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Liberal government destroyed the Crown

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Canada unveils new crown with snowflake and maple leaves instead of religious symbols

The federal government has revealed its new design for the Canadian Royal Crown that sits atop the Canada Coat of Arms.

The new crown, which is a heraldic emblem and not a material object, replaces the religious symbols with more explicitly Canadian symbolism, trading crosses and fleur-de-lis for maple leaves and a snowflake.

The St. Edward’s Crown, which also currently decorates police and military badges and various emblems of sovereignty, has been part of the Arms of Canada since 1957.

But the new design, created by the Canadian Heraldic Authority, has sparked concern that the crown has become politicized, National Post columnist John Ivison wrote last week, before the new design had been officially revealed . Some critics have called it the “Trudeau Crown.”

“It means the proposed Canadian crown is totally unconnected to the King or the coronation,” said Christopher McCreery, author and expert on Canada’s relationship with the Crown. “It means the unity of the symbol of the Royal Crown that represents the sovereign throughout the realms will be broken, further distancing the King and the monarchy as an institution.”

McCreery said he was concerned the redesign was undertaken with “no consultation or debate, developed in secret.”

The top portion of Canada’s Royal Coat of Arms as it currently looks, with a depiction of St. Edward’s Crown, worn by Queen Elizabeth II.
The top portion of Canada’s Royal Coat of Arms as it currently looks, with a depiction of St. Edward’s Crown, worn by Queen Elizabeth II.© Handout

The Governor General’s website notes that the new crown was “approved in April 2023 by His Majesty The King on the advice of the Prime Minister of Canada.”

It was designed by Cathy Bursey-Sabourin, a principal artist at the Canadian Heraldic Authority.

King Charles wore the St. Edward’s Crown for his coronation, which his late mother Queen Elizabeth used. However, Charles has chosen the Tudor Crown as his insignia and is depicted wearing it in official portraits, (despite it having been destroyed in 1649).

"When the change was announced on Sept. 26, Ottawa saw an opportunity to introduce a “‘Canadian Crown,’ and over time, reinvent the supreme symbol of Canada, the Royal Coat of Arms,” Ivison wrote.

“The structure of the Canadian Royal Crown, a gold rim and two intersecting arches set with pearls, is identical to that of the Tudor Crown,” save for some “highly stylized” touches, notes the website of the Governor General.

The Canadianized crown is festooned with maple leaves (“a quintessential Canadian symbol”) and topped with a snowflake emblem (“a reference to Canada being a northern realm.”)

“The stylized snowflake makes a direct connection with the insignia of the Order of Canada, one of our country’s highest honours, of which The King is the sovereign,” the Governor General’s website states.

“In a nod to the importance of Canada’s landscape and the environment, the upper edge of the rim displays a line of triangular peaks and dips. Like the snowflake, these forms recall the design of the Canadian Diadem and allude to Canada’s rugged landscape, with its many mountain ranges and valleys. Instead of the jewels on the rim, there is a wavy band of blue, symbolizing the country’s many lakes and rivers, as well as its three ocean borders. This blue band, and the water it represents, emphasize the importance of the environment to Canadians, as well as Indigenous teachings that water is the lifeblood of the land.”

While some users commented positively under a Twitter post announcing the redesign, others drew a connection between the use of the snowflake and a slang term for an overly sensitive person.

“It’s official. A country of snowflakes,” one post reads .

“Lol a waste of taxpayer dollars when we have a whole poverty and housing issue in Canada,” wrote another.

The Canada Coat of Arms and other official insignia will be updated gradually over the coming years, states the Governor General’s website.

“Existing versions of the emblems will remain valid and in use until they require replacement.”

Canada unveils new crown with snowflake and maple leaves instead of religious symbols (msn.com)

Redesigned crown.jpg

Wow!  What a ridiculous piece of garbage.

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15 minutes ago, herbie said:

for a cartoon Monarchy

"Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things."   Romans 1:21-23KJV

"Let the lying lips be put to silence; which speak grievous things proudly and contemptuously against the righteous."  Psalm 31:18 KJV

"This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,read more.
Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away."  2 Timothy 3:1-5 KJV




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2 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

Looks Awesome. . That “snowflake” is already part of Canadian heraldry its used on Medals such as the Order of Canada  


I prefer the historic special symbols that have some meaning.  I don't think any particular party should change such symbols to fit their own ideology.  This is part of Canada's history and shouldn't be tampered with.  Any such proposal to change a fundamental symbol should be considered a Constitutional change and be subject the amendment formula and the overwhelming support of the Canadian people.

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9 hours ago, blackbird said:

This is the Trudeau Crown which is replacing the actual Royal Crown.  This is not a joke.  This is for real.  

This is trading crosses and fleur-de-lis for maple leaves and a snowflake.

Justin Trudeau symbolically crowns himself the hereditary monarch of Canada

on coronation day no less

King of the Post National State

Canada is Justin Trudeau's personal fiefdom apparently, he can do as he pleases with it

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11 hours ago, blackbird said:

I prefer the historic special symbols that have some meaning.  I don't think any particular party should change such symbols to fit their own ideology.  This is part of Canada's history and shouldn't be tampered with.  Any such proposal to change a fundamental symbol should be considered a Constitutional change and be subject the amendment formula and the overwhelming support of the Canadian people.

Sounds like the same whining we heard from conservatives when Canada adopted its own flag instead of keeping the British flag.   We don’t need constitutional amendments for purely symbolic matters.  It has a freakin unicorn on it for gods sake

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6 hours ago, Dougie93 said:

the original was the Tudor crown, dating back to Henry VIII

the Trudeau crown looks like something Marvel Comics whipped up in five minutes

No it doesn’t it looks fine. It’s designed by people who are official experts in heraldry.

As point of fact, CANADA’S coat of arms doesn’t date back to HenryVIII and do we really care about preserving the legacy of a lecherous debauched monarch who had his wives beheaded for not giving birth to male babies?

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17 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:

No it doesn’t it looks fine. It’s designed by people who are official experts in heraldry.

As point of fact, CANADA’S coat of arms doesn’t date back to HenryVIII and do we really care about preserving the legacy of a lecherous debauched monarch who had his wives beheaded for not giving birth to male babies?

I pledge no allegiance to the Trudeau crown

and if the Conservative party is worth their salt

they will pledge to restore the rightful Coat of Arms

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1 hour ago, Dougie93 said:

I pledge no allegiance to the Trudeau crown

and if the Conservative party is worth their salt

they will pledge to restore the rightful Coat of Arms

Trust me they won’t. 

Relax, it’s just a drawing that nobody even pays attention to.  I bet hardly anyone would even notice ot. 

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Heraldic Royal Crown

What is the new Canadian Royal Crown?

The Canadian Royal Crown is a heraldic emblem and not a material object. Its design was approved in April 2023 by His Majesty The King on the advice of the Prime Minister of Canada. The Canadian Royal Crown is an important symbol of the sovereign’s authority, the Canadian monarchy, and the power of the state acting in the sovereign’s name. This new version is based on the actual crown used at the coronation, but highly stylized for its use as a heraldic emblem and a national symbol. It incorporates elements emphasizing the Canadian identity of the monarchy. Following a request by the Government of Canada, it was designed by Cathy Bursey-Sabourin, Fraser Herald and Principal Artist at the Canadian Heraldic Authority.

In what ways is it similar to the previous Royal Crown designs?

The structure of the Canadian Royal Crown, a gold rim and two intersecting arches set with pearls, is identical to that of the Tudor Crown. In addition, like other Royal Crowns, it has within it a red cap which is lined in ermine fur.

What are its distinguishing features?

The Canadian Royal Crown prominently features maple leaves, a quintessential Canadian symbol used extensively since the 19th century to represent Canada and all its citizens.

In place of the orb and cross at the top of the crown is a stylized snowflake, a reference to Canada being a northern realm. It was inspired by the Canadian Diadem, a coronet of maple leaves and snowflakes designed as a heraldic symbol in 2008 and used for honours insignia. The stylized snowflake makes a direct connection with the insignia of the Order of Canada, one of our country’s highest honours, of which The King is the sovereign.

In a nod to the importance of Canada’s landscape and the environment, the upper edge of the rim displays a line of triangular peaks and dips. Like the snowflake, these forms recall the design of the Canadian Diadem and allude to Canada’s rugged landscape, with its many mountain ranges and valleys. Instead of the jewels on the rim, there is a wavy band of blue, symbolizing the country’s many lakes and rivers, as well as its three ocean borders. This blue band, and the water it represents, emphasize the importance of the environment to Canadians, as well as Indigenous teachings that water is the lifeblood of the land.

Will existing emblems bearing the previous design of the Royal Crown need to be changed?

No, there is no requirement that depictions of existing emblems be changed. However, organizations with such emblems may choose to incorporate the new design when commissioning a revised rendition of the emblem.

Will the Arms of Canada or other state emblems need to be changed?

Changes to symbols of sovereignty such as the Arms of Canada and to official insignia will likely take place over the coming years; however, this will be a gradual process, and existing versions of the emblems will remain valid and in use until they require replacement.



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7 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

of course, because Canadians are overwhelmingly divorced from their own history

and a people without a history are easy to control

hence how the Liberals maintain control

Nonsense. Insisting on British history and identity instead of our own makes people easier to control. 

Besides King Charles personally approved the Canadian crown LAST MONTH  He has approved of it as his crown amd symbol of his authority as King of Canada 



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Just now, BeaverFever said:

Nonsense. Insisting on British history and identity instead of our own makes people easier to control. 

Besides King Charles personally approved the Canadian crown LAST MONTH



I'm simply going to carry on being British with my British Coat of Arms

as Canada becomes an increasingly meaningless Post National State with no core identity

His Majesty defends the right, by Section 2 of the Charter of Rights & Freedoms

God save the King

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2 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

I'm simply going to carry on being British with my British Coat of Arms

as Canada becomes an increasingly meaningless Post National State with no core identity

His Majesty defends the right, by Section 2 of the Charter of Rights & Freedoms

God save the King

Forming our own symbols and identity instead of copying another’s is the exact opposite of being a “post national state with no identity “


Also the previous crown was only adopted in 1957 based on the crown chose by QE2  what you dont seem to realize os that the crown changes every time the monarch changes  Charles” crown is already different than his mummy’s  


Charles chose the Tudor Crown as his symbol despite the fact that it doesn’t even exist as it was destroyed nearly 500 years ago. Somewhat fitting 





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1 minute ago, Dougie93 said:

I'm a British Protestant

we are the ones who behead Kings named Charles who invoke us to be traitors

Go ahead, behead the king because you don’t like the cartoon crown he chose to go above the cartoon dancing lion and cartoon dancing unicorn   I guess that’s not so much “treason” as it is mental illness. 

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1 minute ago, BeaverFever said:

Go ahead, behead the king because you don’t like the cartoon crown he chose to go above the cartoon dancing lion and cartoon dancing unicorn   I guess that’s not so much “treason” as it is mental illness. 

you are the one who invoked beheading for treason, I simply responded to that with the historical record

I do not believe the King would invoke me as being a traitor, that was you who said that

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1 minute ago, Dougie93 said:

you are the one who invoked beheading for treason, I simply responded to that with the historical record

I do not believe the King would invoke me as being a traitor, that was you who said that

You said you refuse to acknowledge the crown of canada that he chose, don’t you consider that treason?  

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