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Another example of why their is no dialogue in Canada with the left.

Army Guy

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The left continue the attack on parental rights in this nation, when it comes down to LGBTQ issues, Now the Unions are getting into the act, preparing to join the LGBTQ march and the attack on parental rights, saying that they will be next on the extreme rights attack list if they don't act now....and of course the PM added fuel to the fire by dividing Canadians once again, by pigeon holing the entire group of parents as extreme right...

The left is preparing counter protests which they are being told to wear masks so they can not be identified. That is not a counter protest that is lighting the match to violence... I guess this is why peaceful protests is a thing of the past , now we wear masks and go on the offensive, making sure the other sides voice is not heard, becasue that is how we role today, you either follow and practice what is being preached, or your canceled, exiled... Yes, "August" another example of how divisive  our nation is when we can not even agree on what parental rights are.  


 WARMINGTON: Battle lines drawn as parents protest gender issues in schools (msn.com)

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The right is no better.

Problem is, there's no center anymore with the Liberal party going farther left. They might as well just merge with the NDP because there's no difference right now. 

There should be no problem with teaching that LGBT people exist. The same way that teaching that schools should teach about various religions and their beliefs. It's only when you get into promoting/proselytizing that it's overstepping secularism.

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52 minutes ago, Nexii said:

The right is no better.

The right is MUCH better.  But the right is getting fed up.


Problem is, there's no center anymore with the Liberal party going farther left. They might as well just merge with the NDP because there's no difference right now. 

But there IS a center.  The so called "Far right" is barely right of center.  Most will listen to reasonable compromise.  Informing parents of whats' going on with their kids to, say, age 16 would be a reasonable compromise. Allowing books that have characters who have two mommies or two daddies  but not books in elementary schools that have  actual pictures of guys sucking other guys weiners (yes - that's a thing, i posted it) would be a reasonable compromise

But - if you even try to open a dialogue about that you're a  nazi-bigot-transphobe-deplorable.


There should be no problem with teaching that LGBT people exist.

If LGBT people had stopped there - there wouldn't be a problem. But they are VASTLY beyond that point

So there's a problem.

Now there's a backlash. The LGBT people should have listened and realized that they were going way too far with this stuff. Kids being kicked out of school permanently for saying that there's two genders. THat's not ok.   Kids being sent home if they don't want to participate in Pride day celebrations against their religious principles - not just accepting but being forced to participate -  that's not ok.  Etc etc.

This has nothing to do with there not being a center. The LGBT community simply wasn't interested in equality, and now there's push back and it's going to set them back a long way

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1 hour ago, Army Guy said:

The left is preparing counter protests which they are being told to wear masks so they can not be identified. That is not a counter protest that is lighting the match to violence... I guess this is why peaceful protests is a thing of the past , now we wear masks and go on the offensive, making sure the other sides voice is not heard, becasue that is how we role today, you either follow and practice what is being preached, or your canceled, exiled... Yes, "August" another example of how divisive  our nation is when we can not even agree on what parental rights are.

There are legitimate causes which require masking up and covering up one's face. When you deal with a tyrannical government, when you are fighting a cause in which you might lose everything by being recognized, it's normal to act like that. But this kind of behavior is purely cowardice. No one is in danger from these protesters who are expressing their opinions about gender.

I just wish that people who are demonstrating will not be cowards themselves and would defend themselves if attacked by the activist groups who seem to have impunity to assault from many police departments across Canada.

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1 hour ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

But gay teens are real, right? There has to be some accommodation with that reality? 

So are Jewish teens. I don't think the school routinely have "Jew Month" or put up Jewish flags or spend a day every year having their kids do projects and learn about Jews and Jewish history and great Jewish figures in history. Why not? What about Muslim Month? Native month? How come schools don't put up all kinds of banners and flags and decorations to celebrate wearing glasses? There are tons of kids who wear glasses who are routinely bullied and discriminated against throughout their lives!

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1 hour ago, Canadian_Cavalier said:

Good. The more insane they make themselves look, the more unpopular they become. If anything violent is committed by any of them, it'll automatically render those counter protests objectively worse than any peaceful conservative demonstration. It'll also render leftists as hypocrites, once again.

Big if given who keeps mowing who down. You figure the Nathaniel Veltman's and the people who inspire him make you conservatives look more popular?  Look how popular it's become to blame lefties for triggering these people.  

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2 hours ago, Army Guy said:

The left continue the attack on parental rights in this nation, when it comes down to LGBTQ issues, Now the Unions are getting into the act, preparing to join the LGBTQ march and the attack on parental rights, saying that they will be next on the extreme rights attack list if they don't act now....and of course the PM added fuel to the fire by dividing Canadians once again, by pigeon holing the entire group of parents as extreme right...

The left is preparing counter protests which they are being told to wear masks so they can not be identified. That is not a counter protest that is lighting the match to violence... I guess this is why peaceful protests is a thing of the past , now we wear masks and go on the offensive, making sure the other sides voice is not heard, becasue that is how we role today, you either follow and practice what is being preached, or your canceled, exiled... Yes, "August" another example of how divisive  our nation is when we can not even agree on what parental rights are.  


 WARMINGTON: Battle lines drawn as parents protest gender issues in schools (msn.com)

Why is everything down to left and right.

Why can people not just have opinions or beliefs or thoughts about something and not making it political?

This blaming left or right shit is being very narrow minded and bigoted. People can believe one thing and can have different opinions on another and, believe it or not, are not politically driven.

I sometimes argue with CdnFox... and sometimes agree with him...am I ambidextrous or left or right or just have a mind of my own and do not follow the crowd?

I can fully understand a person not liking the present government and their leader but that does not mean everyone that agrees with one or 2 policies is left. You, Army Guy, were once a very middle of the road kind of person that could hold a discussion but you have lately become one of those where everything is left or right politically.

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20 minutes ago, I am Groot said:

So are Jewish teens. I don't think the school routinely have "Jew Month" or put up Jewish flags or spend a day every year having their kids do projects and learn about Jews and Jewish history and great Jewish figures in history. Why not? What about Muslim Month? Native month? How come schools don't put up all kinds of banners and flags and decorations to celebrate wearing glasses? There are tons of kids who wear glasses who are routinely bullied and discriminated against throughout their lives!

How about national NeuroDivergent month? Kids with ADD, Dyslexics, or who are on the Autism spectrum all have horrific challenges and face serious prejudices. They're real too aren't they?

And that right there is the problem. When you take one group and say "this group is special" - what you're really saying is "these other groups are not".  There's just no denying that.

And it breeds resentment, it makes the others feel excluded, and pretty quick it has divided kids, not brought them together.

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1 hour ago, Nexii said:

The right is no better.

Problem is, there's no center anymore with the Liberal party going farther left. They might as well just merge with the NDP because there's no difference right now.

Maybe there's a bigger center than people realize.  Look at how many conservatives around here have been written off as left wingers these last few years for example.  I'm pretty sure there are lots of right wing progressives who'd move in their direction if they had the choice.

The problem with voting for the CPC means that you're voting for a party which includes a high percentage of deplorable chuds.  I figure that's around 25% of the party and 10% of the Canadian electorate.  As the next election draws closer Poilievre will need to scrape these off or face an uphill struggle trying to keep soft-boiled conservatives interested.

Especially the more triggered the hard-boiled ones get and start looking more deep-fried.  

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2 hours ago, Nexii said:

There should be no problem with teaching that LGBT people exist.

If this is all that was being taught, you are spot on.

However, in my humble opinion, teaching a young child who thinks boogers are a sound meal alternative about gender identity and how you can pick gender like you can candy in a candy store, is ridiculous.

Sorry, but as a fellow LGBTQ member (am asexual), I am ashamed of a group I used to be welcome in.

This has nothing to do with acceptance.

Honestly. A gay couple could pretty much makeout in public, just as a trans person could walk anywhere. Nobody cares.

This is pushing kink, sexuality, narssissism and self importance (if one thinks that the world over cares that you're distraught if misgendered, give me a break--I have been told am the whitest black man that exists and have always had my skin color called into question) and other things that are insanely inappropriate for kids. 



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4 hours ago, herbie said:

How can "they" attack parental rights when there aren't any?
When many of those crying out want to supercede the actual existing rights of their own children?

Here in NB there is a massive movement started becasue the province wanted Parents to know that there children are now decided on different pronouns and have changed their names..."thats all " they wanted to be informed.... They the LGBTQ community says that doing this is dangerous, it is better that the parents do not know as some maybe less than 1 % of the parents will not take it very well....

I find it funney becasue the schools will phone and tell you everything else Johnny was late, skipped school, did not complete his assignments, got into a fight, etc... and if the family unit was a violent one this news would be seen as a trigger as well,  and nobody cared... 

In 99 % percent of homes this is not the case, parents and i know you will not believe this but they do love their children, and want the best for them...and conversation needs to happen... not holding secrets, every been to high school and try to have a secret it does not happen that often... nobody is taking away any rights of the children, 

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3 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

Why is everything down to left and right.

Why can people not just have opinions or beliefs or thoughts about something and not making it political?

This blaming left or right shit is being very narrow minded and bigoted. People can believe one thing and can have different opinions on another and, believe it or not, are not politically driven.

I sometimes argue with CdnFox... and sometimes agree with him...am I ambidextrous or left or right or just have a mind of my own and do not follow the crowd?

I can fully understand a person not liking the present government and their leader but that does not mean everyone that agrees with one or 2 policies is left. You, Army Guy, were once a very middle of the road kind of person that could hold a discussion but you have lately become one of those where everything is left or right politically.

Becasue that is were the conversation has moved, left or right... in this country, This is where the nation is today, thats not my doing thats the federal government being divisive, Do you think the right is pushing this LGBTQ issue. Not a chance...

This issue is political driven... once the PM makes a statement and takes a side it becomes a political issue or driven politically.... it shifts the entire conversation...

This issue is left, center who really don't care,  and right who want it to change...

I'm still the same guy i have been, only have no more patients for stupidity, of the left and woke...I do not see the current left political side of the spectrum as a viable source of government... out of 8 plus years of liberal reign i can honestly only say i have seen 3 or 4 pieces of legislation that was not a total waste of time... and it is not getting better, it is getting worse...

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Nobody needs laws forcing teachers to tell anyone. The instances are few, blown way ot of proportion and most of them would anyway for the parents that bothered to show up on Parent Teacher night.

A: how crappy a parent are you if you didn't already know?
B: what if the kid didn't want their parent to know and their folks are arseholes?
C  they're asking teacher to "out" kids violating their rights AND those of the kids. Rights that are there, right in the Charter. Not ones made of wishes.
D  the usual lying that this parents rally is 'for the kids', when it's only to enshrine parents will to dominate. Not choose, not raise, not inform - dominate.

Stupid, unnecessary law to appease the few.

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4 minutes ago, herbie said:

Nobody needs laws forcing teachers to tell anyone.


Teachers do apperently


The instances are few, blown way ot of proportion and most of them would anyway for the parents that bothered to show up on Parent Teacher night.

Then it won't matter if we have a law then will it.  I mean - nobody  is impacted if it doesn't happen. Are they. So might as well have the law.

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4 minutes ago, herbie said:

That's what I said. I can't even imagine a teacher not mentioning it to a parent. But a law requiring they do? Overboard.

It can't be overboard if it doesn't happen can it.  If it makes the parents feel at ease then that'a a great thing - if as you claim it's not even imaginable a teacher would do that then it's totally common sense to put the law in to make sure parents know the teachers support them.

If no teachers do it - what's the hesitation?

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4 hours ago, Perspektiv said:

If this is all that was being taught, you are spot on.

However, in my humble opinion, teaching a young child who thinks boogers are a sound meal alternative about gender identity and how you can pick gender like you can candy in a candy store, is ridiculous.

Sorry, but as a fellow LGBTQ member (am asexual), I am ashamed of a group I used to be welcome in.

This has nothing to do with acceptance.

Honestly. A gay couple could pretty much makeout in public, just as a trans person could walk anywhere. Nobody cares.

This is pushing kink, sexuality, narssissism and self importance (if one thinks that the world over cares that you're distraught if misgendered, give me a break--I have been told am the whitest black man that exists and have always had my skin color called into question) and other things that are insanely inappropriate for kids. 



Is this actually the curriculum or just a right-wing dogwhistle? I'd like to see some proof of it, though given they're allowing drag queens in some schools it wouldn't surprise me.

Saying gender is a choice is about as offensive as saying sexuality is a choice. Well, at least that used to be offensive to more moderate progressives.

I get the sentiment. And I'd add that a lot of the woke pro-LGBT crowd probably aren't even truely LGBT themselves. I mean if they were they wouldn't have the takes on issues that they do.

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7 hours ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

But gay teens are real, right? There has to be some accommodation with that reality? 

Christian parents should be raising their kids in the nurture and admonition of the Lord as the Bible says.  Problem is most people are not Christians so many kids grow up wild.  With no moral compass, people are reaping what they sow, a decadent society.  A real tragedy.

When you have a decadent government and school system that promotes immorality, that makes everything so much worse.

All the immorality is taught in schools as sexual orientation and gender identity under the claim it is anti bullying and being loving and accepting of everyone.  Apparently it is not possible for young people to be civilized, loving, and accepting without teaching them sexual orientation and gender identity as if it is all normal and teaching them that kids have a choice as to what gender they want to be or what sexual orientation they want to be.

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5 hours ago, herbie said:

How can "they" attack parental rights when there aren't any?
When many of those crying out want to supercede the actual existing rights of their own children?

Yea I think many aren't that aware that teens even have rights by law on issues of medical care, visitation rights, etc. Or maybe more worrying don't believe that minors can have such capacity, kind of a return to pre 1900s times. A lot of things said here really remind me of some over-sheltering parents in my family. Children can be completely ruined and warped by that sort of upbringing

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6 hours ago, herbie said:

How can "they" attack parental rights when there aren't any?

Oh, that is interesting.  What are parents for then or do you believe there is such a thing as the traditional family?   Is there no requirement for parents to teach their children the difference between right and wrong and guide them as they grow?

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Apparently in some people's minds on here, parents have no role whatsoever except to provide room and board.  According to them there is to be no parental guidance, no teaching on right and wrong, etc., no discipline for bad behavior, but children and young people are to be completely free to do whatever they wish.  A complete free-for-all. 

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