing the dictators’ dirty work for them. Especially with regard to the Ukraine war, during which Moscow Marjorie has become Vladimir Putin’s chief “useful idi*t.” The phrase is apt because it was another Vladimir, Soviet Union founder Lenin, who is thought to have first deployed the scornful phrase to describe naïve, easily manipulated Communist sympathizers in the West who spewed pro-Russian propaganda without comprehending the USSR’s malevolent intent. Lenin loved what these idi*ts did on his behalf but despised them at the same time for their treacherous stupidity. The current Vladimir will feel exactly the same way about the likes of Taylor Greene, whose Kremlin-pleasing rhetoric has made her the darling of Russian state media. Three weeks ago, she appeared on Steve Bannon’s “War Room” podcast and parroted Putin’s nonsense that Ukraine was waging a “war against Christianity” and Russia is “protecting the religion.” She even falsely claimed the Ukrainian government was executing priests. In fact, it’s Russia that’s been torturing, kidnapping and killing scores of Ukrainian religious leaders. And in a House Oversight Committee hearing last week, Taylor Greene repeated more Putin claptrap that Ukraine is overrun by Nazis — only to be corrected by eminent historian Timothy Snyder, who pointed out that no far-right party has ever won more than 3% support in Ukrainian elections, whereas the Russian army “includes openly Nazi formations” and “the government itself is fascist in character, and it is carrying out a war which includes deportation of children by the tens of thousands, the open intention of destroying a state, as well as mass torture.” Snyder concluded: “So if there is anyone who is sincerely concerned about halting fascism or racism, you would wish to halt Russia.” Taylor Greene is sadly too dumb or delusional to understand this, but fortunately, House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) isn’t, and got the $95 billion foreign aid bill passed on Saturday in a bipartisan deal with Democrats. He explained before allowing the crucial vote: “I believe that [Chinese President] Xi [Jinping] and Vladimir Putin and Iran really are an axis of evil. I think they are in coordination on this. I think that Vladimir Putin would continue to march through Europe. I am going to allow an opportunity for every single member of the House to vote their conscience and their will. I’m willing to take a personal risk for that, because we have to do the right thing. And history will judge us.” He’s right, and history will judge him so. But Taylor Greene’s predictable response was to demand he be fired. “Mike Johnson’s speakership is over,” she declared on Fox News on Sunday. “He needs to do the right thing to resign and allow us to move forward in a controlled process. If he doesn’t do so, he will be vacated.” And what was his crime, in her eyes? “He has betrayed America. He has betrayed Republican voters.” Hmmm. A recent survey by the American Action Network, the advocacy arm of the Congressional Leadership Forum, found that 56% of “traditional Republicans” favor aid to Ukraine. So Johnson has not betrayed Republican voters. And as for betraying America, he’s not the one being cheered on by Russian state media and Vladimir Putin. That’s Moscow Marjorie, the useful idi*t .
  11. However. Truman, Nixon, JFK, LBJ made America's win possible. In 1991, America won. Then, during the next 20 years, Clinton and Bush Jnr f*.ed up.
  12. I for one didn't think the demonrats were so bad back in the day. I was a Clinton supporter, and I thought that Obama was a good president for the first 3 years of his first term. Like most people, I thought of JFK as one of America's best presidents ever. Nowadays though, supporting the Dems is the exact same thing as being a pre-kristallnacht Nazi supporter. They're truly that awful, and on the exact same trajectory. To clarify, I only say "pre-kristallnacht" because the Dems haven't had their kristallnacht moment yet, so people who are still supporting them are doing it like the 1937 Germans were. I'd argue that supporting the Nazis before and after Kristallnacht were two different things. I can guarantee you that there are Dem supporters right now who know that they just have to look the other way or hold their nose sometimes, but they don't understand how bad things actually are. Sometimes when you're in the middle of a picture you don't see the broader view.
  13. We both know that there is NO EVIDENCE for ^this fantasy of yours. I know of two instances of ALLEGATIONS. 1. Chicago (by Mayor Daley) in JFK's election. 2. LBJ's district (by LBJ) in Texas for his election. I asked a Republican one time for EVIDENCE of #1 and all he could find was a lawsuit that was filed and LOST. In SHORT there is NO ACTUAL EVIDENCE for EITHER. What exactly is a "false investigation"? Failure to find evidence, or manufactured false evidence? I'm not aware of EITHER. AFAIK, No one has been convicted of ^this. You got an example of a CONVICTION? You mean disorderly conduct at a DEMONSTRATION? LMAO "They" meaning activist(s)? Or top Democratic politicians? Who was threatened with assassination by ANY Democratic OFFICIAL? NO Democrat has ever incited a RIOT and INVASION of the Capitol like Trump's.
  14. 1. Ok, some progress. 2. Yes they're all elites, but some more than others. Spending your whole adult life in politics is much different than literally growing up as a child at 24 Sussex and being the wealthy son of Canada's version of JFK and having Fidel Castro, the Aga Khan, and many other of the most powerful and well-connected people in the world as "family friends". Brian Mulroney's dad was a paper mill electrician, there's little comparison here besides the connections they both made while in politics. It's like comparing you and I to Prince Harry if we all ran for public office. How do you govern a country properly when you've never in your life experienced most of the problems of the average Canadian? Let them eat cake! 3. Which voters do you think share more values with Justin's Liberal Party. Young, urban, well-educated, fashionable and wealthy types that drive Tesla's and use Apple products for the social cred, or middle-aged plumbers who live in small towns? We can agree to disagree if you like. 4. Yes of course these are my opinions. Subjective opinions are typically supported by evidence and logic, and aren't objective facts. Marxism and wokeism and darwinism and E=MC2 are all just "theories" too, not sure what your point here is. And yes i'm comparing my opinions to Einstein's, jk.
  15. Pfft no liberal has ever fawned over a politician the way you conservatives always fawn over yours, even the biggest JFK/Obama/Trudeau fanbois cant top the way you Trumptards proclaim Trump to be a genius in all subjects and refuse to admit even his most obvious errors. You really believe he is an infallible saviour. Its hilarious, you sheeple have sucker written all over you. Conservatives have always had a psychological need to grovel and worship at the feet of a “Great Man” or messiah (I suspect childhood daddy issues). And just when everyone thought it couldn’t get any more absurd than when you proclaimed totally average underachiever George W Bush to be America’s greatest genius, you choose Trump as your new messiah, and you believe him to have supernatural abilities and character despite him showing every indication of below average abilities and very poor character. And now you can’t wait for your master’s promised dictatorship, it’s absolutely pathetic.
  16. Sadly the Democrat party has been overtaken by leftists. There are no more liberals who were the bulk of the Democrat party years ago. The Republican party these days looks more like the old liberals rather than conservatives. JFK would not be welcomed in the Democrat party these days and Ronald Reagan would upset the tummies of today's Republicans.
  17. Insider at the CIA says they are implicated in the remaining JFK documents being held back by the Biden Gov.

  18. Idlewild became JFK Malton became Pearson. Dorval became Trudeau. No doubt we'll name Ottawa's airport after Mulroney. In Quebec City, it is Lesage. And in Halifax, it is Stanfield. When Harper dies, YYC will become Harper International. ===== I've always liked New Orleans. Its airport is Louis Armstrong International. And in France, before the euro, France had Berlioz on its 10 franc note.
  19. every JFK speech was great but he did incite the Cuban Missile Crisis in the first place while he was escalating in Vietnam yet lying to the American people about it
  20. Are you backing those crazies who went to Dallas to see JFK Jr return from the dead? LMAO
  21. MAD did work in the Cuban Missile Crisis when Khrushchev looked into the depths of the hell he and JFK were about to unleash and he backed away, had his political teeth kicked in and he smiled. He sacrificed his pride and career so the rest of us could live because he knew that Kennedy was resolute. "We will not prematurely or unnecessarily risk the costs of worldwide nuclear war in which even the fruits of victory would be ashes in our mouth," President John F. Kennedy
  22. Despite this rant, you've still posted NO EVIDENCE that America bombed Cuba. We do know that the air support for the BoP invasion was cancelled. JFK denies U.S. planned Cuba invasion air cover It is ambiguous whether Cuban pilots flying CIA B-26s out of a Guatemalan air base bombed Castro's military air bases.
  23. Excuse me, but that kangaroo KKKourt trial in New York will be overturned on appeal. To bring your uneducated brain up to speed, only TWO presidents have ever worked that job for no pay. JFK and Trump. While politicians like Nazi Pelosi have used their political offices to get rich, Trump actually EARNED his billions before he was elected.
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