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5 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Ok, so given your vast expertise and the fact your conclusions have not been acted on by the medical/science community I can only conclude you must be one of the censored medical experts.

Sucks to you I guess.

I think in the end, it's gonna really suck to be YOU. ?

I hope you understand - I really, really hope the censored doctors and scientists are the wrong ones.  But so far, they've been right about everything.

"There are two different types of people in the world - those who want to know and those who want to believe."

~~ Friedrich Nietzsche ~~

9 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Ok, so given your vast expertise and the fact your conclusions have not been acted on by the medical/science community I can only conclude you must be one of the censored medical experts.


1.  Remember when the doctors and scientists who talked about natural immunity were branded "conspiracy theorists" and those of us who posted information on natural immunity were "fact-checked" as being wrong?

Turns out, in the new Pfizer docs released on April 1 - Pfizer, the CDC and the FDA all knew natural immunity was true and was better than the vaccine.

2.  Remember when anyone who said there were serious adverse events happening in age groups who were at no risk of dying from covid and you all said they were "Tinfoil hatters" and called the events "rare" or the people who experienced them "liars" and refused to read the studies or look at the videos because they were on platforms you didn't like?

Turns out, in the new Pfizer docs released on April 1 - Pfizer already knew that AE's happened more frequently in younger age groups AND increased as the more shots you got.

3.  Remember when anyone who said the vaccines were not studied for fertility in either men or women, pregnancy, or nursing and suggested we needed more studies before we started forcing pregnant women to vaccinate?  Remember when the media kept saying it was perfectly safe during pregnancy and women risked dying or their infant dying if they didn't get the jabs?

Turns out in the new Pfizer docs released on April 1 - "The effects of the covid-19 vaccine on a pregnancy, a fetus or a nursing child are not known."  Turns out - babies died in the study.  But we dont' know how many because they "lost track" of 238 out of the 270 pregnant women in the study.

4.  Remember when doctors and scientists who talked about ADE (where you take the vaccine and end up being sick much worse than you would have been without it) were shamed and blacklisted and censored?

Turns out, in the new Pfizer docs released on April 1 - "It cannot be ruled out that the study vaccine could make a later covid illness more severe."  Turns out - this is actually happening, too.  (See the above Ontario data or any other country's data.)

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"There are two different types of people in the world - those who want to know and those who want to believe."

~~ Friedrich Nietzsche ~~

Posted (edited)

Remember when we shamed nursing mothers who asked if the adverse reactions they were seeing in their newborns were due to them getting the vaccines?  Remember when we were all assured that "shedding" was a conspiracy theory and did not happen?  In fact - UC San Diego Health came right out and said "there are NO serious vaccine side effects in nursing mothers or their infants" and that shedding was a conspiracy theory and anyone who said otherwise was an "anti-vaxxer"? (Sept. 8, 2021)

Turns out, in the Pfizer docs released on April 1 - of 133 nursing mothers, there were 17 cases of vaccinated mothers shedding to their breastfed babies and causing adverse reactions (that's 13%) and 3 of them were "serious".  It is not the "harmless passing on of antibodies" that the media claimed it to be.

Maybe have a look at some of the videos of newborns with uncontrolled neurological shaking and apologize to those mothers who you all said it was perfectly safe to take the vax in pregnancy.

It's not the "conspiracy theorists" spreading misinformation.

It's you guys.

Edited by Goddess
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"There are two different types of people in the world - those who want to know and those who want to believe."

~~ Friedrich Nietzsche ~~

6 hours ago, Goddess said:

I think in the end, it's gonna really suck to be YOU. ?

I hope you understand....

At least the people in the story of the Tower of Babel tried to cooperate. Today we might as well all be aliens from different dimensions we're so far apart from even the most fundamental level of understanding.

Interestingly enough I feel sorry for you too. Isn't that funny

A government without public oversight is like a nuclear plant without lead shielding.

  • 2 months later...

Long COVID after breakthrough SARS-CoV-2 infection | Nature Medicine

Double, triple and quadruple jabbed who get breakthrough covid are at higher risk of long hauler syndrome as compared to unjabbed.

Accumulation of toxic spike protein is likely the reason, as scientists now know that there is no way to stop the body from continually producing spike after the jabs.

Giant mistake to load up on spike every 3-6 months.

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"There are two different types of people in the world - those who want to know and those who want to believe."

~~ Friedrich Nietzsche ~~


You may have heard of Justin Beiber's Ramsay-Hunt Syndrome diagnosis.  

On one of the articles talking about it, a doctor commented this:

"In the span of a few weeks I saw four cases of Ramsay-Hunt Syndrome.  Three of them were recently boosted.  I had never seen a single case in 32 years of my ophthalmology practice."

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"There are two different types of people in the world - those who want to know and those who want to believe."

~~ Friedrich Nietzsche ~~

6 hours ago, Goddess said:

You may have heard of Justin Beiber's Ramsay-Hunt Syndrome diagnosis.  

On one of the articles talking about it, a doctor commented this:

"In the span of a few weeks I saw four cases of Ramsay-Hunt Syndrome.  Three of them were recently boosted.  I had never seen a single case in 32 years of my ophthalmology practice."

The cure is worse than the disease.

If CNN gave an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of typewriters, leftists would believe everything they typed.

If you missed something on the Cultist Narrative Network, don't worry, the dolt horde here will make sure everyone hears it. 

"If it didn't come from CNN, it's heresy!" - leftist "intellectuals"

12 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

The cure is worse than the disease.

Ramsay-Hunt is similar to Bell's palsy, which is affecting many vaccinated people.

When the convoy was happening, I went to a Freedom rally here and met a woman who is a massage therapist.  She told me she was seeing and treating massive numbers of Bell's Palsy.  She said she would ask them when they were last jabbed and which brand they had.  Most were recently jabbed with Pfizer.

I think a lot of people are realizing that their sudden NEW health issues are caused by the jabs but there are still lots who are happily continuing to play Russian Roulette with the jabs and stubbornly refuse to connect their issues with the jabs.

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"There are two different types of people in the world - those who want to know and those who want to believe."

~~ Friedrich Nietzsche ~~

39 minutes ago, Goddess said:

Ramsay-Hunt is similar to Bell's palsy, which is affecting many vaccinated people.

When the convoy was happening, I went to a Freedom rally here and met a woman who is a massage therapist.  She told me she was seeing and treating massive numbers of Bell's Palsy.  She said she would ask them when they were last jabbed and which brand they had.  Most were recently jabbed with Pfizer.

I think a lot of people are realizing that their sudden NEW health issues are caused by the jabs but there are still lots who are happily continuing to play Russian Roulette with the jabs and stubbornly refuse to connect their issues with the jabs.

It's just weird how our medical professionals and MSM are so reluctant to talk about side-effects. It's starting to get a Kool-Ade vibe. 

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If CNN gave an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of typewriters, leftists would believe everything they typed.

If you missed something on the Cultist Narrative Network, don't worry, the dolt horde here will make sure everyone hears it. 

"If it didn't come from CNN, it's heresy!" - leftist "intellectuals"

5 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

It's just weird how our medical professionals and MSM are so reluctant to talk about side-effects. It's starting to get a Kool-Ade vibe. 

I know.  Millions of women experiencing menstrual issues, scores of young, healthy athletes dropping dead on sports fields, a 40% increase in all cause mortality for working age people, Bell's Palsy like crazy, exploding cancers, teenage heart attacks, year-long skin disorders, neurological issues all over the map, auto-immune disorders cropping up everywhere, lowered immunity across the board, life-threatening blood clots in otherwise healthy people......but other than the censored scientists and doctors who are now saying "Told you so". no one dares connect the dots here.

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"There are two different types of people in the world - those who want to know and those who want to believe."

~~ Friedrich Nietzsche ~~


Between May 1 and May 15 of this year there were 375 covid deaths among the 3x-jobbed (just triple, this doesn't include dbl-jobbed people).

Two weeks, 375 people: that's 188/week, 27/day.

27 per day, and 27 is more than the number of people that died of polio since 1970. That's because there's a polio... vaccine

If there was a covid vaccine there would not be 27 triple-jabbed people dying every day.

Seeing as there's no covid vaccine, what are people being forced to take? 


If CNN gave an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of typewriters, leftists would believe everything they typed.

If you missed something on the Cultist Narrative Network, don't worry, the dolt horde here will make sure everyone hears it. 

"If it didn't come from CNN, it's heresy!" - leftist "intellectuals"


The stats for ^^

Covid Deaths in Can by vax status May 15.png

Covid by Vax status May 1 2022.png

If CNN gave an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of typewriters, leftists would believe everything they typed.

If you missed something on the Cultist Narrative Network, don't worry, the dolt horde here will make sure everyone hears it. 

"If it didn't come from CNN, it's heresy!" - leftist "intellectuals"

2 hours ago, herbie said:

18 pages of posts to an absolute fucking lie. No more need be said

Awwww herbie, yew bwakin my hawt, wittow buddy. 

Then again, you could try a few facts here and there? Some stats? Just something more than the worthless opinion of a random internet poster?

What information do you have that shows us that people who were vaccinated won't get infected? Or was that a lie? 

Or at least that there aren't any dangerous side-effects? Was that a lie too? 

Or that people who do get infected won't get very sick. Was that a lie too?

Or that people will get sick, they just won't end up in the hospital. Was that a lie too? 

Or that people will end up in hospital, but not ICU. Was that a lie too? 

Or that people will end up in ICU, they just won't die? Was that a lie too? 

Do you have proof of any of those things which we were told about the vaccine? Of course not Herbie, because every single one of those things is KNOWN TO BE AN ABSOLUTE FUCKIN LIE! 

Here's somethin' for ya herbie boiiii, over 6,000 dbl- and triple-jobbed Canadians have died of covid since Dec 14 2020, and ZERO Canadians were even single-vaccinated on that day because there's a waiting period before the shot is even considered to take effect. Those are all facts. And those facts alone mean that Fauci, Dr Tam et al fucking lied to us. You were lied to. Stop being a stooge for people who lied to you. The goalposts have been moved back way too often and way too far for you to utter the term "covid vaccine" and not look like a total loser.

The proper word is PFLACEBO now herbie. 

Do you have a single thing to say, as a counter to my arguments which are backed by facts and stats

Are you gonna say that we weren't told all of those things? 

Don't just come on here talking shit without a single fact, herbie. Go to the CTV site, buy one of their shirts, wear it with pride, and then everyone will know what all of your opinions are and what they're worth. 

Now run off. I'm done with you, sirrah. 

If CNN gave an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of typewriters, leftists would believe everything they typed.

If you missed something on the Cultist Narrative Network, don't worry, the dolt horde here will make sure everyone hears it. 

"If it didn't come from CNN, it's heresy!" - leftist "intellectuals"

6 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

27 is more than the number of people that died of polio since 1970. That's because there's a polio... vaccine

Actually it's because no where near the number of vaccinated people required to attain herd immunity has been reached as it was in the case of polio.  Apparently that's because there's so many more stupid people these days.  No cure for that of course and preventative measures scarcely make a bit of difference.

  • Haha 1

A government without public oversight is like a nuclear plant without lead shielding.


People vaccinated might get infected. Very few die of Covid or even need hospitalization compared to those who aren't.

I know that, you know that, but you continue to lie.

Revise your post to 'more vaccinated people die than unvaccinated' and realize it's because WAY more people are vaccinated and everyone dies. Not of Covid though. I can tell you my wife was triple vaxxed and still died. Of fucking cancer, not Covid.

  • Sad 1
  • 2 months later...

I've done the "Covid deaths by vax status in Canada" stats a few times since may and it keeps coming out the same, basically 85% of covid deaths are among the vaxed. 

Between July and Aug this year there were 144 unvaxxed deaths and 862 deaths among the dbl, triple and quadruple jabbed. That's 1,0006 deaths total, so 14.3% of the deaths were among the unjabbed.

The totals from May til now are basically the same, 16.3% were unjabbed. 

The graphs for May 1, July and Aug are attached, as is the stat for the % of Canadians vaxed.

Stupid people who can't interpret stats: please note that the stats date back to Dec 14 of 2020, that was the middle of flu season, back when there were zero vaccinated people in the country. There were zero double-jabbed Canadians until 6 months after the survey started.

The only important takeaways from these graphs are: 

1) The country is 85% 2x-jabbed and we obviously aren't at herd immunity

2) 9,134 Canadians have died of covid after they received 2 or more jabs plus their waiting period

3) 86% of covid deaths come from the "fully vaccinated" crowd, and 82% of Canadians are "fully vaccinated". 

4) If our main metric for judging pseudovax efficacy is covid deaths, there's absolutely no proof whatsoever that the pseudovaccines are working. 


In general we can say that the vaccines are absolutely NOT stopping the spread or preventing deaths, yet the pseudovax stooges are still claiming victory somehow.

By contrast, when Ivermectin usage spiked in Uttar Pradesh in India, covid plummeted. Vaxtards are quick to point out that there's no proof of causality: https://healthfeedback.org/claimreview/no-evidence-suggests-a-causal-link-between-ivermectin-recommendation-and-the-decline-of-covid-19-cases-in-the-indian-state-of-uttar-pradesh/ but it's the only place on earth where "a plan to fight covid was implemented, and that plan appears to have worked EXTREMELY WELL."

We all know that if covid deaths dropped through the floor here when the vaxxes came out they'd be doing victory laps and "science" would not have bothered looking for a causal link. 

I'm not advocating for Ivermectin instead of the jab, I've never taken either myself, but if I was super-paranoid about covid I would definitely use Ivermectin. 

For me personally, my kid will never take the jab until he reaches the age of majority and decides for himself, but I wouldn't hesitate to give him Ivermectin. 

Screen Shot 2022-09-19 at 12.00.17 PM.png

Aug 21 2022.png

Covid by Vax status May 1 2022.png

Covid deaths by vax status July 24.png

If CNN gave an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of typewriters, leftists would believe everything they typed.

If you missed something on the Cultist Narrative Network, don't worry, the dolt horde here will make sure everyone hears it. 

"If it didn't come from CNN, it's heresy!" - leftist "intellectuals"


One other thing about Uttar Pradesh, they dropped less than $3.00 per person on their Vit D/Zinc/Ivermectin kits. That would be $120M to basically abolish covid in Canada in a month if it worked. Just a drop in the bucket compared to what we spent on the pseudovaxes.

Here's how much we're buying: https://www.canada.ca/en/public-services-procurement/services/procuring-vaccines-covid19.html#agreements

I wasn't able to find the cost we pay for each Pfizer vaccine here, I found something that said we were paying $9 for Astrazeneca. Other places say that the US was initially paying about $20 for Pfizer, some sites say "as high as $41", some say it's over $100 in some places. 

If it's just $20 then the gov't paid $1.8 billion for the 89M doses given so far. 

I think it's time to drop $120M and see if we can end this shit. 


If CNN gave an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of typewriters, leftists would believe everything they typed.

If you missed something on the Cultist Narrative Network, don't worry, the dolt horde here will make sure everyone hears it. 

"If it didn't come from CNN, it's heresy!" - leftist "intellectuals"

15 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

I've done the "Covid deaths by vax status in Canada" stats a few times since may and it keeps coming out the same, basically 85% of covid deaths are among the vaxed.

Yup, that's because the vast VAST majority of us are vaxxed. You keep trying to attribute these deaths to a bunch of hooey because you're a stubborn idiot.



The death rate among unvaccinated people is still far higher than that among the vaccinated even though vaccinated people now make up a significant proportion of deaths.


Graphic shows average weekly COVID deaths per 100,000 people by vaccination status in March 2022.

Credit: Amanda Montañez; Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

The numbers in your own graphs show this without to having mention it. The simple fact of the matter and the one that's most important, is that vaccines prevent severe illness and save lives. I'm beginning to think they may also prevent stupidity. You should give it a try. 



A government without public oversight is like a nuclear plant without lead shielding.

Posted (edited)
On 9/19/2022 at 1:00 PM, eyeball said:

Yup, that's because the vast VAST majority of us are vaxxed. You keep trying to attribute these deaths to a bunch of hooey because you're a stubborn idiot.

The numbers in your own graphs show this without to having mention it. The simple fact of the matter and the one that's most important, is that vaccines prevent severe illness and save lives. I'm beginning to think they may also prevent stupidity. You should give it a try. 

82% of Canadians are 2x, 3x and 4x vaxed and they account for 86% of covid deaths. They're actually dying at a higher rate than unvaxed, all things considered. IE, there's no base rate fallacy in those numbers.

Your scientific American article says that more than half of the covid deaths are among the unvaxed down there. It's the opposite of what's happening here.

Edited by WestCanMan
added un to vaccinated in last paragraph.
  • Haha 1

If CNN gave an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of typewriters, leftists would believe everything they typed.

If you missed something on the Cultist Narrative Network, don't worry, the dolt horde here will make sure everyone hears it. 

"If it didn't come from CNN, it's heresy!" - leftist "intellectuals"

8 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

82% of Canadians are 2x, 3x and 4x vaxed and they account for 86% of covid deaths. They're actually dying at a higher rate than unvaxed, all things considered. IE, there's no base rate fallacy in those numbers.

Your scientific American article says that more than half of the covid deaths are among the vaxed down there. It's the opposite of what's happening here.

Eyeball is hard-wired. 

He was told by the MSM over a year ago that it was mostly unvaxxed dying of covid and there is no room in his brain to accommodate updated information.  I've tried to explain this to him many times, too. 

Or he doesn't understand ratios. 

The rest of them here ignore what's going on.  But you're right - in every country now, the vaccinated are dying in far higher ratios than the unvaccinated.  It's OAS happening in real time now.  And it's exactly what happened to the mice in the original mRNA trials - they all died upon reinfection.  It's the hurdle they could never overcome, despite decades of mRNA research and the reason why these experimental vaccines have never been brought to market before.

I think all these public health officials know it now.  They're trying to ready people mentally to be prepared to need a jab every 3 months for the rest of their lives. It's the only way to "boost" their failing immune systems.

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"There are two different types of people in the world - those who want to know and those who want to believe."

~~ Friedrich Nietzsche ~~

Posted (edited)
48 minutes ago, Goddess said:

Eyeball is hard-wired. 

He was told by the MSM over a year ago that it was mostly unvaxxed dying of covid and there is no room in his brain to accommodate updated information.  I've tried to explain this to him many times, too. 

I would have loved it if the vaxes worked. I wanted covid to be over so that we could all go back to working and playing sports. But I follow the stats, not the science that tries to overrule the stats. 

Eyeball isn't unique though. Most people who would vote Dem/Lib won't look at stats. 

Edited by WestCanMan
  • Haha 1

If CNN gave an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of typewriters, leftists would believe everything they typed.

If you missed something on the Cultist Narrative Network, don't worry, the dolt horde here will make sure everyone hears it. 

"If it didn't come from CNN, it's heresy!" - leftist "intellectuals"

4 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

I would have loved it if the vaxes worked. I wanted covid to be over so that we could all go back to working and playing sports. But I follow the stats, not the science that tries to overrule the stats. 

Eyeball isn't unique though. Most people who would vote Dem/Lib won't look at stats. 

Listen to your doctor bud.  Let them do the math for you.

"All generalizations are false, including this one." - Mark Twain

Partisanship is a disease of the intellect.

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