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French Patriot

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French Patriot last won the day on May 4 2019

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  1. I know morals and see Christians following immoral tenets, like taking advantage of the punishing of the innocent instead of the guilty. Do you see Christianity s a moral religion, given that it grew by inquisitions and murder instead of decent arguments?
  2. Sshhh, fool. A fool says in his heart, there is no God. A wise man says it out loud. I like Twain. He too saw the stupidity of supernatural belief.
  3. I see that you do not deny my naming God as evil. You cannot without breaking the first commandment. Good for you to recognize you cannot do apologetics for him, Hitler or Stalin. Who do you think I think God is? You seem to think God male while he was androgynous, just like Adam. If you know scriptures, tell us who represents Yahweh's feminine side and what she thought of Yahweh having Jesus sacrificed for his own incompetent creating methods?
  4. This is assumption and not fact and also contradicts your -- "You judge yourself through your actions" On judgement overall. --- I like where scriptures say that once we know good and evil, we are to judge all things and hold to the good. Humans have created all of our Gods, and like the ancients, we should put humans above them and not them above us. Especially the genocidal ones. Welcome to the group.
  5. Where is your argument for killing instead of curing, when curing is just as easy for a God. Last change immoral a hole.
  6. If I have to argue against genocide for you to know you should condemn the practice, you will not understand as you would be quite stupid. Let's have your argument for genocide and I will counter. You have shown incompetence in that so I will not hold my breath.
  7. You can tear Yahweh from being a genocidal and evil God? Wow. Hitler and Stalin will be pleased. Let us hear your argument for genocide as the best solution for a God who can cure all things without killing them. This will be a first.
  8. At least I would get an intelligent conversation instead of the religious garbage from those who adore a genocidal praick of a God.
  9. My list of locations where I seek those who do not lie is getting short. Most have died due to the lying and poor apologetics from believers. If they ever could argue their religion, they would not need inquisitions and jihads. Hell, a Gnostic Christian can do better apologetics for Christianity than the adherents.
  10. It is a matter of reading them properly. As a noun, if I say you are an evil, in our dualistic reality, am I not also saying that you are evil and good? If I say you are a good, what am I saying if not that you also have an evil side? Learn English please.
  11. Which dictionary. I looked and it looks like your lying.
  12. I am French so have an excuse for seeing good and evil as adjectives. As a noun, if I say I have a good, I do not think people will know what I mean as a noun. What do I mean if I say I have an evil here with me?
  13. I am trying to write something different for sin. So that some might look at it differently. Please critique this following O P. ========= I create sin for God. You should all be so good. Sin equates to missing a mark of excellence. Christianity is clear, and even Gnostic Christians agree for different reasons, that sin is a happy fault and necessary to God’s plan. Sin is a must do if that plan includes human evolution. In our evolution and lives, sin, missing the mark, is a must as it means that you taking shots at some ideal, and are working towards your best possible end. This is what we all do at all points in our lives. I do not believe in the supernatural, but see the wisdom of the scribes who created and consolidated the Bible for throwing it in. Cooperation is good and does not create a victim. Competition creates losers who will see their lose as evil. Their sin is missing the mark of excellence shown by the best. We would not have leaders in any field without sin and that is why I try to create many sinners. It make us all better.
  14. But offer no viable model to show how your fools notion would work. Do you homework or look the fool who cannot explain anything in a coherent way. Get some writing skills and learn to argue from your betters if you want to use it to advantage.
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