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Putin Dummying Another Dem President

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Leftists celebrated every decision that gave Russia more power over Europe and America:

-cutting off fracking

-cutting off keystone 

-ending Trump's blockade of the Nordtream2 pipeline

Now America is buying hundreds of millions of barrels of oil from Russia. 

America isn't even sanctioning Russian oil because they can't afford to.

America is begging OPEC for more oil and OPEC is telling them to F off.

Still, leftists are clinging to their energy stupidity, just like they clung to defund police until they finally realized that the polls were never going to swing in their favour.

What's going to happen if Iran or anyone else in OPEC decides to cut production just to drive the price of oil up, to screw the US?

When I said on this forum that Canadian oil was an important military resource, I never would have guessed how quickly that would become a huge issue. America was exporting oil back then, now they are literally over a barrel because of Dem/Lib stupidity.

Edited by WestCanMan
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9 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Is that what you call someone who opposes hate speech and fascism? A zealot? Wow, the leftists have their dictionary now, and it's just as stupid as the avg leftist.

It's what I call someone who thinks their cause justifies anything they do.

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3 hours ago, Aristides said:

It's what I call someone who thinks their cause justifies anything they do.

Wow, you clearly don't have a mirror.

I mentioned all of the obvious similarities between Trudeau and Hitler, which were later noticed by Bill Maher and Elon Musk, but you still refuse to consider them, and then you stoop to calling me names instead ? You're actually calling me a zealot while still pretending to see nothing wrong with Trudeau?

1) His speech patterns are identical to Hitler's.

2) His defamation of people whom he disagrees with is identical to Hitler's defamation of Jews: the bizarre slander and the vax pass/gesundheitspass.

3) Trudeau is attacking our Jews (Freedom enthusiasts) economically using the banking system. 

4) Trudeau is attacking freedom of speech on a regular basis (the internet is the 1933 version of 'books')

5) The media here is absolutely on track with his hate speech, and the ones that aren't are vilified by the gov't and the lackey media, and they are assaulted by police. 

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Why did Putin invade Ukraine  now? Why did he annex Crimea when he did? It's not just me, the Putins of the world get emboldened when there is a weakling in the White House.

I wish none of this was happening and I hope it ends soon in Ukraines favor but it's wishful thinking. Putin is certainly taking full advantage of Biden while he can. The scary part is all the bad players in the world may have 3 years to run amok .

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People...even you Tweenkies among us...need to pay attention to what's happening, instead of bickering about nonsense. 

The Russian president seems to be bent on changing the Ukrainian president and NATO is lead by a group of weak fools. 

Facts is facts.

Biden is an addled old fool and Putin has him by Hunter's short and curlies. It would be hilarious if it weren't so destructive. 

The rest of NATO is...well...unarmed. 

Now...putting aside the great Orangemanbad horse kaka...I have a reasonable request of Americans.

@Americans - Would you please stop trying to punish the world for Trump or colonialism or slavery or any of the other crap you've blessed us all with? This is serious now. Your southern border is wide open, you've managed to marginalize the police, and elected a fucking idiot!

Get over yourselves and this insanity! Close ur gawd damn border and turn the oil and gas industry loose to dig us all outta this mess!

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Get a load of this: Russia put a bunch of their soldiers at a nuclear reactor and attacked it.


I'm pretty sure that if Russia wanted to destroy or explode those reactors they could have done it with rockets or airstrikes from miles away, hundreds of miles away, thousands of kilometers away, they could plant explosives there and detonate them remotely, etc... Anyone saying that Russia put their own men right there to attack that plant is an idiot.

I'm also pretty sure that the Russians don't want a meltdown right there.

Leftist stupidity has gotten so bad that even GOPers are in on it now (at least the ones in the Senate and Congress that want to cash in on warbucks). 

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On 3/4/2022 at 9:43 AM, WestCanMan said:

Anyone saying that Russia put their own men right there to attack that plant is an idiot.

I'm also pretty sure that the Russians don't want a meltdown right there.

Leftist stupidity has gotten so bad that even GOPers are in on it now (at least the ones in the Senate and Congress that want to cash in on warbucks). 

No, what happened is that Russia left it up to field commanders to make the decision on what to do when attacking the place.  I'm quite sure the Russians don't want a meltdown right there either but they seem to have left a fair bit of whether that happens up to pure chance and luck.

You seem to have a lot of faith in the infallible expertise of Putin's minions. You figure the order a gunner gets to aim and shoot at something comes straight from Putin's bunker?

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17 minutes ago, eyeball said:

You seem to have a lot of faith in the infallible expertise of Putin's minions. 

I do actually. 

They've had hundreds of thousands of professional soldiers for decades. They know their way around a gun and none of them want to nuke themselves. 

Your "burning nuclear plant" hysteria was just a typical reaction to the MSM disinformation tactic of "huge lie up font, little facts to follow - alongside the next over-amped distraction".

It's just wave after wave of hyperbole and bullshit, along with some fluff stories that make you say "Awwwww, these guys are so nice. Bless their precious little hearts."

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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

I do actually. 

They've had hundreds of thousands of professional soldiers for decades. They know their way around a gun and none of them want to nuke themselves. 

I guess that's why the F Troop they've sent into Ukraine looks like it's getting its ass handed to it on a daily basis.



The jury may be out on whether Russian President Vladimir Putin can achieve his revanchist goals in Ukraine by brutally shelling civilians into submission. Still, the verdict is in on his vaunted military, which has been unmasked as a Potemkin force — unprepared, poorly equipped, badly led, and woefully inept in waging conventional modern warfare.






Your "burning nuclear plant" hysteria was just a typical reaction to the MSM disinformation tactic of "huge lie up font, little facts to follow - alongside the next over-amped distraction".

It's just wave after wave of hyperbole and bullshit, along with some fluff stories that make you say "Awwwww, these guys are so nice. Bless their precious little hearts."


Hysteria? I simply posted an observation of an event as it was unfolding - an attack on a nuclear plant...by some Russian  Gomer Pyle who simply got lucky for all we or your boy Putin knows.

I can see why someone who thought all the commotion in Washington on Jan 6th last year was a nothingburger would say the same thing about a military attack on a nuclear plant, especially given the respect you seem to have for the people serving up the burgers. 

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19 hours ago, eyeball said:

I guess that's why the F Troop they've sent into Ukraine looks like it's getting its ass handed to it on a daily basis.


Hysteria? I simply posted an observation of an event as it was unfolding - an attack on a nuclear plant...by some Russian  Gomer Pyle who simply got lucky for all we or your boy Putin knows.

I can see why someone who thought all the commotion in Washington on Jan 6th last year was a nothingburger would say the same thing about a military attack on a nuclear plant, especially given the respect you seem to have for the people serving up the burgers. 

Lobbing artillery at a nuclear plant is seriously dumb. We sit here and pass judgment on people engaged in a war...of sorts. But I've never been in a war...have you...or any of us?

And actually...I bet WestCanMan is right here. A person would have to have a serious death wish or be off his rocker to lob explosives at a nuclear plant. Especially if you're a grunt in the field. No...I bet Putin ordered this from his safe Kremlin apartment. 

As for jan. 6...it was over the top but certainly not an insurrection. And most certainly not worth the response that's been dished out.

Edited by Nationalist
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Republicans are cozy with so many Putin puppets  Why is that?

Russian Agent Maria Butina Claims Ukrainians Are Bombing Themselves

“We have tons of evidence that the Russia army does not touch, does not bomb civilian populations,” Butina said in explaining the absurd bit of Putin propaganda

Ryan Bort March 9, 2022 11:37AM ET

Maria Butina, the Russia agent who infiltrated the National Rifle Associationand charmed several Republican figures before landing an 18-month prison sentence, has emerged as one of Vladimir Putin’s most vocal advocates as Russian forces continue to wreak havoc on Ukraine and its people. In fact, Butina is so deep in Putin’s propaganda hole that she’s suggesting it’s Ukraine itself, not Russia, laying waste to Ukraine.



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37 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:

Republicans are cozy with so many Putin puppets  Why is that?

Russian Agent Maria Butina Claims Ukrainians Are Bombing Themselves

“We have tons of evidence that the Russia army does not touch, does not bomb civilian populations,” Butina said in explaining the absurd bit of Putin propaganda

Ryan Bort March 9, 2022 11:37AM ET

Maria Butina, the Russia agent who infiltrated the National Rifle Associationand charmed several Republican figures before landing an 18-month prison sentence, has emerged as one of Vladimir Putin’s most vocal advocates as Russian forces continue to wreak havoc on Ukraine and its people. In fact, Butina is so deep in Putin’s propaganda hole that she’s suggesting it’s Ukraine itself, not Russia, laying waste to Ukraine.



Oh, those darned conspiracies. 

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I forget who introduced us to WION in this site but I love their content. Here's a great take on Joe Biden's history in foreign policy. 

Remember that we were repeatedly told just how much experience Joe Biden has, over 50 years. Turns out the only thing he's really good at is greatly enriching the Biden family business.

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Having a weak POTUS is just a huge mistake.

This just in: https://www.dailywire.com/news/missiles-fired-at-u-s-consulate-in-erbil-iraq-reportedly-from-iran?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=benshapiro&fbclid=IwAR14y9r9iYb5WLAhxqXXxADYN17HSUOsSxeJEel47AFOnOeVwhTl72SXNzw


Missiles Fired At U.S. Consulate In Erbil, Iraq, Reportedly From Iran

If Trump was POTUS none of this shit would be happening.


Multiples rockets were reportedly fired toward the U.S. consulate located in Erbil, a city in northwestern Iraq. Several missiles hit the consulate building, a source close to the matter told the Associated Press.

“One of the officials said the ballistic missiles were fired from Iran,” the AP reported. “The attack comes several days after an Israeli strike near Damascus, Syria killed two members of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard.”



The AP added that “Iran’s state-run IRNA news agency quoted Iraqi media acknowledging the attacks, without saying where they originated.”

Axios is also reporting that a source at the U.S. State Department claimed that “There is no damage or casualties at any U.S. government facility,”

The world is quickly going to shit.

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4 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Having a weak POTUS is just a huge mistake.

Having a divided US was a strategic success.


If Trump was POTUS none of this shit would be happening.

Sure it would be and Trump would sound much like you.


The world is quickly going to shit.

It went there some time ago actually.

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On 3/9/2022 at 9:13 PM, WestCanMan said:

Oh, those darned conspiracies. 

Yep you should just say no to them, you subscribe to so many. 

Meanwhile Madison Cawthorn is the latest Republican scumbag to publicly come out as being on Team Russia (and then pathetically try to walk it back after due to backlash)

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5 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

Yep you should just say no to them, you subscribe to so many. 

Meanwhile Madison Cawthorn is the latest Republican scumbag to publicly come out as being on Team Russia (and then pathetically try to walk it back after due to backlash)

You keep claiming that it's the Republicans that are firmly on Team Russia. I have yet to hear an answer to this question but I'll try again. Why is it that Putin chose to attack Ukraine now? Why did he choose this timing when Joe Biden is president? Does that not clearly suggest he felt much more comfortable with Biden than Trump?

Again, why did Putin do it now?

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59 minutes ago, ironstone said:

You keep claiming that it's the Republicans that are firmly on Team Russia. I have yet to hear an answer to this question but I'll try again. Why is it that Putin chose to attack Ukraine now? Why did he choose this timing when Joe Biden is president? Does that not clearly suggest he felt much more comfortable with Biden than Trump?

Again, why did Putin do it now?

It's winter in the Ukraine, winter is when you wage mechanized warfare over there because the ground needs to be solid enough that tanks and heavy vehicles don't sink into the mud.  Unfortunately for Putin the Ukraine is now warming up resulting in softer ground which is contributing to the already slower advance than he was hoping for.


As for timing with regards to who was president in the US, anytime would do given how divided the US is.  Weakening the US by stoking and sowing division was the easiest part of Putin's machinations.

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1 hour ago, Michael Hardner said:

Well, we don't know but we also don't know if "who is president" is a factor.

I think when Putin was planning this invasion one of the biggest things to consider was, how is the sitting president going to react? Virtually everyone will agree that Biden is very different from Trump. World leaders both past and present have always sized up and assessed other leaders. It seems pretty naive to suggest Putin didn't consider how Biden, or Trump(if he were still president) was going to react. There are strong leaders and weak leaders.

This invasion was not planned overnight and Putin chose his timing very carefully. 


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14 minutes ago, ironstone said:

1. It seems pretty naive to suggest Putin didn't consider how Biden, or Trump(if he were still president) was going to react. 

2. This invasion was not planned overnight and Putin chose his timing very carefully. 


1. I didn't suggest that.

2. John Bolton has said that he thinks Trump would have disbanded NATO.

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18 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

1. I didn't suggest that.

2. John Bolton has said that he thinks Trump would have disbanded NATO.

I think Trump's stance on NATO was reasonable in that he wanted other member nations to live up to the funding commitments. And I think it's also fair to say that the US did carry more than their fair share of the overall burden.

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