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This is from a smarmy leftist news org in the US. 

Tucker's former booking producer at Fox is suing him for sexism and harassment. 


In a lawsuit filed in the Southern District of New York, Grossberg accused Carlson and Fox of sexism and harassment, alleging that his show's workplace was replete with examples of misogyny. Her lawsuit claims, among other things, that mocked-up photographic images depicted then-U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi "in a bathing suit revealing her cleavage" and that staffers were polled — on two separate occasions — on which of two female candidates for Michigan governor they would rather have sex with.

Keep in mind, these are all adults. It's an adult woman, her adult lawyer, and there is an adult judge somewhere entertaining this.

Do we live in a world now where it's ok for guys to put on a mini-skirt, bustier and high heels and go talk to elementary school kids, but we can't say "Which gubernatorial candidate would you rather have sex with?" to other adults at work? 

Honest to God, guys beat up on each other all day. Humour keeps people in a good mood and gets people's energy up. I'd way rather get roasted by a good burn and then be the butt of everyone's jokes for the rest of the day than be limited to just talking about my taxes and my kid's baseball. 

Can men complain that women make the workplace toxic by whining about their relationships all day? We all know some women who come to work and, even after their cushy 9am start time, they can't get their erg on until they've whined about what their partner did and received the requisite amount of "oohs" and "aahs" and the obligatory "You're way too good for him, girl!" (Little known fact, every woman at your workplace is the perfect half of her relationship, and her man doesn't deserve her) Should we lawyer-up if they talk about sex? 

Does this mean that if a female co-worker has a "mocked-up photographic image of Trump" or a "Trump's severed head photo", etc, one of her male colleagues can run to a judge and whine like a little byotch? 

Does this make women less hireable? Honestly, unless NPR cherry-picked the very least of her gripes to mention here, it sounds like she needs to just grow a spine. 

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Tucker Carlson, Who Downplayed Putin’s Invasion of Ukraine and Slammed Aid to the Country, Offered Job by Kremlin-Backed Russia Today


Russia Today, the Kremlin-backed cable news network, tweeted at Tucker Carlson on Monday shortly after he was fired from Fox News to seemingly offer him a job.

Carlson has repeatedly downplayed Russia’s attempts to meddle in the 2016 presidential election on behalf of Donald Trump. More recently, he has endeared himself to Moscow by offering stridently anti-Ukraine commentary, even after Russia launched a war of aggression against the country in February 2022. His commentary has been featured multiple times on Russian state media.

Ahead of the invasion, Carlson spent months mocking the idea that Russia’s military buildup near its border with Ukraine signaled an imminent attack. After the invasion, he criticized the Biden administration for sending aid to the besieged country, stating that doing so will bring the U.S. and Russia closer to war. He also demonized Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky as an autocrat and – bizarrely – a “strip club manager.”

Earlier this month, Carlson cited leaked intelligence reports to claim U.S. soldiers are fighting the Russians in Ukraine. A White House spokesman denied this, saying the troops are providing security at the American embassy in the country.

Shortly before Russia’s invasion last year, Carlson rattled off a series of problems facing the U.S. and declared, “Vladimir Putin didn’t do any of that.” 

Just like Trump, Carlson is on the verge of selling out his country (or is that Russia?) in (more) favor to the Russians. ?

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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

This is from a smarmy leftist news org in the US. 

Tucker's former booking producer at Fox is suing him for sexism and harassment. 

Keep in mind, these are all adults. It's an adult woman, her adult lawyer, and there is an adult judge somewhere entertaining this.

Do we live in a world now where it's ok for guys to put on a mini-skirt, bustier and high heels and go talk to elementary school kids, but we can't say "Which gubernatorial candidate would you rather have sex with?" to other adults at work? 

Honest to God, guys beat up on each other all day. Humour keeps people in a good mood and gets people's energy up. I'd way rather get roasted by a good burn and then be the butt of everyone's jokes for the rest of the day than be limited to just talking about my taxes and my kid's baseball. 

Can men complain that women make the workplace toxic by whining about their relationships all day? We all know some women who come to work and, even after their cushy 9am start time, they can't get their erg on until they've whined about what their partner did and received the requisite amount of "oohs" and "aahs" and the obligatory "You're way too good for him, girl!" (Little known fact, every woman at your workplace is the perfect half of her relationship, and her man doesn't deserve her) Should we lawyer-up if they talk about sex? 

Does this mean that if a female co-worker has a "mocked-up photographic image of Trump" or a "Trump's severed head photo", etc, one of her male colleagues can run to a judge and whine like a little byotch? 

Does this make women less hireable? Honestly, unless NPR cherry-picked the very least of her gripes to mention here, it sounds like she needs to just grow a spine. 

Apparently they’ve never met, so this lawsuit seems absurd.  

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46 minutes ago, robosmith said:

Tucker Carlson, Who Downplayed Putin’s Invasion of Ukraine and Slammed Aid to the Country, Offered Job by Kremlin-Backed Russia Today

Just like Trump, Carlson is on the verge of selling out his country (or is that Russia?) in (more) favor to the Russians. ?

Carlson can do many different things and he’ll get amazing ratings and make a lot of money.

Still on the Russian misinformation angle, huh?  Yeah most people don’t buy it, especially since the DNC is in hot water over trying to suppress the Hunter laptop and the Durham Report showed there was nothing to the Russian collusion farce.

I think many Americans, Ukrainians, Russians, and people around the world can make a case for the moral and spiritual decline of America.  Carlson is one of a few influencers who isn’t afraid to call out the ways that power is abused and fosters conflict, chaos, and moral depravity.  Not surprising that you don’t like this.  

Edited by Zeitgeist
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2 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

Carlson can do many different things and he’ll get amazing ratings and make a lot of money.

Still on the Russian misinformation angle, huh?  Yeah most people don’t buy it, especially since the DNC is in hot water over trying to suppress the Hunter laptop and the Durham Report showed there was nothing to the Russian collusion farce.

LMAO. Durham was NOT appointed to investigate Russian collusion; he was appointed to find corruption in the Mueller investigation origin. But you're right about the FACT that he found nothing, and the 2 indictments he brought, FAILED to convict. AKA, no corruption was found. 

2 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

I think many Americans, Ukrainians, Russians, and people around the world can make a case for the moral and spiritual decline of America.  Carlson is one of a few influencers who isn’t afraid to call out the ways that power is abused and fosters conflict, chaos, and moral depravity.  Not surprising that you don’t like this.  

You mean the increase in mass shootings and persecution of non-traditional gender identities?

You're right, that IS IMMORAL. But I've never heard Carlson calling that out.

Edited by robosmith
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Tucker Carlson’s Great Replacement


When Fox settled the defamation lawsuit brought by Dominion Voting Systems for $787.5 million, the conventional wisdom was that it would alter little about the way Fox News operates. “Don’t Expect Fox News to Change After Massive Dominion Payout,” said a Vanity Fair headline. “Will Fox Settlement Alter Conservative Media? Apparently Not,” said The Associated Press.

Maybe the settlement didn’t change much, but it increasingly looks as if the lawsuit itself did. On Monday, news broke that Tucker Carlson, Fox News’s highest-rated and most demagogic prime time host, was out, and wouldn’t even get a final show to say goodbye. The Los Angeles Times reported that Carlson was defenestrated by Rupert Murdoch himself, and that his exit was related to the discrimination lawsuit filed by Carlson’s former head of booking Abby Grossberg. Grossberg alleges that Fox coerced her into giving misleading testimony in the Dominion case, and has said she filed the discrimination suit, as well as a separate lawsuit, after fearing that the network was going to make her a scapegoat. The Washington Post, meanwhile, reported that Murdoch was incensed about insubordinate remarks Carlson made about Fox management, which were revealed during the discovery phase of the Dominion case.

All this suggests that Dominion was responsible for shaking loose the information that brought Carlson down. The end of his Fox News tenure should be a reminder to people on the left not to surrender to the cynical illusion that, to revive a Trump-era phrase, LOL nothing matters. Sometimes the terrible elements of our political culture seem so immutable that it’s tempting to give in to despair as a prophylactic against perpetual disappointment. But it turns out that it is in fact sometimes possible to shame the shameless. Once in a while, justice is delivered. 

So many benefits to the Dominion lawsuit DISCOVERY process. LMAO

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44 minutes ago, robosmith said:

LMAO. Durham was NOT appointed to investigate Russian collusion; he was appointed to find corruption in the Mueller investigation origin. But you're right about the FACT that he found nothing, and the 2 indictments he brought, FAILED to convict. AKA, no corruption was found. 

You mean the increase in mass shootings and persecution of non-traditional gender identities?

You're right, that IS IMMORAL. But I've never heard Carlson calling that out.

Right, those trans people shooting people.

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15 minutes ago, robosmith said:

One instance does NOT make trend no matter how much YOU WANT to pretend it does. ?

It's actually been a few now, of trans or gays shooting up other trans and gays. Or occasionally christian churches.

The left wing media likes to seriously downplay that and avoid it whenever possible but yeah, it's a thing.

You really don't think before you talk do you.

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4 hours ago, CdnFox said:

It's actually been a few now, of trans or gays shooting up other trans and gays. Or occasionally christian churches.

The left wing media likes to seriously downplay that and avoid it whenever possible but yeah, it's a thing.

You really don't think before you talk do you.


2 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

You’re just wrong. 

OK, four instances do NOT make trend no matter how much YOU WANT to pretend it does. ?



Cisgender shooters
Transgender shooters
Right-wing pundits have pointed to four instances of transgender shooters in 2018, 2019, 2022 and so far in 2023, calling it a trend. We counted a total of 1,529 mass shootings in those years based on data from the Gun Violence Archive. Trans shooters make up 0.3 percent of all mass shootings in these years, compared to 99.7 percent for cisgender shooters. Each figure in this chart represents 4.4 shooters.


^This is YOUR PROBLEM of counting on the BULLSHIT that is presented on FOS LIES.


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27 minutes ago, robosmith said:


OK, four instances do NOT make trend no matter how much YOU WANT to pretend it does. ?

Yeah it does. How many times does something have to happen before it's a trend in your world? :)

It's like the old joke ' "Is 5 a lot?"  " Well it depends. Dollars? No.  Murders? Yes. "

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Tucker removed from his platform

Hannity and Ingraham to be next


Fox news to be closed down

Donald Trump to be executed for treason

or imprisoned for 136 years

It's the death of democracy

Not with a bang, or a whimper,

but to the cheers of the masses

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2 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

Tucker removed from his platform

Hannity and Ingraham to be next


Fox news to be closed down

Donald Trump to be executed for treason

or imprisoned for 136 years

It's the death of democracy

Not with a bang, or a whimper,

but to the cheers of the masses

Dogs and cats sleeping together .. Mass Hysteria!!!

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On 4/29/2023 at 2:27 PM, robosmith said:

LMAO. Durham was NOT appointed to investigate Russian collusion; he was appointed to find corruption in the Mueller investigation origin. But you're right about the FACT that he found nothing, and the 2 indictments he brought, FAILED to convict. AKA, no corruption was found. 

FYI the witch hunt was founded in corruption and it was mired in corruption from beginning to end. 

1) Hillary colluded with a British spy and some Russians to make up a bunch of lies about Trump and his associates

2) Hillary paid her lawyer to present those lies to the FBI

3) Hillary's layer was being paid to do that, but he pretended that he was doing it as a good samaritan. He didn't tell the FBI that it was just opposition research. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-61488556

4) The FBI did not tell the FISA court that the Steele dossier was unreliable opposition research. https://news.yahoo.com/fbi-failed-inform-fisa-court-171455663.html

5) After the FBI knew the Alpha Bank intel and everything else in the dossier was bogus, they still presented it to the FISA court. https://nypost.com/2022/06/11/the-fbi-knew-russiagate-was-a-lie-but-hid-that-truth/


FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, counterintelligence officer Peter Strzok, analyst Brian Auten and Justice attorney Kevin Clinesmith pretended the Danchenko “intel” was credible to get the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance court’s OK for wiretaps on Carter Page and dupe the Justice Department to keep granting approval for Trump campaign surveillance (which did not corroborate the wild claims). Again, all while they knew Danchenko had admitted it was baseless. 

6) Kevin Clinesmith altered an email from the CIA, which named Carter Page as a CIA asset, deleting the part about him working for the CIA specifically to make it look like his actions were suspicious. That was the key pice of evidence that convinced the FISA judge to give the FBI their first warrant to spy on Trump. They knew it was false evidence and yet that document was part of every subsequent application to renew the FISA court warrant.

Kevin Clinesmith, the FBI's own lawyer, pleaded guilty to presenting falsified evidence to the FISA court judge. He never went to jail and he wasn't even disbarred. 


Interestingly enough, Google, the left-wing disinformation specialist, has all kinds of suggestions when you type Clinesmith's name into their search bar, none of which refer to his crime against President Trump, which is actually one of the most significant crimes in the whole history of American law.


There's nothing about the witch hunt that wan't corrupt Robo. Nothing at all.

The FISA court judge who was duped by the FBI crime spree said:


"The frequency with which representations made by FBI personnel turned out to be unsupported or contradicted by information in their possession, and with which they withheld information detrimental to their case, calls into question whether information contained in other FBI applications is reliable."

Also from that article:


The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court issued a rare order Tuesday to the FBI and Department of Justice, demanding they spell out a series of planned reforms following a damning report from the DOJ's inspector general that scrutinized surveillance of a former aide to President Donald Trump's campaign.


You say that there wan't FBI corruption, but a FISA court judge seems to think that there was corruption from beginning to end.

"The frequency with which representations made by FBI personnel turned out to be unsupported or contradicted by information in their possession, and with which they withheld information detrimental to their case, calls into question whether information contained in other FBI applications is reliable."


Scurry off 

Edited by WestCanMan
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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

FYI the witch hunt was founded in corruption and it was mired in corruption from beginning to end. 

1) Hillary colluded with a British spy and some Russians to make up a bunch of lies about Trump and his associates

2) Hillary paid her lawyer to present those lies to the FBI

3) Hillary's layer was being paid to do that, but he pretended that he was doing it as a good samaritan. He didn't tell the FBI that it was just opposition research. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-61488556

4) The FBI did not tell the FISA court that the Steele dossier was unreliable opposition research. https://news.yahoo.com/fbi-failed-inform-fisa-court-171455663.html

5) After the FBI knew the Alpha Bank intel and everything else in the dossier was bogus, they still presented it to the FISA court. https://nypost.com/2022/06/11/the-fbi-knew-russiagate-was-a-lie-but-hid-that-truth/

6) Kevin Clinesmith altered an email from the CIA, which named Carter Page as a CIA asset, deleting the part about him working for the CIA specifically to make it look like his actions were suspicious. That was the key pice of evidence that convinced the FISA judge to give the FBI their first warrant to spy on Trump. They knew it was false evidence and yet that document was part of every subsequent application to renew the FISA court warrant.

Kevin Clinesmith, the FBI's own lawyer, pleaded guilty to presenting falsified evidence to the FISA court judge. He never went to jail and he wasn't even disbarred. 


Interestingly enough, Google, the left-wing disinformation specialist, has all kinds of suggestions when you type Clinesmith's name into their search bar, none of which refer to his crime against President Trump, which is actually one of the most significant crimes in the whole history of American law.


There's nothing about the witch hunt that wan't corrupt Robo. Nothing at all.

The FISA court judge who was duped by the FBI crime spree said:

Also from that article:


You say that there wan't FBI corruption, but a FISA court judge seems to think that there was corruption from beginning to end.

"The frequency with which representations made by FBI personnel turned out to be unsupported or contradicted by information in their possession, and with which they withheld information detrimental to their case, calls into question whether information contained in other FBI applications is reliable."


Scurry off 

Durham COMPLETELY FAILED in his MISSION to find corruption.

I guess Trump should have hired a statistician from Canada. You remind me of Rudy. LMAO

Of course a judge "questioning" the reliability of FBI applications proves NOTHING.

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39 minutes ago, robosmith said:

Much more than 4 out of 1500 (0.2%). Duh.

If the LAST 4 were that way - it's a trend :)

Sorry - i forgot english isn't your strong suit.  "trend" is not the same as "average". You got the two confused. Go ask you mum

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6 minutes ago, robosmith said:

But it WAS NOT "the last 4." AKA, not a trend.

well what constitutes a trend to you then? You've already blown the answer once so your credibility is running thin ;)

If we go from none to half,,, woudn't you say it's trending up?

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56 minutes ago, robosmith said:

Durham COMPLETELY FAILED in his MISSION to find corruption.

I guess Trump should have hired a statistician from Canada. You remind me of Rudy. LMAO

Of course a judge "questioning" the reliability of FBI applications proves NOTHING.

If you can read all of that and say that none of it was "corruption", your opinion is more worthless than I thought.

Back to the ignore list, troll. 

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