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Everything posted by CdnFox

  1. So not a chinese history month. Just sort of asians and Hawaiians all in one That would be like lumping all black and brown people's into one month. So why no chinese history month? Chinese specifically are a distinct racial group and ethnic group, why not them? Looks like you failed again I've already gone over that. if you're struggling with your reading again maybe get a grade 5 student to help you out. Says the racist. And no, sorry, that's not the reason. Sorry kiddo - they are the left. And the tactics haven't changed much, even if the billboards have. You're STILL weaponizing racial divisions to win votes. Oh, so you were just being a racists and a liar. Gotcha. ummm - no. No, if it put them on a victimization hierarchy as you claim then it would show my framing was perfectly correct You literally just agreed with me and effed it up in the end Joe biden? Is that you?!?! ROFLMAO!!!! It's hard to imagine how you manage to get your pants on in the morning without help LOL sigh! Annnyway... to get back to it, yes pointing out the jews were horribly repressed sets them up as a victimized group. And in fact that DOES come up pretty frequently. I mean the whole thing with the need for an independent jewish nation is largely predicated on that. We are (formerly) very sensitive to anti semitic activities in north america for that reason. But interestingly the left doesn't recognize their place on the 'hierarchy'. The left is pretty antisemitic these says.
  2. Sure it is. It's a spring board for "and therefore they are still victims today and therefore more/less victimized according to this list'. That's exactly what it's about. That's what the left's whole game is these days, the 'intersectional hierarchy' of victimization.
  3. If we're being fair it IS a bit of a toss up.... Dementia.... Kamala. Dementia.... Kamala. I mean there's not exactly a lot of daylight between those if you know what i mean.
  4. And fair enough but they didn't go with a plea deal to avoid criminal charges because they did nothing wrong
  5. So nothing useful to add? Just lashing out in frustration? Your stupidity causing sudden onset teretes again? That's canada stupid. We were discussing the US. Do i need to buy you a map? You can't even get the country right. FFS how dumb are you? It's pretty easy. And sorry big buy but 'emotional slavery' and 'psychological slavery' (same thing) has been extensively written about. Basically it's similar to Stockholm situation. It refers to making a person or group feel isolated, threatened, vunerable and such and often involves doing small acts of kindness to those people. This creates an emotional dependency and often breeds loyalty and dependence on the oppressor. People like you in the states want to keep black people feeling separate, vunerable, fearful, angry and then suggest that YOUR side really likes them and they' better be loyal for their own protection. In the end the left has always been the more racist group, and that continues into today. Want proof? How's this : LOL well i guess that's one way to admit you're a racist publicly So if there's no white culture and there is a black culture wouldn't that mean all culture in the US is black culture? So what would we need a black culture month for? If you're going to lie, at least make it plausible
  6. I think if you read your post again you'll note there is definitely a very bitter sounding tone to it LOL Well I'd say we can put the 'bitter' part to bed now. I've heard both sides of that argument, and if you feel something was done inappropriately to bring about something you opposed then sure, you're going to hold resentment. And that's fine. But it does mean you'll have some bias when looking at the situation. There were many good reasons to leave, there were good arguments to stay. The fact you reached a decision leaning one way doesn't mean that the other opinions are invalid or that everyone else is 'stupid/criminal. Like i said in the long run they may well look back and say it was the best move. Europe's problems are moving many countries to the right and that trend may well continue - not everyone's happy with life in the EU right now.
  7. Well this is the thing. This slide gets worse, not better. Even if he won the election, within a year this would have progressed even further. It woudln't be possible for him to do the job. They might as well let Kamala run now because that's who the americans will get if biden wins anyway
  8. Joe has almost no chance at this point. And people are watching the clips on youtube constantly to see what everyone is talking about. And he keeps making gaffes and screwing up. There's no putting that genie back in the bottle. People were very concerned about his age already. And the media is out there saying how it's not their fault they've been saying he's fine, they were lied to by the dems. And the dems are out there saying it's not their fault because they were lied to by the family. And the family is blaming everyone else. And the donors and the other dems are freaking. There's no chance the FBI will come out and claim this is just russian disinformation. It's over for joe. It's probably over for kamala too if she tries becuase the dem credibility has taken such a hit. But we'll see what they do.
  9. Awwww little guy - sometimes it seems like that stick up your ass has a stick up it's ass. Discussions are ongoing but discussions are not a resolution. You're proposed nothing useful. In the end if the dems want him gone they're going to have to bribe him with lots of money. Offer to start a charity or something and put 100 million into it and they can make a million a year each (his family) administering it. There's no chance he'll step down for the 'good of the country', so they need to put up OR accept the L and put all their money and effort into saving the down ballot people. It's about him at this point. It happened because bernie sanders was going to win the nomination in 2020 and they couldn't have an actual communist go up against trump and they didn't have any other good candidates to put in. And then it continued to happen because democrats and the media conspired to lie and hide the fact that an 80 year old man was unfortunately diminished by an illness and decided to prop him up. The dems lies have come back to bite them in the ass horribly and now they're going to lose the election. They probably would have anyway but they had a much better chance of turning it around before joe proved to the world that he's not all there.
  10. Knight to bishop, CHECKMATE!!! You know you always sound like you're off your meds at the best of times, but when you get angry you sound like your meds are off their meds.
  11. what @eyeball doesn't understand is that while conservatives are proud of their beliefs, they don't define themselves by their political party or affiliation. We are who we are, and therefore we tend to be conservative in our views. We're proud of who we are more than our political leanings. Who we are defines our politics, our politics don't define who we are. Eyeball and those on the left however have a bad habit of letting their ideology define them. " I am on the left there fore i believe xxxx and i behave xxxx". So they're not proud of themselves as individuals as much as they're proud of the ideology or political view's they've committed to. That's why they tend to hate others who disagree with their beliefs. It muss seem very odd to them that conservatives don't think like that.
  12. Well apparently he's still fairly lucid between 10 and 4:00, so as long as we can get america's enemies to sign on that they promise not to attack outside of those hours who should be okay. More or less.
  13. we're not sure - we know they paid out many millions but the details were sealed as part of the bargaining. They paid a LOT for lying, if that's any help You really didn't think too much about that first did you?
  14. Ow? Did you accidentally hit your 'sad sack' there or something? You do tend to talk to yourself quite a bit Well i suppose what you do in the privacy of your own home is your own business. Or your mom's home as the case may be.
  15. you're conflating two issues i think - the plan to leave and the plan after they left So basically you're a somewhat bitter Remainer with strong bias. Nothing wrong with that of course but lets not pretend there was no "other side" to the debate either. I suspect in the long run Britian will look back on it as the correct move. Anything's possible. Regardless of being part of it or not obviously good trade with the EU is important.
  16. Apperently Robo doesn't know what negligence is and the banks say they weren't defrauded.
  17. ummm - that doesn't actually say anywhere that kelly heard him say it. It doesn't even say the people they don't mention heard it. It says people with first hand knowledge of the discussions that day. Soooo there you go. Nobody actually admits to having heard him say it.
  18. He said trump promised bloodbaths in the street if he lost, Trump never said anything like that. He said it'll be a bloodbath for the automotive industry if biden wins. That's just the start of it, Biden has a long long long history of telling absolute whoppers.
  19. And still thinks he's mentally competent and "just had a cold". And still thinks he can win.
  20. You don't t think he's canadian? I suppose you may be right, i can't think of anything very 'canadian' he's really talked about.
  21. Boy - you sure proved you're not one of the 7 year olds with THAT post. Well done And you owe me a new irony meter - mine just blew up.
  22. Sure you do. But - you have to have a solid plan. And they didn't deal with that as well as they could have. no biggie- never too late to get it right.
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