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The carbon tax is going up and so are emissions

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The futility of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s carbon tax — increasing by 23% on April 1 — was demonstrated yet again on Friday when the International Energy Agency announced global industrial greenhouse gas emissions reached a record high in 2023.

Emissions rose to 37.2 billion tonnes last year, an increase of 410 million tonnes, or 1.1%, from 36.8 billion tonnes in 2022, the previous high.

More significantly, this means the drop in global emissions in 2020 because of the world-wide recession caused by the first year of the pandemic — when emissions fell by 1.9 billion tonnes, or 5.2%, from 36.3 billion tonnes in 2019 to 34.4 billion tonnes in 2020 — was a mere blip on the radar.

Since then, emissions have increased every year, to 36.3 billion tonnes in 2021, 36.8 billion tonnes in 2022 and 37.2 billion tonnes in 2023.

They are now 8.1% higher than the were in 2020.

While the rate of annual increases in global emissions has slowed over the past decade, the United Nations’ latest target to reduce emissions in 2030 by 43% compared to 2019 levels is a fantasy.

Given the global increase in emissions of 410 million tonnes in 2023, China and India alone wiped out more than all of the reductions in the U.S. and Europe.

Canada’s emissions in 2021 (the latest government data available) were 670 million tonnes, up 1.8% from 2020.

Trudeau’s carbon tax will increase to $80 per tonne of emissions on April 1, up from $65 per tonne, on its way to $170 per tonne in 2030.

That will raise the price of gasoline by 17.6 cents per litre on April 1, up from 14.3 cents per litre, on its way to 37.4 cents per litre in 2030.



Our carbon emissions are going up - and so is the world's.

What will happen is that people will become sick of the whole climate change thing and there will be a backlash - with nobody willing to support any inititive that costs even a penny.

I hope the losers who pretend they're 'concerned' about climate change are happy with what they've done - driven people broke and driven them to hate even thinking about it

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24 minutes ago, CdnFox said:


The futility of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s carbon tax — increasing by 23% on April 1 — was demonstrated yet again on Friday when the International Energy Agency announced global industrial greenhouse gas emissions reached a record high in 2023.

Emissions rose to 37.2 billion tonnes last year, an increase of 410 million tonnes, or 1.1%, from 36.8 billion tonnes in 2022, the previous high.

More significantly, this means the drop in global emissions in 2020 because of the world-wide recession caused by the first year of the pandemic — when emissions fell by 1.9 billion tonnes, or 5.2%, from 36.3 billion tonnes in 2019 to 34.4 billion tonnes in 2020 — was a mere blip on the radar.

Since then, emissions have increased every year, to 36.3 billion tonnes in 2021, 36.8 billion tonnes in 2022 and 37.2 billion tonnes in 2023.

They are now 8.1% higher than the were in 2020.

While the rate of annual increases in global emissions has slowed over the past decade, the United Nations’ latest target to reduce emissions in 2030 by 43% compared to 2019 levels is a fantasy.

Given the global increase in emissions of 410 million tonnes in 2023, China and India alone wiped out more than all of the reductions in the U.S. and Europe.

Canada’s emissions in 2021 (the latest government data available) were 670 million tonnes, up 1.8% from 2020.

Trudeau’s carbon tax will increase to $80 per tonne of emissions on April 1, up from $65 per tonne, on its way to $170 per tonne in 2030.

That will raise the price of gasoline by 17.6 cents per litre on April 1, up from 14.3 cents per litre, on its way to 37.4 cents per litre in 2030.



Our carbon emissions are going up - and so is the world's.

What will happen is that people will become sick of the whole climate change thing and there will be a backlash - with nobody willing to support any inititive that costs even a penny.

I hope the losers who pretend they're 'concerned' about climate change are happy with what they've done - driven people broke and driven them to hate even thinking about it

The carbon tax is going up and so are emissions....

And so is world population growth. The claim world population is in decline means only that population growth as a yearly percentage is declining. It is expected to peak sometime in the next 30 to 50 years and possibly add as many as another 2.5 billion people. Now factor that in as well.

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3 hours ago, suds said:

The carbon tax is going up and so are emissions....

And so is world population growth. The claim world population is in decline means only that population growth as a yearly percentage is declining. It is expected to peak sometime in the next 30 to 50 years and possibly add as many as another 2.5 billion people. Now factor that in as well.

That's true. Although it has fallen steadily for years now and currently is at 0.9 percent, which indicates that soon it will probably hit zero.

But that'll be too late to 'help' climate change if the scientists are to be believed.

Also - where there is growth it tends to be in regions that aren't as tech advanced and pollute more.

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14 hours ago, CdnFox said:

What will happen is that people will become sick of the whole climate change

I don't think you can get sick of climate change. 

I think people will grow tired of being shamed for using an ICE car.

I put food on my table, with my car. Am responsible for my wife and her daughter. 

She has family in Toronto. BC.

An electric car just doesn't make sense to us.

Being shamed for contributing to society, gets you voted out.

I feel zero shame for having a car. Its a fuel sipper. I bike in the summer. Me and the wife love nature power walks.

Anyone feeling this is a good idea, but then balking at the delivery charge of their Amazon order, is a hypocrite at best, and just as contributing to the problem.

People will get sick of the virtue signaling, and eventually tell Trudeau to stick his wagging finger...well, you get the point.

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1 hour ago, Perspektiv said:

I don't think you can get sick of climate change. 

You can totally get sick of climate change.


I think people will grow tired of being shamed for using an ICE car.

I think the bigger problem is that they won't have any desire to switch away from it unless it's actually cheaper to do so and they won't be interested in the gov't subsidizing that.



She has family in Toronto. BC.

LOL - did you mean toronto AND bc?  I'm pretty sure there's no 'toronto bc',  we'd have burned it down by now just on principle before it could spread .



Anyone feeling this is a good idea, but then balking at the delivery charge of their Amazon order, is a hypocrite at best, and just as contributing to the problem.

Sure.  And the hypocrisy doesn't go unnoticed and eventually people will say 'if nobody else is bothering to take it serious then why should i"


People will get sick of the virtue signaling, and eventually tell Trudeau to stick his wagging finger...well, you get the point.

LOL - yeah :)   

But i think at the end of the day people will get sick of hearing about it, sick of pretending there's a damn thing canada can do about it, and most of all sick of funding it. It think they'll focus more on adaption.

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21 hours ago, CdnFox said:


The futility of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s carbon tax — increasing by 23% on April 1 — was demonstrated yet again on Friday when the International Energy Agency announced global industrial greenhouse gas emissions reached a record high in 2023.

Emissions rose to 37.2 billion tonnes last year, an increase of 410 million tonnes, or 1.1%, from 36.8 billion tonnes in 2022, the previous high.

More significantly, this means the drop in global emissions in 2020 because of the world-wide recession caused by the first year of the pandemic — when emissions fell by 1.9 billion tonnes, or 5.2%, from 36.3 billion tonnes in 2019 to 34.4 billion tonnes in 2020 — was a mere blip on the radar.

Since then, emissions have increased every year, to 36.3 billion tonnes in 2021, 36.8 billion tonnes in 2022 and 37.2 billion tonnes in 2023.

They are now 8.1% higher than the were in 2020.

While the rate of annual increases in global emissions has slowed over the past decade, the United Nations’ latest target to reduce emissions in 2030 by 43% compared to 2019 levels is a fantasy.

Given the global increase in emissions of 410 million tonnes in 2023, China and India alone wiped out more than all of the reductions in the U.S. and Europe.

Canada’s emissions in 2021 (the latest government data available) were 670 million tonnes, up 1.8% from 2020.

Trudeau’s carbon tax will increase to $80 per tonne of emissions on April 1, up from $65 per tonne, on its way to $170 per tonne in 2030.

That will raise the price of gasoline by 17.6 cents per litre on April 1, up from 14.3 cents per litre, on its way to 37.4 cents per litre in 2030.



Our carbon emissions are going up - and so is the world's.

What will happen is that people will become sick of the whole climate change thing and there will be a backlash - with nobody willing to support any inititive that costs even a penny.

I hope the losers who pretend they're 'concerned' about climate change are happy with what they've done - driven people broke and driven them to hate even thinking about it

There is no real climate crisis. Just a created climate crisis where many scumbags are already raking in millions of dollars from their lies and bullshit. If there were a real climate crisis then why do the globalists keep flying their private jets around the world? I read that one private jet emits as much emissions as 200,000 vehicles do at the same time.

When the globalists fly to their Davos WEF globalist meetings, thousands of private jets fly to Davos. Many of them own ICE like vehicles and own many homes around the world. All emitting carbon into the atmosphere. But ask them if they give a chit? The carbon tax is just another tax grab from we the sheeple and nothing more. 

These globalist socialist liberals and NDP losers will be bankrupting us all if we do not get rid of them in the next election. We cannot afford to live with those globalist liars, cheats and thieves anymore. But we still have another year and a half to go with those buffoons. Will we survive as a cpountry that much longer? Good guess. ☹️

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1 hour ago, Perspektiv said:

That's what I meant. Toronto, BC would be a world record for the most crackheads per capita, am sure. Pretty much putting havens like Philadelphia to shame.

I mean we'd have to take off and nuke it from orbit. It'd be the only way to be sure.

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10 minutes ago, herbie said:

Maybe they should hike it so damn much on gasoline even the stupidest and most stubborn will change their habits.

Great, make bananas cost 15,99/lb with brilliant policies like that.

Want to take a cab? Fuel surcharge will literally be an arm and a leg. 

I think missing, is you realize the sheer volume of people who drive for a living, and can't afford an EV.

You deliver for a freight company, and taking 15 minute breaks 3-4 times a day to fuel your car make no sense.

Major repairs on an EV are far more expensive. 

I don't understand how shaming people into changing their habits vs incentivizing and building technologies that will make transition the best possible option, fixes anything.

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Picked the wrong item for your example. Bananas are 75-98c/lb even here in the boonies. All the way from C America. MOF I just bought mangosteens from Asia for $2.49 and Red Delicious apples from Wash State were $3.99/lb. This transportation excuse is total retailer's BS.

The ship from Honduras costs nothing, but the truck from the warehouse cost everything, all because of the 20c/L carbon tax? The truck from the warehouse 100 miles away is just so expensive it adds $1 to every jug of milk? The 100 mile trip from the refinery in a 20,000L delivery truck adds 20c to the gas price? $40 a mile?
Soory dude, but I've lived with this BS for years and done retail for 30 of them. $200 to deliver a pallet of 20 computers from Richmond 1100km away. $25 for hald dozen boxes by Purolator, most suppliers free shipping on $500 orders.

And give up on your anti-EV BS, you don't drive hundreds of miles a day, you don't have as much regular maintenance on an EV, but if you smash them together you'll pay more. And most of the EV makers are knowingly pricing their models to steal all the incentives for themselves. Just like how if you buy a car from the dealer a block from the assembly plant, you'll still pay the $1750+ 'delivery fee'.

As for shaming people, well there's Climate change happening and we're trying to reduce emissions. The only 'shame' is on you if you refuse to do your part.


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5 minutes ago, herbie said:

As for shaming people, well there's Climate change happening and we're trying to reduce emissions. The only 'shame' is on you if you refuse to do your part.

What a load.   Carbon taxes in Canada have done nothing to slow or stop emissions.  Canada's emission are miniscule compared with the rest of the world.  Canada emits about 1.5% of the global total.  So why are we being punished with carbon taxes and higher cost of living as a result?  We are being scammed by the liberal/NDP scam artists and media. 

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On 3/4/2024 at 2:55 PM, herbie said:

The ship from Honduras costs nothing, but the truck from the warehouse cost everything, all because of the 20c/L carbon tax? The truck from the warehouse 100 miles away is just so expensive it adds $1 to every jug of milk? The 100 mile trip from the refinery in a 20,000L delivery truck adds 20c to the gas price? $40 a mile?
Soory dude, but I've lived with this BS for years and done retail for 30 of them. $200 to deliver a pallet of 20 computers from Richmond 1100km away. $25 for hald dozen boxes by Purolator, most suppliers free shipping on $500 orders.

Yes, but this sort of basic math and common sense goes counter to the narrative, so why would you bother using it?  

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1 hour ago, Moonbox said:

Yes, but this sort of basic math and common sense goes counter to the narrative, so why would you bother using it?  

Given your history of failing at basic math it's not surprising you got it wrong.

The carbon tax isn't just in the trip from the refinery.  It's in the cost of getting feed to the cows. It's in the cost of keeping them warm. It's in the cost of getting the milk to the refinery.  It's in the cost of producing and shipping the feed the cows eat.

And because it winds up making EVERYTHING more expensive it also is in the cost of the employees  who have to demand more money just to get by given the inflated cost of things.

So the bananas get grown without all that, the labour costs are lower because of that, and the only 'tax' is on that last drive to the market.  And they're cheap.  Meanwhile milk is expensive.


That's always your problem - you're TOO basic to understand this stuff.

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4 hours ago, Moonbox said:

Yes, but this sort of basic math and common sense goes counter to the narrative, so why would you bother using it?  

Math can't lie. But you can fool people who can't understand it easily. By trying to pass off increased profits as meaningless because your markup percentage didn't change.
Just saw single frozen samosa "on sale" for $6.29 yesterday, Bought a package of frozen ice cream cookies clearanced for $2.60. They were Welfare Family brand, so disgusting if I'd paid the regular price of $5.69 I would've been tempted to break into Jim Pattison's home and shove them up his a$$ still frozen.

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57 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

The carbon tax isn't just in the trip from the refinery.  It's in the cost of getting feed to the cows. It's in the cost of keeping them warm. It's in the cost of getting the milk to the refinery.  It's in the cost of producing and shipping the feed the cows eat.

Yes, but they're applied proportionally to their carbon-related inputs.  They don't multiply and snowball on top of each other like CdnFox fantasy-math would have us believe.  You did make one good point here, despite yourself: 

On 3/2/2024 at 8:59 PM, CdnFox said:

What will happen is that people will become sick of the whole climate change thing and there will be a backlash - with nobody willing to support any inititive that costs even a penny.

This what happened in Ontario after the Wynne/McGuinty Liberals cataclysmically botched their Green Energy plan.  Ontario is a wasteland for the provincial Liberals now, and will likely remain that way for another 2-3 elections at least. 

4 hours ago, CdnFox said:

That's always your problem - you're TOO basic to understand this stuff.

...and yet I'm paid more and more each year to understand, research and advise on this sort of stuff for a living.  My growing list of clients fortunately counts for more than the clueless bullshitting of a no-life forum warrior.  🥱

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On 3/2/2024 at 5:59 PM, CdnFox said:

I hope the losers who pretend they're 'concerned' about climate change are happy with what they've done - driven people broke and driven them to hate even thinking about it

No doubt you're thrilled with the results.

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2 hours ago, Moonbox said:

Yes, but they're applied proportionally to their carbon-related inputs.  They don't multiply and snowball on top of each other like CdnFox fantasy-math would have us believe. 


they do in fact. In fact they get mark up charged on them as well.  



This what happened in Ontario after the Wynne/McGuinty Liberals cataclysmically botched their Green Energy plan.  Ontario is a wasteland for the provincial Liberals now, and will likely remain that way for another 2-3 elections at least. 

Yeah. They seem to have taken the ndp with them as well.


...and yet I'm paid more and more each year to understand, research and advise on this sort of stuff for a living.  My growing list of clients fortunately counts for more than the clueless bullshitting of a no-life forum warrior.  🥱 

Sure kiddo :)  Your fantasy life that you make up sure counts for a lot :)   And you're SO skilled you couldn't see what was obvious to me, you had to have it pointed out to you.

Your 'client' isn't the federal gov't is it? You ddn't work on the 'arrive can' app did you? LOL!!!!

I'm sorry but if you didn't understand that carbon tax is a stacking tax then your credibility on the subject is pretty low.  A supplier will look at how much in fuel he has to charge to deliver his hay to the farm - then he'll make sure his pricing reflects that. He's not going to pull the carbon tax out.  The farmer will look at his costs to feed and keep the cattle. He'll price his stuff accordingly.' He'll look at his wage costs which are impacted by inflation and carbon tax.  That gets marked up  - and so on.

that's how it works. There's nothing 'imaginary' about why the price of our food is so much more than a banana.

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2 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Sure kiddo :)  Your fantasy life that you make up sure counts for a lot :)   And you're SO skilled you couldn't see what was obvious to me, you had to have it pointed out to you.

It's not the things you don't know that make you look like a clueless fool.  It's the things you think you know, but that just ain't so.  😆

3 hours ago, CdnFox said:

I'm sorry but if you didn't understand that carbon tax is a stacking tax then your credibility on the subject is pretty low.  

Based on your dopey example, it's clear you don't understand what tax stacking even means.  Nobody anywhere, ever argued that vendors don't pass carbon taxes on to consumers.   It's just not being multiplied up the chain for wildly outsized effect like your ridiculously suggest. 

All of your clueless bullshitting on this topic is hilariously underlined by the fact that we have published bottom-line numbers from the BoC for overall carbon-tax related inflation (0.15% per year), as well as broad studies across markets all concluding the same things.  The impact of carbon taxes on inflation is marginal, and was practically irrelevant to the big spike we saw in 2022/2023.  

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38 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

It's not the things you don't know that make you look like a clueless fool.  It's the things you think you know, but that just ain't so.  😆

Based on your dopey example, it's clear you don't understand what tax stacking even means.  Nobody anywhere, ever argued that vendors don't pass carbon taxes on to consumers.   It's just not being multiplied up the chain for wildly outsized effect like your ridiculously suggest. 

All of your clueless bullshitting on this topic is hilariously underlined by the fact that we have published bottom-line numbers from the BoC for overall carbon-tax related inflation (0.15% per year), as well as broad studies across markets all concluding the same things.  The impact of carbon taxes on inflation is marginal, and was practically irrelevant to the big spike we saw in 2022/2023.  

Blah blah blah  "I know i'm wrong but i can't let it go and  i've got a sharp pain in my self esteem" - Moonbox,

I see you're doing your usual again - admitting i was right while demanding i don't know anything

Lets just skip to the part where you realize you've been a complete m0r0n,  blame all your insecurities in life and your stupidity on my post count, claim that anything more than 3 sentances is too much for your brain and then follow me around desperately taking pot shots trying to stop the tears for your failures.


Moonbox - go back to your colouring books. At least your mom will put those on the fridge to make you feel better.


You're just to0 'basic'.  And I was right - you are not.  Carbon taxes get stacked and marked up all the way from the very beginning to the consumer and that's why bananas which have none of that are cheaper than milk even tho the milk comes from down the road.

Thanks trudeau!


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On 3/4/2024 at 2:55 PM, herbie said:

Picked the wrong item for your example. Bananas are 75-98c/lb even here in the boonies. All the way from C America. MOF I just bought mangosteens from Asia for $2.49 and Red Delicious apples from Wash State were $3.99/lb. This transportation excuse is total retailer's BS.

The ship from Honduras costs nothing, but the truck from the warehouse cost everything, all because of the 20c/L carbon tax? The truck from the warehouse 100 miles away is just so expensive it adds $1 to every jug of milk? The 100 mile trip from the refinery in a 20,000L delivery truck adds 20c to the gas price? $40 a mile?
Soory dude, but I've lived with this BS for years and done retail for 30 of them. $200 to deliver a pallet of 20 computers from Richmond 1100km away. $25 for hald dozen boxes by Purolator, most suppliers free shipping on $500 orders.

And give up on your anti-EV BS, you don't drive hundreds of miles a day, you don't have as much regular maintenance on an EV, but if you smash them together you'll pay more. And most of the EV makers are knowingly pricing their models to steal all the incentives for themselves. Just like how if you buy a car from the dealer a block from the assembly plant, you'll still pay the $1750+ 'delivery fee'.

As for shaming people, well there's Climate change happening and we're trying to reduce emissions. The only 'shame' is on you if you refuse to do your part.


Ok...ur a twit.

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10 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Lets just skip to the part where you realize you've been a complete m0r0n,  blame all your insecurities in life and your stupidity on my post count, claim that anything more than 3 sentances is too much for your brain and then follow me around desperately taking pot shots trying to stop the tears for your failures.

Let's skip the part where you first addressed me in this thread rather than the other way around, but then bizarrely claimed I'm following you around.  🤡

Let's focus instead on the actual published figures that real economists and the governor of the BoC are using that prove how clueless you are, and how you predictably reverted to boring copypasta insults and jackassing as soon as you were confronted with hard facts.

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