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Russian Army collapsing - the unsurprising failure of a police-state


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7 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:

Russia is hanging by a thread with no path to victory. All they can hope for is a prolonged stalemate. 

Great, so we can all kiss our own asses goodbye then, when Putin lights up the big crackers after he has no other option.

Then you can say, "See, I told you so!"


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11 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

Great, so we can all kiss our own asses goodbye then, when Putin lights up the big crackers after he has no other option.

Then you can say, "See, I told you so!"


Russia is not going to deploy nuclear weapons.  Even if Putin ordered his generals to do so, they would refuse to do so. The Russians are well aware of the consequences of this action, as it would most likely mean the end of Russia.  Aside from that, the Russians have threatened Ukraine and NATO, with using weapons of mass destruction for two years.

It is all a bluff, since Russia is well aware that a direct conflict with NATO would mean the end of Russia. I'm honestly surprised how many gullible people buy this line of thinking.

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14 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

Great, so we can all kiss our own asses goodbye then, when Putin lights up the big crackers after he has no other option.

Then you can say, "See, I told you so!"


The old “we must immediately surrender to Putin or else get nuked by Putin” line.  Pretty weak stuff. Putin and his generals understand what Mutually Assured Destruction entails. Their military is so junky half their stuff probably doesn’t even work these days if it ever did. 

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21 minutes ago, DUI_Offender said:

Russia is not going to deploy nuclear weapons.  Even if Putin ordered his generals to do so, they would refuse to do so. The Russians are well aware of the consequences of this action, as it would most likely mean the end of Russia.  Aside from that, the Russians have threatened Ukraine and NATO, with using weapons of mass destruction for two years.

It is all a bluff, since Russia is well aware that a direct conflict with NATO would mean the end of Russia. I'm honestly surprised how many gullible people buy this line of thinking.

Sure fella, you tell us what the Russian generals will think. None of them would obey orders.

Maybe you need another drink. Try some vodka. ;)

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20 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:

The old “we must immediately surrender to Putin or else get nuked by Putin” line.  Pretty weak stuff. Putin and his generals understand what Mutually Assured Destruction entails. Their military is so junky half their stuff probably doesn’t even work these days if it ever did. 

Surrender to Putin? Who is we? I am not Ukranian nor do I even like Ukranians. Buncha nazis live there, last time I heard about it. And that was long before the war.

Probably back when you were a foolish youngster, complaining about wars not being good enough for you.

Now, you're just not young any more.


The only way for nuclear superpowers to survive is to maintain a balance of power, not try to tip the cart over.

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3 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

Sure fella, you tell us what the Russian generals will think. None of them would obey orders.

Maybe you need another drink. Try some vodka. ;)

Maybe you need your meds. You may be off them.

This is not rocket science. Russia has had nuclear weapons for over 70 years.  They have never used them against their enemies, and will probably never use them. 

3 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

Surrender to Putin? Who is we? I am not Ukranian nor do I even like Ukranians. Buncha nazis live there, last time I heard about it. And that was long before the war.

Which country in Europe or North America does not groups of Neo-Nazis?  

The idea that you still actually believe that the Ukraine is full of Nazis is a testament of your limited intellect. 

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7 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

You’ve been saying that and predicting that Russia will soon win almost from the very beginning. You  haven’t been right once yet and the war is nearly 2 years old.

Back in July Ukraine surpassed Russia in the number of active tanks in the field and Russia is now spending a third of its entire budget on this war as its economy continues to shrink. Russia is running low on manpower too unless it resumes conscription but that will be very unpopular and even then of course Russia will have to find a way to afford paying and supplying those extra troops. Russia is hanging by a thread with no path to victory. All they can hope for is a prolonged stalemate. 

Russia is hanging by a thread?

Good lord you Tweenkies sure do live in a wild alternate reality.

But hey...I guess being wrong all the time leaves you very few options.

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7 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

The old “we must immediately surrender to Putin or else get nuked by Putin” line.  Pretty weak stuff. Putin and his generals understand what Mutually Assured Destruction entails. Their military is so junky half their stuff probably doesn’t even work these days if it ever did. 

This war is winding down Beave, and only the hopelessly stupid don't realize it yet.

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15 hours ago, taxme said:

Ukraine would not win any fight against Russia if it were not for American support butting in like always. If America had stayed out of this feud, the war would have been over a long time ago for Ukraine. Russia had Ukraine by the ba--s. Live with it. 

and now they don't, because the democracies in Europe and North America weren't interested in having a 20+ year dictator's naked aggression rewarded.  

Now Putin and Russia are humiliated, their army has been made a laughingstock and left dependent on garbage-tech from Iran and South Korea.  Live with that.  

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19 hours ago, Moonbox said:

and now they don't, because the democracies in Europe and North America weren't interested in having a 20+ year dictator's naked aggression rewarded.  

Now Putin and Russia are humiliated, their army has been made a laughingstock and left dependent on garbage-tech from Iran and South Korea.  Live with that.  

I have bad news for you.  Are you sitting down?


Germany and Biden are apparently pressuring Zelensky to negotiate peace with Putin.  Somehow I don’t think Russia is being humiliated after all.  


“Bild, a German tabloid, reported what it described as a “secret” German-American plan to force Ukraine’s hand on opening peace talks, citing sources in the German government.

Under the plan, Washington and Berlin would supply Ukraine with sufficient weapons and armour to hold the current front line, but not enough to retake occupied territory.”

Edited by sharkman
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8 hours ago, sharkman said:

“Bild, a German tabloid, reported what it described as a “secret” German-American plan to force Ukraine’s hand on opening peace talks, citing sources in the German government.

Unsurprisingly, you've missed the most relevant parts of this "report", which is that secret plans are being revealed to a German tabloid.  The tabloid, of course, is the old-school equivalent of click-bait for retards.  

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3 hours ago, Moonbox said:

Unsurprisingly, you've missed the most relevant parts of this "report", which is that secret plans are being revealed to a German tabloid.  The tabloid, of course, is the old-school equivalent of click-bait for retards.  

Good answer!  Keep your head in the sand while the political landscape changes.  No doubt the Russian army will soon collapse.

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Just now, sharkman said:

Good answer!  Keep your head in the sand while the political landscape changes.  No doubt the Russian army will soon collapse.

You're quoting tabloids. ?

You do such a good job making yourself look retarded, nobody else needs to interfere.  


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4 hours ago, Moonbox said:

You're quoting tabloids. ?

You do such a good job making yourself look retarded, nobody else needs to interfere.  


And you said TWO YEARS AGO(ok, it was one year) that the Russian army was collapsing.  It hasn’t collapsed and instead will keep the land they took from Ukraine.  

Also, when an administration wants to quietly let news out, they often do it by releasing it in another country’s media far away, kind of a back channel.  This is a classic move.  

We already knew it was going to happen because the US had drastically reduced the flow of arms and ammunition into Ukraine.  Also Zelensky has been shrieking about it for the last month or so.  

Apparently you need this spelled out.


Edited by sharkman
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2 hours ago, sharkman said:

And you said TWO YEARS AGO(ok, it was one year) that the Russian army was collapsing.  It hasn’t collapsed and instead will keep the land they took from Ukraine.  

Maybe they will, maybe they won't.  The reality is that the Russian army faceplanted into Ukraine, and has exceeded all expectations for operational incompetence.  Not since Gadhafi invaded Chad have we seen a better example of military failure.  

2 hours ago, sharkman said:

Also, when an administration wants to quietly let news out, they often do it by releasing it in another country’s media far away, kind of a back channel.  This is a classic move.  

They generally don't do it through tabloids, which are designed for dumb-dumbs like you who fall for clickbait.  

2 hours ago, sharkman said:

We already knew it was going to happen because the US had drastically reduced the flow of arms and ammunition into Ukraine.  Also Zelensky has been shrieking about it for the last month or so.  

He's been...shrieking about it?  Is that what your brain-dead Twitter feed tells you?  ?


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On 11/24/2023 at 6:42 AM, Nationalist said:

Russia is hanging by a thread?

Good lord you Tweenkies sure do live in a wild alternate reality.

But hey...I guess being wrong all the time leaves you very few options.


On 11/24/2023 at 6:46 AM, Nationalist said:

This war is winding down Beave, and only the hopelessly stupid don't realize it yet.


Being wrong all the time?  LMAO more of tour opposite-of reality nonsense!

You’ve been saying versions of “the war is winding down” and falsely predicting an imminent Russian victory for almost two years now!  Meanwhile Ukraine continues to gain ground   You just lie and lie and every day the Russians lose a little bit more while you hilariously come out and say “we’re about to win!”


Heres a reality check for you:  In the past few days 3 full Ukrainian brigades have crossed the Dnipro river and seized control the river’s entire east bank in Kherson Oblast, forcing the Russians to retreat from their extensive “Surovkin” line of defence to a second line they are hastily building   

Russia has now lost nearly 325,000 troops since the start of their criminal invasion, including nearly 900 in the past day alone. The latest tally of Russian losses since the Feb 2022 invasion includes 5,502 tanks, 10,263 armoured fighting vehicles, 10,259 vehicles and fuel tanks, 7,851 artillery systems, 905 multiple launch rocket systems, 596 air defence systems, 323 airplanes, 324 helicopters, 5,808 drones, 22 ships and boats, and one submarine.

Keep living in you Kremlin fake news dreamworld with China North Korea Iran Syria and Hamas as your allies, you’re a loyal little servant for your dictator. 

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1 hour ago, BeaverFever said:



Being wrong all the time?  LMAO more of tour opposite-of reality nonsense!

You’ve been saying versions of “the war is winding down” and falsely predicting an imminent Russian victory for almost two years now!  Meanwhile Ukraine continues to gain ground   You just lie and lie and every day the Russians lose a little bit more while you hilariously come out and say “we’re about to win!”


Heres a reality check for you:  In the past few days 3 full Ukrainian brigades have crossed the Dnipro river and seized control the river’s entire east bank in Kherson Oblast, forcing the Russians to retreat from their extensive “Surovkin” line of defence to a second line they are hastily building   

Russia has now lost nearly 325,000 troops since the start of their criminal invasion, including nearly 900 in the past day alone. The latest tally of Russian losses since the Feb 2022 invasion includes 5,502 tanks, 10,263 armoured fighting vehicles, 10,259 vehicles and fuel tanks, 7,851 artillery systems, 905 multiple launch rocket systems, 596 air defence systems, 323 airplanes, 324 helicopters, 5,808 drones, 22 ships and boats, and one submarine.

Keep living in you Kremlin fake news dreamworld with China North Korea Iran Syria and Hamas as your allies, you’re a loyal little servant for your dictator. 

I serve my wife and kids Beave. You serve a destructive old fool.


A little reality for ya...

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8 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

I serve my wife and kids Beave. You serve a destructive old fool.


A little reality for ya...

You setve a dictator who is allied with Iran North Korea Hamas and China. You’re just too dumb to know it. 

The opinion piece from July wonders if the war will stalemate it doesn’t give any credibility to your repeated failed and baseless predictions that Russia will win any day now. Also since then Ukraine crossed the Dnipro with three whole brigades and Russia’s retreated once again. 

Sorry loser, there’s no turning them back.  

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2 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

You setve a dictator who is allied with Iran North Korea Hamas and China. You’re just too dumb to know it. 

The opinion piece from July wonders if the war will stalemate it doesn’t give any credibility to your repeated failed and baseless predictions that Russia will win any day now. Also since then Ukraine crossed the Dnipro with three whole brigades and Russia’s retreated once again. 

Sorry loser, there’s no turning them back.  

Lol...ok...you keep that flicker hope alive Beave. I'll enjoy watching it put out by a peace deal...and probably the assassination of Zelinsky...by one of his own.

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4 hours ago, Nationalist said:

Lol...ok...you keep that flicker hope alive Beave. I'll enjoy watching it put out by a peace deal...and probably the assassination of Zelinsky...by one of his own.

LMAO! You are seriously delusional!


The only one at risk of  assassination is Putin!  He has singlehandedly decimated Russia’s military and economy with his failed vanity project. And we’ve already witnessed one mutinous Russian military force march on Moscow. 

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4 hours ago, Nationalist said:

Lol...ok...you keep that flicker hope alive Beave. I'll enjoy watching it put out by a peace deal...and probably the assassination of Zelinsky...by one of his own.

Or he'll just go back to doing standup. Hell yeah, the liberals will have him doing the opening on SNL...

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17 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:

LMAO! You are seriously delusional!


The only one at risk of  assassination is Putin!  He has singlehandedly decimated Russia’s military and economy with his failed vanity project. And we’ve already witnessed one mutinous Russian military force march on Moscow. 

Like I said...you keep believing that. 

18 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

Or he'll just go back to doing standup. Hell yeah, the liberals will have him doing the opening on SNL...

Maybe. But I have a sneaking suspicion someone in his own circle is gonna kill him.

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