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The Real Reason Justin Trudeau Won't Be Stepping Down

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They literally have no one else they can run who is popular enough to make a dent in PP's popularity.  When "None" and  "Unsure" outrank your lead contender (and number 2 isn't even a party memeber until last week) you've got a bad situation.


SO - next leader after justin gets his ass kicked will also probably get their ass kicked, who do you think might stand a chance 8 years from now of winning the hearts and minds of the people?

I kinda want to say melanie Joly  - but if i'm being honest i just don't see the liberals electing a girl as leader.

Edited by CdnFox
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Just now, Moonlight Graham said:

Punch myself in the face looking at that list.

Yeah.   Well as a politics junkie i just am not sure who they're going to put forward other than those ones, i don't see anyone waiting in the wings.  Honestly it feels like Carney might be their best bet IF they get him a seat next election (which is going to be tough, a lot of ridings will be up in the air),  and then he serves for 4 yeras and runs for leadership after that so that he's leader for the election in 8 years.  But that's a lot of commitment for the guy and i dno't get the sense that he's willing to sink that kind of time and effort into it.

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1 minute ago, Moonbox said:

Uh...didn't you start a thread on this exact same topic with the exact same info like...a week or so ago?  

Did you forget?  🤔

Not really - this is kind of a spin off tho :)  

The libs aren't going to put any winners forward for the next election. So this is more of the 'long term' thread. I guess the title is slightly misleading but the content isn't :)   I' am curious if anyone else can think of a leader the libs could put forward who will be successful in the election 4 or 8 years after the next one.  There doesnt' really look like any are jumping up right now, but maybe others have a different view.

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If Pierre Poilievre behaves as Prime Minister the same way he has so far, Mark Carney would wipe the floor with him in 4 years.  If Pierre can tone down his performances and stop clowning for the dumbest common denominator, the Liberals could be in the stinker for a decade.  

I would agree that no Liberal has a chance in the next election though. 


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9 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

If Pierre Poilievre behaves as Prime Minister the same way he has so far, Mark Carney would wipe the floor with him in 4 years.  If Pierre can tone down his performances and stop clowning for the dumbest common denominator, the Liberals could be in the stinker for a decade. 

SO far he's climbed the polls like a rocket and won over the youth and middle class votes, made massive inroads with women, and got people excited about voting for him.   I'm not sure if i'd say that's a  losing performance :)

Obviously how good he is at campaigning is not always an indicator of how good someone will be  as a prime minister, but I think it's a safe bet he'll perform well enough to get his second term.

I think carney will be a little bit too much of an elitist to win against him, especially in 4 years. He's another tax and spend liberal with a love for carbon taxes, i don't think that will resonate. Especially if the economy has improved under PP.

Honestly i think they'll do better with a more 'one of us' kind of middle class candidate. PP is playing that card and along with his wife (who's delightful)  it's really resonating.  I don't know that today's kids are going to really buy into the whole laurentian elite thing for at least a couple of elections.    Maybe?


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2 hours ago, CdnFox said:

SO far he's climbed the polls like a rocket and won over the youth and middle class votes, made massive inroads with women, and got people excited about voting for him.   I'm not sure if i'd say that's a  losing performance :)

He's done that off of Justin's brutal losing performance.  The ground doesn't get more fertile than this for an opposition leader, so if anything I'd say it's remarkable that Poilievre is still as disliked as he is.  

2 hours ago, CdnFox said:

I think carney will be a little bit too much of an elitist to win against him, especially in 4 years. He's another tax and spend liberal with a love for carbon taxes, i don't think that will resonate. Especially if the economy has improved under PP.

I don't think you know much about him, if that's your synopsis.  

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2 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

He's done that off of Justin's brutal losing performance.  The ground doesn't get more fertile than this for an opposition leader, so if anything I'd say it's remarkable that Poilievre is still as disliked as he is.  

I thought that initially too.  And obviously that doesn't hurt and it may have even started out that way - but the polling and such strongly indicates it's not just people disliking trudeau its people actually liking him.

HE's a pretty strong and motivational speaker.  And he's in front of a CRAPTONNE of people these days, he's in every province doing sold out shows to large audiences and they're eating it up.  When you add his youtube stuff which i've already commented on as being a crit skill for future politiicans he's really getting a strong message out there and winning hearts and minds

How long that lasts after he gets elected might be a different story - but i do think he's got the experience to deliver enough to keep people happy enough to vote a second time


I don't think you know much about him, if that's your synopsis.

I know quite a bit about him actually :)  But sure - i could have gotten something wrong.  Are you saying the global banker isn't elitist or are you saying he's not fond of the carbon tax?

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3 hours ago, CdnFox said:

HE's a pretty strong and motivational speaker.  And he's in front of a CRAPTONNE of people these days, he's in every province doing sold out shows to large audiences and they're eating it up.  When you add his youtube stuff which i've already commented on as being a crit skill for future politiicans he's really getting a strong message out there and winning hearts and minds

You're seeing all of this through an enthusiastic fan's eyes.  

3 hours ago, CdnFox said:

How long that lasts after he gets elected might be a different story - but i do think he's got the experience to deliver enough to keep people happy enough to vote a second time.

Less of what he's shown us so far, more adult stuff, and you could be right.  

3 hours ago, CdnFox said:

I know quite a bit about him actually :)  But sure - i could have gotten something wrong.  Are you saying the global banker isn't elitist or are you saying he's not fond of the carbon tax?

Doesn't seem like you know much at all.  Calling him 'elitist' is a rather weak and meaningless emotional plea.  Your claim that he's a tax-and-spend Liberal is also silly and I suspect based on nothing, particularly because he was never in charge of taxation or fiscal spending.  That was the responsibility of the man who appointed him, Stephen Harper.   

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Just now, Moonbox said:

You're seeing all of this through an enthusiastic fan's eyes.  

Well yes and no.  Like any good sports enthusiast sure i like to see the home team do well but it's not hard to detach from that and actually look at the game in general. I even appreciate it when i see a good game from the ones i'm not a fan of :)



Less of what he's shown us so far, more adult stuff, and you could be right.  


Well obviously any political figure who wins the election and isn't the inumbent is going to have to transition from 'rhetoric' to 'actual performance' and that usually calms them down a bit.


Doesn't seem like you know much at all.  Calling him 'elitist' is a rather weak and meaningless emotional plea. 

Really :)   Why's that? He graduated harvard, has been in high finance for years, he tends to hold top positions where you don't have to worry about accountability as much (or your next meal write off).  You think this is an average guy? Just like the plumber down the street? Please.


Your claim that he's a tax-and-spend Liberal is also silly

So. What i'm hearing is you've never heard the guy talk, you know nothing about him or his politics, and you're angry that someone you think might be a possible leader is being cast in a negative light :)   Sorry - but go listen to some of his stuff and thoughts.


and I suspect based on nothing,

He has spoken plenty :)  And even did an interview recently.  He's going to be a lot more fiscally responsible than justin but then just about every single other person on the planet would be, so that was a low bar.  And he's been VERY clear about his stance on teh carbon tax - huge fan and makes no bones about it.


particularly because he was never in charge of taxation or fiscal spending. 

Sure. But that doesn't mean he doesn't talk about it :)


That was the responsibility of the man who appointed him, Stephen Harper.   

And harper did great :)  .  And sure, harper and Carney worked very well together. Nobody says he's stupid or incompetent at his job.

But - he is more of an old school tax  and spend liberal, he absolutely does support the carbon tax and MOAR carbon tax and says so outright, and he's a harvard grad that's lived an extremely privlidged life since then in multiple countries. He is NOT 'joe plumber' if you see what i mean.

ANd as you say he has limited experience in politics. Never been elected to anything, not really used to trying to win people over, and somewhat difficult to relate to. So people would be getting to see him for the first time (unless they're older like me and remember him from the harper days).

So - i'm not sure he's going to be someone that the people will particularly warm to.  And he won't have the skills to run a very solid campaign, so he's very reliant on whomever the libs give him as an adviser.

You're thinking this is some sort of major attack on him. It isn't. But what i've said about him is in fact the truth and i wonder if the people would be ready for it at that point. I think he might be more of a mike ignatieff than a Pierre Polievre.

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13 hours ago, Moonbox said:

If Pierre Poilievre behaves as Prime Minister the same way he has so far, Mark Carney would wipe the floor with him in 4 years.  If Pierre can tone down his performances and stop clowning for the dumbest common denominator, the Liberals could be in the stinker for a decade.  

I would agree that no Liberal has a chance in the next election though. 


Mark Carney is a totally out of touch elitist who would absolutely fleece the public with more carbon tax insanity to look cool to his IMF and WEF masters.  Are you kidding me?

My only concern is that I don’t want to see Poilievre water down any policies.  I want him to govern from the right.  My hope is that he becomes far more conservative once elected, because Canada is fast tracking its way to communist hell.  

Edited by Zeitgeist
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13 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

Mark Carney is a totally out of touch elitist who would absolutely fleece the public with more carbon tax insanity to look cool to his IMF and WEF masters.  Are you kidding me?


Tell us more about how the WEF bad-man touched you Zeitgeist.  🤡

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27 minutes ago, Moonbox said:


Tell us more about how the WEF bad-man touched you Zeitgeist.  🤡

Carney would be another WEF-IMF woke-green globalist suck-up who throws ordinary Canadians under the bus. It’s so bloody obvious you’d have to be a driveling imbecile to think otherwise.  

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7 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Really :)   Why's that? He graduated harvard, has been in high finance for years, he tends to hold top positions where you don't have to worry about accountability as much (or your next meal write off).  You think this is an average guy? Just like the plumber down the street? Please.

Where did anyone, anywhere, say he was an average guy?  

He's one of the most respected financial minds in not just Canada, but the world.  Calling that "elitism" is a pretty transparent attempt to frame his competence and success as something nefarious, but this sort of stuff is chicken-soup for the slogan-loving apes.  

7 hours ago, CdnFox said:

So. What i'm hearing is you've never heard the guy talk, you know nothing about him or his politics, and you're angry that someone you think might be a possible leader is being cast in a negative light :)   Sorry - but go listen to some of his stuff and thoughts.

Sounds to me like you're making up what you want to argue against again.  🤷‍♂️

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59 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

Carney would be another WEF-IMF woke-green globalist suck-up who throws ordinary Canadians under the bus. It’s so bloody obvious you’d have to be a driveling imbecile to think otherwise.  

Such deep thoughts.  You missed a few off your list though.  You still need to tick off:

-Fascists (or Communists)

-Something about the MSM and fake news

-Big-Tech (or Big Pharma)

Otherwise, that was a passable attempt at conspiracy donkey word-salad.  🤡


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Carney would be another justin Trudeau failure. He's all about net zero, which is the dumbest idea they have come up with. Destroying Canada will have no effect on CC. 

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When I read posts that use the words "globalist, climate hoax, elites, WEF, wuhan flu, libtard, marxist, etc.," I immediately know it is the sound of a meaningless burp coming from the deepest bowls of a rabbit hole.

Edit: Good lord, how could I forget "woke".

Edited by Queenmandy85
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1 hour ago, Moonbox said:

Where did anyone, anywhere, say he was an average guy?  

It's a little late to backpeddal like that now :)  I said he was an elite... you got upset at that and claimed i didn't know what i was talking about.

Either he's an elite or he's an average person.  You can't have it both ways, he's not shrodinger's carney :) 

So - you seem to be suggesting here that he is indeed an elite and not an average guy. Glad we cleared that up.


He's one of the most respected financial minds in not just Canada, but the world.  Calling that "elitism" is a pretty transparent attempt to frame his competence and success as something nefarious, but this sort of stuff is chicken-soup for the slogan-loving apes.  

No, that's kind of dumb. There are many incompetent 'elites' and many competent people who are not 'elites'.  Jack layton was competent and well respected and well known but he was very universally seen as an 'average guy' rather than an elite.

His success in business or even his career does not matter one way or another.  It's the world he lives in and the soceity he surrounds himself with.  The guy is clearly a bit of an elite.  There is nothing WRONG with being an elite. Justin put himself out as being an elite and at the time the country was open to that.  But i'm not sure they will be in 4 years.

You're getting all upset over nothing.  These are simple facts.


Sounds to me like you're making up what you want to argue against again.  🤷‍♂️ 

Sounds like reality is making you butthurt again and somehow it's my fault :) 

Whether you like it or not a harvard grad high finance banker who only hangs in international circles etc etc is going to be seen as a bit of an elite. That's just life.  Sometimes that works in favour of a politician and sometimes not. Trudeau made it work for him,  but there's a good chance that the public won't quite be ready for someone like that again in 4 years,  that is all i'm saying.

Stop having hissy fits over nothing and calm down.  These are decent discussions when you're not having emotional breakdowns over simple facts.

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6 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

When I read posts that use the words "globalist, climate hoax, elites, WEF, wuhan flu, libtard, marxist, etc.," I immediately know it is the sound of a meaningless burp coming from the deepest bowls of a rabbit hole.

Edit: Good lord, how could I forget "woke".

Yep, just a bunch of befuddled apes making loud noises.  It doesn't matter what the issue or the topic is, it always goes back to green woke globalist msm-fake news Big Tech something something WEF. 

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Carney would be another justin Trudeau failure. He's all about net zero, which is the dumbest idea they have come up with. Destroying Canada will have no effect on CC. And yes, Trudeau gas proven that he's incapable of doing anything right, or his grand plan for the new country is well on its way. And one thing that can't be denied, its the post national state,(UN bus station) he wants to build. His OWN words.  

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4 minutes ago, PIK said:

Carney would be another justin Trudeau failure. He's all about net zero, which is the dumbest idea they have come up with. Destroying Canada will have no effect on CC. And yes, Trudeau gas proven that he's incapable of doing anything right, or his grand plan for the new country is well on its way. And one thing that can't be denied, its the post national state,(UN bus station) he wants to build. His OWN words.  

well he at least would have better creds for the job than "was part time drama teacher' :)  

So i have no doubt that he'd be better than justin but i have little doubt that a pickled bullfrog that someone occasionally ran electricity through to make it jump would be better.

And that's what the liberals would sell -  "Sure we completely destroyed the economy last time we were in and now you can't afford a house but now we've got someone who DOES think about fiscal policy so please take us back". 

And fair enough, that's really all they'll be able to say in 4 years as the economy is very likely top of people's minds.

But as you noted and as i suggested he's still got that whole "liberal elite' vibe of net zero even at the cost of the economy, carbon taxes, and 'ill cancel disney plus if things get really bad".   And that's something that can work for you if times are good but less so if times are bad and i don't know people will be ready for it.

but if not him - then who?

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42 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

Yep, just a bunch of befuddled apes making loud noises.  It doesn't matter what the issue or the topic is, it always goes back to green woke globalist msm-fake news Big Tech something something WEF. 

We forgot "carbon tax." 😉

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