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Is God ok with lesbians?


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On 10/8/2022 at 4:31 PM, Iteration said:

If lesbian refers to someone who commits a particular action which categorically falls under a sexual sin (homosexuality) then the answer would be yes. If lesbian refers to someone who is attracted to other women, then the answer would be no, so long as this is not an attraction that is acted upon. 

Why would God make people attracted to the same sex but then forbid the attraction to be “acted upon”?

Sounds kind of cruel to me…

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On 9/24/2022 at 2:52 PM, blackbird said:

You make it sound like Christians do not share many common beliefs but that not actually true.  There are basic beliefs that many if not most churches and believers agree on.  No sense me listing them because you seem to be in denial and trying to portray Christians in a negative or confused light.  If you think the God in the Bible is not real, how do you explain that he sent his Son Jesus Christ into the world, was crucified, and was raised from the dead and seen by many people?

I will ask the old question that you should be able to answer.  Where did the complex universe and the complex life forms all come from?  Where did man come from?  The Bible answers that basic question.  If not created by an intelligent designer Creator, where did it all come from?  Even the laws of physics, the atoms, molecules, simple cells are extremely complex and could not just appear from nowhere without a Creator.  So what is your answer?

I usually don’t wade in to religious debates…..to each his own and all that…but there are pretty bad arguments here.   To answer the question I don’t believe God is real, I don’t believe the mythical Jesus figure is real although his story is clearly  a composite of many local religious beliefs and some real life political  characters. “Jesus” is the Roman language version of the common Hebrew name we know as “Joshua”.  This was a common feature of local heroes real and imaginary long before his alleged time, as are many details of his alleged life. At this point I think it goes without saying he didn’t really rise from the dead.  

As for “ how do you explain a universe without a creator”. Well how do you explain a creator without another creator creating him???  It’s the same question and answer:  it just came into being. In the beginning there was nothing. Probably for an infinite amount of eternity there was nothing. Then at some point there was something.  End of story. In fact that first “something” might have been unstable and  collapsed back into nothing and that might have repeated for another infinite amount of eternity until eventually that “something” was stable and expanded exponentially into the greater surrounding void. 

Science will probably never know the answers to existential questions like how/why did the universe form, what is the meaning of infinity and so on. People just need to accept that. But religion is just a weak attempt to  answer all of these with “because magic” and an unseen “magic man” who understands everything we don’t understand ourselves 

I know religion is important to many people and belief in one religion or another has improved and/or saved the lives of many troubled or traumatized people who were able to find peace, comfort or purpose from it. I’m not here to kick crutches out from under anyone. I’m not going to respond to arguments on this thread or debate further. Just putting in my 2 cents on the topic, one time only. 

Edited by BeaverFever
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15 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

I usually don’t wade in to religious debates…..to each his own and all that…but there are pretty bad arguments here.   To answer the question I don’t believe God is real, I don’t believe the mythical Jesus figure is real although his story is clearly  a composite of many local religious beliefs and some real life political  characters. “Jesus” is the Roman language version of the common Hebrew name we know as “Joshua”.  This was a common feature of local heroes real and imaginary long before his alleged time, as are many details of his alleged life. At this point I think it goes without saying he didn’t really rise from the dead.  

As for “ how do you explain a universe without a creator”. Well how do you explain a creator without another creator creating him???  It’s the same question and answer:  it just came into being. In the beginning there was nothing. Probably for an infinite amount of eternity there was nothing. Then at some point there was something.  End of story. In fact that first “something” might have been unstable and  collapsed back into nothing and that might have repeated for another infinite amount of eternity until eventually that “something” was stable and expanded exponentially into the greater surrounding void. 

Science will probably never know the answers to existential questions like how/why did the universe form, what is the meaning of infinity and so on. People just need to accept that. But religion is just a weak attempt to  answer all of these with “because magic” and an unseen “magic man” who understands everything we don’t understand ourselves 

I know religion is important to many people and belief in one religion or another has improved and/or saved the lives of many troubled or traumatized people who were able to find peace, comfort or purpose from it. I’m not here to kick crutches out from under anyone. I’m not going to respond to arguments on this thread or debate further. Just putting in my 2 cents on the topic, one time only. 


Some argue that Jesus wasn't an actual man, but within a few decades of his lifetime, he was mentioned by Jewish and Roman historians. 

further down it says:

Historian Flavius Josephus wrote one of the earliest non-biblical accounts of Jesus.

The first-century Jewish historian Flavius Josephus, who according to Ehrman “is far and away our best source of information about first-century Palestine,” twice mentions Jesus in Jewish Antiquities, his massive 20-volume history of the Jewish people that was written around 93 A.D.

Thought to have been born a few years after the crucifixion of Jesus around 37 A.D., Josephus was a well-connected aristocrat and military leader in Palestine who served as a commander in Galilee during the first Jewish Revolt against Rome between 66 and 70 A.D. Although Josephus was not a follower of Jesus, “he was around when the early church was getting started, so he knew people who had seen and heard Jesus,” Mykytiuk says.

In one passage of Jewish Antiquities that recounts an unlawful execution, Josephus identifies the victim, James, as the “brother of Jesus-who-is-called-Messiah.” While few scholars doubt the short account’s authenticity, says Mykytiuk, more debate surrounds Josephus’s lengthier passage about Jesus, known as the “Testimonium Flavianum,” which describes a man “who did surprising deeds” and was condemned to be crucified by Pilate. Mykytiuk agrees with most scholars that Christian scribes modified portions of the passage but did not insert it wholesale into the text.   unquote

The Bible Says Jesus Was Real. What Other Proof Exists? - HISTORY

Did Jesus really exist? Is there any historical evidence of Jesus Christ? | GotQuestions.org

Did Jesus of Nazareth actually exist? The evidence says yes | OpenMind (bbvaopenmind.com)

Did Jesus Exist? Searching for Evidence Beyond the Bible - Biblical Archaeology Society

You said:

"As for “ how do you explain a universe without a creator”. Well how do you explain a creator without another creator creating him???  It’s the same question and answer:  it just came into being. In the beginning there was nothing. Probably for an infinite amount of eternity there was nothing. Then at some point there was something.  End of story."

Sorry but there is no logic there at all.   The simple fact that any reasoning scientist or individual will tell you is:

Every effect (the universe) has a cause.  That is simple, basic logic that any thinking person could understand.  Nothing does not produce something.  Everything that exists had to have a cause for it's existence.

You say how do you explain a creator without another creator?  The answer to your question is according to the Bible  God is not a material or created part of the universe.  God is a supernatural being separate and apart from the universe.  He is a spirit.  God is omnipotent (all powerful), omni-present (present everywhere), and omniscient (all knowing), and he is eternal.

So God did not need another Creator because he always existed.  

The universe is extremely complex.  This complexity required an infinitely powerful, intelligent designer.  It could not have happened by itself.  First, something does not appear from nothing.  This is where God used his supernatural power to create something from nothing.  That is what the Bible says in Genesis.   The first sentence in the Bible says:

"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth."  Genesis 1:1 KJV

The first chapter of the Bible demonstrates God's supernatural ability and character.  It is evident this revelation came from God, not from man's invention, just as the rest of the Bible demonstrates it is from God by it's character.

The alternative is Darwin's Universe, From Nothing, By Nothing, For Nothing - Survival for Nothing as the book is titled by Yan T. Wee.

If God did not create the universe and mankind, then we must all be just an accident of the cosmos, a meaningless blob.  Our minds must be just a chemical reaction with no meaning.  This is completely illogical, irrational, and demoting man to just another animal and accident of the chemicals.  There is no purpose to existence in that case.  That is a defeating, hopeless existence.  Depressing and demoralizing.  It is not what the Bible says.  The Bible says God created man in his own image.  Man has a purpose for being and has a soul and spirit.  





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On 10/15/2022 at 8:47 AM, blackbird said:

If God did not create the universe and mankind, then we must all be just an accident of the cosmos, a meaningless blob.

If there was no god, your life would be meaningless?  That’s very sad.  

On 10/15/2022 at 8:47 AM, blackbird said:

Our minds must be just a chemical reaction with no meaning.  This is completely illogical, irrational, and demoting man to just another animal and accident of the chemicals. 

The truth is sometimes scary how not special we are…. well, other than those chemical reactions creating beautiful art, music, discovering math and physics to explain the universe, and taking people to the moon.   Other than those things, we’re not special at all. 

On 10/15/2022 at 8:47 AM, blackbird said:

There is no purpose to existence in that case.

Could each of us make a purpose for our life?  

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On 8/31/2022 at 4:41 AM, betsy said:


Genesis (1 and 2, and 5 ),  are at the root of opposition to gay and lesbian marriage.  God made the GENDERS male and female, specifically for mankind.  Other creations were not given genders.  He made them male and female - man and woman -  for marriage and procreation.


Genesis is quoted by Jesus Christ in the New Testament.

Matthew 19

And He answered and said, “Have you not read that He who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’?


That's the reason why they were created male and female:  marriage.  union.


Lesbianism is explicitly described in the New Testament.


Romans 1

26 For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged natural relations for that which is contrary to nature, 27 and likewise the men, too, abandoned natural relations [s]with women and burned in their desire toward one another, males with males committing [t]shameful acts and receiving in [u]their own persons the due penalty of their error.




Now, Betsy, we do have to quote the Bible in full honesty, not in little snippets. Let's put down the rest of the passage, ok?

28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,

30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,

31 Without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:

32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.


If you accept Romans 1:26 as a prohibition of homosexuality and lesbianism, then you must also accept that fornication, covetousness, debate, pride, boasting, and being without understanding are all equally wicked sins, not more or less equally worthy of the death penalty.

But those things are not CONVENIENT!  You see, what Romans 1:28 says? Most of us are not gay, so it is convenient to not be gay. I have never once in my life wanted to have same-gender sex. So of course it is convenient for me to call that a sin. It's easy! But we are not commanded to do what is convenient and easy; it says so right there. If we do not treat all the sins listed here as equally wrong, then we are not obeying the words.

These commandments are between each of us, individually, and the Lord. Tolerating the people who do these things is not a sin. If someone has premarital sex, we don't fire them from their job. We don't discriminate against them. We don't judge. If someone is prideful or boastful, we don't judge. That is the Lord's job. 


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15 hours ago, Rebound said:

Now, Betsy, we do have to quote the Bible in full honesty, not in little snippets. Let's put down the rest of the passage, ok?

28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,

30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,

31 Without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:

32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.


If you accept Romans 1:26 as a prohibition of homosexuality and lesbianism, then you must also accept that fornication, covetousness, debate, pride, boasting, and being without understanding are all equally wicked sins, not more or less equally worthy of the death penalty.

But those things are not CONVENIENT!  You see, what Romans 1:28 says? Most of us are not gay, so it is convenient to not be gay. I have never once in my life wanted to have same-gender sex. So of course it is convenient for me to call that a sin. It's easy! But we are not commanded to do what is convenient and easy; it says so right there. If we do not treat all the sins listed here as equally wrong, then we are not obeying the words.

These commandments are between each of us, individually, and the Lord. Tolerating the people who do these things is not a sin. If someone has premarital sex, we don't fire them from their job. We don't discriminate against them. We don't judge. If someone is prideful or boastful, we don't judge. That is the Lord's job. 



The main basis for homosexuality is on Genesis.   Read my post on page 1. 

The rest are laws that are based from it.



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4 hours ago, betsy said:


The main basis for homosexuality is on Genesis.   Read my post on page 1. 

The rest are laws that are based from it.



Genesis does not mention lesbianism. 

In his Sermon on the Mount, if you read it not microscopically, but you take it in as a whole, what Christ is telling us is that we should live moral lives in modesty, and that judgement of our moral behavior is up to the Lord, not mankind. He tells us not to pray loudly at temple, or on the street corner, but instead to pray modestly, at home. Because our relationship to the Lord is between the individual and the Lord. It is not for governments to impose upon people. 

Christ tells us not to divorce; don’t even have impure thoughts about another person. Those are the things that are inconvenient.  Telling others how to live their lives is religion of convenience.  There is the difference.  

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19 hours ago, Rebound said:

Genesis does not mention lesbianism. 

In his Sermon on the Mount, if you read it not microscopically, but you take it in as a whole, what Christ is telling us is that we should live moral lives in modesty, and that judgement of our moral behavior is up to the Lord, not mankind. He tells us not to pray loudly at temple, or on the street corner, but instead to pray modestly, at home. Because our relationship to the Lord is between the individual and the Lord. It is not for governments to impose upon people. 

Christ tells us not to divorce; don’t even have impure thoughts about another person. Those are the things that are inconvenient.  Telling others how to live their lives is religion of convenience.  There is the difference.  


It doesn't have to mention homosexuality or lesbianism.

Understand the explanation - particularly the verses given.

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Is God ok with lesbians? 

Yes, in my opinion God is love, real love can be felt even by those looking at the partners. 

So in my belief in God I do not believe he has a problem with humans in love, not matter what they look like on the outside. 

Love is something the God I believe in celebrates,  and he has told me repeatedly in his book that it is not my place to judge what is righteous and moral for others. That I should keep my own house and let others keep theirs. 

My daughter is bisexual, she is a kind sweet gentle and loving person. She has an experience she can talk about where she feels she was saved. 

She is still bisexual, and I still love her and so does God. 

Freedom of religion means we do not get to press our morals on others.

Pray for them if you must, but do not force your views and morals on them. 

F.Y.I. I felt this way BEFORE my daughter outed her self and she knew it to, I believe it is part of the reason she was not worried or scared about telling me.

She invited me to pride this year, and I enjoyed it until the crowds got to me. 

See I am a shy and private person, which is the reason none of my LGBQT friends ever invited me to pride. They felt the large crowds would trigger me after the way they had seen me react in dance clubs. 

But even they know that I would crawl through glass for my baby girl. (being in her early 20's she hates that I still call her that) so one afternoon of being triggered and holding her and her partners hand in a HUGE crowd so I felt safe and surrounded by my friends from the community I made it through the day. 

All I felt that day was an out pouring of love. This to me is all the proof I need, God to me is love, kindness and forgiveness. 

So fellow Christians, I forgive you for tainting our image with one of hate.

I forgive you for going against the constitution and its amendment's and forcing your religious views and morals on others.

I forgive you for forgetting that God is love.

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6 hours ago, Jedi_Master_Tallyn said:

forcing your religious ---------- morals on others.


Strange from one whose religion was born of inquisitions and murder of millions.

That aside.

Kudos on most of your presentation.

Would you go to her wedding and kiss the bride and hug her partner/husband?

Do you see homophobia and misogyny as evils, and why are you staying in a religion that endorses them?



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fixed the typo

and yes why wouldn't I, though there will be no wedding a joining thingy between her and her two partners. not sure what exactly it is called so not gonna mess it up. But yeah no marriage. For her. Not yet anyway she may change her mind. And I don't care  who she does or does not marry. 

Is she happy safe and loved? If the answer is Yes.

Welcome to the family my daughters partner.

And I stay in this religion because I believe. I believe your statement is false. A true Christian is not a homophobe or a misogynist. A true Christian has not room for hate in their heart. A true Christian treats others like they would be treated. 

Jesus said others, not men not women, not whites blacks Jew, Christians, Muslims  gay hetero or any other ding bat label the metaphorical you would use to separate  humans. 

He said others, Just like he said love one another. Full stop. no qualifiers. 

He told me not to judge people, that was his job, He told me to have love in my heart for them and pray for them. 

Oh I am sure you can find verses backing up your claims of homophobia and misogyny, of Christianity supporting slavery and a host of of things most modern humans find deplorable.

But those are just one or two verses here and there in a fairly large book. 

Me, I choose to focus on love, I admit yesterday you had me ready to pull my hair out. That is a me problem I let you hatred get to me. That is my fault. 

To me God is love, God is about equality, because in his eyes we are all equally sinful. I am FAR from perfect, and it bothers me the Christians you have run into that support and propagated your most likely justified hate of religion. 

For them I am sorry and pray that one day you find a way to forgive and move on from the hate. 

I am sorry for the Christians that espouse hatred and use a God of love to prop up a message of hatred and repression.

All I can do is apologize for their behavior and be better. Be what I want the world to think of when they think of a Christian. 

Not someone holding sign yelling Whore!! at a rape victim as they enter a clinic for help. 

Not someone that tells a young man or woman or other they are going to hell for who they love. 

Someone who is about love and forgiveness, who offers them comfort, or simply prays for them to receive that comfort from a God they might not even believe in. 

And if they do not want to hear about God that respects that and changes the subject. 

That is what being a Christian is all about to me. 

Again I am sorry for the ones that spewed hatred at you. But as I said before, to me those were not true Christians.

But I am not God, or Jesus, therefore it is not for me to judge that, however, I can unequivocally say that they were lousy human beings, and morally bereft of  even a modicum of the tiniest bit of empathy or compassion.

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13 hours ago, Jedi_Master_Tallyn said:

But as I said before, to me those were not true Christians.

If I go by the standard Jesus set, there are no real Christians.

13 hours ago, Jedi_Master_Tallyn said:

But I am not God, or Jesus, therefore it is not for me to judge that,

Yet your bible tells you to judge all things.

You shirk your duty, and that is why you promote evil.



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If you are going to quote me have the courage to use more than just the quote that fits your rhetoric. 

14 hours ago, Jedi_Master_Tallyn said:

 And I stay in this religion because I believe. I believe your statement is false. A true Christian is not a homophobe or a misogynist. A true Christian has not room for hate in their heart. A true Christian treats others like they would be treated. 

Jesus said others, not men not women, not whites blacks Jew, Christians, Muslims  gay hetero or any other ding bat label the metaphorical you would use to separate  humans. 

He said others, Just like he said love one another. Full stop. no qualifiers. 

He told me not to judge people, that was his job, He told me to have love in my heart for them and pray for them. 

Oh I am sure you can find verses backing up your claims of homophobia and misogyny, of Christianity supporting slavery and a host of of things most modern humans find deplorable.

But those are just one or two verses here and there in a fairly large book. 

Me, I choose to focus on love, I admit yesterday you had me ready to pull my hair out. That is a me problem I let you hatred get to me. That is my fault. 

To me God is love, God is about equality, because in his eyes we are all equally sinful. I am FAR from perfect, and it bothers me the Christians you have run into that support and propagated your most likely justified hate of religion. 

For them I am sorry and pray that one day you find a way to forgive and move on from the hate. 

I am sorry for the Christians that espouse hatred and use a God of love to prop up a message of hatred and repression.

All I can do is apologize for their behavior and be better. Be what I want the world to think of when they think of a Christian. 

Not someone holding sign yelling Whore!! at a rape victim as they enter a clinic for help. 

Not someone that tells a young man or woman or other they are going to hell for who they love. 

Someone who is about love and forgiveness, who offers them comfort, or simply prays for them to receive that comfort from a God they might not even believe in. 

And if they do not want to hear about God that respects that and changes the subject. 

That is what being a Christian is all about to me. 

Again I am sorry for the ones that spewed hatred at you. But as I said before, to me those were not true Christians.

But I am not God, or Jesus, therefore it is not for me to judge that, however, I can unequivocally say that they were lousy human beings, and morally bereft of  even a modicum of the tiniest bit of empathy or compassion.

I left this entire quote here because it is all important to the point I was making. The two highlighted sections are the most important in my mind but the entire quote is important.

I do not judge them on their faith I do not judge them on whether or not they are good Christians, mainly because the examples you site to my beliefs ARE NOT CHRISTIANS.  They may call themselves Christians but those that promote hate are not praying to the same God I do. 

Now I do judge them by human standards and they are found VERY wanting people that promote....

16 hours ago, French Patriot said:


Strange from one whose religion was born of inquisitions and murder of millions.

That aside.

Kudos on most of your presentation.

Would you go to her wedding and kiss the bride and hug her partner/husband?

Do you see homophobia and misogyny as evils, and why are you staying in a religion that endorses them?



This. This is not Christian in my beliefs. To be ok with or do the things mentioned here the genocide the homophobia the misogyny that is wrong and against the God I pray to. But they are my beliefs. Who am I to say that they are wrong, If I tell them they are wrong where do I stop, if it is ok for me to tell them they are wrong can I say that to Muslims? Islamsics? Pagans? Am I allowed to force my judgment and belief system onto anyone that believes differently then me. This would make me no better than the ones that have tarnished Gods image with a message of hate and bigotry.

All I can do is give Gods message of tolerance forgiveness and love. It if up the them to listen and learn. 

But sadly I believe I religious freedom. I will tell I disagree with the beliefs I will talk about why, right up until they tell me to stop and go away. At which point I must do so, or I am no better than the homophobe forces his/her beliefs on the gay couple at the mall. I am just a terrible as the person standing outside the clinic yelling WHORE!! 

I will NOT be seen as them, I will argue against them, I will say they are not truly Christian to MY particular beliefs. But I will NOT judge their Faith. That is Gods place. My place is and I can judge how they treat other humans. 

And the people that do the things you speak of are not good humans. by most any standard but their own. 

Am I not fighting against them by post this here? I do not defend the homophobes, the misogynist, or the genocides'. I do not deny their existence either, they are there sadly. So I admit to your truth that Christians are some of the WORST homophobes misogynists and committers of genocide. But are you willing to admit that is not all of them. A vast majority, sadly yes as I said in the other thread. There are unfortunately more Christians like Mrs. Marsh from the video game life is strange, than there are like me. More is the pity.

All I can do is pray for them to find the love, and continue to give the message of tolerance forgiveness and love. 

Again I am apologize for the Christians that reinforced your justified views on religion. 

35 minutes ago, French Patriot said:

1.If I go by the standard Jesus set, there are no real Christians.

2.Yet your bible tells you to judge all things.

You shirk your duty, and that is why you promote evil.



1.There is no part of this statement that is false and I agree with everything you said here, as the day before yesterday proves even I loose the message of love and forgiveness. I lashed out at you and proved your point very well all by myself. All I can do is try and be better, again, I apologize.

2.But I do disagree that I shirk my duty I am here speaking out against the homophobes, the misogynists. I agree that the genocides committed in the name of ANY God are wrong. I believe that to use religion to prop up a message of hate is to betray that religion. But as I said earlier, those are my beliefs. I will not force my beliefs on you or anyone else, I continue to speak to you about things because you seem receptive to the conversation. 

If I have read it wrong please let me know and I will desist. I do not do subtle very well sometimes you have to use the clue by 4. 

Have a blessed day. 

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40 minutes ago, Jedi_Master_Tallyn said:

Now I do judge them by human standards

The God of an ant is an ant.

The God of a lion is a lion.

The God of a man is a man.

For any animal to follow some other instinct is stupid beyond words.

Jesus asks in the scriptures, have ye forgotten that ye are Gods?

You obviously have.

If you believe your bible, believe it where it tells you that if you want to increase your wisdom, you have to get it in some other place.

The only standard you have is our human one, unless you have lost your reasoning skills and have turned to supernatural belief.

If so, go ahead and get your standard from a genocidal god.

Remember that you will die for your own sins, even if you immorally think Jesus died for you.

Ezekiel 18:20 The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him.


Deuteronomy 24:16 (ESV) "Fathers shall not be put to death because of their children, nor shall children be put to death because of their fathers. Each one shall be put to death for his own sin.



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43 minutes ago, Jedi_Master_Tallyn said:

the genocides committed in the name of ANY God are wrong.

What are your thoughts on the pending genocide that the Jesus most Christians, and you perhaps, believe in us?

If Jesus popped up, would you fly his banner and help him out?

Don't get me wrong.

I think that the Christian model, before it was corrupted by supernatural belief, was an exemplary system to follow.

Now. Garbage.

The only good Christian is a Gnostic Christian.





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  • 3 weeks later...
On 8/30/2022 at 4:36 PM, Michael Hardner said:

What is the aramaic term for "hot girl-girl action" I wonder ?

Any scholars on here ?

Truthfully, I think it's a good idea to NOT go to religious sources for insight into homosexuality, lesbianism, pedophelia or any other twisted human frailties. Religions aren't too kind to homos, dykes and pedos.

The Bible calls homos an abomination and that they should be put to death. Islamic countries actually EXECUTE homos by throwing them off tall buildings. As a civilized American mainstream conservative, I find that barbaric.

I personally disagree with homos being declared a protected class when it comes to marriage. When it comes to slippery slopes, it's only a matter of time before American liberals catch up to the extremist Islamist practice of MARRYING minor children, often against their will. Homosexualty, lesbianism, pedophelia, etc. Leave them alone but don't give them special privileges.

As far as putting someone to death for a crime, I'm all for that occurring in the private sector, but my jury is still out on the efficiency of the Death Penalty. Certainly, I disagree with the death penalty for a homo.

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On 10/20/2022 at 1:39 PM, Jedi_Master_Tallyn said:

If call yourself a Christian, Jew Muslim or Islamic he is your genocidal God too.



Can you name any genocide in the Christian Bible? Can you point to any events of genocide connected to the Jewish people?

Of course, the Koran calls for death to infidels, so you really don't have that far to look in the rag head community.

Just curious. What large groups of innocents have Christians wiped out? Or Jews?

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4 hours ago, reason10 said:

Truthfully, I think it's a good idea to NOT go to religious sources for insight into homosexuality, lesbianism, pedophelia or any other twisted human frailties.


The law in heaven cannot be the same as on earth.

To ask a sexless God to rule on sexual matters that it can never experience makes it the worse judge to ask about sex, gender and reproduction.

Humans would not have their children murdered in their stead by Yahweh did and that should disqualify him as a judge or moral guide for us.




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4 hours ago, reason10 said:

Of course, the Koran calls for death to infidels, so you really don't have that far to look in the rag head community.


A show of how insecure they are to questions on their God.

The first 3 commandments show the same.

You will know a really evil religion by their use of inquisitions and jihads.

That link in my last shows another inquisition.



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On 11/10/2022 at 5:27 PM, French Patriot said:

If you do not agree with the verdict, you know nothing of Gods and religions.



I waited several weeks for you retards to look into Bible history for the answer. I might as well have tried to discuss this with a bowl of soup. Same dumbass response.

Remember Noah, and THE FLOOD?

Wiping out an entire planet would certainly qualify as genocide. And you retards had no idea.

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7 hours ago, reason10 said:

I waited several weeks for you retards to look into Bible history for the answer. I might as well have tried to discuss this with a bowl of soup. Same dumbass response.

Remember Noah, and THE FLOOD?

Wiping out an entire planet would certainly qualify as genocide. And you retards had no idea.

Thanks for the thinking, but I think you posted to the wrong side.

Same page buddy.



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