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The man-made climate change is a fraud.

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59 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

And how would you fund that?

Them deficits right....

There's lots of ways - but leave it to a liberal to think the only way to fund something is by deficit spending :) 

Tax breaks or even gov't loans (repayable) to incentive upgrades, repurpose some of the research money being doled out to specifically provide the research and information businesses and provinces and municipalities need to make good decisions, maybe put the quarter billion we spent on arrive can towards it, cancel the CBC..  snicker :)

Or how about this - sell our LNG to japan and germany like they begged us to, weaken their dependency on russian oil,  and use the profits to climate-proof most of the country AND fund development of new tech to replace that energy source in the future.

But no - i'm sure the carbon tax will solve all our problems. Mission accomplished.


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15 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:


That won't reduce tax revenue...

Anyway, as you were...

Tax breaks on upgrades they weren't going to do without them doesn't affect revenue :)  

Mike - you need to start to think before you reply.  If i charge 5 percent gst on something and nobody buys it.... then i charge 0 percent gst on something to encourage people to start buying it....  how much revenue have i lost?

C'mon, you can do it.  I know math is hard for you on the left but take your mittens off and give it a shot :)  

Thanks for playing.

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19 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Too bad we didn't spend our time and money adapting instead of paying a carbon tax that did nothing to prevent this.

🙄 No. It would have been better to have paid attention way way back when prevention was still so inexpensive it was practically free. Back when it was also recognized that adaption would be hellishly more expensive.

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1 hour ago, eyeball said:

🙄 No. It would have been better to have paid attention way way back when prevention was still so inexpensive it was practically free. Back when it was also recognized that adaption would be hellishly more expensive.

Well that's a lie you love to tell but it's no less a lie for your repeating it.

there was nothing canada could have done.  Not a thing. We just never produced enough to matter.

And there has never been a time when it was inexpensive to switch away from fossil fuels at all. That's the problem.

And it's people like you who prefer sticking their head in the sand and lying to yourself that results in where we are now - with no problems fixed and no adaption in place. Well done.

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2 hours ago, CdnFox said:

there was nothing canada could have done.  Not a thing. We just never produced enough to matter.

There's lots we could have done. Providing a better example for example - signal that virtue was better than caving to lesser ignoble economic proclivities.


And it's people like you who prefer sticking their head in the sand and lying to yourself that results in where we are now - with no problems fixed and no adaption in place. Well done.

Thank you, I mean that from the bottom of my heart - take it to the bank😉

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On 1/18/2024 at 4:50 PM, blackbird said:

You are mistaken in the meaning of the 3%.

Out of the total of CO2 in the atmosphere, man contributed 3%.  That 3% does not change significantly.

It was probably near zero before the industrial age, but gradually went from near zero to 3% in the last 150 years of the industrial age.

Did God tell you that?   Who did the measurements - the oil and gas industry?

You have two things working together - deforestation where the carbon sink and oxygen production capacity of the planet is diminishing and the ever increasing emissions of the industry.

Your suggestion is impossible.

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3 hours ago, eyeball said:

There's lots we could have done. Providing a better example for example - signal that virtue was better than caving to lesser ignoble economic proclivities.

So there's nothing useful we could have done. You just feel we should have virtue signalled harder.

Ohhh the regret.


Thank you, I mean that from the bottom of my heart -

Wow - i didn't think fungus had a heart but there you go...

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Oh for Gawd's sake, let's face reality.

1. There is no climate crisis.

2. From internal combustion engines to power generation and heating, our ever so scarry carbon footieprint has been reduced dramatically per capita already.

3. The economic cost to all humans is staggering. This greenie chickenshit is ass backwards. If any of them really cared about humanity, they'd get the Hell outta the way and let us feed the world.

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11 hours ago, cougar said:

Did God tell you that?   Who did the measurements - the oil and gas industry?

Why are you assuming I am wrong.

The total CO2 in the atmosphere is 0.04 % of the atmospheric gases.   You can google that and will see it on countless websites.

Out of that 0.04%, man only contributes 3% of 0.04% which is an extremely tiny amount.  So how could that possibly cause man-made climate change?  Oh, I know.  In your deep knowledge you will have the answer, right?

So what is 3% of 0.04% equal to?  Almost nothing.

The earth 's atmosphere is loaded with water vapour which is also a greenhouse gas.  The answer is 0.2 to 4%.   There is a very wide difference between 0.2% and 4%.  They don't even really know how much water vapour is in the atmosphere.  Probably because it is impossible to measure it and know.  So how credible are these people who claim man is the cause of climate change.  There is no credibility.

Climate alarmists claim water vapour is not the cause;  man is the cause.   Why?  They can't give a proven reason.


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11 hours ago, cougar said:

You have two things working together - deforestation where the carbon sink and oxygen production capacity of the planet is diminishing and the ever increasing emissions of the industry.

Your suggestion is impossible.


Water vapor is Earth’s most abundant greenhouse gas. It’s responsible for about half of Earth’s greenhouse effect — the process that occurs when gases in Earth’s atmosphere trap the Sun’s heat. Greenhouse gases keep our planet livable. Without them, Earth’s surface temperature would be about 59 degrees Fahrenheit (33 degrees Celsius) colder. Water vapor is also a key part of Earth’s water cycle: the path that all water follows as it moves around Earth’s atmosphere, land, and ocean as liquid water, solid ice, and gaseous water vapor.   unquote

Steamy Relationships: How Atmospheric Water Vapor Amplifies Earth's Greenhouse Effect – Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet (nasa.gov)

If NASA claims water vapour is a major cause of global warming by the greenhouse effect, how does anyone come to the conclusion that man is the culprit?  

Your claim about deforestation is another unproven claim.  Lots of speculation, but no absolute proof of anything.

God is in control and we should trust him.  He put man on earth and he has a plan for the future.  Climate alarmism is a scam.

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11 minutes ago, eyeball said:

I don't see the 1% staggering, they still seem to be laughing all the way to the bank.

You mean like jagmeet with his rolex and luxury cars while he 'fights' for the 'average person'?  LOL

 The politicians and their friends are the only ones getting richer these days

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20 minutes ago, eyeball said:

I don't see the 1% staggering, they still seem to be laughing all the way to the bank.

Ahhh the war on the successful. Must you always be so jealous? Its nobody's fault but your own, if you're not a success.

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9 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

You mean like jagmeet with his rolex and luxury cars while he 'fights' for the 'average person'?  LOL

The politicians and their friends are the only ones getting richer these days

Just these days? It's almost always like this.  

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4 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

Ahhh the war on the successful. Must you always be so jealous? Its nobody's fault but your own, if you're not a success.

I'm not failing but I get it that you need to imagine I am. I'm doing fine however, in fact I'm making more money than I've ever made and I'm thrilled because its not where I expected to be 10 years ago.  I'm very lucky to live in a region that people want to visit and for whom the money they need to do so doesn't seem to be an issue. So far at least.

In fact the harder and perhaps more dangerous things get in other regions of the world the more likely we'll continue succeeding here.

That said and speaking of a war waged by the jealous, usually the greedy...I've been knocked on my economic ass three times now and there are interests/forces etc that would love to knock me down again. It can happen quickly when it does, it's just that kind of world.  And that's what I want to change.  You on the other hand appear to cheer for the greedy.

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5 minutes ago, eyeball said:

I'm not failing but I get it that you need to imagine I am. I'm doing fine however, in fact I'm making more money than I've ever made and I'm thrilled because its not where I expected to be 10 years ago.  I'm very lucky to live in a region that people want to visit and for whom the money they need to do so doesn't seem to be an issue. So far at least.

In fact the harder and perhaps more dangerous things get in other regions of the world the more likely we'll continue succeeding here.

That said and speaking of a war waged by the jealous, usually the greedy...I've been knocked on my economic ass three times now and there are interests/forces etc that would love to knock me down again. It can happen quickly when it does, it's just that kind of world.  And that's what I want to change.  You on the other hand appear to cheer for the greedy.

Huh...are you familiar with this?


Greed is a part of you. A very indispensable part as it turns out. Its not "good" but its not "bad". Its a tool. Greed can be used for noble causes and for destruction. You should learn this. Try a bit o' Buddhist readings. Very enlightening.


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12 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

Greed is a part of you. A very indispensable part as it turns out. Its not "good" but its not "bad". Its a tool. Greed can be used for noble causes and for destruction. You should learn this. Try a bit o' Buddhist readings. Very enlightening.


Oh STFU with your silly nonsense. I'm not out to squash and completely eliminate my competition. Do you see any other living things in the world doing that?

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1 minute ago, eyeball said:

Oh STFU with your silly nonsense. I'm not out to squash and completely eliminate my competition. Do you see any other living things in the world doing that?

LOL...is it silly? Not everyone can come to grips with "the dark side of the force".

Ever see male lions fight for dominance? Or any other male animal?

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7 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

LOL...is it silly? Not everyone can come to grips with "the dark side of the force".

Ever see male lions fight for dominance? Or any other male animal?

You can certainly get a better grip if you try.

Let's try this again. Have you ever seen another species, besides our own, try to wipe another one out? Completely eliminate I said. And deliberately too, often with the help of referees in charge of things?

Use the word sector in place of species. Sure I suppose you'll say everyone's out to kill the oil industry. But once we calm down a bit and think about it we tone down the word kill and instead talk about transition and negotiate instead.

But you prefer the violent often short existence of wild male lions?

Interesting....especially in light of your stance towards Putin. Submission won't get you much farther than it does a lion.

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17 minutes ago, eyeball said:

You can certainly get a better grip if you try.

Let's try this again. Have you ever seen another species, besides our own, try to wipe another one out? Completely eliminate I said. And deliberately too, often with the help of referees in charge of things?

Use the word sector in place of species. Sure I suppose you'll say everyone's out to kill the oil industry. But once we calm down a bit and think about it we tone down the word kill and instead talk about transition and negotiate instead.

But you prefer the violent often short existence of wild male lions?

Interesting....especially in light of your stance towards Putin. Submission won't get you much farther than it does a lion.

You asked a question and I answered it.

Is man trying to wipe itself out? I see Libbies inflicting a lot of suffering on their fellow man. But I actually doubt they want to wipe us all out. Who would they b1tch to if we were all gone?

OK lets talk business. The fossil fuel industry is one of the main pillars of the global economy. Its semi-important to all of us. Many folks have this hatred for the fossil fuel industry and indeed, many do want to kill it completely. Extremist ideals aside...lets assume the CO2 thing is completely real and we need to stop burning fossil fuels. OK...a rational person would analyze the situation, determine a realistic timeline, and begin working towards a reliable and effective alternative. Once found, that alternative could be implemented with very little problems. But that is not what these climate religious have done...is it. No they've attacked fossil fuels relentlessly with doomsday predictions that have all turned out to be nonsense. They've imposed their war on the world and its economic pillar, thus inflicting untold suffering globally.

THAT...my fine wayward son...is a "bad" use of the tool "greed". Nothing more.

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10 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

Is man trying to wipe itself out? 

I meant we're the only species that deliberately tries to wipe out other species.

We only try to wipe out races of ourselves.

12 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

Many folks have this hatred for the fossil fuel industry.

Sure okay but it's only called this hatred by other folks that love and cherish it and then attribute the worst imaginable human qualities to anyone that doesn't share their feels.

31 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

...lets assume the CO2 thing is completely real and we need to stop burning fossil fuels. OK...a rational person would analyze the situation, determine a realistic timeline, and begin working towards a reliable and effective alternative.

We've been trying that for decades. Meanwhile several industries, some that people likely even loved and cherished have come gone and never returned in that time.

Cry me a fu cking river already. Sheesh.

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Of course the elephant in the room is the great weight of influence the fossil fuel industry has on the referees I mentioned and that don't exist in the wild brutal world you prefer.  

42 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

THAT...my fine wayward son...is a "bad" use of the tool "greed". Nothing more.

No. The worst aspects of greed come out when the referees become greed's tools.

Try keeping your feet on the ground economically when that's a feature of being knocked on your ass.

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