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Here we go again. Covid #2.


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Well, as if we did not have enough of the covid 19 hoax and lies for over two years, graciously donated by our lying politicians and the lying MSM, well they are back at it again. We are now being asked here in BC to mask up once again and go and get another booster covid 19 shot just to be on the safe side. The BC government wants to start off with trying to get all hospitals and other health offices to have their patients mask up. That is just the beginning. Who will be next? Only comrade Bonnie(the commie)Henry knows for sure.

We had the truckers convoy demonstration over a year ago to try and end all covid restrictions and mandates. After two months of protesting, the dictator in Ottawa, finally relented and gave Canadians back their freedoms that the dictator took away from us all. And now they are staring it up again. Will you comply or will you bend the knee to the covid god once again? 

I do not want to have to go thru what we all had to go thru for two years all over again. But if we allow those politicians and the MSM in Canada to try and convince the Joe and Mary six packs to mask up and get jabbed, and they do so, we will probably be where we were just two years ago. We may need to mask up to be able to go in a restaurant or buy food.in a grocery store. Our freedoms were taken away from us, but I am now once again enjoying my freedoms, and I do not nor will I comply to more covid 19 bull nonsense and lose those freedoms I gained back. So, what say you? Are you ready to comply or just say NO?  ☺️

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On 9/22/2023 at 9:24 PM, CdnFox said:

I don't think anyone's going to go for it much. 

I think the government is to blame for the level of apathy felt by its population.

Keeping your population safe should of course always be your top priority.

However, we saw governments go from safety to conflating it with divisive identity politics, all at the expense of the population's eroding mental health (as identified, by the skyrocketing phone calls to crisis help lines, shelters for women victim of domestic abuse, homeless shelters, drug overdoses, and many other areas that showcased policy failures).

It's a lot easier to hide from that reality (and statistics), when you can "bring back" someone who overdosed.

Or, that person who can't afford their rent anymore, but has a supportive family they have to move back in with, keeping many off of the streets.

What you can't ignore, is the massive lineups at the Beer stores we all saw. The LCBO, that made a killing. The explosion in "tent cities". Robberies, etc.

Politicians traveling, and enjoying family time, while admonishing Canadians for wishing to do the same. 

People are fed up. Sadly, they have all the reason to be.

Very hard to trust a government that would prefer shaming its constituents and being hypocrites,  than bringing them together and being an example.

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On 9/22/2023 at 6:24 PM, CdnFox said:

I don't think anyone's going to go for it much.  We're all done with that crap.  I'm sure some of the greatest at risk groups will get their shots and there are non-mnra options now, but frankly with the anti viral now available as well the issue is done.

I certainly hope that we are done with that covid crap once and for all. But if I know our useless politicians, they will try and see if they can get away with another covid hoax one more time. They enjoyed the power of controlling our lives which we all know by now, wrecked hundreds of thousands of people's lives and lively hoods. They must never be trusted with our freedoms ever again. 

As long as those politicians leave me alone, all is good with me. If someone wants to wear a mask and get five more booster shots, then go for it. It's their body, not mine. Enough already. 

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11 hours ago, Perspektiv said:

I think the government is to blame for the level of apathy felt by its population.

Keeping your population safe should of course always be your top priority.

However, we saw governments go from safety to conflating it with divisive identity politics, all at the expense of the population's eroding mental health (as identified, by the skyrocketing phone calls to crisis help lines, shelters for women victim of domestic abuse, homeless shelters, drug overdoses, and many other areas that showcased policy failures).

It's a lot easier to hide from that reality (and statistics), when you can "bring back" someone who overdosed.

Or, that person who can't afford their rent anymore, but has a supportive family they have to move back in with, keeping many off of the streets.

What you can't ignore, is the massive lineups at the Beer stores we all saw. The LCBO, that made a killing. The explosion in "tent cities". Robberies, etc.

Politicians traveling, and enjoying family time, while admonishing Canadians for wishing to do the same. 

People are fed up. Sadly, they have all the reason to be.

Very hard to trust a government that would prefer shaming its constituents and being hypocrites,  than bringing them together and being an example.

It was Klaus Schwab of the WEF globalist elite who once said that thanks to covid, now is the time to implement a great reset for the rest of the world. And we all saw what him and his great reset did to humanity. Hundreds of millions of lives destroyed by him and his communist globalist ilk. And thanks to our political representatives in Ottawa. they betrayed we the people and went along with the Schwabster instead. Our politicians have shown us all as to where their real loyalty lies. It was for sure not with we the people. A deplorable bunch of political buffoons. Shocking. 

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On 9/22/2023 at 2:08 PM, taxme said:

Well, as if we did not have enough of the covid 19 hoax and lies for over two years, graciously donated by our lying politicians and the lying MSM, well they are back at it again. We are now being asked here in BC to mask up once again and go and get another booster covid 19 shot just to be on the safe side. The BC government wants to start off with trying to get all hospitals and other health offices to have their patients mask up. That is just the beginning. Who will be next? Only comrade Bonnie(the commie)Henry knows for sure.

We had the truckers convoy demonstration over a year ago to try and end all covid restrictions and mandates. After two months of protesting, the dictator in Ottawa, finally relented and gave Canadians back their freedoms that the dictator took away from us all. And now they are staring it up again. Will you comply or will you bend the knee to the covid god once again? 

I do not want to have to go thru what we all had to go thru for two years all over again. But if we allow those politicians and the MSM in Canada to try and convince the Joe and Mary six packs to mask up and get jabbed, and they do so, we will probably be where we were just two years ago. We may need to mask up to be able to go in a restaurant or buy food.in a grocery store. Our freedoms were taken away from us, but I am now once again enjoying my freedoms, and I do not nor will I comply to more covid 19 bull nonsense and lose those freedoms I gained back. So, what say you? Are you ready to comply or just say NO?  ☺️

As you say, people are being asked, not told. No one is taking your freedoms away.

Wearing a mask does not prevent you from doing anything.

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If we didn't get Mask mandates last fall, I seriously doubt we'll see them again related to COVID. 

Teresa Tam was asking people to start masking a few weeks ago, not for COVID necessarily, but all respiratory viruses. 

As for vaccines. They aren't a bad thing. If you don't want to get sick they help against that. If you think your immune system is rock solid, don't get them. 

There's no harm in promoting them. 

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1 hour ago, Boges said:

As for vaccines. They aren't a bad thing. If you don't want to get sick they help against that. If you think your immune system is rock solid, don't get them.

That wasn't an option for a lot of people and it created real problems. And there's valid concerns that this could happen again.

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20 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

That wasn't an option for a lot of people and it created real problems. And there's valid concerns that this could happen again.

Is it Valid? What's the appetite for this? 

There were a lot of things that happened during the pandemic that, in hindsight, seem super heavy handed. 

I know, here in Ontario, there's absolutely no appetite for government's to mandate masking or vaccination. Some Hospitals have brought back masking, but in a healthcare setting, that doesn't seem so crazy and unreasonable. 

But we're not talking about making people wear masks to the grocery store anymore. 

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On 9/25/2023 at 4:53 PM, Aristides said:

As you say, people are being asked, not told. No one is taking your freedoms away.

Wearing a mask does not prevent you from doing anything.

Not true. Here in BC, comrade Bonnie Henry is at it again. She is now forcing people who work in the health industry to mask up once again. All visitors and contractors entering some health care premises must now wear a mask. This is only the beginning.  

Bull chit that people are not being told or forced to have to wear masks again. Don't you ever listen to the Canadian propaganda MSM news? And I am pretty sure that this is just the beginning. Public transit and government buildings and liquor stores will be soon be forcing people to wear masks once again. No doubt that masks will once again be required to be able to eat in a restaurant or to go buy groceries.  Sadly, Canada has truly become a communist like dictatorship. ?

Wearing a mask does not prevent anyone from catching any virus. That is a well known fact. It's all just more bull chit to once again have to eat their commie bull crap. Covid is back again, folks. Sigh. 

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5 hours ago, Boges said:

If we didn't get Mask mandates last fall, I seriously doubt we'll see them again related to COVID. 

Teresa Tam was asking people to start masking a few weeks ago, not for COVID necessarily, but all respiratory viruses. 

As for vaccines. They aren't a bad thing. If you don't want to get sick they help against that. If you think your immune system is rock solid, don't get them. 

There's no harm in promoting them. 

How would anyone know if vaccines really work or not? We are told by paid off actors and doctors that vaccines work. But like the MSM and our politicians, can we also trust the medical profession to not bull chit us all about the good work that vaccines do to prevent people from catching a cold? Again, how would you know? 

People have been taken vaccines for viruses, and some still get sick from some virus. No doubt it was the vaccine that probably made many sick by lowering their immune system. This has nothing to do with any virus. It has more to do with big pharma trying to get the Joe and Mary six packs out there to go get another vaccine jab. 

Covid is back. ?

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4 hours ago, Boges said:

Is it Valid? What's the appetite for this? 

At the moment it's mostly in the halls of power - covid was a fantastic time for those in positions of authority who wished to extend their authority, and that desire still exists (and always will, that's the nature of gov'ts and authority).


There were a lot of things that happened during the pandemic that, in hindsight, seem super heavy handed. 

Sure, and it left people defensive about it on both sides.  It was an odd case of "I know we're being too authoritarian, but are we being authoritarian enough? both sides of that still remain bitter and distrustful of the other



But we're not talking about making people wear masks to the grocery store anymore. 

Not at the moment but a few provincial gov'ts have put out gentle feelers to gauge public opinion on that. Stories about how there's a 'concerning respiratory surge' are beginning to show up etc (like there hasnt' been every year since canada was born in the fall).

It gets people on edge.

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On 9/29/2023 at 6:31 PM, taxme said:

How would anyone know if vaccines really work or not? We are told by paid off actors and doctors that vaccines work. But like the MSM and our politicians, can we also trust the medical profession to not bull chit us all about the good work that vaccines do to prevent people from catching a cold? Again, how would you know? 

People have been taken vaccines for viruses, and some still get sick from some virus. No doubt it was the vaccine that probably made many sick by lowering their immune system. This has nothing to do with any virus. It has more to do with big pharma trying to get the Joe and Mary six packs out there to go get another vaccine jab. 

Covid is back. ?

Vaccines for respiratory viruses like the Flu and COVID are tricky because they mutate so frequently. Annual Flu shots have been a thing for a long time. 

Nevertheless they're a tool to reduce sickness even if you do get infected. 

I guess unless you feel Viruses are a tool to control the populace, which seems odd seeing they aren't mandatory. 

Now childhood vaccines for very serious diseases that don't mutate are a completely different story, they should be mandatory to use public institutions like schools. 

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Let's see, my wife could lug her oxygen bottle to the car, drive to the store, tuck it under her arm, put on a mask and go in to buy a T shirt to wear for an MRI
but putting on a mask in the Hospital or Doctor's office is just too much loss of freedumb for your pansy little ass?

Oh the dictators are forcing me to do as little as I possibly can not to spread disease... how horrible why should "I" have to do anything?

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8 hours ago, Boges said:

Vaccines for respiratory viruses like the Flu and COVID are tricky because they mutate so frequently. Annual Flu shots have been a thing for a long time. 

Nevertheless they're a tool to reduce sickness even if you do get infected. 

I guess unless you feel Viruses are a tool to control the populace, which seems odd seeing they aren't mandatory. 

Now childhood vaccines for very serious diseases that don't mutate are a completely different story, they should be mandatory to use public institutions like schools. 

You still have not shown me any proof as to whether vaccines do really work or not? You have no idea, do you? You just continually parrot what the medical profession the drug industry, and of course the lying MSM tells you, right? 

Again, there should never be any mandatory vaccines being forced on anyone, especially children. Only dictators will do such a thing. Here in BC, we once again have Bonnie(the commie)Henry at it again. Now she is forcing health institutions and hospitals to force people to wear a mask on their premises. What's next, comrade Bonnie, the rest of BC again? The NDP and Bonnie must be getting some kind of kickback to be trying to do covid all over again here in BC. ?


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53 minutes ago, herbie said:

Let's see, my wife could lug her oxygen bottle to the car, drive to the store, tuck it under her arm, put on a mask and go in to buy a T shirt to wear for an MRI
but putting on a mask in the Hospital or Doctor's office is just too much loss of freedumb for your pansy little ass?

Oh the dictators are forcing me to do as little as I possibly can not to spread disease... how horrible why should "I" have to do anything?

I have heard over and over the masks do not really work. There are way too many ways for a virus to get thru all the openings in a mask. If you are so afraid of getting some virus, than go out and buy yourself a gas mask. That should work for you. Otherwise, stop forcing anyone who does not want to wear a mask. I have freedom rights also, not just for people like you who will believe anything that the government or health officials tell you. They are just a bunch of big pharma  puppets on a string for pushing drugs and masks on people who just want to be left alone to do their own thing. 

Besides, how would you even know if masks or vaccines will work to prevent anyone from catching a virus? Show me some proof if you have it? Well? 

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14 minutes ago, taxme said:

You still have not shown me any proof as to whether vaccines do really work or not? You have no idea, do you? You just continually parrot what the medical profession the drug industry, and of course the lying MSM tells you, right? 

Again, there should never be any mandatory vaccines being forced on anyone, especially children. Only dictators will do such a thing. Here in BC, we once again have Bonnie(the commie)Henry at it again. Now she is forcing health institutions and hospitals to force people to wear a mask on their premises. What's next, comrade Bonnie, the rest of BC again? The NDP and Bonnie must be getting some kind of kickback to be trying to do covid all over again here in BC. ?


Nice to see you're pro measles. 

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4 minutes ago, Boges said:

Nice to see you're pro measles. 

Where's the proof, goof? Come on, spit it out. 

Why would I be pro measles, goofy? Are you all in for being pro vaccines which have been shown to have caused plenty of harm and death to those who have taken the many vaccine shots out there.

Look it up on the internet if you do not believe me. Of course, maybe you are just too lazy and to liberal to look it up. ?

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1 hour ago, taxme said:

Where's the proof, goof? Come on, spit it out. 

Why would I be pro measles, goofy? Are you all in for being pro vaccines which have been shown to have caused plenty of harm and death to those who have taken the many vaccine shots out there.

Look it up on the internet if you do not believe me. Of course, maybe you are just too lazy and to liberal to look it up. ?

Good god, you are really from the stone age. Vaccines have saved untold millions of lives. Before universal vaccination, smallpox alone killed millions. Now it no longer exits because of vaccines. Smallpox, measles and chicken pox killed millions of indigenous people in North America because there were no vaccines and they had no natural immunity to new diseases brought by Europeans. Even now, if you have had chicken pox, you are vulnerable to shingles later in life. A disease that can be far worse than the chicken pox. But now you can get effective vaccines for shingles as well.

I've had five shots and so do most people I know. According to you, we should all have three heads and our testicles should have fallen off by now.

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58 minutes ago, Aristides said:

I've had five shots and so do most people I know. According to you, we should all have three heads and our testicles should have fallen off by now.

You have to understand statistics to know what the problem is with these mrna treatments. I say treatments since the word vaccine doesn't directly apply. 

Besides, is the height of liberal arrogance and narcissism to believe that just because some drug worked for you and didn't harm you, it will be the same for absolutely everyone else.

I personally know among all my family and friends several women who had menses interruptions. My coworkers fiance became extremely ill for months after the shot and diagnosed with a reaction to it. 

If you get stats, that's highly significant given the small number of people in this sample size. 


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15 hours ago, taxme said:

Where's the proof, goof? Come on, spit it out. 

Why would I be pro measles, goofy? Are you all in for being pro vaccines which have been shown to have caused plenty of harm and death to those who have taken the many vaccine shots out there.

Look it up on the internet if you do not believe me. Of course, maybe you are just too lazy and to liberal to look it up. ?

The proof?


Measles has actually been making a bit of a comeback because anti-vax lunatics thinks it gives people Autism. . . without any proof. 

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18 hours ago, Aristides said:

Good god, you are really from the stone age. Vaccines have saved untold millions of lives. Before universal vaccination, smallpox alone killed millions. Now it no longer exits because of vaccines. Smallpox, measles and chicken pox killed millions of indigenous people in North America because there were no vaccines and they had no natural immunity to new diseases brought by Europeans. Even now, if you have had chicken pox, you are vulnerable to shingles later in life. A disease that can be far worse than the chicken pox. But now you can get effective vaccines for shingles as well.

I've had five shots and so do most people I know. According to you, we should all have three heads and our testicles should have fallen off by now.

I was referring to the covid vaccine shots that have caused injury and even death too so many people who took the many covid jab jabs. 

"Five jabs so far"? Take another five more covid jabs just to be on the safe side, will you. Lol. 

Big pharma may want to put you on their payroll and into their PR department. Hey, look at Aristotle? He took ten covid jabs and he is still alive. See, covid vaccines do work, Ha-ha-ha. 

Well, if you continue to take too many more covid jabs, maybe you will grow two more arms or maybe your balls will fall off, if you ever had any balls in the first place. Hey, we never know,eh? ?

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