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  1. Dayton shooter Connor Betts may be antifa’s first mass killer https://nypost.com/2019/08/06/dayton-shooter-may-be-antifas-first-mass-killer/
    2 points
  2. That inconveniently doesn't fit the narrative as the steady drumbeat of racism and white supremacy charges increase which is more than likely angering moderate people as the rhetoric of the left aided by the MSM, continues unabated, which could lead to violence. It is the unfettered hyperbole and rhetoric of the left that is causing people to shift further to the right in retaliation. White supremacists are a small group but could grow if the race baiters continue spewing B.S. and labelling everything they disagree with as `racist` when it is not. It is this that is undermining society, along with IMO the decline of the family unit, morals, lack of fathers in many households while sex, violence and drugs are glorified. Take the story yesterday when the leftists did not approve of the New York Times accurate, non partisan front page headline so protested and tweeted up such a storm that the Times actually took their unofficial marching orders and changed it to something more satisfying to the left. This is the second headline, first one said Trump Urges Unity not Hate... can't have that now, the pic is too big but I'm unable to delete it.
    2 points
  3. But you can't prove it, apparently. So who is making baseless claims here?
    2 points
  4. Today young people are brought up in the world of the internet, and many think of it as some kind of blessed oracle. Just ask a question of the Googler, he will tell you everything. In fact, much more than you want to know. And yet I learned so much more in my childhood than my kids did. My kids didn't go outside as much as I did. They didn't go skating. They didn't hang out and play tag all day with other kids. They don't know how to tie a fishing knot, nor will they likely ever need to. Their main portal to reality is the web browser, and for that I pity them. We unleashed the internet, a total revolution without considering the social impact it would have on us. We need to put the genie back in the bottle.
    1 point
  5. No, that's the American doctrine, when in the House of Windsor, as I already said, I resist Her Majesties enemies and defend the Queen's Peace. I am landed gentry, a privileged elite, Her Majesty defends the right and I defend Her Majesty.
    1 point
  6. Canada is in the position of any small country outside the EU these days. It’s at the mercy of the great powers. Scheer would be in the same spot. The one thing we could have done is let Meng escape. Now we’re stuck in the middle of this mess getting no thanks from the Yanks either.
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. The author here, Angelo M. Codevilla is an Italian-US professor emeritus of international relations at what is now the Pardee School of Global Studies at BostonUniversity. He sums it up pretty well here https://amgreatness.com/2019/08/06/igniting-civil-war/ excerpted: The story of the contemporary American Left’s sponsorship of hate and violence begins around 1964, when the Democratic Party chose to abandon the Southern constituencies that had been its mainstay since the time of Jefferson and Jackson. In less than a decade, the party found itself increasingly dependent on gaining super-majorities among blacks, upscale liberals, and constituencies of resentment in general—and hence on stoking their hate. For the past half century, America’s political history has been driven by the Democratic Party’s effort to fire up these constituencies by denigrating the rest of America. As elements of cynical calculation melded into self-images of righteous entitlement to rule inferiors, the boundaries between the party and the constituencies’ most radical parts have eroded.
    1 point
  9. Infringing on the second and fourth amendments are exactly what the PATRIOT ACT and the NDAA did. I think parts of them are still in place but mostly have expired by now. It also seems that a lot of these new mass shooters in the US have legally obtained their weapons.
    1 point
  10. You should check out the PATRIOT ACT (Bush Jr ) and the NDAA (Obama) if you want to talk about unconstitutional laws.
    1 point
  11. It's not on me to prove an assertion that you have made. Read the site guidelines.
    1 point
  12. Do you know what a cite is ?
    1 point
  13. It is not our intention to ask permission to the British. We will rather ask the internation opinion to recognize our existence as a nation state. That is stronger than any other british crown rules or past agreement about the conquered territory where the force was used.
    1 point
  14. We'll never know, because the laws have been different for so long, but we're culturally very similar. No developed country on Earth has the gun problems the US has. Yes the gun doesn't do the killing, the person does it. But some guns are made for killing lots of people. I don't see a logical reason to own a weapon like that.
    1 point
  15. I didn't say number, I said type. These types of incidents are most certainly on the rise. And the ones where they use military style weapons are the ones that have the largest casualties. What type of culture? Gun Culture? White people being afraid brown people are going to replace them? White guys not being able to get laid culture?
    1 point
  16. It doesn't really matter to me. I live in a very safe part of Canada and don't fear gun violence ever. I think logic would states that the level of gun violence in the US is a direct result of the guns available to them. If you don't I'd like to ask what's causing it then. It's certainly not because of Video games and lack of prayer in schools. Some people are fine with that, many aren't.
    1 point
  17. Some government action needs to happen as much as I am against it. We have a technocracy where these tech giants are having more of an impact on our lives than the Government. And the government is one of the problems where it cannot afford to adapt much of the new tech to understand the impact it would have. And when they do implement new things without thorough testing. Canada's Phoenix pay system is a good example of that. Let's hope that critical systems of a nuclear power plant are isolated. Stuxnet might have been one of the earliest versions of ransomware. https://www.fortinet.com/blog/threat-research/lockergoga-ransomeware-targeting-critical-infrastructure.html Couple this with social engineering to find a possible insider to compromise. There are many different methods to take certain systems down now. And much of that can be done remotely. There is a reason I have an issue with much of this smart home technology. It faces the same risks. And when some of these devices depend on external services they will be unusable when those supporting systems go down. We've become super dependent of a lot of this new tech. https://www.nature.com/articles/srep44499 This article seems to argue for more interdependence between systems, but I see that as a flaw overall. The article touches on weather events, cyber terrorism, and power spikes. But still seem to point to the notion that there is a large risk of a cascade event. https://phys.org/news/2018-05-failures-power-grids-dynamically-cascades.html Again, power grid. https://www.technologyreview.com/s/423907/failure-cascading-through-the-cloud/ Now this is back in 2011. Systems are more robust making cloud technology quite reliable these days. But outage events happen all the time. I use many cloud systems for IT administration and some of them are connected or dependent on each other. If one system is down, then others can be affected. It's the reason you can't log in at that time, your transaction cannot be completed, your hotel booking got cancelled or changed. I guess the most vulnerable systems physically and technologically is the power grid. And if you take that down, everything else comes to a stop eventually. So there are many entry points that can cause one of these failures. Many corps are simply not up to date with tech that will help protect themselves and only upgrade when something major happens. There are a few that will be on top of that as much as they can, but the technology is advancing at an amazing rate and it's expensive to keep up. .. Let's go with a cyber attack on Walmart and it's supply chain getting taken down by some ransomware or computer glitch. Let's say it takes 1 week for them to resolve it. What kind of impact does that really have? Everything from suppliers not being able to move/sell their stuff. Walmart warehouses and stores can't take orders and/or make deliveries. How many suppliers globally does Walmart have? The bigger the company the bigger the bigger risk of one of these events.
    1 point
  18. I find that these shootings have done nothing more than increase the political divide to greater extremes. Political discourse today is just a bunch of outraged people talking at each other, making baseless accusations at every opportunity. The victim's bodies were not even cold yet before the political accusations started flying. Does anyone else see how repugnant this situation is becoming, or am I the only one?
    1 point
  19. While I have parleyed to become much wealthier since, all the kudos go to my American grandfather and father. I received a sizable inheritance from their combined estates. Also, kudos to President George W. Bush and the GOP for repealing the inheritance tax. Also, kudos to my wife for getting me to leave the army and start investing for the future in which she would be my wife. And kudos to the Lord, because for some reason I won the life lottery, praise the God of the Hebrews.
    1 point
  20. Trudeau just wasted $4B taxpayer money unless the "pipeline" magically gets built, in spite of his own anti-pipeline stance and legislation. Trudeau scared away over $130 billion in Alberta since he was elected, shut down coal-fired electricity in Alberta, and yet bent his weaselly back to save jobs in Quebec. He has said and done more for terrorists than Albertans since he was elected. To say that Albertans hate Trudeau is an understatement. If Trudeau gets re-elected I hope Alberta does leave Canada. I'll go back there. Quebec will suddenly lose $10B/year in transfer payments, then maybe they'll leave too.
    1 point
  21. I can't speak for Chi but I have a friend who's a cop in Toronto. They used to "card" people, based on reports that were sent in by civilians, but the policy was deemed to be one of police racism, so it was banned. Basically if you saw some thugs standing around your back alley, or if you had a business and they were loitering around the front driving away business, you could call the cops and they'd come and id them, ask them some basic questions, file it in a report. Now the police can't do much without witnessing an actual crime themselves or getting a report of an actual crime. Criminals hate carding, period. When the police have the right to get your information from you, and they have the right to frisk you if you're not complying with lawful questioning, it means that criminals lose some of their anonymity and it's more dangerous for them to carry concealed weapons. Policing is more dangerous now, criminals are more emboldened to carry guns, and gun violence is - not surprisingly - up. https://toronto.citynews.ca/2018/06/28/carding-ban-has-led-to-spike-in-violence-peel-police-chief So people need to choose: Do people hate carding and other "stop and frisk" programs which have been proven effective against gun-related homicides, or do they hate the fact that kids are being murdered? Most of the dead kids in Chicago are black ( https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/breaking/ct-chicago-homicides-data-tracker-htmlstory.html ), 281 compared to 34 whites, so there are about 9x as many blacks killed in Chicago. Almost all of the violence against black people comes from other black people. Only about 72 blacks were killed by police in the last SIX years, so about 12 per year, but if you listen to the news they do all the killing of black people. https://www.chicagotribune.com/investigations/ct-chicago-police-shooting-database-met-20160826-story.html Somehow the majority of people want kids to be able to carry guns around without risk of arrest by police, they also want gun violence down. It's like saying that you hate global warming and yet you have multiple homes, a jet, and a yacht. It's Lib logic. IE, mostly emotion-based with a few misleading/misinterpreted stats.
    1 point
  22. That's incorrect. She referred to concentration camps. You're thinking of the extermination camps. Those were a completely different thing. Surprised you didn't know that (sort of).
    1 point
  23. AOC is not a Jew. She has constituents in her riding who are Jewish and she was at a Hanukah festivity when she suddenly remembered he was supposedly descended from Sephardic Jews in Spain. Oh bullshit. Anyone with Spanish ancestry could claim they were a Jew. How would anyone know if it was true or not. This is what I know about AOC. She invoked the holocaust and compared the detention centres of illegal immigrants trying to get into the US on the Mexican border akin to what Nazis did to Jews in WW2. She not only refused to scale it back but repeated it. Ask yourselfhow is it she never used the reference to describe what Assad did in Syria, what Turkey and Iran and Syria aredoing to Kurds, what Iran is doing to its own people, Sunni Muslims, Yazidi, Kurds, Bahaiis, on and on. How is it she only uses it to piss on the US and where the phack did she get off using it in that manner? Where are the gas chambers? She is a nasty and petulant and invoking the holocaust not once but repeatedly when asked to stop shows her true colours. She can kiss my Jewish keester. She is about as Jewish as Sydney Crosby.
    1 point
  24. I'm not sure what you're looking for here. Progressives don't like the place because of the owner's politics. Many others either don't care or support him.
    1 point
  25. There's a place for liberal thought here and everywhere. I have the utmost respect for actual liberal points of view. There's just no place for outright lies, unsubstantiated accusations, hatefulness, divisiveness, and fear-mongering. The left has gone overboard with hyper-partisan hyperbole to the point where the Dems/Libs are like the Iran of the west. Getting the truth out of a liberal is like getting water out of a stone. People here are now pretending that "the Russian collusion thing was merely 'alleged' this whole time - no one was acting like Trump was obviously 100% guilty this whole time". Take a liberal post, strip it of unsubstantiated accusations & baloney, you're left with a blank screen. Your own post, for example: "Eradicating liberal thought from the face of the earth is the most important thing to many posters here" is obviously ignorant and inflammatory. There's nothing wrong with saying "We need to take care of people" - it's true. There's everything wrong with saying.... basically every single thing that the average liberal toady regurgitates from CNN or CBC.
    1 point
  26. Well, it's sourced so you can check things. Do you regularly get bad information from Wikipedia ? Do you ever cite blogs from unknown and unreputable people or anonymous YouTube channels ? Those are the worst. Wikipedia is, at least, funded through general contributions and doesn't syphon funds from multi-millionaire bigots to spread lies. Did you avoid the Wikipedia answer to your dog-dumb obvious question ? You think that liberals dislike this chicken for some other reason ?
    1 point
  27. Oh, so it's OK to shoot other "civilians" going about their business ? Police officers are not "innocent" ? I'm sure the people of Chicago will be glad to know that...less concerning ! Trump did not cause more "mass shootings" in the U.S. (or Canada).
    1 point
  28. Marcus, I’m afraid you won’t get many rational responses. Many commentators on here can’t wait to be ruled by a dictator with an iron fist.
    1 point
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