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Trudeau and Biden adamant about a two-state solution for Israel

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The conflict between Israel and their surrounding peoples goes back centuries, actually several thousand years.

The general area is called Palestine.  There is no state called Palestine.  The term refers to the general area of where Israel is located.

Those who want to eliminate Israel cling to the idea of a Palestinian state.

What must be galling to Israel is the fact that other countries tell them to carve up their country and create a State of Palestine out of part of what is now Israel.

I doubt Trudeau, Biden and others who claim a so-called two-state solution really understand the historical situation there.

Israel is surrounded by tens of millions, perhaps hundreds of millions of people who mainly follow Islam and have no use for Israel.

Many of the Palestinians do not respect Israel's right to exist.  That thinking is drilled into them from their earliest age.

It is tragic, but I don't see how carving up Israel will change their thinking.  All it would do is threaten the security of Israel and its very existence.  The terrorist organizations that exist are not going to suddenly disappear because a State of Palestine is created out of a large part of Israel.  All it will do is embolden them to continue their terrorist acts to eliminate Israel.  The notion of co-existence and peace is alien to the terrorist and extremist mind.  It cannot be changed by trying to appease them.  They would only see it as a partial victory over Israel.

Israel is a sovereign nation the same as any other and has the right to determine how to defend itself and where its borders lie.

It is not up to Trudeau to be poking his nose into the situation in the pompous way he is.  He should respect Israel's right to exist and defend itself.

But it seems he has for years acted as if he knows all and more than everyone else.  This is one reason his popularity has plummeted to an all-time low and most people just wish he would go.

Edited by blackbird
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7 minutes ago, blackbird said:

It is not up to Trudeau

Nobody respects Trudeau on the global stage. Certainly not Israel.

How he sees himself:


How the world sees him (hint it rhymes with virtue signaling hypocrite):


He's a b**** when facing global giants, but boldly calls out women in attempts to morally grand stand and gain brownie points back home for "standing up" for Canadians. Yet still gets called out for it.

Ironically most in his country want him to sit down and shut up.

Biden is the only party who would belong or have any pull in the conversation. 

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Nobody supports Israel on the World Stage either.
They support it's right to exist and live in peace. but no one supports it's refusal to even consider allowing a Palestinian one the same right to exist.

Ooh, Trudeau BAD...
About as relevant as picketing the Inuvik School Board to demand a Middle East ceasefire.

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1 hour ago, herbie said:

Nobody supports Israel on the World Stage either.
They support it's right to exist and live in peace. but no one supports it's refusal to even consider allowing a Palestinian one the same right to exist.

Ooh, Trudeau BAD...
About as relevant as picketing the Inuvik School Board to demand a Middle East ceasefire.

The Palestinians turned one down.  I doubt that will change.

So Palestine doesnt' want it - now the israelis don't want it.  But trudeau wants them to have it.  This should end pretty well for everyone right?

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51 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

The Palestinians turned one down.  I doubt that will change.

So Palestine doesnt' want it - now the israelis don't want it.  But trudeau wants them to have it.  This should end pretty well for everyone right?

That's pretty much it. A 2 state solution was exactly what the UN Partition Plan envisioned back in 1947.  The Commission realized (as the British did) that there was little hope the two could live together in peace under the same roof and that partition was the only solution. Now it's become a question of whether the two can live together in relative peace in two separate states.

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How can and one have a 2 state solution if both sides do not want it, in fact how can that be when they both want the total destruction of each other.... maybe it is time for palestine to get evicted...

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19 hours ago, blackbird said:

Those who want to eliminate Israel cling to the idea of a Palestinian state.

A Palestinian state does not eliminate Israel and “eliminating Israel” is not the reason people call for a Palestinian state. 

19 hours ago, blackbird said:

What must be galling to Israel is the fact that other countries tell them to carve up their country

The Occupied Territories are mot THEIR country, period. Israel has nonlegal claim to that territory. 


19 hours ago, blackbird said:

Many of the Palestinians do not respect Israel's right to exist.  That thinking is drilled into them from their earliest age.

The same is true of many Israelis re: Palestinian’s right to exist. The fact remains that under the Oslo Accords, Palestine recognized Israel’s right to exist but Israelis refused to reciprocate and then assassinated their own Prime Minister for even attempting a peace  process  


19 hours ago, blackbird said:

I don't see how carving up Israel will change their thinking.  All it would do is threaten the security of Israel and its very existence. 

Further occupation will only lead to further terrorism, guaranteed. Warring parties make peace with eachother all the tome. Israel is at peace with Egypt and Jordan. Saudi Arabia was in the process of normalizing relations with Israel prior to Oct 7. .


19 hours ago, blackbird said:

Israel is a sovereign nation the same as any other and has the right to determine how to defend itself and where its borders lie.

Sovereign nations do not get to unilaterally declare where their borders lie.

19 hours ago, blackbird said:

It is not up to Trudeau to be poking his nose into the situation in the pompous way he is.  He should respect Israel's right to exist and defend itself.

But it seems he has for years acted as if he knows all and more than everyone else.  This is one reason his popularity has plummeted to an all-time low and most people just wish he would go.

You have 2 strawmen arguments goi here:

- first you suggest that there’s something unusual or inappropriate about a world leader expressing a position about a conflict in another country, which is false

- Second you suggest that Trudeau’s position is that  Israel doesn’t have a right to defend itself, whichnis also false

- Third you suggest that “everyone else” has a different position regarding Israel, which is false

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18 hours ago, herbie said:

Ooh, Trudeau BAD...

Why?  Two state solution had been policy in Canada for a long time, I thought.

Here's Harper asserting that to the Israeli PM:


I suspect that the "Everything is Trudeau's fault" team thinks otherwise, but we got to this war thanks to an Israeli PM who didn't want the two state solution.

So this is the result he brought.  If you don't like this war, then you don't like the strategy.

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2 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

Sovereign nations do not get to unilaterally declare where their borders lie.

So Canada does not have the right its territory?  

2 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

The Occupied Territories are mot THEIR country, period. Israel has nonlegal claim to that territory. 

Who invented the term "occupied territory"?  The anti-Semites of course.  The world is full of them.  Antisemitism has been the norm in the world for nearly 2,000 years.  Study some history on it.  Resulted in the Holocaust.


God also made an unconditional vow that Israel would have the Promised Land “for all time.”

How long is “for all time”? In the book of Revelation, we see Israel as a central focus. In the end times, Israel faces many difficulties, yet that tribulation concludes with the Messiah reigning from His throne in Jerusalem, the capital of Israel. The book concludes with a new heaven, new earth, and new Jerusalem. The promise of Deuteronomy 4:40 is a far-seeing promise, extending to the end of this world’s existence and even into the time of the new earth.

Many other passages of Scripture support the fact that Israel will possess the Promised Land forever. For example, God spoke to Isaac in Genesis 26:3, saying, “Stay in this land for a while, and I will be with you and will bless you. For to you and your descendants I will give all these lands and will confirm the oath I swore to your father Abraham.” The Lord also spoke to Jacob in Genesis 28:13–14 with similar words: “There above it stood the Lord, and he said: ‘I am the Lord, the God of your father Abraham and the God of Isaac. I will give you and your descendants the land on which you are lying. Your descendants will be like the dust of the earth, and you will spread out to the west and to the east, to the north and to the south. All peoples on earth will be blessed through you and your offspring.’” See also Psalm 132:14; Isaiah 14;1; and Zechariah 2:3–5, 10–13.  unquote

Did God give Israel the Promised Land for all time (Deuteronomy 4:40)? | GotQuestions.org

Ever heard the term "promised land"?  This is where it likely came from.

If you don't believe in God and his written revelation, the Holy Bible, you have a serious problem.  You need to repent and be converted to Jesus Christ because there is no salvation otherwise.  Read the gospel of John and the rest of the King James Bible and study it.  Fighting against God is a guaranteed losing proposition.

2 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

Two state solution had been policy in Canada for a long time, I thought.

Yes, that is because Canada is basically a heathen nation along with most other countries in the world.   The majority of countries regularly vote against Israel in the U.N.  The U.N. is an anti-Semitic organization. 

Canada is a failing state.  It has a small population but a large land mass.  Trudeau and other politicians have inflated their idea that Canada is some kind of great power in the world while they neglected and diminished Canada's military.  Canada is far more insignificant a country in the world than Trudeau and liberals think.  Canada does not occupy an important position on the world stage.   

Canada is divided internally and failing in many ways.  It has a housing crisis, failing medical system, and half of the population think Socialism is the answer.  The debt continues to grow under the NDP and Liberals.  Canada is a haven for foreign agents.  It is a disaster in the making.

Edited by blackbird
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1 hour ago, BeaverFever said:

A Palestinian state does not eliminate Israel and “eliminating Israel” is not the reason people call for a Palestinian state. 

But it does to the palestinians.  That is the problem.

They don't think like you do.  You think "hey, if i had my own nation i'd be happy and leave others alone and build a life' They don't see it that way.

The reason they have REFUSED a 2 state solution is that doing so would mean they'd have to officially and formally agree that israel has a right to exist and is legitimate and they refuse, they do not accept that israel has any right to exist at all.

Eliminating israel is more important to them - they want there to be ONLY ONE state.  From the river to the sea.

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The antisemitism we witness on the forum is a small sample of what exists in Canada on a larger scale and throughout the world.  It has been going on for roughly 1,600 years or more in much of the world.  Let us not fool ourselves.  Dividing Israel up into a so-called Palestinian state and a small Israel is a major form of antisemitism.   Many countries, which we think of as civilized countries are advocating dividing Israel, including the U.S. and Canada.  This is antisemitism whether we realize it or not.

If you google history of antisemitism, you can find detailed history of it in the world.  This website has a good history of it.


Anti-Semitism, sometimes called history’s oldest hatred, is hostility or prejudice against Jewish people. The Nazi Holocaust is history’s most extreme example of anti-Semitism. Anti-Semitism did not begin with Adolf Hitler: Anti-Semitic attitudes date back to ancient times. In much of Europe throughout the Middle Ages, Jewish people were denied citizenship and forced to live in ghettos. Anti-Jewish riots called pogroms swept the Russian Empire during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, and anti-Semitic incidents have increased in parts of Europe, the Middle East and North America in the last several years.  ....

Hostility against Jews may date back nearly as far as Jewish history. In the ancient empires of Babylonia, Greece, and Rome, Jews—who originated in the ancient kingdom of Judea—were often criticized and persecuted for their efforts to remain a separate cultural group rather than taking on the religious and social customs of their conquerors.

With the rise of Christianity, anti-Semitism spread throughout much of Europe. Early Christians vilified Judaism in a bid to gain more converts. They accused Jews of outlandish acts such as “blood libel”—the kidnapping and murder of Christian children to use their blood to make Passover bread.   unquote

Anti-Semitism - Definition, Meaning & Reasons For (history.com)

The established Church during most of the past 1,500 years, the Catholic church, has to shoulder the responsibility for the history of antisemitism as it was carried out by its members throughout the western world down through history.  It appears to be a result of a disregard or rejection of what the Bible teaches.  Many of our western leaders are part of that church, such as Trudeau and Biden.  They are not knowledgeable about the Bible or the role their church played in it down through history.  That is why they can so easily call for a divided Israel.

23 minutes ago, blackbird said:

The antisemitism we witness on the forum is a small sample of what exists in Canada on a larger scale and throughout the world.  It has been going on for roughly 1,600 years or more in much of the world.  Let us not fool ourselves.  Dividing Israel up into a so-called Palestinian state and a small Israel is a major form of antisemitism.   Many countries, which we think of as civilized countries are advocating dividing Israel, including the U.S. and Canada.  This is antisemitism whether we realize it or not.

If you google history of antisemitism, you can find detailed history of it in the world.  This website has a good history of it.


Anti-Semitism, sometimes called history’s oldest hatred, is hostility or prejudice against Jewish people. The Nazi Holocaust is history’s most extreme example of anti-Semitism. Anti-Semitism did not begin with Adolf Hitler: Anti-Semitic attitudes date back to ancient times. In much of Europe throughout the Middle Ages, Jewish people were denied citizenship and forced to live in ghettos. Anti-Jewish riots called pogroms swept the Russian Empire during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, and anti-Semitic incidents have increased in parts of Europe, the Middle East and North America in the last several years.  ....

Hostility against Jews may date back nearly as far as Jewish history. In the ancient empires of Babylonia, Greece, and Rome, Jews—who originated in the ancient kingdom of Judea—were often criticized and persecuted for their efforts to remain a separate cultural group rather than taking on the religious and social customs of their conquerors.

With the rise of Christianity, anti-Semitism spread throughout much of Europe. Early Christians vilified Judaism in a bid to gain more converts. They accused Jews of outlandish acts such as “blood libel”—the kidnapping and murder of Christian children to use their blood to make Passover bread.   unquote

Anti-Semitism - Definition, Meaning & Reasons For (history.com)

The established Church during most of the past 1,500 years, the Catholic church, has to shoulder the responsibility for the history of antisemitism as it was carried out by its members throughout the western world down through history.  It appears to be a result of a disregard or rejection of what the Bible teaches.  Many of our western leaders are part of that church, such as Trudeau and Biden.  They are not knowledgeable about the Bible or the role their church played in anti-Semitism down through history.  That is why they can so easily call for a divided Israel.  They still have not accept responsibly for what happened to the Jews throughout history.



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2 hours ago, blackbird said:

Anti-Semitism - Definition, Meaning & Reasons For (history.com)

The established Church during most of the past 1,500 years, the Catholic church, has to shoulder the responsibility for the history of antisemitism as it was carried out by its members throughout the western world down through history.  It appears to be a result of a disregard or rejection of what the Bible teaches.  Many of our western leaders are part of that church, such as Trudeau and Biden.  They are not knowledgeable about the Bible or the role their church played in it down through history.  That is why they can so easily call for a divided Israel.



Firstly, I wouldn’t be singling out the Catholic Church alone there among Christian denominations although it certainly played a big role. One person who did try to stop the blood libel hysteria was actually a pope, Innocent IV.


Unfortunately, Martin Luther was fanatically anti-Semitic. Not a great start to the Reformation.


Secondly, the impetus for a Jewish state arose from the plight of European Jews, above all in the Russian Empire after the assassination of Alexander II in 1881. Fleeing the pogroms, a great wave of migrants headed west. It is curious that Arthur Balfour as Prime Minister oversaw the passing of the Aliens Act in 1905 which, despite his protests to the contrary, had the particular effect of preventing many of these refugees coming to Britain itself, not exactly what one would expect from someone often described as an ardent Zionist. It seems such ardour ended at the cliffs of Dover. Instead he offered a piece of Palestine to them in his infamous 1917 letter to another posh Brit whose text was finalized after extensive discussions with Zionists but absolutely none with Palestinian Arabs. We don’t know how serious the British were about this - at the time they were promising sun, moon and stars to everybody to save their hides in the Great War, including the Turks - but Balfour’s contempt for the wishes of the ‘existing non-Jewish communities’, as he described them in his declaration, seems to have been genuine enough. 


For in Palestine we do not propose even to go through the form of consulting the wishes of the present inhabitants of the country, though the American Commission has been going through the form of asking what they are. The four Great Powers are committed to Zionism. And Zionism, be it right or wrong, good or bad, is rooted in age-long traditions, in present needs, in future hopes, of far profounder import than the desires and prejudices of the 700,000 Arabs who now inhabit that ancient land.

It mystifies me how anybody can be devoid of sympathy for Palestinians watching powerlessly as their land was swamped by migrants, especially those who propose restrictions on immigration to Canada. Essentially, in their thirty years in charge, the British set up a situation where conflict was well nigh inevitable. 





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3 hours ago, blackbird said:

So Canada does not have the right its territory?  

It doesn’t have the right to simply declare Alaska os part of it territory. It only has the right it’s internationally recognized boundaries. Similarly Israel doesn’t have a right to West Bank and Gaza because those are not part of Israel’s internationally recognized borders. You know that right?


3 hours ago, blackbird said:

Who invented the term "occupied territory"?  The anti-Semites of course. 

That’s a lie


3 hours ago, blackbird said:

God also made an unconditional vow that Israel would have the Promised Land “for all time.”

Nobody cares about what the bible says. International laws are not based on the religious scriptures, much less the scriptures of ONE particular group, it’s totally irrelevant. 

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1 minute ago, BeaverFever said:

It doesn’t have the right to simply declare Alaska os part of it territory. It only has the right it’s internationally recognized boundaries. Similarly Israel doesn’t have a right to West Bank and Gaza because those are not part of Israel’s internationally recognized borders. You know that right?


It has a right to what it can take and hold.  Ask crimea. or our first nations. That's just the way it's been for 10,000 years now.


That’s a lie

Ok - so  who was it then?

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3 hours ago, CdnFox said:

But it does to the palestinians.  That is the problem.

They don't think like you do.  You think "hey, if i had my own nation i'd be happy and leave others alone and build a life' They don't see it that way.

The reason they have REFUSED a 2 state solution is that doing so would mean they'd have to officially and formally agree that israel has a right to exist and is legitimate and they refuse, they do not accept that israel has any right to exist at all.

Eliminating israel is more important to them - they want there to be ONLY ONE state.  From the river to the sea.

Thats Hamas but there are moderates in Palestine as there are in human societies everywhere- probably much fewer now given Israel’s current scorched earth bombing - but there are always moderates to he found eventually. Israel undermined Palestinian moderates in recent decades because the anti-peace faction in Israel, including Netanyahu, calculated that a Hamas Gaza would be manageable and would better serve their anti-peace agenda   

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4 hours ago, blackbird said:


Canada is a failing state.  It has a small population but a large land mass.  Trudeau and other politicians have inflated their idea that Canada is some kind of great power in the world while they neglected and diminished Canada's military.  Canada is far more insignificant a country in the world than Trudeau and liberals think.  Canada does not occupy an important position on the world stage.   

Canada is divided internally and failing in many ways.  It has a housing crisis, failing medical system, and half of the population think Socialism is the answer.  The debt continues to grow under the NDP and Liberals.  Canada is a haven for foreign agents.  It is a disaster in the making.

How many failing states have you visited recently? Places without power, water, law and order?  Canada is not one of them. 

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3 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

has a right to what it can take and hold.  Ask crimea. or our first nations. That's just the way it's been for 10,000 years now.

Nice try. We have something called international law now people don’t live like according to the norms of 10,000 years ago  I mean according to your argument Hamas hasn’t done anything wrong either then because anything they’ve done is also “just the way it’s been for 10,000 years now”

The reality is since the end of WW2 countries have not been allowed to simply invade and annex other countries’  which is why Putin is considered a villain. 

9 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Ok - so  who was it then?

When you occupy a territory it’s just factually called an occupied territory that’s just how language works. Who invented the term “occupied bathroom?” 

Maybe you guys lack some basic knowledge here:  when Israel was formed in 1948 it did not include Gaza or the West Bank as those were declared to be Palestine.  Israel had no claim or control over them. The Israeli military occupied those territories in the 1967 war (hence they are factually “occupied territories”) and has held them since. However they are still not internationally recognized as sovereign Israeli territory and Israel has no legal claim to them. 

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22 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:

Thats Hamas but there are moderates in Palestine as there are in human societies everywhere- probably much fewer now given Israel’s current scorched earth bombing - but there are always moderates to he found eventually. Israel undermined Palestinian moderates in recent decades because the anti-peace faction in Israel, including Netanyahu, calculated that a Hamas Gaza would be manageable and would better serve their anti-peace agenda   

I'm sure that there's moderates.  But they seem to have always been in the minority and/or unable to influence the political scene.  The people who matter and who do the negotiating are hard core death-to-isreal types. The moderates don't seem to have any pull.

There were undoubtedly many anti war moderates in germany in 38 as well but that didn't help poland.

As things stand generally speaking "Gaza" is anti isreal's existance and that isn't changing.

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23 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:

However they are still not internationally recognized as sovereign Israeli territory and Israel has no legal claim to them. 

You are obviously a die-hard anti-Semite.  Anything you post is meaningless.

Who cares what the anti-Semitic U.N. or any anti-Semitic country says?  It is Israel's business and it is their territory.  What they believe is necessary for their security is correct.  We all know the surrounding countries are opposed to their existence.  So whose business is it anyway to tell Israel what to do with their territory? 

 The U.N. secretary general just made an announcement promoting carving up Israel.  Just another pat on the back of terrorists and further promoting war in the middle east.

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1 hour ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

Firstly, I wouldn’t be singling out the Catholic Church alone

For at least a thousand years before the Reformation, the Catholic Church ruled the western world with an iron fist.  It was basically the only church around.  All others were outlawed.  There was no such thing as denominations until after the Reformation and even then they only came into existence in a few countries in northern Europe and the UK in the last few centuries.  I don't know if you are even aware, the priests controlled everyone's life in communities.  They knew everything that was going on and everyone was expected to be obedient to the Church. 

Perhaps you are not aware of that.  There were no such things as other denominations because it was illegal in most countries until the Reformation.  Then things started to change in some countries.  But only gradually.  There was a hundred years war in Europe that wiped out a large part of the population of Europe following the beginning of the Reformation in the 1500s.

Prior to the Reformation, there were a few small and isolated groups that challenged the authority of Rome, but they were exterminated by the Catholic Church when they found them.

Rome ran the Holy Roman Inquisition through the late middle ages whereby anyone accused of heresy would be taken before a tribunal and punished, many with imprisonment or death.  That lasted for about 400 years.  If you want to know something about it, you can obtain books on the history of the Inquisition on Amazon.  Some can be downloaded to read on Kindle or a computer.

One significant book that will tell you about the past two thousand years of anti-Semitism is "God's First Love - Christians and Jews over two thousand years" by Friedrich Heer,  an Austrian Roman Catholic himself.

He raises the question of the positive guilt of Christianity in fostering anti-Semitism throughout its history.

He shows how anti-Semitism was based on theology, but it was obviously a false interpretation of Biblical Christianity.  It was a theology that included hate of the Jews.  The Nazis carried that to the ultimate with the Holocaust.

Even in Russia there were the pogroms against the Jews and they had the Russian Orthodox Church.  So there were similarities in the anti-Semitism between Europe and Russia.


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1 hour ago, BeaverFever said:

Nobody cares about what the bible says. International laws are not based on the religious scriptures, much less the scriptures of ONE particular group, it’s totally irrelevant. 

You don't appear to know anything about history.  Western society was ruled by the Catholic church for the past 1,700 years and while they were wrong about many things and the power behind the anti-Semitism,  many laws grew out of Judeo-Christian culture and beliefs.  Those beliefs originated from the the Bible such as the ten commandments.  So-called International Law is a relatively recent thing from the 20th century after WW2.  Nations are still sovereign and make the final decision as to what they need to do to protect their security and existence.  No country has to bow to some international group if it threatens their very existence.

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56 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:

Nice try. We have something called international law now people don’t live like according to the norms of 10,000 years ago  I mean according to your argument Hamas hasn’t done anything wrong either then because anything they’ve done is also “just the way it’s been for 10,000 years now”

The reality is since the end of WW2 countries have not been allowed to simply invade and annex other countries’  which is why Putin is considered a villain. 

uhhhh - so you've never heard of crimea huh? LOL - that was 2014 kiddo.  :)   Or the land the russians hold now in ukraine which is already looking like russia will keep at least a good hunk of.

In fact  - ISRAEL!  seeing as that's what we're discussing. Land was annexed there to give them a home.

There are other examples as well, i assure you that 100 percent if they take it and hold it they can annex it.

59 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:

When you occupy a territory it’s just factually called an occupied territory that’s just how language works.

Well not really. The historical use is to use it in conjunction with a country -  "occupied france" or "Occupied poland" or for the allies "occupied germany", even today "occupied ukraine".  You don't call it 'occupied territory" .  so that's NOT how english works.

And who first started using that term in relation to this specific example? Was it israel? Nope. It was the un at the insistence of some pretty non-jewish-friendly members, and it referred only to the specific lands taken during the 6 day war.  now it seems to mean israel itself.

Either the people of gaza and the west banks will decide it's great to have isreal and a palestinian state OR the land has to be reclaimed and those losers cast to the winds.  That is the only way we get peace.  And isreal absolutely can take those lands if that's the last resort. So it's up to the palestinians to make sure there are other options.

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