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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/10/2018 in Posts

  1. A wise man once asked me..."How many insignificants does it take to make a significant". Similarly, how many "kerfuffles" does it take to make a KA-BOOM?
    3 points
  2. Sovereign states have the right to set their own justice systems without interference from other nations. Let's reverse the situation and suppose it was the KSA that was publicly criticizing Canada for being too lenient in prosecuting and punishing criminals. Would Canada remain silent? Or would Canada rebuke the KSA for interfering. The answer is fairly obvious.
    3 points
  3. That's right....Japan too...just executed the last of convicted cult terrorists last week. Like the Saudis, Japan doesn't give a damn about Trudeau or Freeland's "Canadian values" either.
    3 points
  4. Why is Trudeau and his sunshine band looking for support from a Trump government that they have also publicly expressed disdain for ? That's just doubling down on stupid.
    2 points
  5. When I walk through the terminal in Riyadh and see the big sign: "the penalty for dealing drugs is death" I get a case of the warm fuzzies. It is also a sharp reminder that 'Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.'
    2 points
  6. I guess this is where our 50 million Trudeau gave to Hamas went - on rockets with which to kill Jews. This is going to go on forever unless Israel puts a stop to it by moving into Gaza and not leave until everyone connected to Hamas is gone. Hamas fires rockets, Israel bombs Gaza despite talk of truce https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-israel-palestinians/hamas-fires-rockets-israel-bombs-gaza-despite-talk-of-truce-idUKKBN1KT1IK GAZA/SDEROT, Israel (Reuters) - Palestinians fired dozens of rockets into southern Israel and Israel launched scores of air strikes in Gaza as fighting entered a second day on Thursday despite efforts to broker a truce to end months of simmering violence. Video of Israelis running to bomb shelters https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1027265911647088641/pu/vid/352x640/RdWt9kXFptHYoU8r.mp4?tag=5
    1 point
  7. This can hurt in more ways than one. Saudi's pulling their students out of Canadian universities is forecast to cost upwards of $400M dollars. Link That does not consider the impact of the loss of medical students who are working as residents. This will affect some areas more acutely than others.
    1 point
  8. The rest of the world has turned its back on this, not supporting Canada in its position. Gee, I wonder why... mere words that do nothing vs. billions in trade agreements and business contracts? Only a moron would take that ideological position. UK official statement- Earlier this week, the British Foreign Office issued just a three-line statement that read in part: "Canada and Saudi Arabia are both close partners … and we urge restraint." Diplomat says Canada may need to get used to being alone on world stage
    1 point
  9. 1. There are losers and racists in every race. So, what's your point here? You appear to enjoy avoiding racist incidents that non-white people commit but you are always quick to jump on so called white racists anytime you can get the chance. Why is that? And so who is it that I am suppose to be defending here? C'mon spit it out. 2. Liberalism does not believe in pluralism nor tolerance at all. Liberalism only wants to have their opinions and points of view to be heard and recognized while conservative opinions and points of view should not he heard or recognized or allowed and are not wanted or needed in Canada. Liberalism is the home of intolerance and bigotry as far as I am concerned.
    1 point
  10. I was repeating what she said - and that seemed to have triggered you off. Don't tell me - you're one of the progressive exploding heads? All anyone has to do is mention Trump - and, boom! I was surprised that Carole Mcneil didn't challenge when she said, "without the protection of the USA.....blah-blah-blah....." That doesn't mean just Trump! But, things seems to be different now. Why, you think nations had already forgotten that Trump and Trudeau aren't exactly friends? They didn't hear about the G7 summit fall-out?
    1 point
  11. True enough but the wind blowing this kerfuffle thru will never stop blowing.
    1 point
  12. And you actually believe a politician gives a rat's ass what you think. They were elected, most likely without a majority vote and don't represent anybody except their leader. So contacting them is a complete waste of time.
    1 point
  13. The Arabs started the Arab-Israeli War. Don't start a war then lose. See Germany for graphic example.
    1 point
  14. http://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/canada/ottawa-mosque-loses-charity-status-for-promoting-hate-and-intolerance/ar-BBLKbnU?li=AAggNb9 Ottawa mosque losess its charitable status. Other speeches in other cities Really? You paid an extremist imam to come speak on your behalf. Whether he said what he said in your mosque or whether he said what he said somewhere else - he was speaking on your behalf, at your request, to your people. Everything is "unfair" to Islam when they don't get their own way........
    1 point
  15. 1.) I'm sure Freeland has been advised to be more careful. Our government can't say much about the really problematic aspects of Saudi policy, like the war in Yemen, when we sell arms to the Saudi regime. So, we're complicit, and I'd bet the Saudis know hypocrites when they see them. 2.) It's kind of the point of online forums, isn't it. I wonder why anybody would be on here other than to express their opinions and read those of others? Most of us have no role to play in the halls of power but for the time being this remains mainly a free country. Vent on we must...
    1 point
  16. I think this is what bothers me the most - we send billions of dollars to these countries and we KNOW they don't use it to help their citizens. Why do we keep doing it?
    1 point
  17. That depends whether Trudeau/Freeland don't make another boneheaded undiplomatic move to escalate the situation. Sure, but it's a great place to vent.
    1 point
  18. It seems that both sides, the Trudeau government and the Saudi regime, are ramping up this squabble for domestic consumption. The Trudeau Libs, of course, get to preach about "our values" and the Saudis get to put dissidents in their place as well as assert that their regime must not be criticized by moralizing Westerners. Of course, neither side will take this too far. Trudeau will be content to drone on about "our values" (Wouldn't that be "dog whistle" speech coming from anybody else on the political spectrum?) without explicitly contrasting them with the fundamentalist (ahem, Islamic?) values espoused by the Saudi regime. And the Saudis will of course keep sending oil to parts of Canada where Western Canadian oil isn't permitted to reach. Neither side will openly address the ongoing slaughter in Yemen nor the massive Western arms sales that help to fuel the situation. As the economic relationship between the two countries is so marginal, this spat mainly amounts to a communications win-win for the posturing regimes. Nothing of importance will happen and both sides will claim a moral victory to their respective domestic audiences.
    1 point
  19. This is very true, most of it is just useless noise anyway... Trudeau needs to apologize to Western Canada for killing off energy east and to all Canadians for depriving us of energy independence so we could be free of despotic regimes.
    1 point
  20. I think what you meant was "when you elect a mentally inadequate child to run a country and he selects a politically correct and ignorant band of morons for a cabinet".
    1 point
  21. Canada is standing alone. I don't think there's any country that officially speaks in support of Canada over this. A very interesting explanation yesterday from a lady expert interviewed at CBC (can't recall her name). Without the protection of the USA - yes, believe it or not, that's what she said - especially now that we've very obviously been "set adrift" by Trump - we are a sitting duck (or a punching bag). The worse case scenario from this mistake? Trudeau's seen as a grandstanding, meddling, sanctimonious p****. The Middle East might get on board with Saudi Arabia to force an apology from Trudeau, or just to make their own statement. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/canada-saudi-diplomacy-reaction-1.4775545 http://www.arabnews.com/node/1353736/saudi-arabia https://globalnews.ca/news/4372854/arab-states-back-saudi-arabia-canadian-dispute/ See what happens when you use tweeter as your "diplomacy" tool?
    1 point
  22. More than likely. Over the years, I have worked with a fair number of spooks, but one became a particularly close friend. He was ex MI-6 and in his "retirement" he worked for drug enforcement programmes in both Canada and the USA, with occasional assignments for tax authorities. I knew his Canadian handler, but not his US one. There is not much of a border between the countries when it comes to these guys and gals. and there isn't much patriotism involved in their craft. They live so far outside of the rulebook, the lines are further blurred, so it makes sense to me that they would work for more than one "employer" once they were outside of their original country and agency.
    1 point
  23. Since God has not killed anyone in the last 2000 years, we can presume she has been rehabilitated and is no longer immoral. If she killed someone prior to that, she would ensure that the individual would be rewarded in Heaven.
    1 point
  24. Ok. At the same time they have no problem providing the Saudi's with military hardware, and it will possibly be used to commit human rights violations. Link
    1 point
  25. Planned parenthood in the states has been committing millions of abortions for numerous decades now. So don't lecture me about what happens in Canada as far as abortions go when in America abortions are being committed by the hundreds every day. Abortion really kicked in gear in Canada several decades ago and the one that got it all started was a doctor by the name of Henry Morgantaler who was later allowed to abort hundreds of thousands of innocent baby lives from the wombs of many women who's baby never got to see the light of day alive or maybe got to see the light for a few seconds at most. This guy got the name of the butcher of babies. Thank gawd that baby killer is now in hell where he truly belongs hopefully. It is a sad thing to watch an actual abortion being done. It is an horrendous thing to watch and to see that little baby trying to fight for it's life while it is being torn apart. All women who want an abortion should first be forced to watch what happens to a baby that is being aborted. Maybe many would want to think twice about what they are about to do.
    1 point
  26. The ones that are really to blame for this is we the people for allowing our dear leaders to continue to work with and show respect and honors to these dictators and to continue to do business with these tyrants. Where are all those liberals, NDP socialists and feminists out there who always keep whining and crying like a bunch of crybabies snowflakes right on cue when told too demonstrate by the controlled corporate elite left wing lying liberal media, especially when they are told to do it towards people like Trump who has never done anything to any of them at all. But yet they are always willing to let dictators like the Saudi kings get a free pass and of the hook and never demonstrate against those tyrants en masse. Some of they the sheeple are so clueless about politics that they really should just mind their own business and just continue on with their shopping or throw a party at someone's house somewhere or keep watching Whoopie or Colbert. But I will tell you where they all are hiding? They are all just sitting and hiding in the their closets waiting for their marching orders and as to who they will be demonstrate against today and who will it be tomorrow. The only time we get big demonstrations going is when it is against people like Trump who so far as done nothing to those hiding in the closet snowflake wimps and cowards. Matter of fact Trump is really trying to help them but the fools are too stupid to see it or get it. They are not called liberal wacky snowflakes for nothing. Saudi Arabia will never feel the pain of sanctions or see any big demonstrations done around the world against them because they know that they have Israel and America and Britain and even Canada protecting their backs and they know that those countries will make sure that no sanctions or demonstrations will ever happen against them. There are just too many of our world politicians who have no principles or integrity and only appear to be just a bunch of puppets on a string for the elite globalist banksters to play with their puppet strings to make them move when they are needed. Otherwise some go to gay pride parades and prance around with them. What a country this Canada has become.
    1 point
  27. I actually think Trudeau should've come out swinging on this. The Canadian Foreign Minister's tweets were entirely appropriate and necessary. If the day comes when countries can no longer stand up for their citizens by calling out human rights and free speech abuses of their citizens, that is a very sad day indeed. Are we already there? Canada is right on this. Allies are cowering to the Saudis. It's incredible to see the liberties dictators are taking these days. The big loser is freedom worldwide. I wonder who inspired this behavior.
    1 point
  28. The Saudis were the subject of that post, not Islam in general. GostHacked isn't the one having trouble making the distinction.
    1 point
  29. No, it's not safe to come out yet. Lay low! Lay low!
    1 point
  30. My comment about tweeting was directed at a fervent Trump supporter. The Canadian govt does know the Saudis - and how previous more prudent Saudi administrations would have behaved here - but tact and diplomacy become craven silence and complicity at a certain point. The new Saudi regime has already shown itself to be highly reckless with its relentless bombing of Yemen and its blockade of Qatar which almost turned into an invasion. MBS even extorted money from his own wealthy businessmen. As expected, he’s clueless about diplomacy or running a country. There’s a serious downside to doing business with these people. Do you agree we should apologize as the Saudis are now demanding? It’s a hysterical over-reaction. We have absolutely nothing to apologize for. And I hope none of the critics of Iran’s human rights abuses are urging tact here. That would be kind of hypocritical.
    1 point
  31. From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Separate_school this helps explain it. We are a 'federal' system meaning what laws are federally constituted applies to its subdivision governments (as provinces). Thus, since the Constitution of Canada federally asserts a separate school provision uniquely to protect the specific Roman or Anglican Catholics, this law overules provincial laws WHERE CHALLENGED. As to a province opting to end 'provincial' funding, this may be challenged in the upper courts. But it is a touchy situation for ALL our Canadian political parties who favor at least some religious supporters of one religion or another. As such, it is not easy to be MOTIVATED by certain interests without care because they ALL want some 'theological' power politically protected. This is counter to the United States First Amendment that specifically addressed this concern. The founders then recognized that in order for fair and equal representation in government for and by all, you cannot allow laws of any SPECIFIC subset of cultural discretion to have laws without imposing limits on others. We ARE a form of "theocracy" but pretend we are something akin to the United State's ideals. As long as no one is able to get a platform to challenge this, those protected religions and others that negotiate behind the scenes with those protected groups as proxies, the laws will be made to try to hide the reality for fear of those within those churches to lose their political power. They also KNEW that the United States First Amendment presented this limitation and so try to obscure the meaning to the general 'dumbed down' society who thinks that "Multiculturalism (TM)" is identical to favoring ANY cultures. "Culture" also hides the fact that religion is specifically what is being protected, given religion is the driving force behind their meaning of culture as it is presented.
    1 point
  32. That kid appears to be trying to run away from that prime mistake of yours as quickly as possible alright. The little girl knows a loser when she sees one and to run away from a loser. Smart girl indeed.
    1 point
  33. Haven't seen him use much of that military hardware yet, despite the rantings we hear from hysterical leftist media. On the other hand I do see him using economics as a weapon, exactly as you subscribe. Stop watching CNN.
    1 point
  34. Previous administration yeah but I think its beyond that, I think it was a globalist agenda from both republican and democrat that did that.
    1 point
  35. I'm not convinced the Chinese are doing much more than humoring Trump. My guess is that they have a pretty solid read on his idiosyncrasies. The real proof they're committed to liberalization would be to drop the preferential "developing" economy status they're afforded under WTO rules. But there's much more to free and fair trade than simply adjusting tariff and investment rules. Non-tariff barriers are equally problematic. A friend of mine who lived in South Korea for a few years talked about the lack of imported products available to consumers in that country. When discussing this with locals she was asked "Why would we buy foreign stuff that we can make here?" SK's ascension to developed world status was, of course, propelled by exports to developed countries as is now happening with China. But China, South Korea and even Japan, which all retain significant protectionist policies, customs and practices, lobby against American protectionism, which seems hypocritical.
    1 point
  36. Why would there be much about him? He was an interpreter, not a significant historical figure. Should we also have reams of information about Champlains cook?
    1 point
  37. Are you so ignorant on history or it is your hate of Arabs or love of Israel which has blinded you. Be fair and unbiased in your history or you will discredit yourself in public. Your starting time is when the Arabs started the war to get back their lost homeland.The Israelis started the war when after the WWII instead of taking a piece of the guilty (Germany) they started to land on what was called Palestine who had nothing to do with their sufferings and gradually under British (imperialism) protection their numbers increased to the extend that they declared an independent state of Israel. Then they form terrorist groups (one of them being headed by a future Prime Minister Menachem Begin) started terrorizing innocent civilian Palestinians in order to drive them out and they did drive out many thousands who became refugees in neighboring Arab states for many decades and still are. WHAT DO YOU EXPECT???
    0 points
  38. I tried to talk to him in the beginning, pointing out the many flaws of logic in his idiotic beliefs. But it was like talking to a wall. He will believe what he wants to believe, accept any evidence which supports it, however unreliable the source, and reject anything that contradicts it as 'fake news'. When he came out with outright holocaust denial I decided it was a waste of time and put him in my ignore file. I'm not missing anything by not reading his brainless conspiracy shit. In the same way, I've been trying to converse our newest American imperialist, having relegated the other to my ignore file. But he seems to be becoming more and more unbalanced and turning into the same kind of rah-rah America Trumptard parady as the other asshole. He makes statements, I refute them, with sources. He doesn't try to deny that, but then just moves on to more of that flag waving (we're bigger than you!) the tiny penis set engage in when their own shitty lives give them nothing to be personally proud of. I haven't put him in my ignore list yet but he's very close.
    0 points
  39. I don't care who is on the Bill I just wish they would make them out of something that doesn't tear easily!!
    0 points
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