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War In Ukraine

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A war correspondent from Italy, Vittorio Rangeloni, has visited Mariupol and talked to local residents: 
"...All these people (corpses) have been lying around since March. They were killed by snipers from among the Ukrainian Nazis who were based in the plant. The Nazis' mission is to destroy the infrastructure and civilians.
...I have been here since the launch of the special military operation, and I have witnessed the whole thing. The Russian army targeted the plants where the militants were deployed. Meanwhile, the Ukrainian Nazis fired on civilians with weapons of all kinds..."

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5 hours ago, Yzermandius19 said:

Putin knows he f*cked up

only his useful idiot stan's try and pretend he's getting one over on the west here

and it's some secret genius move

Putin isn't that delusional, but his fan boi's are

Yet...you know Putin's mind.


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8 hours ago, Kanonir said:

Have you see any bodies on this "satellite image"??? 



The New York Times, which was provided a separate set of images from Bucha by Maxar Technologies, analyzed the pictures in a story published April 4, comparing them to video taken at street level that showed the same scenes, and confirming the locations of the bodies. Its analysis, it said, confirmed the accuracy of the satellite images.


Jeffrey Lewis, a satellite imagery expert who has seen the Maxar images, described the process of deducing what the images meant as "very straightforward."

"You see pictures on the ground that show bodies relative to cars and buildings, and in satellite images, you can see the lumps on the ground in the same position next to the same cars and buildings.

"What the satellite images show is that the bodies were present while the Russians controlled the area," said Lewis, who is director of the East Asia Nonproliferation Program at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies."

Satellite Images won't give you closeups but here's what they will give you:

So there are closeups of bodies:


Then you have the satellite images showing bodies during the time of the occupation.


If the before and after the occupation pictures match you have evidence the Russians were murdering citizens on the streets during the occupation. 

OK, your turn champion of the Rapists and Child-Killers of Bucha. Let's see your evidence of bodies moving.

Just kidding. We both know you have none or we would already have seen it.

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The work of Russian electronic warfare systems in Ukraine. The video shows the Murmansk-BN electronic warfare system and the Krasukha-4 electronic warfare system. The company commander spoke about the use of the Krasukha-4 electronic warfare system in Ukraine. "The complex has proven itself very well, works flawlessly in all weather conditions. Our main task is to cover the grouping of troops from radar reconnaissance and targeted enemy air strikes. During the operation, 12 Bayraktar complexes were discovered, we suppressed them and the complexes could not make a targeted strike on our groups."


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Putin's ultimatum: "Zelensky has a choice, everyone will be buried alive"
Russia has sent an ultimatum to the office of the President of Ukraine that, if the surrender of Azovstal is not agreed, the factory will be razed to the ground by vacuum bombs
Taking into account the catastrophic situation in the Azovstal metallurgical plant and guided by purely humane principles, the Russian Armed Forces offer militants of nationalist battalions and foreign mercenaries to cease hostilities and lay down their arms starting at 6.00 Moscow time on April 17, 2022. published in the evening.
"Everyone will be buried alive, and it is up to Zelenski to choose what he will do," the Russian report states.

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22 hours ago, Yzermandius19 said:

Putin knows he f*cked up

only his useful idiot stan's try and pretend he's getting one over on the west here

and it's some secret genius move

Putin isn't that delusional, but his fan boi's are

You know as much as I know as to what is really going on in Ukraine. If the Russians were losing the feud between Russia and Ukraine, then why was RT.com removed from the airwaves? I know why. Because the lying leftist liberal controlled corporate media does not want us all to get and listen to the other side of the story.

I believe that Russia is winning and it is the Ukranian army itself that is doing all the bombing and killing of it's own citizen's. Russia is not really hurting all that much from any sanctions. It is the west that is hurting itself from applying sanctions against Russia. 

How do I know? Because the leftist liberal lying MSM tells me so. ?

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8 hours ago, athos said:

Putin's ultimatum: "Zelensky has a choice, everyone will be buried alive"
Russia has sent an ultimatum to the office of the President of Ukraine that, if the surrender of Azovstal is not agreed, the factory will be razed to the ground by vacuum bombs
Taking into account the catastrophic situation in the Azovstal metallurgical plant and guided by purely humane principles, the Russian Armed Forces offer militants of nationalist battalions and foreign mercenaries to cease hostilities and lay down their arms starting at 6.00 Moscow time on April 17, 2022. published in the evening.
"Everyone will be buried alive, and it is up to Zelenski to choose what he will do," the Russian report states.

Don't mess with Texas, I mean Russia. LOL. 

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15 hours ago, Infidel Dog said:


Satellite Images won't give you closeups but here's what they will give you:

So there are closeups of bodies:


Then you have the satellite images showing bodies during the time of the occupation.


If the before and after the occupation pictures match you have evidence the Russians were murdering citizens on the streets during the occupation. 

OK, your turn champion of the Rapists and Child-Killers of Bucha. Let's see your evidence of bodies moving.

Just kidding. We both know you have none or we would already have seen it.

The New York Times, eh? And the NYT is your source for accurate news reporting? Ha-ha-ha. Bodies on the streets shows casualty's of war. Did you think that there would be no dead bodies on the streets after all the bombings and shootings going on. 

And just what proof do you personally have that the Russians are raping and killing children? The NYT again? I knew right away that when the lying western governments removed RT.com from the airwaves, I knew that the cover up has begun. Zelensky is shitting his pants now because he knows that he is losing the feud with Russia. I am putting my money on Putin to win this feud. Any takers? ?


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Actually the New York Times were quoting this guy:


Jeffrey Lewis, a satellite imagery expert who has seen the Maxar images, described the process of deducing what the images meant as "very straightforward."

"You see pictures on the ground that show bodies relative to cars and buildings, and in satellite images, you can see the lumps on the ground in the same position next to the same cars and buildings.

"What the satellite images show is that the bodies were present while the Russians controlled the area," said Lewis, who is director of the East Asia Nonproliferation Program at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies."

Why? Did you have a better expert with better evidence showing that not to be factual.

Still waiting to see a video of all these bodies the Russian propagandists are telling us are moving around on the ground.

Just joking again. We both know you don't have anything.

You've got the ol' fallback of smear and slur, and nothing else. Basically the version of BS Shakespeare called "sound and fury, signifying nothing.

Edited by Infidel Dog
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On 4/14/2022 at 7:25 AM, Soldier35 said:

Ammunition exploded on the missile cruiser "Moscow". According to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, due to a fire on the missile cruiser "Moscow", a detonation of ammunition occurred, the flagship of the Black Sea Fleet was seriously damaged. Now the ship is afloat, the fire has been extinguished, the explosions of ammunition have stopped. The missile cruiser "Moscow" is planned to be towed to the port



Lies and propaganda are always disapprove by Father Time. 

Russia now admits that the Moskva was in fact sunk, just as the Ukrainians had declared all along.  The flagship of the Russian Black Sea fleet, second ship to be sunk by Ukrainian missiles


So when the post above claimed “Now the ship is afloat, the fire has been extinguished, the explosions of ammunition have stopped. The missile cruiser "Moscow" is planned to be towed to the port” it was clearly a lie from this Russian troll farm account that mysteriously appeared in this forum recently, a known Russian propaganda  tactic.  Probably a bot that posts the same nonsense on a thousand different forums every day. 


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On 4/16/2022 at 3:29 PM, Kanonir said:

A war correspondent from Italy, Vittorio Rangeloni, has visited Mariupol and talked to local residents: 
"...All these people (corpses) have been lying around since March. They were killed by snipers from among the Ukrainian Nazis who were based in the plant. The Nazis' mission is to destroy the infrastructure and civilians.
...I have been here since the launch of the special military operation, and I have witnessed the whole thing. The Russian army targeted the plants where the militants were deployed. Meanwhile, the Ukrainian Nazis fired on civilians with weapons of all kinds..."

Another Russian propaganda bot?

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On 4/13/2022 at 4:15 AM, athos said:


Good people, help the Ukrainian soldier Alexander, who escaped being captured

by the Russians and wants to come to UK or Canada where he needs accommodation.

Thank you very much in advance



Another pro-Russian fake account, only recently created. All of these Russia-themed threads are infested with them. Anyone checking these IP addresses?

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2 hours ago, taxme said:

You know as much as I know as to what is really going on in Ukraine. If the Russians were losing the feud between Russia and Ukraine, then why was RT.com removed from the airwaves? I know why. Because the lying leftist liberal controlled corporate media does not want us all to get and listen to the other side of the story.

I believe that Russia is winning and it is the Ukranian army itself that is doing all the bombing and killing of it's own citizen's. Russia is not really hurting all that much from any sanctions. It is the west that is hurting itself from applying sanctions against Russia. 

How do I know? Because the leftist liberal lying MSM tells me so. ?

“If you only listen to media that Putin controls, then you’ll know Putin is a genius and everything is going swell for Russia!  Putin is a genius, says Putin”

LMAO Putin  is banning news outlets and jailing journalists left and right, literally passing laws forbidding them from reporting anything that contradicts his official narratives and you’re complaining about OUR censorship of his proposal outlets. 

In other news, the 8th Russian general was killed in Ukraine today. If you include their most senior colonels the death toll is 14.   Total Russian casualties are in well beyond 10,000 and estimated to be nearing 20,000. Hundreds of tanks vehicles and aircraft lost. Its Black Sea flagship and one of its largest transport ships sunk.  All at the hands of a mostly rag-tag Ukrainian army of most of whom were civilians with zero military experience only 5-6 weeks ago.  

No matter what happens this is a major loss for Russia there’s no way they can claim victory even if they manage to snatch away Donbas and Crimea. The economic sanctions against Russia are going to last at least a decade and will only further weaken them politically and financially and prevent them from rebuilding their  depleted and incompetent military. Any bailouts Russia gets from China will be to Russia’s disadvantage and China’s gain, China is not known for selfless charity. Meanwhile Russia has caused the small poorly equipped “skeleton crew” of the pre-invasion Ukrainian military to grown exponentially into a lethal fighting force that will continue to arm and train and evolve with NATO partners, and Ukraine further integrate with EU economies even if it doesn’t officially join either club.  Sweden and Finland will do the same and may outright join NATO altogether.   The NATO countries are rearming and shoring up a common political and economic front against Russia. 

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3 hours ago, taxme said:

You know as much as I know as to what is really going on in Ukraine. If the Russians were losing the feud between Russia and Ukraine, then why was RT.com removed from the airwaves? I know why. Because the lying leftist liberal controlled corporate media does not want us all to get and listen to the other side of the story.

I believe that Russia is winning and it is the Ukranian army itself that is doing all the bombing and killing of it's own citizen's. Russia is not really hurting all that much from any sanctions. It is the west that is hurting itself from applying sanctions against Russia. 

How do I know? Because the leftist liberal lying MSM tells me so. ?

there is no reason to believe Russia is winning

you let the MSM control your opinion

your opinion is merely the opposite of theirs, regardless of the situation, no other thinking required

if you hear the MSM say drinking water is good for you, are you going to stop drinking water?

if the media claims you need to breathe oxygen to survive, are you going to start holding your breath to spite them?

being a reactionary means you concede the initiative to your adversary

if they want you to hold a stupid position to undermine your cause

all they have to do is take up the opposite position of that

and you'll fall for the bait out of pure instinct

to virtue signal how much you oppose them

this is why being a reactionary is stupid

Edited by Yzermandius19
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The often repeated platitude is that we in the west don't really understand the Russian mindset. We mistakenly think that Russians think the same way as we do.

Maybe so but it seems that it works the other way round too as Russians seem to think that they can dissuade western countries like Finland or Sweden from joining NATO by issuing threats and scaring them with "consequences".

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11 hours ago, Yzermandius19 said:

the term Stan derives from this classic song

Putin's Stan's have even less idea of what Putin is thinking

than Eminem's Stan does

and they'll die on the dumbest hills, out of a nonsensical misguided sense of loyalty too

Who cares what a no-talent dweeb thinks? I certainly don't. 

Loyalty? To what or whom? 


Your nice little war is winding down. Zelinsky is busy shopping for arms to re-fit his military. Putin is busy solidifying the minor incursion Biden gave him the green light for. As for Biden and NATO...staying out of this has been the only good decision they've made in decades. 

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11 hours ago, -TSS- said:

The often repeated platitude is that we in the west don't really understand the Russian mindset. We mistakenly think that Russians think the same way as we do.

Maybe so but it seems that it works the other way round too as Russians seem to think that they can dissuade western countries like Finland or Sweden from joining NATO by issuing threats and scaring them with "consequences".

Are Finland and Sweden NATO members?  No? Huh...

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13 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

“If you only listen to media that Putin controls, then you’ll know Putin is a genius and everything is going swell for Russia!  Putin is a genius, says Putin”

LMAO Putin  is banning news outlets and jailing journalists left and right, literally passing laws forbidding them from reporting anything that contradicts his official narratives and you’re complaining about OUR censorship of his proposal outlets. 

In other news, the 8th Russian general was killed in Ukraine today. If you include their most senior colonels the death toll is 14.   Total Russian casualties are in well beyond 10,000 and estimated to be nearing 20,000. Hundreds of tanks vehicles and aircraft lost. Its Black Sea flagship and one of its largest transport ships sunk.  All at the hands of a mostly rag-tag Ukrainian army of most of whom were civilians with zero military experience only 5-6 weeks ago.  

No matter what happens this is a major loss for Russia there’s no way they can claim victory even if they manage to snatch away Donbas and Crimea. The economic sanctions against Russia are going to last at least a decade and will only further weaken them politically and financially and prevent them from rebuilding their  depleted and incompetent military. Any bailouts Russia gets from China will be to Russia’s disadvantage and China’s gain, China is not known for selfless charity. Meanwhile Russia has caused the small poorly equipped “skeleton crew” of the pre-invasion Ukrainian military to grown exponentially into a lethal fighting force that will continue to arm and train and evolve with NATO partners, and Ukraine further integrate with EU economies even if it doesn’t officially join either club.  Sweden and Finland will do the same and may outright join NATO altogether.   The NATO countries are rearming and shoring up a common political and economic front against Russia. 

LOL...so naive...

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43 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

Who cares what a no-talent dweeb thinks? I certainly don't. 

Loyalty? To what or whom? 


Your nice little war is winding down. Zelinsky is busy shopping for arms to re-fit his military. Putin is busy solidifying the minor incursion Biden gave him the green light for. As for Biden and NATO...staying out of this has been the only good decision they've made in decades. 

your pro-Putin proclivities are clear as day

and you are so emotionally invested in that position

that you cannot analyze the situation accurately

Putin must be a secret genius because people you don't like say he made a bone headed decision

the depth of your thinking, is to hold the opposite view of the media you don't like

and assume anyone who does so, is the smart media you should listen to

pure reactionary bullshit

you don't analyze the message, just the messengers, and then pick sides in a lame false binary


if the MSM came around to your view of things, you would then change your position to oppose them

they literally get to choose your opinion for you, knowing you will take up the opposite side, to virtue signal your opposition to them

right wing identity politics is still identity politics

and siding with Russia just because the Democrats don't like them is stupid af

Edited by Yzermandius19
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