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Charlie Kirk DESTROYS the racist White Privilege myth

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14 hours ago, eyeball said:

Is that supposed to make it alright?

We're told something similar with regards to colonialism and indigenous people, apparently to excuse us and negate any reason for trying to make right by our government's past behavior.

In a world of educated adults, one has to recognize that the government that perpetrated the horrific past behavior is made up of people who have been worm food for over 100 years. It is completely and totally ignorant to blame existing government members for the actions of those who have been dead for a century.

Yes, I know. Democrats are racists today, but I'm not judging them on the basis of 19th Century Democrats. I'm judging them on their words and actions of today.

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3 hours ago, reason10 said:

In a world of educated adults, one has to recognize that the government that perpetrated the horrific past behavior is made up of people who have been worm food for over 100 years. 

I have friends my age who were raped by the government.

In a world of ignorant right-wingers one has to recognize why we have a justice system.

3 hours ago, reason10 said:

Yes, I know. Democrats are racists today, but I'm not judging them on the basis of 19th Century Democrats. I'm judging them on their words and actions of today.

That's just dandy for dead people but it doesn't excuse governments and institutions. 

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18 hours ago, reason10 said:

Fetterman proves that Harvard is a diploma mill. Then again, his family's money bought him everything. That included a sheepskin from the same diploma mill that graduated Barak Saddam HUssein, probably the dumbest president to arise (that is, until Unelected Joe.)

Good lord, you are stupid. Did DeSantis have to purchase his JD from the same Harvard "diploma mill"? Whoops.

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18 hours ago, Hodad said:

Good lord, you are stupid. Did DeSantis have to purchase his JD from the same Harvard "diploma mill"? Whoops.

DeSantis IMPROVED  Florida's economy, safety and education system. Fetterman needs a computer to carry on a conversation.

If you can't see the difference between a brilliant governor and an entitled RETARD who never held a real job in his entire life and likely had his degree PAID FOR by his rich parents, you have bat guano for brains.

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3 hours ago, reason10 said:

DeSantis IMPROVED  Florida's economy, safety and education system. Fetterman needs a computer to carry on a conversation.

If you can't see the difference between a brilliant governor and an entitled RETARD who never held a real job in his entire life and likely had his degree PAID FOR by his rich parents, you have bat guano for brains.

First you criticize DeSantis' use of a "diploma mill" like Harvard (lol), and now you're taking shots at people who were born rich, lead privileged lives, got into and through schools because of family clout and money, never held a real job and were supported by their parents well into adulthood?

Trump Figures Out a Way to Blow Millions in Taxpayer Funds Even as an  Ex-President | Vanity Fair

Boy, you're being surprisingly rough on the Republican frontrunners for 2024.

(To be totally fair, Ivanka is totally capable of getting through school on her own. She's much smarter and more capable than her dimwitted father and brothers.)


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On 11/20/2022 at 4:38 PM, reason10 said:

Not really. Blacks sold blacks into slavery. And the European colonies in the New World (Pre United States) weren't the only places slaves were sent to.


Four Great Enslaved Person Trading Operations in Africa
Name Dates Number Countries Most Impacted Destination
Trans-Saharan early 7th–1960s >3 million 13 countries: Ethiopia, Mali, Nigeria, Sudan, Chad North Africa
Trans-Atlantic 1500–1850 >12 million 34 countries: Angola, Ghana, Nigeria, the Congo European colonies in the Americas
Indian Ocean 1650–1700 >1 million 15 countries: Tanzania, Mozambique, Madagascar Middle East, India, Indian Ocean Islands
Red Sea 1820–1880 >1.5 million 7 countries: Ethiopia, Sudan, Chad Egypt and Arabian peninsula

The 13 colonies were NOT original slave states. They DID participate in the slave trade that AFRICA had introduced to the world.

Maybe you should call it Islamic Privilege.







You are so full of racist sh!t.  You truly disgust me. Blaming black people for slavery is sickening, and you need a psychiatrist to help you deal with whatever’s chewing you up inside. 

100% of the slave trade involved white invaders capturing and buying slaves and taking them away. White people built the ships, white people loaded them, white people enslaved them. 

Edited by Rebound
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4 hours ago, Rebound said:

You are so full of racist sh!t.  You truly disgust me. Blaming black people for slavery is sickening, and you need a psychiatrist to help you deal with whatever’s chewing you up inside. 

100% of the slave trade involved white invaders capturing and buying slaves and taking them away. White people built the ships, white people loaded them, white people enslaved them. 

Supply and demand. Africans proved to be more durable slaves than indigenous people. 

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6 minutes ago, Rebound said:

The native Americans knew the land and how to live off of it, so it was far more difficult to enslave them. 

The Spanish found African's made much better slaves than natives who died too easily when enslaved.

They were also much easier to spot if they escaped.

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On 11/19/2022 at 6:12 AM, reason10 said:

I understand the use of black people in commercials. Ad men have convinced execs that the black market (pardon the pun) is valuable as a customer. It isn't racist to go after a demographic.

Be prepared in maybe ten years to see commercials for new and improved KY Jelly aimed at homos.  Be prepared to see new toy commercials aimed at predatory pedophiles, (since the left is trying so hard to normalize it.)

You're right about the racism on The View. The Democrats were racist before the Civil WAr. They were racist during Reconstruction, and today they are the worst racists on the planet.

Black people must buy whatever they need to survive and can do very well and get by without the need of ad executives trying to place more blacks in TV ads. Going after one demographic, as in the case with blacks, could be seen as racism.

What about those other races of non-whites who should also be seen on TV commercials as valuable customers? They may want to demand that their faces and races be seen in more TV commercials. 

This communist globalist agenda and program of promoting more multiculturalism and diversity will soon become a fight for dominance by all races in this now sad and pathetic country. As more of those new non-white immigrate to Canada, and their numbers increase they will surely want their share of the TV commercial pie now. 

We may even see a civil war here in Canada one day over who gets to control the turf of Canada. It sure looks like old whitey may have to sit on the sidelines and watch their white homeland broken up and taken over by aliens as their number still decreases and fall into the minority status column. in America, Europe and Australia are all watching as their white populations get smaller and smaller every year. This is fact, and not fiction.

Here in Canada our present day immigration policy is approx. 83% non-white new immigrants compared to approx. 17% white. If that is not white genocide in the making, well what the hell is? 

Charlie Kirk is right. White privilege is an racist attack on the white people of North America. This anti-white racism going on today needs to be stopped now before it becomes too late. Just my personal opinion of course.  

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31 minutes ago, taxme said:

Black people must buy whatever they need to survive and can do very well and get by without the need of ad executives trying to place more blacks in TV ads. Going after one demographic, as in the case with blacks, could be seen as racism.

What about those other races of non-whites who should also be seen on TV commercials as valuable customers? They may want to demand that their faces and races be seen in more TV commercials. 

This communist globalist agenda and program of promoting more multiculturalism and diversity will soon become a fight for dominance by all races in this now sad and pathetic country. As more of those new non-white immigrate to Canada, and their numbers increase they will surely want their share of the TV commercial pie now. 

We may even see a civil war here in Canada one day over who gets to control the turf of Canada. It sure looks like old whitey may have to sit on the sidelines and watch their white homeland broken up and taken over by aliens as their number still decreases and fall into the minority status column. in America, Europe and Australia are all watching as their white populations get smaller and smaller every year. This is fact, and not fiction.

Here in Canada our present day immigration policy is approx. 83% non-white new immigrants compared to approx. 17% white. If that is not white genocide in the making, well what the hell is? 

Charlie Kirk is right. White privilege is a racist attack on the white people of North America. This anti-white racism going on today needs to be stopped now before it becomes too late. Just my personal opinion of course.  

You are a racist. Just my personal opinion of course.  

You whine about communism and then complain about decisions made by capitalists.  The capitalist spends shareholder money for the purpose of making more money. Period.  If more black people in ads makes more money, the capitalist is obligated to do it, no matter how much racists like you don’t like it. 

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51 minutes ago, taxme said:

Black people must buy whatever they need to survive and can do very well and get by without the need of ad executives trying to place more blacks in TV ads. Going after one demographic, as in the case with blacks, could be seen as racism.

What about those other races of non-whites who should also be seen on TV commercials as valuable customers? They may want to demand that their faces and races be seen in more TV commercials. 

This communist globalist agenda and program of promoting more multiculturalism and diversity will soon become a fight for dominance by all races in this now sad and pathetic country. As more of those new non-white immigrate to Canada, and their numbers increase they will surely want their share of the TV commercial pie now. 

We may even see a civil war here in Canada one day over who gets to control the turf of Canada. It sure looks like old whitey may have to sit on the sidelines and watch their white homeland broken up and taken over by aliens as their number still decreases and fall into the minority status column. in America, Europe and Australia are all watching as their white populations get smaller and smaller every year. This is fact, and not fiction.

Here in Canada our present day immigration policy is approx. 83% non-white new immigrants compared to approx. 17% white. If that is not white genocide in the making, well what the hell is? 

Charlie Kirk is right. White privilege is an racist attack on the white people of North America. This anti-white racism going on today needs to be stopped now before it becomes too late. Just my personal opinion of course.  

You're right on 90 percent of this. The black ad thing assumes that the black purchasing market has to be attracted, same as the others. You see ads where there is a proportional number of attractive black faces to white faces; that goes to a more particular minority demographic. In the early Seventies, there would be black owned radio stations where Afro Sheen would be air time in ads. Today, Mercedes wants that professional black man to buy the S-Series and spend as much on a vehicle as one might spend on a house. Even though black professionals are growing in number, they are still a small minority of a demographic, hence the push towards attracting their business.

You can tell a lot about ANY TV network, any news program, any entertainment program by its advertisers. Tells you right away what the execs think of this demographic.

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26 minutes ago, Rebound said:

You are a racist. Just my personal opinion of course.  

You whine about communism and then complain about decisions made by capitalists.  The capitalist spends shareholder money for the purpose of making more money. Period.  If more black people in ads makes more money, the capitalist is obligated to do it, no matter how much racists like you don’t like it. 

He said NOTHING that could be construed as racist.

Racism is YOUR woke goose stepping side of the aisle.

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7 hours ago, Rebound said:

You are so full of racist sh!t.  You truly disgust me. Blaming black people for slavery is sickening, and you need a psychiatrist to help you deal with whatever’s chewing you up inside. 

100% of the slave trade involved white invaders capturing and buying slaves and taking them away. White people built the ships, white people loaded them, white people enslaved them. 

You are so stupid. Black people DID SELL THEIR PEOPLE INTO SLAVERY. You have shit for brains if you deny that, especially after all the reliable links I provide.

White slave traders DID NOT run into the jungle to capture (in the words of historical novelist Frank Yerby) their black ivory.

And the ORIGINAL slave trade pre-dates the United States. The ORIGINAL slave trade was perpetrated by Muslim countries.

You are a liar and an ignoramus. You don't know ANYTHING.

Typical low information blue stater.

Edited by reason10
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3 hours ago, Rebound said:

The native Americans knew the land and how to live off of it, so it was far more difficult to enslave them. 

One of my college profs was a PHD from Nigeria. One day in an unguarded remark, he said a lot of his countrymen considered American blacks to be inferior, because they were stupid enough to let themselves be sold into slavery. And this is from an African national.

Of course, he probably forgot of the existence of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, columnists Walter Williams and Thomas Sowell.

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8 hours ago, Hodad said:

First you criticize DeSantis' use of a "diploma mill" like Harvard (lol), and now you're taking shots at people who were born rich, lead privileged lives, got into and through schools because of family clout and money, never held a real job and were supported by their parents well into adulthood?

Trump Figures Out a Way to Blow Millions in Taxpayer Funds Even as an  Ex-President | Vanity Fair

Boy, you're being surprisingly rough on the Republican frontrunners for 2024.

(To be totally fair, Ivanka is totally capable of getting through school on her own. She's much smarter and more capable than her dimwitted father and brothers.)


You're a LIAR. Trump worked in the yards of his father's construction business, doing manual labor that a liberal would run from, kicking and screaming. Comparing a self made man like Trump with a frat boy like Fetterman WHO NEVER HELD A REAL JOB IN HIS ENTIRE LIE, is just plain stupid.

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On 11/20/2022 at 3:47 PM, Aristides said:

DeSantis tells you therefore it must be true. Yet you call yourself an educated critical person. DeSantis has a BA from Yale. Fetterman who you call stupid has three degrees including two master's, one of them from Harvard.


Last I heard, neither Yale nor Harvard were in Florida.

DeSantis is the greatest governor in the history of Florida. He has a resume NO DEMOCRAT since Carter and Kennedy could boast. Fetterman can't even complete sentences today. He has NEVER worked a real job in his life.

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43 minutes ago, reason10 said:

You're a LIAR. Trump worked in the yards of his father's construction business, doing manual labor that a liberal would run from, kicking and screaming. Comparing a self made man like Trump with a frat boy like Fetterman WHO NEVER HELD A REAL JOB IN HIS ENTIRE LIE, is just plain stupid.

Trump was not a laborer, lol. You cannot seriously believe that.  His daddy gave him millions of dollars, a cushy job in the family business and a silver spoon--exactly like Trump did for his own children.

If Donald Trump HAD ever worked as a construction laborer (I can't even type it with a straight face) then he wouldn't have become notorious for cheating honest laborers out of their hard-earned wages. Those pudgy little baby-soft hands have never touched a shovel handle for more than a ceremonial groundbreaking. All mansions and private schools and limousines for little Donald.




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27 minutes ago, reason10 said:

DeSantis is the greatest governor in the history of Florida.

That must make him the greatest in the world then.

Considering Florida has had 46 governors that covers a lot of territory and must make you a real expert.:rolleyes:

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12 hours ago, reason10 said:

You are so stupid. Black people DID SELL THEIR PEOPLE INTO SLAVERY. You have shit for brains if you deny that, especially after all the reliable links I provide.

White slave traders DID NOT run into the jungle to capture (in the words of historical novelist Frank Yerby) their black ivory.

And the ORIGINAL slave trade pre-dates the United States. The ORIGINAL slave trade was perpetrated by Muslim countries.

You are a liar and an ignoramus. You don't know ANYTHING.

Typical low information blue stater.

It is not the slave’s fault for being enslaved. It is the fault of the perpetrators.  The US Constitution legally institutionalized slavery in America. This was a terrible sin. 

You are a racist and you’re trying to inflame. 

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