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Everything posted by CdnFox

  1. LOL - talking to your mirror again i see Very left wing of you to accuse others of your own misdeeds Well you're half right. it's not complicated. What I "pretend" it means is - Around 50% of the increase in inflation observed since the end of 2019 can be ascribed to global or foreign factors. These include US inflation, commodity prices and movements in the exchange rate. What you pretend it means is "EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS IS COMPLETELY GLOBAL - 50% actually means 100% DERP!!!!!! It's just that simple. Only 50 percent of the inflation at that point which was about mid 2022's data was due to exterior global factors outside of canada. 50 percent. Half. Thats it. No more, no matter how you try desperately to twist the meaning of plain english. Half. That's it. No WONDER liberals can never hit their budget - if you're any example they can't even master what 50 percent means LOL And nowadays it's much closer to 100 percent. The inflation/interest problems we have are a result of trudeau's spending, tax and immigration policies.
  2. You've got that backwards. THey're going to dump the carbon tax, and that's money they were already taking away from us. The gov't gets money from taxes, when it "gives" you money, it's just a refund. I have no doubt they'll stop some of the wasteful spending that we see which means even less of my money needs to be taken. But - doesn't that make you happy? You're always going on about how we shouldn't have money anymore and here the gov't is getting rid of theirs so you should be pleased Why would they? We need the rich. Why would you drive away the rich? You don't get jobs from poor people.
  3. He forgot what he was saying at an appearance just the other day. He has good days and bad days. But more bad than good. THe guy is old and somewhat dottering, that's just the way it is. He won last time because he could stay in his basement and hide thanks to covid and you can make that work when you're the challenger. You want all the focus on the incumbent and to berate his track record. But - when YOU are the incumbent that doesn't work as well.
  4. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/rachel-notley-announces-intention-to-step-down-as-alberta-ndp-leader-1.7085037 Well honestly that last election did NOT go well. She had every advantage and could not pull off a win. Plus her face looks like a dried apple, and while that shouldnt' matter it does. It'll be interesting to see if they can attract some real talent or if nobody worth it is going to bother.
  5. No - that would be if you accused me of it. I'm just pointing out the reasons for your unfounded accusations of others. I guess you could say THEY'RE rubber and you're glue if somehow that'll let you sleep tonight.
  6. I have little doubt you fantasize a lot about little girls in pigtails but sorry. Can't help you there. Try a therapist. That's how you'd behave so you believe everyone else does too. IF there is political will to do a thing - the thing can be done. Sure - but they can still have a say in whether or not it's allowed. There are mechanisms. Well of COURSE it has But - that's the people you really need to hold accountable. The ndp recently supported trudeau's promise, even commissioned reports, and then kind of backed off and changed their tune about the time justin did. The thing is the libs hold on to power at all costs. The CPC doesn't as we saw under harper who left more and more up to the provinces on many issues. the first nations are divided so that's everyone else's fault. If THEY believe that then they're not divided they're stupid.
  7. IF he was unimpeachable after he left office and you can't impeach someone after they left then if the proceedings hadn't started before he left office it would not be legally possible to continue. And in fact that was brought up. And they decided you could impeach after someone left office. I mean think about it - if the house had voted to then they'd still have to go to the senate, which is a seperate process and would have started LONG after he left. Take a look: https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/LSB/LSB10565 "it appears that most scholars who have closely examined the question have concluded that Congress has authority to extend the impeachment process to officials who are no longer in office. As an initial matter, a number of scholars have argued that the delegates at the Constitutional Convention appeared to accept that former officials may be impeached for conduct that occurred while in office. This understanding also tracks with certain state constitutions predating the Constitution, which allowed for impeachments of officials after they left office. It also accords with the British impeachment of Warren Hastings two years after his resignation as the governor-general of Bengal." That's from the congressional research service. It would seem that there's a great deal of evidence to support the idea that a president CAN be impeached at a later time after they've left office.
  8. Hogwash. J6 didn't try anything of the sort. There was no possible way they could do that and they were clearly aware. The power of the nation was never in any danger in the slightest. They were making what they believed was a strong political point. And blm was not just 'attacking police'. They took over gov't buildings, they threatened gov't people, etc etc. They even took over a hunk of a city. Trying to pretend that both weren't doing teh same thing - trying to force their own political ideology on others by force and violence - is simply hypocrisy. They are the same thing. Both are terribly wrong - neither are 'insurrection' - and you can't call one 'mostly peaceful' and condemn the other as violent insurrection. That kind of hypocrisy is what divides people and ruins nations,
  9. Dude - from your own cite: began on February 9, 2021, Trump was no longer president then. On January 20, 2021, Biden was sworn in by U.S. Chief Justice John Roberts as the 46th president of the United States, It was not BEFORE he left office - it was AFTER he left office. And yes they had that talk but it was decided that he COULD be impeached after he left office. I don't mind you correcting me if i'm wrong but why post a cite that proves i'm right?
  10. Well get out there and get it done then. Start tomorrow. I'll take two. If that's the solution why aren't you out there building them without getting paid? Get to it - why are you being part of the problem?
  11. dude. He literally changed the law. this is absolutely 100 percent of his making. This is a federal law as well so if he doesn''t fix it nobody can. It is beyond childish to say that he's not responsible for a thing which is his direct and exclusive responsibility.
  12. Why not, i hear it's lovely. No, you can't. That would ignore the honest answer i gave and instead substitute an answer i didn't give that fits YOUR preconceived notions. I'm not here to prop up your echo chamber notions That's literally my answer I don't really care so i don't know. Why wouldn't they? I'm not all that invested in Israel. I get that you've "Taken a side" so you think everyone else is deeply emotionally invested. That's not the case. THe only reason i care about this at all is that i believe that scumbags and thier supporters who make unprovoked unannounced war on their neighbours by deliberately targeting women and children and driving nails into their private parts and burniing them alive should be fought until they surrender or die as a warning to other nutbars not to do the same. If that doesn't happen - how long till they get the idea that they shoudl do it in our country? Look at the protests arlready and how out of hand they are. Let them surrender and let the israelis crush them under their heels. And there might be a few others in the area who need the same treatment if they keep this up.
  13. https://www.pm.gc.ca/en/news/news-releases/2024/01/16/prime-minister-hold-cabinet-retreat-focus-continuing-support-middle Ohhhh here we go. They just had one in the fall last year. And to address the same issues exactly. It was reported at the time there was much rumbling but he calmed them down.... i suspect that the rumbling is now a roar. They gave him a chance to turn things around and it got worse. I bet good money they're going to be calling for his head this time. Will he finally cave and step down? This is really the last chance - they are very quickly running out of time to have a leadership race and put a new person in. I really want justin to face justice next election. But i'm about 80 percent convinced that this is going to be the end for him unless he can do some very fast talking and give the libs SOME reason to believe he can turn the ship around. The ONLY thing he's got in his favour is 'If not him then who?"
  14. Yes but in the REAL world and not your fantasy world the terrorists are hamas. And many countries have declared them so, while nobody has declared israel terrorists. You can delude yourself of course but you can't expect anyone else to take it seriously.
  15. Nonsense. where does it say that? Trump's second impeachment began AFTER he was president. So that right there should tip you off that you were wrong. If you can't impeach someone after they're president how did they make that work with trump?
  16. Nope - tried that before it failed. Its useless. We CAN fix it tho - hamas can surrender tomorrow and accept punishment for what they did, and in an instant no more civvies need to die and much needed supplies will flood into the area. That's pretty simple. IF they don't - then fight them till they're destroyed. Unfortunately as they hide behind the people that's going to rack up a pretty serious casualty count. If they care about that they'll surrender Pretty sure i did at one point, but the short answer is I don't really care. Separate issue. If the west bank (and or gaza) wants them to NOT do that then come to the table without hamas and hash out a two state solution. Isreal was fully into those discussions till the Palestinian authority got in bed with Hamas, who's stated aim is the destruction of israel. Most of the world would get behind them if they got serious, committed to peace and denounced any terrorist groups and forbade them to operate in their territories. They'd have their own state in very little time. They chose to go a different path so this is what they get. Some people deserve their struggles. Maybe after this they'll decide it's time for real change and get serious about peace. The ones who are left anyway,.
  17. ALMOST!?!?! AAAALLL MOOOOST?!?!!? Why do you hate the planet? There used to be a british saying in ww2 - "second best tomorrow". Meaning it's smarter to go with a second best solution tomorrow before the invasion rather than wait for a perfect solution after its too late. The environmentalists do NOT see the world that way. "almost" is simply not acceptable. They'd rather burn in the firey hell of climate change than go with your ALMOST perfect solution. Now shut up and go plant a tree.
  18. LOL - only you would think that the plain meaning of english requires any mental effort. Just because YOU have to work at figuring out what words mean doesn't mean any one else does LOL - well you're half right. I say it says Around 50% of the increase in inflation observed since the end of 2019 can be ascribed to global or foreign factors. You seem to feel that those words actually say "justin trudeau innocent - had nothing to do with it! You bad man critisize justin!! I spray hairspray on you - you go away!!!!" LOLOL and sorry - if it's not an external influence then it's an internal one. That's how 'internal' and 'external work i'm sure justin appreciates your desperate efforts to spin it. Justin was responsible for at least half the inflation increases at the start, and it's climbed since then. His immigration policy and his spending and his taxes now represent most of our inflation/interest issues. If he cut spending by a few percent and cut immigraiton we'd have zero issue. Sorry - but 50 percent adds up to 50 percent no matter how many times you try to add it up differently It's plain english .
  19. They reset the counter at 3 as near as i can tell.
  20. Yeah - mostly bullshit. If you want to pull the salmon farms then when PP gets in talk to the mp's and talk to the Province. If the province indicates it's something they want to see then there's a pretty good chance the CPC will back it.
  21. Well that must be the 'special stupid' i've heard about. When there's a war on you put your civillians somewhere safe. What kind of !diot would suggest NOT moving the civilians out of harms way so your soldiers could fight without harming them? Here's the difference between hamas and anyone else:
  22. Sure, for the licenses and such but the provincial gov't still has a big say in them and moving them out of the sea. From a CPC perspective, if the province wants to do it then they should be supported, if the province doesn't want to then that should be up to them. Bc already consults a great deal with the feds on the issue. The more provinces have power over their own issues the less we see divisions and seperatist sentiment. If the provinces want open water fish farming then there you go, if they don't then there you go. Support their choice.
  23. Crap. I've melted your brain again. No drooling pls. It would be easier if you had an intellect that was larger than an aging tree sloth and could understand basic english, but here we are Kid - this was easy to begin with. There was nothing complicated - 50 percent foreign, 35 percent internal but relfecting world issues, 15 percent purely domestic. Trudeau is responsible for the inflation - the OP article says so, all the banks by this point have said so, maklin has strongly suggested it, economists everywhere agree..... The hold out here is you. You're so desperate to defend trudeau that you've become delusional in your fevered efforts. If trudeau spent less and brought in fewer immigrants we'd have no inflation/interest problems. These are federal responsibilities. You're mad because trudeau is being held to account for his own responsibilities.
  24. There is no reason to keep a system of food if its' a problem There is no reason to worry about air if it's a problem. I tell you what - if you think money is such a problem you give up all yours and let us know how it works for you.
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