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Crazies stab Derek Chauvin, the cop wrongfully convicted of murder after the lefties incited a race riot

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31 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

Like I said...simplistic.

What does that have to do with this? THIS guy was fighting with the cops.

You hardly know what anyone is talking about. I find you the epitome of your own favourite saying. DUH!

George Floyd was a waste of flesh and bone. He was arrested for being a criminal and he died because he was a criminal. He was blitzed out of his mind...resisted arrest...and got what he deserved. A martyr for the terminally limp. A club for the enemies of society. Together they wreaked havoc and cost America billions.

For a mindless drug addled failure of a criminal.

Regardless of what you think of Floyd, cops don't get to be executioners.

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1 hour ago, Nationalist said:

Like I said...simplistic.

What does that have to do with this? THIS guy was fighting with the cops.

You hardly know what anyone is talking about. I find you the epitome of your own favourite saying. DUH!

George Floyd was a waste of flesh and bone. He was arrested for being a criminal and he died because he was a criminal. He was blitzed out of his mind...resisted arrest...and got what he deserved. A martyr for the terminally limp. A club for the enemies of society. Together they wreaked havoc and cost America billions.

For a mindless drug addled failure of a criminal.

There is no death penalty for "blitzed out of his mind" except by "street justice" cops, and those like YOU who support his MURDER.

Next time you see a bum on the street who is "blitzed out of his mind," I don't suggest you test out your theory and murder him.

1 hour ago, Army Guy said:

Yes Floyd is dead, the only reason Chauvin is in prison, serving his sentence handed down by your justice system...No karma, no your a dick so we will send you to general population, no additional conditions to be meet...Now you personal may want ill will to fall upon him, but thats not justice it is revenge.... 

Chauvin WAS in a high secure facility and was TRANSFERRED to medium security AT HIS REQUEST. Duh

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3 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

I can't believe Chavin wanted to kill the criminal. Cops kill bad guys every day. Georgie was a bad guy.

I don't think he cared all that much. George was certainly no saint but cops do not kill bad guys every day. They encounter bad guys of some sort on almost every shift.



Chauvin had 18 complaints on his official record, two of which ended in discipline,[38] specifically letters of reprimand.[13]

On October 29, 2006, Chauvin was one of six officers who opened fire on Wayne Reyes after he reportedly stabbed his girlfriend and a friend and fled in his truck. Police shot 43 rounds in four seconds.[39] Reyes was a member of the Leech Lake Ojibwe Band.[40] The officers were placed on administrative leave for one week; a grand jury in 2007 decided against charging any of the officers,[39] determining that the police use of force in the case was justified.[13]

On May 24, 2008, Chauvin was responding to a domestic violence call about 21-year-old black man Ira Latrell Toles by the mother of his baby. He broke down the bathroom door and nearly killed unarmed Toles by beating him with his pistol and then shooting him twice at close range after he allegedly reached for an officer's gun.[9][36][37]

On August 8, 2011, Chauvin was involved in the shooting of 23-year-old Alaskan Native American man Leroy Martinez in the torso by fellow officer Terry Nutter. Eyewitness accounts contradicted the police's claim that Martinez was armed when he was shot. According to them and Martinez himself he had already dropped his gun and held his arms in the air but the police shot him nonetheless.[41][9] The three officers returned to work after a standard three-day administrative leave. After investigating the incident, the then Minneapolis Police Chief Timothy Dolan stated that the police officers acted "appropriately and courageously".[42]

On September 4, 2017, Chauvin was among officers responding to a complaint by the mother of two young children. Videos from the scene were said to show Chauvin hitting a 14-year-old black boy in the head with a flashlight so hard he required stitches, then holding him down with his knee for nearly 17 minutes, ignoring the boy's complaints that he could not breathe.[43] Trying to avoid prejudice in the Floyd trial, the judge prohibited the prosecutors from raising the matter.[43]

According to the former owner of El Nuevo Rodeo, a Latin nightclub where Chauvin had worked off duty as security while George Floyd was also working as security, but was not certain whether they knew each other.[44][45]The owner has been critical of Chauvin since his arrest, describing Chauvin's tactics as "overkill" and saying "Chauvin was unnecessarily aggressive on nights when the club had a black clientele, quelling fights by dousing the crowd with pepper spray and calling in several police squad cars as backup".[35][46]

In 2023, the City of Minneapolis agreed to pay almost $9 million to settle lawsuits brought against Chauvin by Zoya Code and John Pope Jr., black residents who both claimed that Chauvin "pressed his knee into their necks" in 2017, the same tactic that killed Floyd in 2020. According to a Minneapolis City Council announcement, Code and Pope were expected to receive $1.4 and $7.5 million, respectively.[47]


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4 hours ago, impartialobserver said:

It is not a surprise. Cops who are convicted(rightfully or not) have a rough time in general population in jails or prisons. Criminals tend to be rather simple in their emotions and see cops as the enemy. Technicality and all but I think that he should have been convicted of manslaughter not murder. Murder implies that he planned it out.. when, where, and how. It is clear from the video that it was spontaneous. 

Not quite. First degree murder (in most states AFAIK) requires deliberate intent to kill--a planned killing. Chauvin was convicted of second and third degree murder in Minnesota, neither of which require planning or premeditation. 

Basically, he set out not necessarily to kill, but to deliberately "hurt" Floyd in a way that might reasonably result in death.

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33 minutes ago, robosmith said:

There is no death penalty for "blitzed out of his mind" except by "street justice" cops, and those like YOU who support his MURDER.

Next time you see a bum on the street who is "blitzed out of his mind," I don't suggest you test out your theory and murder him.

Chauvin WAS in a high secure facility and was TRANSFERRED to medium security AT HIS REQUEST. Duh

I don't "support" anyone's murder, Tweenkie-boy. I "support" the police and try to understand the position they are in as cops.

You? Run around degrading cops and trying to pass failures like Floyd off as heroes. Floyd, Biden, Majorkis, etc...all failures.

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26 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

I don't "support" anyone's murder, Tweenkie-boy. I "support" the police and try to understand the position they are in as cops.

You make excuses for MURDER. Fortunately you weren't on the jury which found Chauvin guilty of murder.

26 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

You? Run around degrading cops and trying to pass failures like Floyd off as heroes. Floyd, Biden, Majorkis, etc...all failures.

I condemn the BAD COPS you DEFEND.

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1 hour ago, robosmith said:

There is no death penalty for "blitzed out of his mind" except by "street justice" cops, and those like YOU who support his MURDER.

Next time you see a bum on the street who is "blitzed out of his mind," I don't suggest you test out your theory and murder him.

Chauvin WAS in a high secure facility and was TRANSFERRED to medium security AT HIS REQUEST. Duh

I get that he may of requested it, but was it in his best interest, his safety is in the justice systems hands, and was this transfer done with that in mind...

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33 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

I get that he may of requested it, but was it in his best interest, his safety is in the justice systems hands, and was this transfer done with that in mind...

If anyone knew the dangers to ex-cops in prison, it was Chauvin. For all I know, maybe he was hoping to get time off for his suffering.

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43 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

Floyd had a rap sheet a mile long.

Only one conviction for anything violent and that was in 2007. He served five years and was released in 2013 and had no charges since.



During the final two minutes[60] Floyd was motionless and had no pulse,[61][62] but Chauvin kept his knee on Floyd's neck and back even as emergency medical technicians arrived to treat Floyd.[63]: 7:21 


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53 minutes ago, West said:

What happens if there's a whacko with a gun? 

Floyd wasn't armed and he was on the ground subdued by three officers, one of which had a knee on his neck for nine minutes.

Even if he was knowingly trying to pass a counterfeit twenty like the clerk suspected, that is no reason to kill anyone. 

We don't even know if the bill really was counterfeit. That minor detail got lost in the shuffle.

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21 minutes ago, Aristides said:

Floyd wasn't armed and he was on the ground subdued by three officers, one of which had a knee on his neck for nine minutes.

Even if he was knowingly trying to pass a counterfeit twenty like the clerk suspected, that is no reason to kill anyone. 

We don't even know if the bill really was counterfeit. That minor detail got lost in the shuffle.

Back in the day you all used to claim that Michael Brown was a poor innocent person who was unfairly shot by police. Turned out the guy at 300 pounds plus tried charging and harming officers. 

There's no doubt that had Chauvin given up Floyd would've tried to do him harm. 

You all act like these guys are victims. It's pathetic

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22 minutes ago, West said:

Back in the day you all used to claim that Michael Brown was a poor innocent person who was unfairly shot by police. Turned out the guy at 300 pounds plus tried charging and harming officers. 

Turned out the officer who shot Brown told dispatch that he was going to wait for backup PER POLICY and then VIOLATED policy by confronting Brown ALONE. IF he had proceeded according to policy, he would have had enough help to make the shooting unnecessary when HIS CONFRONTATION of Brown back fired.

22 minutes ago, West said:

There's no doubt that had Chauvin given up Floyd would've tried to do him harm. 

You must be ^joking. You have ZERO evidence Floyd would have confronted the cops since he was just sitting in his truck when they arrived and the cops rousted HIM.

22 minutes ago, West said:

You all act like these guys are victims. It's pathetic

Floyd was DEFINITELY a victim and the jury found Chauvin GUILTY.

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9 minutes ago, robosmith said:

Turned out the officer who shot Brown told dispatch that he was going to wait for backup PER POLICY and then VIOLATED policy by confronting Brown ALONE. IF he had proceeded according to policy, he would have had enough help to make the shooting unnecessary when HIS CONFRONTATION of Brown back fired.

You must be ^joking. You have ZERO evidence Floyd would have confronted the cops since he was just sitting in his truck when they arrived and the cops rousted HIM.

Floyd was DEFINITELY a victim and the jury found Chauvin GUILTY.

Sure black people are always victims even when they try to harm people. 

As far as I'm concerned it doesn't matter your skin color if you sell lethal doses of fentanyl you are a POS and should be thought of no different than a terrorist 

Edited by West
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2 hours ago, robosmith said:

Most people who try to pass a fake 20 do not even get arrested. Usually the cashier just refuses the payment.

I CAN believe you're defending MURDER.

Oh he just happened to be passing funny money by accident...right.

2 hours ago, robosmith said:

You make excuses for MURDER. Fortunately you weren't on the jury which found Chauvin guilty of murder.

I condemn the BAD COPS you DEFEND.

I support cops. You throw shit at them.

Edited by Nationalist
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54 minutes ago, Aristides said:

Floyd wasn't armed and he was on the ground subdued by three officers, one of which had a knee on his neck for nine minutes.

Even if he was knowingly trying to pass a counterfeit twenty like the clerk suspected, that is no reason to kill anyone. 

You're vile dude.

No one intentionally killed anyone.

Floyd is a big guy who was resisting arrest, and the cops couldn't get him in the back of their SUV so they just held him on the ground til he was calm for a while. 

It's true that he was saying that he couldn't breathe, but he said that for the first time when he was in the car and no one was touching him, so officers didn't believe him. 

This is just like most plane crashes and other extremely unfortunate events, where a confluence of unlucky and unfortunate issues conspired to turn a difficult arrest into a death. I.e., it wasn't ONE thing, "Chauvin's knee", it was the drugs Floyd took, the fact that officers didn't believe that Floyd couldn't breathe, his resisting arrest, his own size which gave him the ability to resist to the extent that they couldn't get him into the car, and again his own weight contributed to making it difficult to breathe when he was on the ground. 

The common theme in all of these deaths that caused riots in the US: resisting arrest. Brionna's BF shot a cop, Floyd resisted, Brown wrestled a cop, Rayshard punched a cop and tried to shoot him in the face with a taser, etc. 

All of those guys would have been completely unharmed if they didn't resist arrest. 

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6 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

You're vile dude.

No one intentionally killed anyone.

Floyd is a big guy who was resisting arrest, and the cops couldn't get him in the back of their SUV so they just held him on the ground til he was calm for a while. 

It's true that he was saying that he couldn't breathe, but he said that for the first time when he was in the car and no one was touching him, so officers didn't believe him. 

This is just like most plane crashes and other extremely unfortunate events, where a confluence of unlucky and unfortunate issues conspired to turn a difficult arrest into a death. I.e., it wasn't ONE thing, "Chauvin's knee", it was the drugs Floyd took, the fact that officers didn't believe that Floyd couldn't breathe, his resisting arrest, his own size which gave him the ability to resist to the extent that they couldn't get him into the car, and again his own weight contributed to making it difficult to breathe when he was on the ground. 

The common theme in all of these deaths that caused riots in the US: resisting arrest. Brionna's BF shot a cop, Floyd resisted, Brown wrestled a cop, Rayshard punched a cop and tried to shoot him in the face with a taser, etc. 

All of those guys would have been completely unharmed if they didn't resist arrest. 

Chauvin is a disgrace to his profession, I don't understand why you continue to make excuses for someone who makes all cops look bad. Do you think you are doing police a favour? 

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24 minutes ago, Aristides said:

Chauvin is a disgrace to his profession, I don't understand why you continue to make excuses for someone who makes all cops look bad. Do you think you are doing police a favour? 

Watch this, you disgraceful piece of crap. 

It's a video that was leaked several months after Tony Timpa's death. You can watch these cops joking around as Timpa is laying on the ground, dead as a doornail. It took them 15 minutes to kill him. 

Then they lied about where and how he died that whole time and none of them are in jail, they're still cops. Was it racism? It had to be, he died the same way, right? 


There are two noticeable things about Floyd's death:

  1. The cop was white and Floyd was black
  2. Floyd said that he couldn't breathe when he was alone in the cop car and again when he was on the ground with Chauvin kneeling on him.

Leftards and racist hate mongers alike contend that #1 is all the proof that they need to make the claim that this was because of racism. Sorry dude, but #1 is literally no proof of a single thing at all. It's just random. 

Any reasonable person would assume that there's correlation between 2.A Floyd saying "I can't breathe" when no one's touching him, and 2.B police officers not believing him when he says the exact same thing when he's laying on the ground. You're a total id10t or a liar if you say that you can't understand how that influences this case. It's not "an excuse", it's common sense. 

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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

You're vile dude.

No one intentionally killed anyone.

Floyd is a big guy who was resisting arrest, and the cops couldn't get him in the back of their SUV so they just held him on the ground til he was calm for a while. 

It's true that he was saying that he couldn't breathe, but he said that for the first time when he was in the car and no one was touching him, so officers didn't believe him. 

This is just like most plane crashes and other extremely unfortunate events, where a confluence of unlucky and unfortunate issues conspired to turn a difficult arrest into a death. I.e., it wasn't ONE thing, "Chauvin's knee", it was the drugs Floyd took, the fact that officers didn't believe that Floyd couldn't breathe, his resisting arrest, his own size which gave him the ability to resist to the extent that they couldn't get him into the car, and again his own weight contributed to making it difficult to breathe when he was on the ground. 

The common theme in all of these deaths that caused riots in the US: resisting arrest. Brionna's BF shot a cop, Floyd resisted, Brown wrestled a cop, Rayshard punched a cop and tried to shoot him in the face with a taser, etc. 

All of those guys would have been completely unharmed if they didn't resist arrest. 

The problem is that if you apply pressure on a person like that you are liable to kill them. Humans are exquisitely vulnerable to asphyxia in certain positions. We should be able to learn such basics. 

And do I really have to point out that resisting arrest should not be a capital offence? Maybe on this forum. Where I clearly do not belong. 

Edited by SpankyMcFarland
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9 minutes ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

The problem is that if you apply pressure on a person like that you are liable to kill them. Humans are exquisitely vulnerable to asphyxia in certain positions. We should be able to learn such basics. 

That's right, especially when they're on certain drugs, as was the case with both Floyd and Timpa. 


And do I really have to point out that resisting arrest should not be a capital offence?

It's absolutely not a capitol offence, but in all of those situations the police were put into positions where they had to use force, and when these scenarios play out hundreds of thousands of times, all across the US, day after day, of course it results in some deaths. 

If you live long enough to go from your house to the nearest Starbucks 5 million times you'll probably die.

If you comply with the lawful orders of cops 5 million times you won't die. But you can feel free to punch cops if you want. 

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