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Ontario terror suspect railed against ‘far-left,’ cited ‘grooming’ conspiracies immediately after killing Muslim family

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Ontario terror suspect railed against ‘far-left,’ cited ‘grooming’ conspiracies immediately after killing Muslim family

cp sketch
The trial of Nathaniel Veltman, seen here in a sketch from Monday. Seen from left to right, are: Justice Renee Pomerance, Nathaniel Veltman, defence counsel Peter Ketcheson and federal prosecutor Sarah Shaikh. Alexandra Newbould / THE CANADIAN PRESS

Warning: Disturbing content

WINDSOR—Hours after running down a Muslim family in a self-proclaimed “terrorist attack,” Nathaniel Veltman gave a rambling statement to police railing against the “far-left liberal agenda,” the “dishonest” media and referencing conspiracy theories, claiming his perceived lack of freedom of speech left him no choice but to commit violence.




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This is why the right wing needs to reign in their bullshit conspires, hyperbole  and constant hysteria they’re whipping up.  They think it’s all fair play in politics but there are crazies out there who will act on it and  kill people’. The MAGAs have been crossing red lines that historically no h politician would cross because everyone understands the logical outcome. But MAGAs either don’t understand or don’t care or both.  

Edited by BeaverFever
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1 hour ago, BeaverFever said:

This is why the right wing need ms to reign in their bullshit conspires, hyperbole  and constant hysteria they’re whipping up.  They think it’s all fair play in politics but there are crazies out there who will act on it and  kill people’. The MAGAs have been crossing red lines that historically no h politician would cross because everyone understands the logical outcome. But MAGAs either don’t understand or don’t care or both.  

No, this is why the left wing needs to reign in the bullshit attacks on everyone who doesn't think like them. 

You seem to think that these 'theories' spark up out of nowhere. They're a response to "you're deplorable'.  'you have white privlidge and you're an evil person as a result".  "You're a white male? how does it feel to be responsible for slavery and repressing women?" " You're a conservative? We're going to work with the muslims to bring you and your jewish friends down".  etc etc etc.

Like - that shit is every day now.  Has been for a while.

So - this is how it works. People hear that and those who are emotionally susceptible wind up becoming isolated and feel very threatened and vunerable from crap like that, It feels like everyone is out to get them.  They are afraid to say anything to anyone about anything because they could lose their job, their livelyhood, etc.

People like that will turn to any ideology that will welcome them, and hopefully protect them. They will start listening to extremist groups, and crazy theories

It is no coincidence that shortly after the culture wars started and the left became militant in them that there was a huge rise in so-called 'rigth wing' extremist groups.

I mean - your kind pushed a severe and harsh "us vs them" narrative. Before there can be any healing, the left has to knock that snit off. Otherwise as  was predicted ages ago this will continue and get worse. that is ALWAYS the price of culture wars.


But of course - that would mean admitting that they had some role to play.  And it would mean they'd have to stop their own bad behavior and radicalism.

Can't have that.  Can we,

Enjoy what you've helped create.  This is a culture war.  This is what you wanted.



Edited by CdnFox
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4 hours ago, CdnFox said:

No, this is why the left wing needs to reign in the bullshit attacks on everyone who doesn't think like them. 

You seem to think that these 'theories' spark up out of nowhere. They're a response to "you're deplorable'.  'you have white privlidge and you're an evil person as a result".  "You're a white male? how does it feel to be responsible for slavery and repressing women?" " You're a conservative? We're going to work with the muslims to bring you and your jewish friends down".  etc etc etc.

Like - that shit is every day now.  Has been for a while.

So - this is how it works. People hear that and those who are emotionally susceptible wind up becoming isolated and feel very threatened and vunerable from crap like that, It feels like everyone is out to get them.  They are afraid to say anything to anyone about anything because they could lose their job, their livelyhood, etc.

People like that will turn to any ideology that will welcome them, and hopefully protect them. They will start listening to extremist groups, and crazy theories

It is no coincidence that shortly after the culture wars started and the left became militant in them that there was a huge rise in so-called 'rigth wing' extremist groups.

I mean - your kind pushed a severe and harsh "us vs them" narrative. Before there can be any healing, the left has to knock that snit off. Otherwise as  was predicted ages ago this will continue and get worse. that is ALWAYS the price of culture wars.


But of course - that would mean admitting that they had some role to play.  And it would mean they'd have to stop their own bad behavior and radicalism.

Can't have that.  Can we,

Enjoy what you've helped create.  This is a culture war.  This is what you wanted.



LMAO Bullshit.

The right wing wasn’t a bunch of kind souls signing kumbaya until they got beat beat up by some mean old liberals.  The nonsense this murderer was spouting about “groomers”, MSM media, Muslims and more is the same nonsense the right wingers have been posting in here here daily for the last 20 years. The far right was acting deplorable long before anyone called them “Deplorables”.  The “Us vs them” narrative is the fuel that drives conservatives.  They have no positive values whatsoever. Everything they believe in is about opposing  liberals, immigrants, trannies etc.  if all the groups of people conservatives hate were to suddenly disappear tomorrow, conservatives would be standing around confused with nothing to do  

”We’re going to work with Muslims to bring you and your Jewish friends down”?. What am absolute lie you just made up. LMAO

The right wing has been ratcheting up its invective,  hyperbole, vulgarity and extreme conspiracies for at least a decade going back to the moment that a black man was elected president.  Right wing Crackpots like Alex Jones and Rush Limbaugh moved from the party sidelines to the mainstream   


The right started the culture war.  The left doesn’t “change” culture, nobody can control culture.  Culture naturally changes its own and them conservatives who by definition oppose culture change react by attacking anyone and everyone as being part of some communist plot. The left reacts o that with excessive virtue-signalling.  That’s the culture war in a nutshell.  

The right has warned over and over again that their behaviour would lead crazies from their fringe to commit acts of violence and once again it is proven correct. 

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This guy is mentally ill.  His views aren’t even consistent with one another.  Muslims tend to be socially conservative.  I wouldn’t ascribe larger meaning to this evil act except to say that we’ve lost our sense of community and trust, leading to social breakdown.  I also think our mental health support is weak.  Our government response to mental health today is to offer assisted suicide.  Our response to drug addiction is to give addicts free drugs.  These are the ingredients for social breakdown.

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10 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

This is why the right wing needs to reign in their bullshit conspires, hyperbole  and constant hysteria they’re whipping up.  They think it’s all fair play in politics but there are crazies out there who will act on it and  kill people’. The MAGAs have been crossing red lines that historically no h politician would cross because everyone understands the logical outcome. But MAGAs either don’t understand or don’t care or both.  

Do you think that attempting to imprison the lead candidate for president in the conservative opposition by throwing 90 indictments at him is ending the culture wars or stoking them?

Do you think that woke cancel culture is inclusive and encourages dialogue or does it shut out people and radicalize less stable people on the fringe?

Extremism can result from desperation.  It also arises from insanity.  Desperation can push the mentally unstable into destructive territory.  

Edited by Zeitgeist
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4 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

LMAO Bullshit.

The right wing wasn’t a bunch of kind souls signing kumbaya until they got beat beat up by some mean old liberals.

Sorry - absolutely true :)  

The right wing was a group who believed simply Mind your own business.

THey also believe never start a fight, but always finish one.

The left wouldn't leave them alone and attacked them. Now guess what.

Sorry kiddo - it was the left who started the culture war.  It was the left who started with the hyberbole and violent acts and language, It was the left who attacked anyone they saw as 'far right', which was anyone to the right of Castro.

That was all you guys. And it was predicted by many that this would be the outcome. And explained why in psychological terms.

And it's happened before. Nazi's didn't just happen, they were a response to the commies.

When  you push a radical agenda, as the left did, you create an alternate radical agenda.

This is literally what you asked for. It gets worse btw.

2 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

"We're not evil, we just use inflammatory language to provoke our army of mentally ill killers to achieve our goals."

Oh look - here's the left wing "Not using inflammatory language".

Edited by CdnFox
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1 hour ago, Zeitgeist said:

Do you think that attempting to imprison the lead candidate for president in the conservative opposition by throwing 90 indictments at him is ending the culture wars or stoking them?

Do you think that woke cancel culture is inclusive and encourages dialogue or does it shut out people and radicalize less stable people on the fringe?

Extremism can result from desperation.  It also arises from insanity.  Desperation can push the mentally unstable into destructive territory.  

So you don’t think presidential candidates should be subject to the law.

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1 minute ago, Zeitgeist said:

Disingenuous remark.  These are so clearly politicized attacks.  I didn’t like Trump but this is obvious. If any of these carry water, they are relatively minor and will backfire on the Dems.

Evidence was presented to grand juries and indictments resulted. You are saying you don’t believe in rule of law if it doesn’t agree with your politics. That is a dangerous path my friend.

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39 minutes ago, Aristides said:

So you don’t think presidential candidates should be subject to the law.

Sure i do - but then hillary should have been up on charges.

You can't have it both ways.

And a justice system that doesn't have the APPEARANCE of being equal soon loses the trust of the public and i guarantee you as that happesn the riots of 2021 and jan 6 will just be the beginning,

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1 hour ago, Aristides said:

Evidence was presented to grand juries and indictments resulted. You are saying you don’t believe in rule of law if it doesn’t agree with your politics. That is a dangerous path my friend.

I’m saying the judges aren’t always neutral.  Some prosecutors are blatantly political.  The NY cases are over the top political.  It at least looks like some of these cases won’t see the light of day until after the election.  

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Jesus saves.   " 4  Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother’s womb, and be born? 5  Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. 6  That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. 7  Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again. {again: or, from above} 8  The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit. "  John 3:4-8 KJV

" 16  For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17  For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18  He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19  And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20  For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. {reproved: or, discovered} 21  But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God. "  John 3:16-21 KJV

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4 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

  Muslims tend to be socially conservative. 

indeed, the Muslims are stalwart allies against the Communist traitors in Canada

we all worship the same God

the Muslims call the Nazarene a prophet, messenger of God & Messiah  ( al-Masīḥ ) in the Quran

the Quran recounts the life of Mary, Jesus, and John the Baptist

the Quran acknowledges  the Virgin Birth announced by the Angel Gabriel

the place Muslims believe Isa would return is the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus

thus there is no required quarrel between us

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6 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

This guy is mentally ill.  His views aren’t even consistent with one another.  Muslims tend to be socially conservative.  I wouldn’t ascribe larger meaning to this evil act except to say that we’ve lost our sense of community and trust, leading to social breakdown.  I also think our mental health support is weak.  Our government response to mental health today is to offer assisted suicide.  Our response to drug addiction is to give addicts free drugs.  These are the ingredients for social breakdown.

Yup, do something illegal or atrocious and just rant on...because you then have the "mental health" excuse. Seems to work more and more these days.

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17 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

This is why the right wing needs to reign in their bullshit conspires, hyperbole  and constant hysteria they’re whipping up.

This is nonsense.  Many Canadians have major concerns about such things as the phony climate change agenda, the carbon tax attack on Canadians, and the endless divisiveness caused by Trudeau.  Then there is the U.N.'s attempts to control the world and form a one-world-government.  These are not conspiracies.  They are facts.  To complain about the insane government policies that have caused outrageous costs of homes, high costs of food, and other things is not hyperbole or hysteria.  Teaching little kids perversion in schools is a reality.  It is plain facts.  

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3 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

I’m saying the judges aren’t always neutral.  Some prosecutors are blatantly political.  The NY cases are over the top political.  It at least looks like some of these cases won’t see the light of day until after the election.  

Either you believe in due process or you don’t. It isn’t optional according to your personal bias.

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19 minutes ago, Aristides said:

Either you believe in due process or you don’t. It isn’t optional according to your personal bias.

That's just a stupid argument. You can believe in due process and still believe that there are some judges and other members of the process who are bias or have an agenda or who just plain make mistakes.  Suggesting that if you believe the latter you can't believe in the former is ridiculous. 

17 minutes ago, Aristides said:

If you are going to go on about grooming and a bunch of other BS, don’t be surprised when a crazy runs with it.

If you go on night and day about how the person is a nazi and evil and other bs, dont' be surprised when a crazy runs with it.

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