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The pope using the word "genocide" is a misuse of the word and therefore a blatant lie

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Actually there was a book written describing the Vatican's holocaust in former Yugoslavia.   That was a real holocaust or genocide, not the phony one claimed by the Pope now.    Did the Vatican or a Pope ever apologize for that?

The book is available to read online and won't cost a cent.

The Vatican’s Holocaust (Yugoslavia) – The Millennium Report






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4 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

while there have been claims of mass graves, have there in fact been any remains uncovered

I know that there have been things found by ground penetrating radar but, have any bones been dug up?

What about the records? They have been asked for yet there has been no talk of whether they were provided or what was in them.

I have no doubt that children dies whilst in the residential schools, that would naturally have occurred but, many accusations and many claims and the responses and evidence is still sort of obscure.

If there were no bones found those will not be called "graves"!   There was also a count - what do you think they were counting, holes in the ground?

Children usually do not "naturally die" unless you have helped them somehow.

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2 minutes ago, blackbird said:

That was a real holocaust or genocide, not the phony one claimed by the Pope now.  

That was the same one, indeed. 

Your thread is a mistake by itself and should have been removed by the mods, for all I care.

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33 minutes ago, ironstone said:

I do not agree with using the term genocide here.

They tried to get rid of them through destruction of their culture.  The UN defines this as genocide.  

34 minutes ago, ironstone said:

It's a can't-win situation because we all know that if governments of the past and present had gone with a hands off policy there would be just as much criticism and complaints today

So what?  

35 minutes ago, ironstone said:

It would have been seen as cruel to let them live without any benefits of modern society.

Really?  They weren't given any benefits of modern society; in fact, such a goal was undermined by the policies of the government.

For example, here's how the government undermined the ability of Indigenous to farm the land they were given.

Indigenous couldn't vote until 1960.  The state took their children to give to white people in the 60s; ever heard of the "60s scoop"?  

There was a law in BC and Alberta that permitted the coerced sterilization of women, mostly practiced against Indigenous women, until the 1970s.  And, law or not, Indigenuous women are still being coerced.

There's much more, but how anyone can claim Canada was just trying to "help" the Indian into the modern age is confounding.  

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9 minutes ago, dialamah said:

They tried to get rid of them through destruction of their culture.  The UN defines this as genocide.  

So what?  

Really?  They weren't given any benefits of modern society; in fact, such a goal was undermined by the policies of the government.

For example, here's how the government undermined the ability of Indigenous to farm the land they were given.

Indigenous couldn't vote until 1960.  The state took their children to give to white people in the 60s; ever heard of the "60s scoop"?  

There was a law in BC and Alberta that permitted the coerced sterilization of women, mostly practiced against Indigenous women, until the 1970s.  And, law or not, Indigenuous women are still being coerced.

There's much more, but how anyone can claim Canada was just trying to "help" the Indian into the modern age is confounding.  

In this 2015 article 11,000 children in Manitoba were in foster care and approximately 90% of them are aboriginal.  You say aboriginal children were stolen and mention the so-called "60s scoop".   But maybe you can answer the question why are so many aboriginal children in Manitoba in foster care in the first place?  

The fact is Canada does not leave uncared for children on the streets.  Many countries in the world neglect abandoned or badly cared for children.  But Canada does not.  Canada might not be doing things as well as they should but Canada makes an effort to at least put neglected children in a home or some facility.

The high number of FN kids in foster care is a big concern, but this is a complex problem and it appears difficult to find a solution that will satisfy FNs or anyone else.

Why are 11,000 kids in foster care in Manitoba? | CBC News

Also you mention coerced sterilization but you have not answered the question yet as to what to do about women who keep having babies when they are unable to care for them.  Each child must be rescued by some child welfare service and each one costs taxpayers thousands of dollars a year to care for.  What is your solution?


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8 minutes ago, blackbird said:

In this 2015 article 11,000 children in Manitoba were in foster care and approximately 90% of them are aboriginal.  You say aboriginal children were stolen and mention the so-called "60s scoop".   But maybe you can answer the question why are so many aboriginal children in Manitoba in foster care in the first place?  


Also you mention coerced sterilization but you have not answered the question yet as to what to do about women who keep having babies when they are unable to care for them.  Each child must be rescued by some child welfare service and each one costs taxpayers thousands of dollars a year to care for.  What is your solution?


So many Indigenous kids end up in Foster care because their parents don't know how to parent.  This is because so many of these parents were not taught proper parenting skills because they were either in the residential school system or they were raised by people from the residential school system.  This is called "intergenerational trauma".

I can't believe you'd support what is essentially eugenics - sterilizing people because they aren't "good enough" in some way. Well, wait ... I guess I can believe it.

And, as soon as you can answer what is going to happen to children born to women who didn't want them, but have been forced to carry them to term.



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Christianity is dying and Catholicism is the fastest dying Christian creed. 

In Europe Catholicism is completely dead almost everywhere even in the nominally Catholic countries. Not least because many Catholics view the current Pope as an impostor.

I wonder what the situation is in the Central-American countries. 

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24 minutes ago, -TSS- said:

I wonder what the situation is in the Central-American countries. 

they're converting to Protestantism

only 9% of Latin Americans were raised to be Protestant

yet 19% of Latin Americans overall now describe themselves as Protestants

in Brazil, it's now 22%

and in Central America it is all the way up to 40% Protestant

it's the fasting growing denomination

because it is viewed as the denomination of personal responsibility leading to success

following the American Protestant traditions

they are following Americans to Calvary

New Jerusalem

shining city on a hill

Edited by Dougie93
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Let's not twist facts make shit up. The Pope called it like it was, and he sure as hell didn't turn tables on Trudeau who's called such that for years.

Genocide does not require all the way to the point of marching people into showers and Krupp ovens.

And yes. I was schooled that these residential schools were 'just like' the Catholic schools friends went to and at worst private academies rich parents sent their kids to. It decades tor reveal they actually did pry the kids away. they didn't even get to come home for holidays and their culture was actively extinguished. Not one cousin got beaten in Catholic school for speaking Italian among themselves. It was a blight on our history and a national shame.

And AFIC any attempt to belittle it's effects makes a person as deplorable as a Holocaust denier.

I live in the North among these people and I can see the lasting effects among survivors and some of the children. I was once told by a local Chief that if he hadn't learned what he did in Residential school, he would never have got the skill to be politically active and become Chief, but at the same time there's no excuse at all for what he endured to get that education.

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in terms of what was the mechanism

which incited the Victorian Protestants to turn the Indians over to the Harlot of Babylon ?

the model was Quebec

when the House of Hanover took New France as a war prize in the Treaty of Paris 1763

they really didn't know what to do with it

these 70,000 devout French Papists suddenly under the rule of the British Crown

so they just turned it all over to the Roman Catholic church

that mechanism was then extended to the Indians, which the British Protestants were also confounded by

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22 hours ago, dialamah said:

From Wikipedia:

Cultural genocide or cultural cleansing is a concept which was proposed by lawyer Raphael Lemkin in 1944 as a component of genocide.[1] Though the precise definition of cultural genocide remains contested, the Armenian Genocide Museum defines it as "acts and measures undertaken to destroy nations' or ethnic groups' culture through spiritual, national, and cultural destruction."[2]

That is what Canada attempted with indigenous peoples.  It was a deliberate and determined attempt to eliminate them by eliminating their culture - essentially turn them into brown white people.   A quote from Sir John A. Macdonald,– was to 'take the Indian out of the child,' makes the intent clear.



Kinda sounds like what leftists are engaging in now with their various codes of conduct policy to target Christians and white people. All this cancel culture bs is more of the same from the Liberals who were responsible for decades of abuse of aboriginal children... the Liberal ideology is a disease

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this is how it works

Marx was the theorist

Marx was the demagogue against Western Civilization

then Lenin comes along

and says there has to be a "Revolutionary Vanguard" of elites to found the Communist Utopia

that is the Canadian left down to a tee

they are attacking Western Civilization itself

following their Revolutionary Vanguard of Academic elites

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16 minutes ago, West said:

Kinda sounds like what leftists are engaging in now with their various codes of conduct policy to target Christians and white people. All this cancel culture bs is more of the same from the Liberals who were responsible for decades of abuse of aboriginal children... the Liberal ideology is a disease

Right and as soon as "leftists" swoop in to take your kids/ grandkids to schools where they are beaten for speaking "right-wing", and right wingers are herded on to a reserve for which you need a pass to leave for a day, while your women are systematically sterilized - well then you'll have a point.  

Sir J.A. McDonald, who said "take the Indian out of the child" was a conservative.


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11 minutes ago, dialamah said:

Right and as soon as "leftists" swoop in to take your kids/ grandkids to schools where they are beaten for speaking "right-wing", and right wingers are herded on to a reserve for which you need a pass to leave for a day, while your women are systematically sterilized - well then you'll have a point.  

Sir J.A. McDonald, who said "take the Indian out of the child" was a conservative.


They just lose their jobs 

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26 minutes ago, West said:

They just lose their jobs 

at the time of MacDonald, it was actually the Liberal-Conservative Party

the opposition was the Reformers

led by Robert Gourlay then William Lyon MacKenzie

who were expelled from Canada under the Sedition Act

if Justin Trudeau had been PM

no doubt he would have seized their bank accounts without court order

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4 hours ago, cougar said:

If there were no bones found those will not be called "graves"!   There was also a count - what do you think they were counting, holes in the ground?

Children usually do not "naturally die" unless you have helped them somehow.

Look, I just question.

As I said, I have not once heard, seen or read anything about any recovered bones.

There were and are no holes in the ground, just ground radar images.

Calling something brown on the ground shit does not prove it is shit.

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3 hours ago, dialamah said:

So many Indigenous kids end up in Foster care because their parents don't know how to parent.  This is because so many of these parents were not taught proper parenting skills because they were either in the residential school system or they were raised by people from the residential school system.  This is called "intergenerational trauma".

I can't believe you'd support what is essentially eugenics - sterilizing people because they aren't "good enough" in some way. Well, wait ... I guess I can believe it.

And, as soon as you can answer what is going to happen to children born to women who didn't want them, but have been forced to carry them to term.



On your criticism of sterilization, you still haven't answered the question about what to do with women who keep having babies which they can't look after themselves.  Very evasive answers.  Why not just admit you don't know what to do with them except let taxpayers keep supporting as many kids as they keep having.  

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2 hours ago, Dougie93 said:

this is how it works

Marx was the theorist

Marx was the demagogue against Western Civilization

then Lenin comes along

and says there has to be a "Revolutionary Vanguard" of elites to found the Communist Utopia

that is the Canadian left down to a tee

they are attacking Western Civilization itself

following their Revolutionary Vanguard of Academic elites

This whole residential school thing and all the ills facing FNs is being exploited and milked by liberals, Marxists and Communists and will continue to be milked for all its worth to turn people against democracy and against the colonials and anyone who does not support the radical woke left agenda.

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3 minutes ago, blackbird said:

This whole residential school thing and all the ills facing FNs is being exploited and milked by liberals, Marxists and Communists and will continue to be milked for all its worth to turn people against democracy and against the colonials and anyone who does not support the radical woke left agenda.

they're still doing it now

Indians are still just a rubric for these degenerate Jacobins to exploit against the Protestant Enlightenment itself

God save the Queen from these totalitarian Bolsheviks


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The 10 Patterns of Genocide

by The Lempkin Institute For Genocide Prevention

  1. Gender-neutral mass murder
  2. Mass murder of battle-aged men and atrocities against women and chlldren
  3. Sex-selective mass murder (gendercide) to prevent specific groups from reproducing
  4. Mass rape
  5. Gross human rights violations and mass cultural destruction (including the re-education of children)
  6. Man-made famine (genocide by attrition)
  7. Environmental Despoliation
  8. Appropriation of biological resources
  9. Denial and/or prevention of identity (creating conditions preventing communal identity development
  10. Direct killing of women and killing of men through work

Can anyone deny that #5 and #9 don't apply to Canada? Certainly not the worst of the worst but genocide all the same regardless of intent. 

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1 minute ago, suds said:

The 10 Patterns of Genocide

by The Lempkin Institute For Genocide Prevention

  1. Gender-neutral mass murder
  2. Mass murder of battle-aged men and atrocities against women and chlldren
  3. Sex-selective mass murder (gendercide) to prevent specific groups from reproducing
  4. Mass rape
  5. Gross human rights violations and mass cultural destruction including the re-education of children
  6. Man-made famine (genocide by attrition)
  7. Environmental Despoliation
  8. Appropriation of biological resources
  9. Denial and/or prevention of identity (creating conditions preventing communal identity development
  10. Direct killing of women and killing of men through work

Can anyone deny that #5 and #9 don't apply to Canada? Certainly not the worst of the worst but genocide all the same regardless of intent. 

even if it did, the prohibition against it did not exist at the time

the political legal definition of "genocide" wasn't even invented until 1915

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