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Tyre Nichols would be alive to day if he hadn't resisted arrest

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Tyre Nichols video: Memphis authorities release footage from deadly traffic stop

Tyre Nichols, 29, died three days after Memphis prosecutors say police brutally beat him following a traffic stop

You've seen the story.

And FoxNews is honest enough to reveal the race of the cops who committed this murder.

From left, Desmond Mills, Demetrius Haley, Justin Smith, Emmitt Martin and Tadarrius Bean. Each of the Memphis Police Department officers were terminated on Jan. 18 for their role in the arrest of Tyre Nichols.


What should we learn from this:

1.  Nichols WAS breaking the law and deserved the stop.

An officer in one video can be heard telling another that Nichols was driving into oncoming traffic and refused to pull over. 

2. As usual, an uneducated ID yut liberal plays the race card:

"Racist police terror, health care, climate change, workers rights — all of these things are intertwined," the man speaking into the microphone said.

Which is impossible since the arresting officers were the same race as their victim. (Oh, and where the FLUCK does climate change come into relevance here?)

3. ALL Nichols had to do was put his hands behind his back and obey the arresting officers. He would be alive today if he had grown a brain.

4. That doesn't excuse the thug behavior of those officers. There were five of them. They could very easily have just chased that imbecile down, piled on him, got his hands cuffed and shoved his dumb ass into the cruiser. The beatings were unnecessary. They ARE guilty of second degree murder, for sure.

5. Boys and girls, GROW A GODDAM BRAIN. If you are stopped by the cops for ANYTHING (a broken tail light, a DUI, etc) just SHUT THE FLUCK UP and do what the officers tell you to do. Knock off this stupid "I DIDN'T DO NOTHING" bullshit. In court, YOUR LAWYER will say that, get you acquitted and maybe set you up for a wrongful arrest lawsuit against the deep pocket state. But you can't get your day in court if you try to rumble with the cops and get your ass kicked.

6. And DON'T be so goddam STUPID as to run away and think somehow you're going to escape, especially when you have five officers who are THE SAME RACE AS YOU and aren't worried about being tagged racists if they beat the living schitt out of you.



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5 hours ago, Contrarian said:
  • I don't care about the rantings of someone from Florida which probably got out from a bar at this time, but will like to comment on the interaction with police, I might even agree with some points however the ramblings, low level language and obsession over race makes me hard to read. 
  • The police/military mind is not made to negotiate, sure there are exceptions but even if you are right on the spot, the mind of a police officer is meant not to deviate. 
  • Any word you say can be interpreted to fit their set narrative, is like a machine which the code is set already, so why play with fire? You think you can change the code of a machine that already has set their target? 
  • What I recommend?  A small video camera in the car, technology nowadays makes it possible to place it without one seeing it and most importantly practice what Epictetus said until the court date: 

  • The video is disgusting, the thuggery in the police force is not about race in my view, it is about the unions, they protect rotten corrupt violent police. What can you expect from unions, some of these cops with their behaviour which the union closes the eyes on would not make it 1 week in the private sector. I am almost certain they had disciplinary actions before, this is what I am waiting to surface. 

What low level language? And I had not gotten out from any bar. I saw the story and commented on it, probably more intelligently than any other poster here.

Race is ALWAYS important when the victim of police brutality is black. It just so happened that he had the shit beaten out of him by cops his own race. So nobody can play the race card here.

This is not an example of the police/military mind. This imbecile WAS swerving all over the place. The police had probably cause to stop him. Had he just done as he was told, he would be alive.

What you have to remember is the police do not make the laws. They are not members of the legislature. They are out there to ENFORCE the laws. And the low level cretins who get stopped need to understand that. 

As far as a video camera on the car, it's not a bad idea. But remember, those cops are now facing second degree murder charges based on THEIR OWN body cameras.

There was no mention of any police unions in this story. But to put your complaints about unions in context, Tennessee is a Right To Work state. Police are not required to join a union in order to have a job. So Tennessee's unions have to make it in the PRIVATE SECTOR.


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"When you see police lights in your mirror, stop immediately. Everybody knows that if the police have to come get you, they're bringing an ass kicking with them." Chris Rock

Sure the police were scumbags. Who do you think they're hiring in the US these days? No one with options and abilities wants anything to do with policing. The smart, capable police are resigning in droves, and every police force is short handed and getting worse.

You get no backup from your superiors. You get constantly attacked by the politicians, by the media, constantly harangued and insulted by people on the street you're not allowed to talk back to. In many cities you arrest people for crimes and the local district attorney just lets them out again and drops the charges or gives them a slap on the wrist plea bargain. They won't even prosecute a lot of lower level street crime, often including assault and resisting arrest. And the streets are filled with crazy, drug addicted homeless and violent gang bangers. Who would want the job? 

And that's without the race angle. Which makes every violent interaction with a black man national news. The media is desperately trying to insert 'racism' as a cause here, even though all the cops were black. But if the cops were white the media would be coming in its collective pants, with 24hr round the clock coverage of this and the ensuing riots peaceful protests they had done their best to provoke. 

And of course if the victim had been white this would never have made the news outside Memphis. Not in a million years would the national media, including ours, want to focus on a case where five black cops beat a white motorist to death. NO way, no how. They'd scream like terrified little girls and run from this case as fast as they could.

Edited by I am Groot
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13 hours ago, reason10 said:

And of course, SOME uneducated liberal here will have a problem with that post.

It proves that STUPID comes in all sizes, shapes and colors.

Seems too many of your cops aren't capable of arresting an unarmed person without killing them.

Edited by Aristides
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17 hours ago, reason10 said:


What should we learn from this:

1.  Nichols WAS breaking the law and deserved the stop.

An officer in one video can be heard telling another that Nichols was driving into oncoming traffic and refused to pull over.

A lot of cops are crapbags who lie constantly.  What you posted isn't evidence, its just a claim.  They also claimed he was reaching for their gun, another lie they often use.

If he didn't run maybe he'd be alive.  But there was still zero need for them to kick him in the head twice while he was on the ground and punch him multiple times with haymakers to the head.

If 5 large black cops can't put cuffs on a skinny black dude they suck at their jobs.

The only fact you've shown is that you're a bootlicker.

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I'm not a fan of videos that start in the middle. It's almost useless imo.

Case in point, the GFloyd videos which didn't show Floyd saying "I can't breathe" while he was alone in the cop car. 

Here we just see the video starting after the guy has already been pepper-sprayed... of course he's struggling after that. The spray was right in his face and he couldn't breathe. Even the cop who was spraying it had to walk ten feet away and turn his back, and none of it hit him directly in the face.

Until I see the video of the guy getting out of the car, or at least a video that starts at a point when there was polite discourse between the officers and the victim, I don't have a real opinion here.

What happened was probably really bad, I don't doubt that, and I think it's likely that a murder charge is warranted, but I'm still officially Switzerland. 

Could this have been avoided if the guy got out and complied with lawful orders from the police? Probably???

I'd say yes, but the beating was pretty crazy just for 5 cops trying to get cuffs on a guy. They didn't need to do that, they all seem like they are at least as strong as that guy, they're trained for this exact scenario, it should have been a cakewalk to get that guy in cuffs.

***idle speculation alert**** I wonder if there was a reason that guy was running from these cops in the first place. Maybe he slept with one of their wives or something and he knew what would happen if he got arrested. That would explain the erratic driving and the beating. I just don't see any real reason for either thing yet, from anything that we've heard. Then again, I didn't follow it closely.

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21 hours ago, Aristides said:

Seems too many of your cops aren't capable of arresting an unarmed person without killing them.

Actually, arrests occur all the time and 90 percent of the time the perp goes quietly. It's when the perp decides to be a idjit that he gets his ass kicked and it is covered by the media.

 More scumbags should learn Chris Rock's rule:
How NOT to get your ass kicked by the police


"Everybody knows, if the police have to come get you, they're bringing an ass kicking with them."

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A lot of cops are crapbags who lie constantly.  What you posted isn't evidence, its just a claim.  They also claimed he was reaching for their gun, another lie they often use.

I've got an open mind. Produce some credible EVIDENCE that cops lie constantly. Considering that this case was made possible ONLY by their body cameras, I'll wait patiently while you list the LIES (if any) the cops told. If "reaching for their gun" is a lie cops OFTEN use, produce PROOF of that. It should be easy. Every videoed case of cops kicking the shee it out of a scumbag is available. Produce the proof or admit you are lying and making it all up.

If he didn't run maybe he'd be alive.  But there was still zero need for them to kick him in the head twice while he was on the ground and punch him multiple times with haymakers to the head.

I"m not saying those cops didn't go too far. I'm just saying that if that scumbag hadn't resisted arrest, he'd be alive today.

If 5 large black cops can't put cuffs on a skinny black dude they suck at their jobs.

So you're saying five WHITE cops from the SUPERIOR RACE could have done it and don't suck at their jobs. Nice going.


The only fact you've shown is that you're a bootlicker.

Bootlicker as defined as someone who doesn't mouth off to cops when pulled over.

To bring your inferior mind up to speed, (and I don't live in Orlando any more so you and your goons can't look for me to Dox my family) in the 16 years of driving in Orlando, I managed to get a Master Degree in Traffic School. I was stopped so many times, racked up so many points, that I was ordered by the court to take a 24 hour weekend traffic course, after exhausting all the other traffic schools available. I was stopped more times than anyone you can think of. And not ONCE did I EVER mouth off to any cop. I gave the cop what he asked for, looking him in the eyes while talking and did precisely what he asked. While those stops played hell with my driving record (and I didn't get ticketed on all of them) I never got even so much as a scratch from a police officer. As much damage as all those stops did to my driving record, not ONCE did I blame the officer.

To bring your inferior mind up to speed, MOST traffic stop/encounters go like mine. Every once in a while some stupid scumbag will pull the I DIDN'T DO NUTHIN crap on the cops. Most of the time it is resolved and nobody gets hurt. Only in those few instances (and YES, Virginia, I'm the original poster in this thread to bring it to the attention of the thinkers (conservatives) and the children of this message board) where either an officer is hurt/killed or a scumbag is hurt/killed.

I maintain the view that if this scumbag had done what the police asked and hadn't run away, he would be alive today.




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19 hours ago, Contrarian said:

Why would the media from the progressive side NOT run articles if police officers thugs like Derek Chauvin show us his criminality? They are playing to their audiences which are asking for it. 

The issue is if we look at a thug like Chauvin, which caused one of the most devise incidents in recent America, if we look at him, we will notice the UNION DID NOT DO THEIR JOB. They kept a criminal on the books with 18 COMPLAINTS. 

No my friend, is all about productivity and standards and same old Union politics. Hire insiders, not on qualifications, Push away talent and protect criminality for the good of the pack. That is union politics 101 in my estimation. 

So please, let's not play the victim here, we have to go to the ROOT of the problem, the police unions in America. 

Chauvin got blamed for George Floyd's SUICIDE. That animal was high in Fentanyl. He was going to die regardless.

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20 hours ago, Contrarian said:

Why would the media from the progressive side NOT run articles if police officers thugs like Derek Chauvin show us his criminality? They are playing to their audiences which are asking for it. 

The media have no interest in police brutality. Nor in police incompetence or screwups. Their only interest is in playing up the racism/identity angle of stories. If the guy Chauvin had arrested had been white there'd have been no charges and it never would have made the news at all. White people have died under similar circumstances before and the media ignored them.

20 hours ago, Contrarian said:

The issue is if we look at a thug like Chauvin, which caused one of the most devise incidents in recent America, if we look at him, we will notice the UNION DID NOT DO THEIR JOB. They kept a criminal on the books with 18 COMPLAINTS. 

Anyone who is actively going after criminals is going to get complaints. Especially in this day and age. You know how to not minimize complaints? Do as little as possible. Which is what police are choosing to do more and more often.


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6 hours ago, I am Groot said:

The media have no interest in police brutality. Nor in police incompetence or screwups. Their only interest is in playing up the racism/identity angle of stories. If the guy Chauvin had arrested had been white there'd have been no charges and it never would have made the news at all. White people have died under similar circumstances before and the media ignored them.

Anyone who is actively going after criminals is going to get complaints. Especially in this day and age. You know how to not minimize complaints? Do as little as possible. Which is what police are choosing to do more and more often.


I disagree about the media's interest in police brutality. If it bleeds it leads. If the media thinks a bleeding hangnail will help ratings, that hangnail will be the first item on the show.

This particular instance is NOT based on racism, (since all the players in this tale seem to have the same skin color.)

One thing I'M VERY SURPRISED didn't come out of all this, (at least as far as the children here discussing it) is the fact that black cops are automatically harder on black perps.

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33 minutes ago, herbie said:

Just when we thought you couldn't be more deplorable.

Just like your hero Donnie T, no low is too low to stoop to.

Had Floyd NOT taken that Fentanyl (which killed him) he would still be alive. There's nothing deplorable about the facts. And facts don't care about your dumb ass NAZI feelings.

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2 hours ago, reason10 said:

Had Floyd NOT taken that Fentanyl (which killed him) he would still be alive. There's nothing deplorable about the facts. And facts don't care about your dumb ass NAZI feelings.

Fact is that the man was convicted of murder. Fact is that the coroner did not report a fentanyl overdose. 
Fact is you don’t have your facts straight, muchacha. 

But if you’re up for it, I’d be happy to stand on your neck for nine minutes while you’re sober so we can see whether you’d survive. In the name of science. 

Edited by Rebound
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12 hours ago, reason10 said:

Actually, arrests occur all the time and 90 percent of the time the perp goes quietly. It's when the perp decides to be a idjit that he gets his ass kicked and it is covered by the media.

 More scumbags should learn Chris Rock's rule:
How NOT to get your ass kicked by the police


"Everybody knows, if the police have to come get you, they're bringing an ass kicking with them."

So that deserves the death penalty in Amurica. So sad.

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6 hours ago, reason10 said:

Had Floyd NOT taken that Fentanyl (which killed him) he would still be alive. There's nothing deplorable about the facts. And facts don't care about your dumb ass NAZI feelings.

The claim that fentanyl killed Floyd is a bit of a stretch. The prosecution experts in the trial presented evidence to the contrary. 


Dr. Martin Tobin, an expert on pulmonary medicine, volunteered to testify free of charge after he saw the video. 





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12 hours ago, Rebound said:

Fact is that the man was convicted of murder. Fact is that the coroner did not report a fentanyl overdose. 
Fact is you don’t have your facts straight, muchacha. 

But if you’re up for it, I’d be happy to stand on your neck for nine minutes while you’re sober so we can see whether you’d survive. In the name of science. 

If Floyd had not taken that FATAL overdose of Fentanyl, he would be alive today.

If he had been white and the officer who kneeled on his neck was black, this story never would have appeared anywhere.

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8 hours ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

The claim that fentanyl killed Floyd is a bit of a stretch. The prosecution experts in the trial presented evidence to the contrary. 


Dr. Martin Tobin, an expert on pulmonary medicine, volunteered to testify free of charge after he saw the video. 





Had Floyd NOT taken the fentanyl, he would be alive. He would have been straight and probably would not have been stopped by Chauvin. His death was self inflicted.


What if he had died in an accident where he plowed into a school bus full of children? Would you blame the children?

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