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Bill Gates: Rich nations should shift entirely to synthetic beef

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7 minutes ago, Goddess said:

I feel like this is such a personal thing, too.  We all take risks every day and we all make calculations on what we're willing to give up or lose, based on our own personal circumstances and as much information as we can cull.

The deliberate withholding of information so people can make their own decisions, is infuriating to me.

It happened a lot during covid and it's happening with the climate thing, too.

At the most personal level.. folks have became so risk averse that they are willing to entertain ideas that they would not otherwise. You can blame government for this if you so want. However, in my Phd dissertation and doing 250 surveys (small sample size, I know).. it came down to income, being deluged by information,  and the idea that one bad decision would send their house of cards tumbling down. I think this incredible aversion to possible loss pervades our lives. Its why we have insurance on everything, never take the dirt road, etc. 

Edited by impartialobserver
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9 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

She believes in human caused warming.  Policy approaches is where she differs from the IPCC.

So do I. 

I absolutely do believe that the net effect of 8 billion humans raises the temperature of the earth - to an extent.

I just don't believe anything at all with regards to the climate alarmist industry's mantra. I think that it's layers upon layers of bullshit, and Dr Curry does as well. She couldn't be more clear about that.

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9 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

So do I. 

I absolutely do believe that the net effect of 8 billion humans raises the temperature of the earth - to an extent.

I just don't believe anything at all with regards to the climate alarmist industry's mantra. I think that it's layers upon layers of bullshit, and Dr Curry does as well. She couldn't be more clear about that.

Well, I think we're close to a position where I can say that there are some reasonable ideas there. Maybe that's the best we can hope for.

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16 hours ago, Nationalist said:

Ya well...they're not gonna like me much then. I managed to collect 3 kids, 4 houses (1 in europe with a chicken coup and rabbit house).

My family will all have their own houses and I'll be golfing in Europe.

Oh...and I do love rabbit.

Good to hear that you are living the good life and rightly so. You earned and paid for it, then you deserve to own it. The globalists despise you. You are the enemy and you must be defeated. 

The WEF Marxist globalist plans are to take away all that you and me and thee own and keep it all for themselves. These WEF globalists are buying up as much land and housing property as they can. Black rock and Vanguard are pretty much doing all the buying up of land and houses. If they ever get their way with imposing their CBDC'S(central bank digital currency)then we will all be phukd. A cashless society will be we the people's end of freedom, and to live a life of slavery. 

It's no joke, it is happening in real time. A website like this one will surely be gone. Creating inflation is what is causing all of the problems that we are all having today and things will only get worse if they are allowed to continue on. Covid 19 hoax, climate change crisis nonsense, and EV's are just a few of their many schemes to take away all that we have and own. 

We the people must stop listening to the MSM and our puppet on a string politicians who have shown us since covid that they are the enemy of we the people. Covid was a trial run. This so called climate crisis is covid #2. There are plenty of alternative news websites out there trying that are trying to warn us all about what the globalists have in store for us all. It looks like some of we the people are starting to get and see it now happening. Just saying. 

I like rabbit stew. 😇


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43 minutes ago, Goddess said:

The deliberate withholding of information so people can make their own decisions, is infuriating to me.

It happened a lot during covid and it's happening with the climate thing, too.

In this "information age", a common man has more access to information, and far more quickly, than any human had before 1955. 

But the powers-that-be are doing everything they can to eliminate a lot of the most pertinent info from our daily fare, and to overwhelm us with bullshit, disinformation, straw-man arguments accompanied by fake fact checks, intimidation, coercion, fear mongering, hate mongering, etc. 

CNN and their flunkies are an intellectual cesspool. They're a massive zit on the face of humanity that needs to be squeezed.

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2 hours ago, Goddess said:

That's the question, isn't it?

I believe here is only the illusion of consensus.  Same thing happened with covid.  When you silence, censor, discredit, deplatform, and defund any expert who diverges from the accepted (money-driven) narrative - that's not consensus.

During covid, the world's TOP experts in virology and vaccinology from places like Harvard, Stanford, Oxford, etc - were silenced, fired and deplatformed.  NOW, they have all been proven to have been telling the truth.

Follow the money - always.  (The video I linked you to explains "the consensus", so I know you didn't watch it because you don't address the valid points in there).

The fact that there ISN'T true consensus would make me less inclined to make policies that dramatically affect people's lives in a negative way.

Same stance I took with covid.  Unless you were 90 years old and had multiple comorbidities - very few people were in danger.  This was known early on - long before there was a vax.  Yet we devastated lives, devastated economies, devastated societies.  

I see the same progression with climate alarmism.


As i have always said, do not believe or listen to the MSM leftist liberal media when they try and push anything like they did with the covid hoax, and now the so called climate crisis nonsense or EV vehicles. They are all just a part of the WEF globalist elite to try and get us to eat bugs or anything synthetic. They will still get to eat steaks while we the sheeple get to eat bugs. What a wonderful globalist future to look forward too. ☹️

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3 hours ago, Nationalist said:

Germany has brought coal-fired power plants back online. Same with Italy, Austria and Holland. Portgal is buying LNG from Russia, as is the EU.

In Canada Polievre is about to become PM and will "axe the tax" among other rational decisions concerning oil and gas.

In the USA, Trump is set to win back the Whitehouse and "drill baby drill".

So you see...your little "feel good" charade is coming to an end. Once Trump turns the taps back on, it'll be over.

The moral? Don't let panicked little Libbies make stupid decisions. They don't operate within the confines of reality.

You are such an echo chamber boob. lol

A. Coal is gross. Even if these nations didn't accept the AGW science, nobody wants the air quality disaster that comes with coal.

B. For whatever reason you are "celebrating" coal powered plants, it's a combination of phony and misleading--probably because you just heard some other jackass make a list. 

For example, Germany un-shuttered some coal plants as winter backup against natural gas shortage, but is still phasing out. Austria has been coal-free since 2020 with coal plants for emergency backup. Italy is almost coal free and should complete by 2025. The Netherlands committed to be coal free by 2030.  -- But regardless of target dates and milestones, EVERY SINGLE ONE of those countries is being coal-free in the next 5-10 years. 

They didn't say "Nah, climate change is a hoax, let's go back to coal." So whatever point you were trying to make, you're 180 degrees off.

"Drill, baby, drill" was always a stupid slogan, but doubly so now when production is at record levels. You can't "turn the taps back on" when they are already the most open they have ever been. 

The moral, as usual, is that you have a lot of extreme opinions, but no knowledge or information. It's bizarre. Maybe gather some of the latter and use them to shape the former. Just saying.

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44 minutes ago, taxme said:

Good to hear that you are living the good life and rightly so. You earned and paid for it, then you deserve to own it. The globalists despise you. You are the enemy and you must be defeated. 

The WEF Marxist globalist plans are to take away all that you and me and thee own and keep it all for themselves. These WEF globalists are buying up as much land and housing property as they can. Black rock and Vanguard are pretty much doing all the buying up of land and houses. If they ever get their way with imposing their CBDC'S(central bank digital currency)then we will all be phukd. A cashless society will be we the people's end of freedom, and to live a life of slavery. 

It's no joke, it is happening in real time. A website like this one will surely be gone. Creating inflation is what is causing all of the problems that we are all having today and things will only get worse if they are allowed to continue on. Covid 19 hoax, climate change crisis nonsense, and EV's are just a few of their many schemes to take away all that we have and own. 

We the people must stop listening to the MSM and our puppet on a string politicians who have shown us since covid that they are the enemy of we the people. Covid was a trial run. This so called climate crisis is covid #2. There are plenty of alternative news websites out there trying that are trying to warn us all about what the globalists have in store for us all. It looks like some of we the people are starting to get and see it now happening. Just saying. 

I like rabbit stew. 😇


Yup. I sense it too.

But as my wife is fond of pointing out, where can we go? The entire western world is in the grips of stupidity.

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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

Your argument does not deflate mine. Dr Curry supports my stance to a tee. 

You can go on believing what CNN told you and I'll go on believing what Dr Judith Curry said. Are we good? 

That is SHAMEFULLY dishonest. 

It's nothing to do with CNN. There are millions of scientists active in the world. They near-universally acknowledge the fact of anthropogenic warming. You've found a one retired academic who sort-of disagrees with policy recommendations and latched onto her opinion as if it justifies your skepticism. 

You're "logic" is like the fool who visits doctor after doctor after doctor who all tell him cut back on bacon and salt or he's headed for a heart attack. But you just struggle through the dizzy spells and meat-sweats until you finally find some quack who tells you're healthy enough. "Huzzah, you say. I told you all those other doctors were wrong! This is the only smart doctor who got it right!"🤪

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1 minute ago, Hodad said:

That is SHAMEFULLY dishonest. 

It's an exaggeration at least.

It seems like exaggeration is a human trait.  As such, the UN and CNN didn't invent it. 

And if you vote for Trump or support him... Forget about it...

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1 minute ago, Michael Hardner said:

It's an exaggeration at least.

It seems like exaggeration is a human trait.  As such, the UN and CNN didn't invent it. 

And if you vote for Trump or support him... Forget about it...

You've been overcome by an admirable fit of generosity, but I haven't been so lucky, lol. Sticking with "shamefully dishonest." 


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17 minutes ago, Hodad said:

You are such an echo chamber boob. lol

A. Coal is gross. Even if these nations didn't accept the AGW science, nobody wants the air quality disaster that comes with coal.

B. For whatever reason you are "celebrating" coal powered plants, it's a combination of phony and misleading--probably because you just heard some other jackass make a list. 

For example, Germany un-shuttered some coal plants as winter backup against natural gas shortage, but is still phasing out. Austria has been coal-free since 2020 with coal plants for emergency backup. Italy is almost coal free and should complete by 2025. The Netherlands committed to be coal free by 2030.  -- But regardless of target dates and milestones, EVERY SINGLE ONE of those countries is being coal-free in the next 5-10 years. 

They didn't say "Nah, climate change is a hoax, let's go back to coal." So whatever point you were trying to make, you're 180 degrees off.

"Drill, baby, drill" was always a stupid slogan, but doubly so now when production is at record levels. You can't "turn the taps back on" when they are already the most open they have ever been. 

The moral, as usual, is that you have a lot of extreme opinions, but no knowledge or information. It's bizarre. Maybe gather some of the latter and use them to shape the former. Just saying.

Lol...I'm actually impressed at the ease with which you lie.

A. Coal is gross? Dirty? Icky? Hilarious...

B. I'm not celebrating anything. I know about coal generation...and nuclear BTW...from my time working for Westinghouse. I know current tech is a lot cleaner that 30 years ago, and I know it's the cheapest reliable source of energy. The lower cost of coal plants would put many African nations in a position to improve living conditions greatly.

Those European nations returned to coal because they had to. They've made one bad decision after the other for quite some time now. They restarted the generators in order to have enough stable power. 

"Drill Baby Drill" is gonna allow the economy to begin recovering. That you don't realize this, or pretend it's not true, is just you being stupid. A simpleton. Which I would assume is why you are a Libbie. Dumbed-down logic appears to be all you can fathom.


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2 minutes ago, Goddess said:

Sounds like that's the choice Germany had to make?

It's not. Climate deniers (Nationalist, as a prime example) pretend that someone wants to flip a switch and turn off all fossil fuel usage and then we'll all try to chaotically figure out how to replace it.

That's a very dumb idea. Which is why nobody has ever proposed it. It's why every country has phased carbon targets. It's why they phase out the worst offenders (coal) first. It's why the transition takes time. 

Germany didn't make a choice between coal and freezing. They made a choice to get off coal as quickly as they could replace it with less harmful alternatives. Freezing was never on the table as an option. And getting off coal--and eventually all fossil fuels--means alternative energy, not "no energy."


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1 minute ago, Michael Hardner said:

Hey kiddo, I got close to consensus on some points.  Did I impress you? 😂

Yes. Full points for patience and self-restraint. 

I have gone through charitable phases over the years. I even started here very politely. I know, in principle, why one doesn't wrestle with pigs. But just in principle. 🤣

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18 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

Lol...I'm actually impressed at the ease with which you lie.

A. Coal is gross? Dirty? Icky? Hilarious...

B. I'm not celebrating anything. I know about coal generation...and nuclear BTW...from my time working for Westinghouse. I know current tech is a lot cleaner that 30 years ago, and I know it's the cheapest reliable source of energy. The lower cost of coal plants would put many African nations in a position to improve living conditions greatly.

Those European nations returned to coal because they had to. They've made one bad decision after the other for quite some time now. They restarted the generators in order to have enough stable power. 

"Drill Baby Drill" is gonna allow the economy to begin recovering. That you don't realize this, or pretend it's not true, is just you being stupid. A simpleton. Which I would assume is why you are a Libbie. Dumbed-down logic appears to be all you can fathom.


Yes, Coal is undeniably gross and harmful in many direct ways, short and long term.



Coal may be "cheap" but the cost is high. The externalities are off the charts. It's a case of penny wise and pound foolish.

The whole principle--many decades old now--behind funding new technologies in developing countries is that they won't have to go through every stupid, wasteful phase of growth. They don't need to start with the pony express, move to telegraphy, then phone lines then internet and mobile phones. We've already done that work. Africa will skip directly to cell towers and internet over the top.  The exact same thing is true with power generation. They can skip the wasteful ugly stuff and build directly into a renewable-heavy energy infrastructure. -- And we help pay for it so that they don't fill OUR air atmosphere with CO2 and particulates the way China does. Win-win.

And, as you've been correctly told dozens of times, the economy is robust by any measure and more oil is being pumped out of the ground than at any point in history. We're net oil exporters. There is no domestic shortage. 


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29 minutes ago, Hodad said:

Yes. Full points for patience and self-restraint. 

I have gone through charitable phases over the years. I even started here very politely. I know, in principle, why one doesn't wrestle with pigs. But just in principle. 🤣

Well you aren't dealing with pigs, in principle because pigs have none.

People hate hypocrisy more than anything, which is why a molester or thief gets a bolder headline if he's a man of the cloth.  Drill down and you'll find that there is actually more in common today than in the past.  People who like to argue on here aren't as extreme as they let on.

That also explains why they're arguing against caricatures a lot of the time.

Edited by Michael Hardner
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2 minutes ago, Hodad said:

Coal may be "cheap" but the cost is high. The externalities are off the charts. It's a case of penny wise and pound foolish.

The whole principle--many decades old now--behind funding new technologies in developing countries is that they won't have to go through every stupid, wasteful phase of growth. They don't need to start with the pony express, move to telegraphy, then phone lines then internet and mobile phones. We've already done that work. Africa will skip directly to cell towers and internet over the top.  The exact same thing is true with power generation. They can skip the wasteful ugly stuff and build directly into a renewable-heavy energy infrastructure. -- And we help pay for it so that they don't fill OUR air atmosphere with CO2 and particulates the way China does. Win-win.

And, as you've been correctly told dozens of times, the economy is robust by any measure and more oil is being pumped out of the ground than at any point in history. We're net oil exporters. There is no domestic shortage. 


Ok so I am correct. You are a simp.

1. Nobody spits for free. Nobody is "giving" Africa anything. They dictate the tech, the price, and the terms. The companies who get involved will own the infrastructure. 

2. The economy is sh1t. The US oil reserves are about 1/3 depleted. Brandon is raping the EU with high priced LNG. you need to stop peddling your BS. It's just embarrassing to watch you slay your credibility further. 

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1 hour ago, Nationalist said:

Ok so I am correct. You are a simp.

1. Nobody spits for free. Nobody is "giving" Africa anything. They dictate the tech, the price, and the terms. The companies who get involved will own the infrastructure. 

2. The economy is sh1t. The US oil reserves are about 1/3 depleted. Brandon is raping the EU with high priced LNG. you need to stop peddling your BS. It's just embarrassing to watch you slay your credibility further. 


1. Do you have a relevant point to make? We need LDCs to skip steps of industrialization, so the Western world subsidizes better tech. International carbon markets are part of the Kyoto protocol. Polluter countries pay LDCs not to pollute. Which in turn helps then skip less efficient stages of growth. They can be owners or stakeholders in their own infrastructures. 

2. The economy is thriving. Jeebus, look at any data. You look like a fool, standing outside on a balmy day, complaining about the cold.  -- And WTF? in your warped little mind does the SPR level have to do with record high domestic oil production? Two different things entirely, like your salary and your bank balance. 

 Once again, try data. What aspect of the economy do you want to jump start? Jobs? Wages? The stock market? Manufacturing? GDP growth? What exactly are you whining about? Trump left office with the economy in shambles, and all of those metrics have improved dramatically while Biden has been in office. Most of them are as good or better than pre-covid Trump. And again, starting from a point of extreme hardship. 

Trump started high and ended low. Biden started low and is climbing steadily. There really isn't much to complain about. And more to the point, Biden has actually made some real fundamental investments in the future of the economy, in the base and middle of the economy,  rather than just coasting and feeding the rich.



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On 5/8/2024 at 8:58 AM, Nationalist said:

This is pure BS. Who sold you this crap?

You're a fool for swallowing such nonsense.

What is it with you Libbies and your desire to adopt doomsday predictions.

Is fear the natural state for you sad sacks?

All you have for a response is more bile. Pathetic.

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When folks like Bill Gates start living a life of moderate consumption, I will take them seriously on their commitment to their beliefs in climate change. 


I mean, read this article. This is just his home, not all the jets he owns or anything else he has. This isn't a man living his life like someone who really believes climate change is a great threat to mankind. 

"The lakefront shore contains sand that's delivered in large quantities by a barge from St. Lucia each year."


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9 hours ago, Hodad said:


1. Do you have a relevant point to make? We need LDCs to skip steps of industrialization, so the Western world subsidizes better tech. International carbon markets are part of the Kyoto protocol. Polluter countries pay LDCs not to pollute. Which in turn helps then skip less efficient stages of growth. They can be owners or stakeholders in their own infrastructures. 

2. The economy is thriving. Jeebus, look at any data. You look like a fool, standing outside on a balmy day, complaining about the cold.  -- And WTF? in your warped little mind does the SPR level have to do with record high domestic oil production? Two different things entirely, like your salary and your bank balance. 

 Once again, try data. What aspect of the economy do you want to jump start? Jobs? Wages? The stock market? Manufacturing? GDP growth? What exactly are you whining about? Trump left office with the economy in shambles, and all of those metrics have improved dramatically while Biden has been in office. Most of them are as good or better than pre-covid Trump. And again, starting from a point of extreme hardship. 

Trump started high and ended low. Biden started low and is climbing steadily. There really isn't much to complain about. And more to the point, Biden has actually made some real fundamental investments in the future of the economy, in the base and middle of the economy,  rather than just coasting and feeding the rich.



1. There is no climate crisis thus this point of yours is mute. Counter productive fear-porn.

2. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/economy-inflation-why-americans-are-so-unhappy-three-charts/


Your own Libbie rags can't even sugar coat it.

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