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Biden's History of Racism

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28 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

Word salad.

You go to great lengths to construct massive deflection frameworks.  Just say sorry once in awhile like grown humans do.

Here is something that isn't word salad, biden is a lying racist imbecile and a low life piece of scum. And those represent his best qualities. 

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9 minutes ago, Yakuda said:

Is that how we determine who is racist?????? Really? You people are whacked in the head. 

Yeah, actually, I think that someone who got arrested at a KKK rally is frickin racist, and someone who gets fined and sanctioned multiple times for refusing to rent to black people is a racist. Strange that you don't agree. 

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There's an active thread about the history of bidens racism. We know dems are the creators of the KKK and they blocked civil rights legislation. They like to claim they are tolerant but here is a video of what leftists actually think about black people in their own words.


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7 minutes ago, Rebound said:

Yeah, actually, I think that someone who got arrested at a KKK rally is frickin racist, and someone who gets fined and sanctioned multiple times for refusing to rent to black people is a racist. Strange that you don't agree. 

But not someone who has said a much racist sh*t as Biden. You people are brain damaged 

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15 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

Hmmm... 🤔


Sounds pretty bad.  I'm Canadian, maybe you can fill me in.  What's the alternative?

Well I guess you'll just have to make the best out of being Canadian. The alternative is my dog who is smarter than Biden and not a lying racist. 

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30 minutes ago, Yakuda said:

Here is something that isn't word salad, biden is a lying racist imbecile and a low life piece of scum. And those represent his best qualities. 

Awe come on now...He's still got most of his hair... ;)


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24 minutes ago, Rebound said:

Yeah, actually, I think that someone who got arrested at a KKK rally is frickin racist, and someone who gets fined and sanctioned multiple times for refusing to rent to black people is a racist. Strange that you don't agree. 

Is it? Strange I mean.


On Sept. 9, 2015 — three months after Trump announced his bid for president — the tech blog BoingBoing.net published a New York Times article from 1927 that reported that Donald Trump’s father, Fred Trump, had been detained at a KKK rally on Memorial Day weekend. According to the article, “1,000 white-robed Klansmen marched through the Jamaica neighborhood, eventually spurring an all-out brawl in which seven men were arrested.”

Among those arrested, the article identifies a man with the name and address of the home of Trump’s father in Jamaica, Queens. The article details the charges filed against six of the men. However, it does not identify any charges against the elder Trump and merely states that he “was discharged.”

The article does not say Trump's father was a member or supporter of the KKK or whether he was a bystander, falsely accused or otherwise the victim of mistaken identity during the chaotic event.



Now this is strange.

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38 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

Hmmm... 🤔


Sounds pretty bad.  I'm Canadian, maybe you can fill me in.  What's the alternative?

Well...he has odd looking bright yellow hair. Quite unnatural looking. He's got a big mouth out of which he spews forth some rather abrasive things regularly. A lot o' people hate the guy intensely and a lot o' people like him. Then there's a lot o' people who compare his first term as POTUS to what Brandon has accomplished and think...'Hmmm...maybe I can put up with the unnatural looking loud mouth?'

You know him as Donald J Trump.

The Americans who hate him call him Orangemanbad. ;)


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1 hour ago, Michael Hardner said:

You go to great lengths to construct massive deflection frameworks. 

Thats word fruit salad. Stale, and browning, to boot.

I have no issues apologizing or correcting myself. I have a massive issue apologizing to someone being underhanded. 

With your logic, someone robs me at gun point, should be invited for coffee and brioche.

41 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

What's the alternative?

Whoever runs their teleprompter and guides them. That should be the person with the job.

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15 hours ago, Perspektiv said:

He's embraced policies which have hurt the black community. 

Has complained having his kids in mixed neighborhoods was like being in a jungle. 

Openly used the N word.

You're doing a bit of dishonest spin here. 

Biden has always been a gaffe machine, and the "jungle" comment is a good example. Absolutely horrible choice of words given the fraught history, but in full context, it wasn't meant as a slur. His full statement was something about not wanting his kids in a forced busing situation, the suddenness of which he thought would create an environment of explosive racial tension. -- It's an example of him making a massive gaffe, not of him being racist. 

And the "n-word" reference I'd call a lie. IIRC, he didn't use the N-word himself. Not like he dropped it in conversation. He was quoting, for the record, some local official and using that character's racism as an example of why someone was unfit for office. He's saying "Look at this example of awful blatant racism" while working against it. In a time when people didn't automatically censor that word. 

All that being said. Everybody's a little bit racist. Joe Biden is. Some of the legislation earlier in his career wasn't great for Black communities. But he was also a bit ahead of the curve for an ancient white man. Remember, you're talking about someone grew up in the time of open segregation. He was in college before the civil rights act! He was in the senate with Jesse Helms and Strom Thurmond! -- So, the fact that despite an imperfect track record, he's generally viewed as an ally for Black Americans is pretty impressive. 

You know why Black America--and Barack Obama--don't hold a grudge against Joe and his comments like "clean, articulate" is because they understand it for what it is. Actions speak louder than words. And net-net, they see somebody who is working alongside them. It's why Obama and Biden became buddies. 


Contemporary coverage

"I mean, you've got the first sort of mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a story-book, man," Biden said.

Biden later called Obama and then spoke to reporters during a conference call saying Obama understood what he meant.

"This is a guy who's come along in a way that's captured the imagination of the country in a way that no one else has. That was the point of everything I was saying," Biden said.

But late Wednesday, Obama released a statement seizing on Biden's use of the word "articulate."

"I didn't take Sen. Biden's comments personally, but obviously they were historically inaccurate," Obama said. "African-American presidential candidates like Jesse Jackson, Shirley Chisholm, Carol Moseley Braun and Al Sharpton gave a voice to many important issues through their campaigns, and no one would call them inarticulate."

Civil rights leader Jesse Jackson said Wednesday night, "It was a gaffe. It was not an intentional racially pejorative statement. It could be interpreted that way, but that's not what he meant."

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16 hours ago, Perspektiv said:

He's embraced policies which have hurt the black community. 

Has complained having his kids in mixed neighborhoods was like being in a jungle. 

Openly used the N word.

The Dems' whole narrative is mental shackles, designed to tether minorities to the lowest rungs of the economic ladder.

"Hey, little black kids, listen up... No one wants to hire you. The pigs might kill you. This is a land of oppression and danger!"

It's the exact opposite of what a life coach would tell them. "You're bright and positive with unlimited potential. Go to your school and crush every subject you can. This is the land of opportunity!" 

One of those narratives says "Join a gang. It's your best chance for safety and money."

One says "Get an education, smile and look people in the eye when you shake their hand."

Which one do the Dems say? Which one does Trump say? Hmmmm......

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1 hour ago, Yakuda said:

You people are whacked in the head. 

Unless you're the View's Sunny Hostin. She gets a pass on racist ancestry, because she didn't know her ancestors were slave owners and voted Biden, clearing her name to continue demanding reparations

Isn't that like a pornstar demanding ultra slim tampons? 

That ship sailed by the 40th dude. 

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Just now, Perspektiv said:

Unless you're the View's Sunny Hostin. She gets a pass on racist ancestry, because she didn't know her ancestors were slave owners and voted Biden, clearing her name to continue demanding reparations

Isn't that like a pornstar demanding ultra slim tampons? 

That ship sailed by the 40th dude. 

Her ancestors were faced with the decision of whether or not to profit from slavery and they did it. Now she's pretending that her DNA is somehow superior to theirs. It's the epitome of presentism.

If she was raised by them, she'd own some folks and she'd be sipping iced-lemonade on a veranda while they toiled for her and drank from the ditch. 

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31 minutes ago, Hodad said:

You're doing a bit of dishonest spin here. 

Biden has always been a gaffe machine, and the "jungle" comment is a good example. Absolutely horrible choice of words given the fraught history, but in full context, it wasn't meant as a slur. His full statement was something about not wanting his kids in a forced busing situation, the suddenness of which he thought would create an environment of explosive racial tension. -- It's an example of him making a massive gaffe, not of him being racist. 

And the "n-word" reference I'd call a lie. IIRC, he didn't use the N-word himself. Not like he dropped it in conversation. He was quoting, for the record, some local official and using that character's racism as an example of why someone was unfit for office. He's saying "Look at this example of awful blatant racism" while working against it. In a time when people didn't automatically censor that word. 

All that being said. Everybody's a little bit racist. Joe Biden is. Some of the legislation earlier in his career wasn't great for Black communities. But he was also a bit ahead of the curve for an ancient white man. Remember, you're talking about someone grew up in the time of open segregation. He was in college before the civil rights act! He was in the senate with Jesse Helms and Strom Thurmond! -- So, the fact that despite an imperfect track record, he's generally viewed as an ally for Black Americans is pretty impressive. 

You know why Black America--and Barack Obama--don't hold a grudge against Joe and his comments like "clean, articulate" is because they understand it for what it is. Actions speak louder than words. And net-net, they see somebody who is working alongside them. It's why Obama and Biden became buddies. 


Contemporary coverage

"I mean, you've got the first sort of mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a story-book, man," Biden said.

Biden later called Obama and then spoke to reporters during a conference call saying Obama understood what he meant.

"This is a guy who's come along in a way that's captured the imagination of the country in a way that no one else has. That was the point of everything I was saying," Biden said.

But late Wednesday, Obama released a statement seizing on Biden's use of the word "articulate."

"I didn't take Sen. Biden's comments personally, but obviously they were historically inaccurate," Obama said. "African-American presidential candidates like Jesse Jackson, Shirley Chisholm, Carol Moseley Braun and Al Sharpton gave a voice to many important issues through their campaigns, and no one would call them inarticulate."

Civil rights leader Jesse Jackson said Wednesday night, "It was a gaffe. It was not an intentional racially pejorative statement. It could be interpreted that way, but that's not what he meant."

You're wrong, of course.

Biden's gaffes are BECAUSE he's a racist. He speaks what's been on his mind since God knows when.

What we've seen and heard so far, and we've seen and heard a lot, is just spillover from what must be truckloads of racism when video isn't rolling. 

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9 hours ago, Perspektiv said:

Didn't slavery get abolished a few generations ago? Why are people so up and arms about it? 

Didn't Donald Trump's father refuse rent to black renters? Why are people pointing this out like it is still relevant?

Or is there a different standard am supposed to be using? 

Its only racist if I disagree with their message.

Kind of like Trudeau barely getting a spanking for black facing.

Would it be old news if you hated the politician?

Could I entrust you to hold the same standard?

Look it up.

So the standard, if Biden does something racist, as long as its within 30 years, no problem. 

A dead president owned slaves, must have his busts and statues vandalized because racism is unbearable, under today's standard of living.

Am I missing something?


9 hours ago, Perspektiv said:

He may not be as overconfident this time.

He earned the vote the first time around.


Earned it how? He wasn't in office then.

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1 hour ago, Hodad said:

You know why Black America--and Barack Obama--don't hold a grudge against Joe and his comments like "clean, articulate" is because they understand it for what it is. Actions speak louder than words. And net-net, they see somebody who is working alongside them. It's why Obama and Biden became buddies.



“Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f–k things up.” 


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55 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

Is that supposed to be a gotcha? 

It is what it is. 

The vast ignorance of people like Sunny Hostin was just exposed, but it's your duty as a cultist not to notice.

Say: "She's partly black, and she suckles at the Demonrat teat, so she has a victim card, regardless of the fact that she's descended from slavers." 

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