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Everything posted by CdnFox

  1. Well the fact is that if it were that simple the votes would be getting parked with the ndp. For traditional ndp supporters to go with the conservatives means that there's probably something that is attracting them. IF it's not personality then it's likely policy or at least the perception that the CPC understands their situation and is willing ot do something about it. back in harper's day I used the phrase frequently that "if you don't have a charismatic man you better have a charismatic plan". And I think that Poilievre kind of has a little bit of both going on. People either like him or they like what he's saying It is important in the sense that while everybody thinks that "People don't vote in governments they just vote them out" The evidence is crystal clear that that is not true as a rule. People need to believe in what they're going to at least a little bit. Otherwise they stay with the devil they know even if it's bad. If it were just a case of them hating trudeau then it might be possible for the conservative support to collapse very suddenly and with little prompting, kind of like what we saw with Aaron during the last election. However, it seems that people are buying into Poilievre either because they like what he thinks or they like him personally or both in some cases. That is much more resilient
  2. Of course not. I don't say anything nearly as stupid or hilarious as you. You threaten to post more of your ass porn as your argument and then complain that it's become irrational ? LOLOL Well ok there big guy
  3. Wow, crapping on a guy because he's adopted. And because his wife is foreign. How would you know, you're in quebec.
  4. You sure do seem to be 'mistaken' a lot tho. To borrow the phrase, "to mistake the first time looks like misfortune, to mistake a second time looks like carelessness"
  5. Well you're not telling the truth here at some point. If you are making modifications to the strata corporations electrical grid without advising them or getting permission you're breaking the law. It's that simple. If you're trying to tell me that you live in a strata Corporation but have independent electrical provisioning that doesn't have anything to do with the strata property then I would have to say that is so unlikely that I would be tempted to say you are being misleading. At the absolute very least you are like the only one in Canada. Strata corporations control and own the common infrastructure which includes the electrical. It is absolutely not possible to lawfully upgrade the strata corporations infrastructure without the permission of the strata Corporation. Your replies are becoming more and more questionable as we go. It's obvious that you are prepared to be dishonest to support your position. You can't have a type charger in your garage just by buying one on amazon. You can't modify a strata corporation's infrastructure without their permission. So seeing as you were dishonest about that it makes me wonder what else you were dishonest about with regards to your experiences with the vehicles. The technology isn't there, and very clearly those who are in love with the idea are prepared to be dishonest in order to try and sell the concepts to others. A niche market exists where it's a good idea but until the technology improves it is not going to replace ice
  6. Australia, whom you insist we should mimic, uses the westminster system. You're not exactly making yourself look knowledgeable at this point. So here's what it's looking like to me. You have absolutely no education or understanding of this political systems involved or how they work. But somehow somewhere you read that other places have fewer representatives per person and you got it in your head that means we're paying for too many. And now that someone has questioned why you believe that you're not able to give a good answer because your original thought wasn't founded on anything but repeating something you heard somewhere else. Look, lots of people make that mistake. But if you're going to be taken seriously by people who actually think you're going to need to be able to defend your positions a little better than that. One MP for every approximately 100,000 people has worked very well for us for a long time. If you can't explain why it would work just as well with one for every 200,000 then there's no reason to change it. And yes, democracy costs money. If you want cheap you have to go with a dictatorship
  7. I call that you're clearly illiterate. SHOW ME WHERE YOU ANSWER THE SIMPLE QUESTION "WHY SHOULD WE HAVE LESS". Anywhere. The fact other people have less means nothing. Australia and the us could easily say they should have MORE. Make your argument or admit you're a loser who can't think his way out of a paper bag. You can't just say "cause austrailia!!!!" and call that an argument. Why is ours too many and why isn't theirs too few.
  8. I don't think that the democrats or their supporters honestly believe they're going to be able to keep trump out of an election by locking him up. I believe that the legal issues are designed to partially discredit him in the eyes of the public as being some sort of criminal while at the same time draining his pocketbook to weaken his ability to conduct an election I think actually putting a candidate in jail for anything more than a few symbolic days is probably outrageously unlikely. I think we can probably count trump in as the candidate with a great deal of certainty. Biden on the other hand... I am sure that they are having a lot of internal discussions about this. And the fact that they proposed a debate date that is before his nomination by 2 months has me wondering if perhaps they're going to see how well he does And if he can't hold it together during the debate they'll go with an emergency backup
  9. True. 2 years later and you're still wrong
  10. as much as I really don't think that the FBI did anything horrendously wrong during the execution of this search warrant, even I have to admit you've got a point. As Hewart said, it's not enough for justice to be done, it must be seen to be done. In other words even if the FBI wants to CLAIM it was in the right, because of their past issues it doesn't look that way and that creates trust issues in the public. It really should be some other branch. Plus they screwed up the evidence chain anyway so.... Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? That problem has been around for a while too.
  11. weekly? That was your claim. And still can't really seem to explain why you brought up vandalism can you As much as you tried to blow this off as 'no big deal' suggesting it happens all the time, we both know that's an utter fail of an argument and this is a big deal. Maybe tell your buddies that shooting up schools is over a line.
  12. That's pretty much true all the time as it turns out But i'm glad to see you being more self aware. Sure, i laugh about you quite a bit Something reminds me of something stupid you did or said and I laugh just like something reminds me of something Jerry said and i laugh We were talking about cockwombles, you fit the definition perfectly, so of COURSE your name is going to come up.
  13. ROFLMAO !!!!! Only you would think that posting ass porn from your own collection and pretending it's me somehow would win an argument LOLOL Again, disagree with you and a person is a liberal.... you are falling further and further down that 1diot hole again. LOL Seinfeild? Jerry Seinfeild is an american, so he's a dem or republican. They don't have a 'liberal' party in the states And if you disagree he was funny that's fine but a lot of people disagree with you, it's not that uncommon a position LOL - we've talked about the dangers of drinking cough syrup first thing in the morning haven't we? Says the guy who's trying to win the discussion with ass porn What is it with you and 'holes' anyway?
  14. that is a childish argument that has absolutely no merit. I've never been raped but I know that it's wrong. I've never murdered anyone but I know that murder is wrong. I will never be a slave but i know slavery is wrong, The idea that somehow you only get a say or can only tell if something is right or wrong if that has happened to you is insane. It's a cheap and cheezy argument based on feelings rather than logic or reason and it's used by those who can't make an intelligent argument to hide that fact behind moral outrage. Of course a man can say whether or not it's wrong to kill a baby. And having a uterus has absolutely nothing to do with determining when it goes from being a fetus to a person. This is just your way of saying "I can't make a sensible argument therefore I'll go with Muh Feels"
  15. But they often are and you can meet with them. If you double the number of people that becomes harder This 2024 election is like most - months before, a critical change. And if you double or triple the number of people emailing then they are not going to get back that fast are they Funny story, I've had two MPS offices call me in the last 3 weeks to discuss issues that local constituents needed some help with. They walked into their office and I got a call. That doesn't happen if you triple the number of people. Personally i've met with my mps (different mps when i lived in different places) regarding issues of concern and also volunteered for their election campaigns and worked on policy committees. My mp's knew me and would have been able to pick me out on the street and if i had issues i could talk to them. Frankly lots and lots of people talk to their mp's and get to know them like that and give input into how they feel on a wide number of issues. So once again you'll have to explain why we should water that down and why it's to our advantage to do so.
  16. I guess you don't read period. The numbers are not there. Other people are doing different things, that does not answer the question of why we should or what number would be appropriate for us. It's not a question of if we could do it, the question is why would we? I'm sure you're at least old enough to have heard your mother say"If all your friends jumped off a cliff would you?" I've explained why we're different, and why the number we have seems to work well. You'll have to make a case for a different number and explain your thinking. This isn't terribly complicated. Either you can make an argument for your case or you cannot and your case is bullshit.
  17. You know i'm canadian. Or is your short term memory issues acting up on you again I swear sometimes you have the attention span of a goldfish. Every election's a change, and they're all critical. Elections matter. Often the people involved try to suggest that whichever one is the next one is the MOST CRITICAL SUPER IMPORANT ONE EVER IN THE HISTORY OF EVER!!!!! And that's silly as a rule. But - they are important, they do bring about critical change and that is a fact.
  18. That german experience may have more to do with a lack of insane tax rates than competition 🙂 I do prefer to see competition. But at the end of the day if you actually care about the price of beer that much you should just make your own
  19. I think it will undoubtedly change things, but I don't think it will be the end of change. Elections matter, and this one will matter. America right now is at a time of civil unrest in upheaval and this will knock that in one direction or another. But I don't think the world is going to end if that's what you mean
  20. Pretty much. If Palestine laid down its weapons and committed to peace they would shortly have their own nation and it wouldn't be long before they began to significantly prosper If Israel laid down his weapons and committed to peace they would shortly all be dead.
  21. To say that with absolute certainty you would have to be able to demonstrate it. So far nobody has been able to demonstrate it and I doubt you can either. Again, the fact that something looks suspicious isn't proof. It is entirely possible that biden cheated and trump shouldn't have lost. I cannot prove that that is not true. But nor can it be proved that is true. Don't sully your argument With falsities. That's what the dems do and it hasn't been working well for them. You can say it's believable to you that Biden lost and cheated. You can legitimately say that there is not enough evidence to show that he didn't with certainty. You can point out that it would have been relatively easy to do and you can note that it could have been done so undetected But you can't say that it is proven. If that were the case trump would have been in court with it long ago.
  22. Get back to me when she can do all of that without sperm. You are literally arguing that a man has no emotional stake in his child, no physical stake in his child and should have no say in his child. Yet I'm certain you will argue that he should have fiscal responsibility Imagine if you were the kind of person who legitimately thought that abortion was murder. Then find out that a woman did that against your will without consultation to your child and you had no rights. How would that feel? You would legitimately believe your child had been murdered by someone else and there's nothing you could do. But I guess in your books men are scum and don't care for their children anyway so what the heck
  23. Aside from the fact that that doesn't actually make sense as a statement, regardless of your feelings of losing Landers now there's no telling that the newfoundlanders 20 years from now will be the same type of people. What makes something sustainable is its ability to generate commerce. If there's work and there's activity then one way or another it will survive. Given the collapse of the fish stock, they are on fairly shaky ground. I doubt they would be doing very well if it wasn't the fact that Canada is here to kind of keep them afloat. Having said that they do have oil. And they might make it go of it there for a while
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