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55 minutes ago, Aristides said:

So just give them the tools, no questions asked. Make it as easy for them as you can and wonder what went wrong. ?

Typical.  He said tracking the sale is pointless. Not that you just freely distribute firearms up and down the street.  But he's right - a nut bar planning a mass shooting doesn't care if his gun is registered. The gun registry in Canada made NO difference to gun crime. The handgun registry still doesn't.

It DOES make it easier to confiscate guns tho. Gee  i wonder why leftists like you want a gun registry. (Spoiler - it ain't for public safety).

44 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Typical.  He said tracking the sale is pointless. Not that you just freely distribute firearms up and down the street.  But he's right - a nut bar planning a mass shooting doesn't care if his gun is registered. The gun registry in Canada made NO difference to gun crime. The handgun registry still doesn't.

It DOES make it easier to confiscate guns tho. Gee  i wonder why leftists like you want a gun registry. (Spoiler - it ain't for public safety).

You make no effort at all to prevent them from getting a gun in the first place then blame someone else when they kill someone with it. You really would sacrifice kids for guns. You just don't give a shit.

12 minutes ago, Aristides said:

You make no effort at all to prevent them from getting a gun in the first place then blame someone else when they kill someone with it.

THere are lots of efforts to prevent people from getting a gun if they're criminal or unsafe, even in the US.  I posted as much.

So once again you have to lie to make your point - which probably means you don't have a very good point.


Meanwhile - someone decides it's ok to kill someone  and they plan it and think about it, and decide they'll use a gun rather than one of the ohter many tools available ... and somenow it's the gun's fault, not the person.

Yeah - you're REALLY taking this seriously. We can tell.

12 minutes ago, Aristides said:

You really would sacrifice kids for guns. You just don't give a shit.

You ARE sacrificing kids for guns currently and you're feeing good about yourself.

If the left wing weren't disgusting liars fixated on guns because it's become fashionable to do so, then reasonable discussions could be held.

But they're not.  And they don't give a hoot about kids being killed. If the left REALLY thought bans were the answer, why hasn't biden done an assault weapon ban?  Well?

Posted (edited)


Biden doesn't have a majority in Congress, he can't just impose an assault weapons ban. He did get the first firearms bill in  30 years passed but had to water it down so much it probably won't do a lot of good.

Clinton did get an assault weapons ban but had to have an expire date to get it done. Bush 2 let it expire without trying to renew it.

I am sacrificing kids for guns? What an upside down world you live in.

Edited by Aristides
4 hours ago, Aristides said:


Biden doesn't have a majority in Congress, he can't just impose an assault weapons ban. He did get the first firearms bill in  30 years passed but had to water it down so much it probably won't do a lot of good.

He DID have  a majority - why didn't he do it then? Why did he wait two years until he didn't have  a  majority anymore?

4 hours ago, Aristides said:

Clinton did get an assault weapons ban but had to have an expire date to get it done. Bush 2 let it expire without trying to renew it.

So why didn't biden put that back in when he  had a majority?

4 hours ago, Aristides said:

I am sacrificing kids for guns? What an upside down world you live in.

Of course you are.  You don't care about actual solutions. You just tell lies, like 'biden COULND"T POSSIBLY because NO MAJORITY" when in fact he did for 2 years. You DEEMAAAAAND solutions that will NOT stop a single killing but will make confiscating guns easier later.  You won't talk about the actual shooters or how to address that, you ONLY want to talk about law that affect lawful gun owners.  ANd you don't care about non gun violence - stab as many people as you like, only gun deaths matter to you.

It's pretty sick.

And then you try to push your own callous disregard for life on others. You should be deeply ashamed.

19 hours ago, Aristides said:

All you do is b***h you aren’t willing to change anything to stop it..

My Gawd! Can you be any more disingenuous?

The Republicans are all for rational gun controls. Even the NRA. This is not really about guns. It's about law and order, and sociology.

If law enforcement actually enforced the law, and DAs and judges actually prosecuted the law, it wouldn't take long to see gun violence rates plumet.

Our society is rotting from within. This "culture war" presents a tug of war for the minds of people. It's divides us. It sets us against each other. It foments anger in people. And who started this "culture war"?

I'll give you 3 guesses...and the first 2 don't count.

Its so lonely in m'saddle since m'horse died.

Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, CdnFox said:

He DID have  a majority - why didn't he do it then? Why did he wait two years until he didn't have  a  majority anymore?

So why didn't biden put that back in when he  had a majority?

He did have a small majority in the House but he had to compromise with Democrats as well as Republicans. Some Democrats were resisting stricter laws as well. A president doesn't have the same control over representatives as a prime minister. He can't just throw them out of caucus or prevent their nomination if they don't vote the way he wants. You really need to learn more about how the US system works.

So why don't Republicans pass some of those sane laws you claim they want?  The US has the largest prison population and the highest incarceration rate in the world yet all you can do is offer is more of the same with the same result.

Edited by Aristides
13 minutes ago, Aristides said:

He did have a small majority in the House but he had to compromise with Democrats as well as Republicans. Some Democrats were resisting stricter laws as well.

I see - and those democrats are fine with people dying just like you accuse the republicans of, is that the case.

So in other words even the democrats don't buy all the democrat's bullshit.

13 minutes ago, Aristides said:

A president doesn't have the same control over representatives as a prime minister. He can't just throw them out of caucus or prevent their nomination if they don't vote the way he wants. You really need to learn more about how the US system works.

So in other wrods democrats would need to be FORCED to vote for gun bans or even THEY wouldn't do it.

So even your own kind knows your full of shit.  Are they all happy to see people die as well, same as you accuse the republicans of?

13 minutes ago, Aristides said:

So why don't Republicans pass some of those sane laws you claim they want?

There's no point. If they do then the dems will still be pushing to take guns away. As long as the democrats are focused on gun control and not addressing the issues then NOTHING changes.  THEY are the logjam. 

And they've been the logjam for so long that now gun owners are going to have a hard time believing them even if they DO come to the table honestly and look for real solutions, They'll have to demonstrate their good faith somehow.

It's like asking why the jews didn't just deal with hitler to work out something. When the other side is ENTIRELY focused on your destruction and has stated so many many times, there is no point trying to do anything till they calm that shit down.

So as long as all the dems care about is GUNS GUNS GUNS, there will be no discussions about real solutions. The problem will persist.  You should be ashamed.


In an earlier post I stated that Americans care more about their guns than they do about their children.  Obviously, I think that's a given, but I do realise now that some Americans also care about their children as well as their guns. 

Credit where credit is due, that's what I always say!

In an effort to reduce child casualties, Texas is proposing to turn children as young as eight into battlefield medics.


Now, when Sally has her jaw blown off and Bobby has his intestines blown through his back by those tumbling AR-15 rounds, an alert nearby student will know exactly what to do.

I can see now that Texas is serious about reducing deaths from school shootings.


1 hour ago, bcsapper said:

In an earlier post I stated that Americans care more about their guns than they do about their children.

Dude that's disgusting.  Nobody anywhere cares more about their guns than their children,.

This is why nobody on the left can be taken seriously, and why gun control will never be debated in the states.

14 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Dude that's disgusting.  Nobody anywhere cares more about their guns than their children,.

This is why nobody on the left can be taken seriously, and why gun control will never be debated in the states.

1) Dammit, did I get the wrong impression?  I guess it just seems like Americans care more about their guns than they do their children.  Quite  a lot, really.

2) What absolute bollocks!  The reason why gun control will never be debated in the states is because of the hold the NRA has over the poltroons who run the country, due to the opinions of the knuckledraggers who care more about their guns than they do their children want their children to carry tourniquets and bandages in their lunchboxes.

Just now, bcsapper said:

1) Dammit, did I get the wrong impression?  I guess it just seems like Americans care more about their guns than they do their children.  Quite  a lot, really.

Only to someone sick in the head.

Seriously it's a disgusting thing to say. Backyard pools kill more children in the states than guns do - does that mean they love pools more than children?

It's this weird thing with the left that if you DAAAAARREEEEE to think gun rights are at all important it must mean you hate people and want to see everyone dead.

Just now, bcsapper said:

2) What absolute bollocks!  The reason why gun control will never be debated in the states is because of the hold the NRA has over the poltroons who run the country,

The nra has very little political power in reality and is a very small donor compared to other industries.

But no republican would dare give the democrats the time of day on ANY gun issue. They KNOW the dems are lying and only want to ban ALL guns and remove firearms ownership.

So there can never be a compromise or reasonable talk about it. It's like isreal and palestine - as long as one of them has 'kill all jews and drive them into the sea" as a stated policy it's pretty hard to sit down for peace talks.

Posted (edited)
12 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Only to someone sick in the head.

Seriously it's a disgusting thing to say. Backyard pools kill more children in the states than guns do - does that mean they love pools more than children?

It's this weird thing with the left that if you DAAAAARREEEEE to think gun rights are at all important it must mean you hate people and want to see everyone dead.

The nra has very little political power in reality and is a very small donor compared to other industries.

But no republican would dare give the democrats the time of day on ANY gun issue. They KNOW the dems are lying and only want to ban ALL guns and remove firearms ownership.

So there can never be a compromise or reasonable talk about it. It's like isreal and palestine - as long as one of them has 'kill all jews and drive them into the sea" as a stated policy it's pretty hard to sit down for peace talks.

That's just the excuse you guys use to do nothing. You really do care more about your guns, that much is obvious.

Edited by Aristides
42 minutes ago, Aristides said:

That's just the excuse you guys use to do nothing. You really do care more about your guns, that much is obvious.

Sure sure - and we're all nazis and we eat babies and if you possibly could you'd see us all dead because you're such caring people.

Posted (edited)
5 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Sure sure - and we're all nazis and we eat babies and if you possibly could you'd see us all dead because you're such caring people.

The latest Texas mall shooting. Among the eight dead, two sisters in grades 2 &4. One kid in critical condition, his parents and little brother dead. Weapon used, AR-15.  You will use any excuse to do nothing.

Edited by Aristides
7 minutes ago, Aristides said:

The latest Texas mall shooting. Among the eight dead, two sisters in grades 2 &4. One kid in critical condition, his parents and little brother dead. Weapon used, AR-15.  You will use any excuse to do nothing.

Well now i REALLY want to talk about gun safety with a person who hates guns, hates gun owners and claims we all want to kill children.

You don't care about the children. Lets face it - you wish there were more children dead so you could virtue signal harder.

Posted (edited)
10 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Well now i REALLY want to talk about gun safety with a person who hates guns, hates gun owners and claims we all want to kill children.

You don't care about the children. Lets face it - you wish there were more children dead so you could virtue signal harder.

I don't hate gun owners or guns, I actually think Canada's gun laws were a good compromise before Trudeau went on his present crusade. The US on the other hand has gone off the deep end and there seems to be no return. As someone who claims to be a responsible gun owner, it's surprising you don't understand that.

Your resistance to any controls to prevent these weekly massacres is proof you  value your guns more. Sorry but you just do.

Edited by Aristides
Posted (edited)
27 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Sure sure - and we're all nazis and we eat babies and if you possibly could you'd see us all dead because you're such caring people.

No, you're not all nazis and who eat babies, but you do use such phrases to deflect from the fact that you seem to care more about your guns that you do your children.

Oh, I know there are some Americans who care more about their children than they do their guns.  I'm just talking about the other ones.


1 hour ago, CdnFox said:

Seriously it's a disgusting thing to say. Backyard pools kill more children in the states than guns do - does that mean they love pools more than children?

It might if their kids were being drowned by strangers holding their heads under the water, and they refused to do something about it.


1 hour ago, CdnFox said:

It's this weird thing with the left that if you DAAAAARREEEEE to think gun rights are at all important it must mean you hate people and want to see everyone dead.

Gun rights are what?  I have a gun.  I took a course, filled out a form, sent it in to the RCMP with a note from my wife saying that she was okay with it.  I had some other responsible worthy sign it as well.  Then I waited until my PAL arrived, and then I went out and bought a gun.  I exercised my right to a gun.  That was for an unrestricted firearm.

I now have a restricted firearm PAL, but I haven't bought one yet.  Still, I could if I wanted. 

Should the US have the same kind of rights, or do you think any loon should be able to just wander into a Walmart and grab a Colt-45, same day?


1 hour ago, CdnFox said:

The nra has very little political power in reality and is a very small donor compared to other industries.

I guess that's why Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis both spoke at the last NRA convention. 

The American Quilters Society has very little political power.  They didn't go and speak to them.


1 hour ago, CdnFox said:

But no republican would dare give the democrats the time of day on ANY gun issue. They KNOW the dems are lying and only want to ban ALL guns and remove firearms ownership.

They don't.  That's bollocks.  Try again.


1 hour ago, CdnFox said:

So there can never be a compromise or reasonable talk about it. It's like isreal and palestine - as long as one of them has 'kill all jews and drive them into the sea" as a stated policy it's pretty hard to sit down for peace talks.

You might have a point here.  Cold dead hands, eh? 

Edited by bcsapper
Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, CdnFox said:

Only to someone sick in the head.

Seriously it's a disgusting thing to say. Backyard pools kill more children in the states than guns do - does that mean they love pools more than children?

It's this weird thing with the left that if you DAAAAARREEEEE to think gun rights are at all important it must mean you hate people and want to see everyone dead.

The nra has very little political power in reality and is a very small donor compared to other industries.

But no republican would dare give the democrats the time of day on ANY gun issue. They KNOW the dems are lying and only want to ban ALL guns and remove firearms ownership.

So there can never be a compromise or reasonable talk about it. It's like isreal and palestine - as long as one of them has 'kill all jews and drive them into the sea" as a stated policy it's pretty hard to sit down for peace talks.

It’s not about gun rights being “at all important” as you claim. The right refuses to accept ANY laws to restrict any form of gun ownership. 

How many mass shootings and school shootings this year? Over 100? And when ONE of them is perpetrated by an illegal alien, suddenly the right pretends that illegal immigration is the cause of the problem. 

Edited by Rebound
  • Like 1

@reason10: “Hitler had very little to do with the Holocaust.”


26 minutes ago, Aristides said:

I don't hate gun owners or guns, I actually think Canada's gun laws were a good compromise before Trudeau went on his present crusade. The US on the other hand has gone off the deep end and there seems to be no return. As someone who claims to be a responsible gun owner, it's surprising you don't understand that.

Your resistance to any controls to prevent these weekly massacres is proof you  value your guns more. Sorry but you just do.

Sure kid sure. You obviously do hate gun owners, and you obviously love having the opportunity to virtue signal about it. How disappointed you must be that so few children were killed this time, you could have had something to REALLY virtue signal about

  • Sad 1
25 minutes ago, bcsapper said:

No, you're not all nazis and who eat babies, but you do use such phrases to deflect from the fact that you seem to care more about your guns that you do your children.

Oh, I know there are some Americans who care more about their children than they do their guns.  I'm just talking about the other ones.


It might if their kids were being drowned by strangers holding their heads under the water, and they refused to do something about it.

Sure kid.


25 minutes ago, bcsapper said:

Gun rights are what?  I have a gun.  I took a course, filled out a form, sent it in to the RCMP with a note from my wife saying that she was okay with it.  I had some other responsible worthy sign it as well.  Then I waited until my PAL arrived, and then I went out and bought a gun.  I exercised my right to a gun.  That was for an unrestricted firearm.

You must want to murder children then

25 minutes ago, bcsapper said:

I now have a restricted firearm PAL, but I haven't bought one yet.  Still, I could if I wanted. 

That just means you want people dead.

25 minutes ago, bcsapper said:

Should the US have the same kind of rights, or do you think any loon should be able to just wander into a Walmart and grab a Colt-45, same day?

What does it matter? You don't care about the deaths, all you care about is pretending that people want to see their children murdered so you can virtue signal

25 minutes ago, bcsapper said:


I guess that's why Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis both spoke at the last NRA convention. 

The American Quilters Society has very little political power.  They didn't go and speak to them.

Well the quilters love their children you see. Republicans only speak to people who want their children dead

25 minutes ago, bcsapper said:


They don't.  That's bollocks.  Try again.

they absolutely do. 100 percent.  Look at you as an example - your default position is that anyone who believes in gun rights is happy to see children die. That's LITERALLY your take on it. That they're just fine with their children being dead if they can keep their guns. So already we know you're dishonest about your position when you claim that you've got nothing against gun owners or that you think allowing them to keep guns is ok - and the dems in the us are even worse.

25 minutes ago, bcsapper said:


You might have a point here.  Cold dead hands, eh? 

It's the only position they can take in the face of the dems who want to ban  every single gun.

But of course according to you they're ok with their kids being killed so maybe you think the dems should take their kids too?

It's not possible to have a rational discussion about firearms issues with the likes of you,


t's the only position they can take in the face of the dems who want to ban  every single gun.

But of course according to you they're ok with their kids being killed so maybe you think the dems should take their kids too?

It's not possible to have a rational discussion about firearms issues with the likes of you,

Again, that's just your pitiful excuse to do nothing.

27 minutes ago, Rebound said:

It’s not about gun rights being “at all important” as you claim. The right refuses to accept ANY laws to restrict any form of gun ownership.

Well first off that's not true - they have background checks and other laws so when you say none that's not honest.

But as for adding any more - sorry but they've got no choice. The dems will not be satisfied until every gun is banned and there's no rights. If they give up ANYTHING now then the dems just come back tomorrow and demand more. The only way they can keep any rights is to fight even the slightest change in laws.  we've seen in Canada what happens when you try to be 'reasonable - they start banning hunting rifles.

And honestly it's not about the guns - there are laws they could pass that would genuinely help with regards to people but those discusions will never be had because every time something happens the dems immediately start on gun bans to the exclusion of everything else and the gun owners dig in to fight against that and then rinse and repeat.

27 minutes ago, Rebound said:


How many mass shootings and school shootings this year? Over 100?

Yes - IF you include crime 'mass' shootings, bad guys shooting bad guys. which is the largest number of killings - yet nobody is talking about addressing that.

27 minutes ago, Rebound said:

And when ONE of them is perpetrated by an illegal alien, suddenly the right pretends that illegal immigration is the cause of the problem. 

Well a lot more than one have been actually. quite a bit more.  This one stood out not becuase he was an alien but because he was one that had been deported several times already.

But the REAL tragedy is that at the end of the day in ALL mass killings the guns are different and often it's knives or something else - but the one thing that's ALWAYS involved is the people. So are we talknig about red flag laws? Nope. It's just "BAN THE AR!!!! ARRRRRRRRRRRRg".

And the gun owners can't allow that or the dems will then go on to demand the next ban - including the shoulder thing that goes up.


4 minutes ago, Aristides said:

Again, that's just your pitiful excuse to do nothing.

Sure sure - well as you know anyone who isn't on the left and doesn't hate guns the way you do is actually a baby killer anyway so there you go. Now that you've cleared the air about that i'm sure there'll be progress with the talks.

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