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No more forced vaccinations allowed in Canada.

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8 hours ago, taxme said:

First of all I do not have any proof about anything about this China virus because I do not have the money or the resources to be able to verify anything in regards to this China virus. I asked you as to what proof do you really have and you post some website and what it points out as deaths from Covid because I guess that is your only proof to show me. Sorry, that is a no go here, fella. I asked you personally as to what proof or research and money spent by you to be able to spout on and come up with your own assessment on Covid statistics, hmmm? 

The number 3,050,405 of people world wide dying from Covid is a drop in the bucket compared to the 143,289,539 cases of Covid where 99.5% have survived Covid. Approx. 9.5 million people have died from cancer worldwide every year. Approx. 3.4 million people die world wide from diabetes. Approx. 2.9 million people die from heart problems every year and that is in America only. Shall I go on? 

All I can say here is that at least I am not like you? A scared and afraid little chicken and constantly kept in a state of fear and panic over some average virus that comes around every year and kills millions world wide. Hello? 

Nothing new to see here. It's time to end mask wearing and social distancing and quarantining and start up herd immunity now. Herd immunity always worked in the past and it will work today. To shut down the economy and force people to wear face diapers and social distancing is what is going to keep any virus alive and well. 

But sadly there are still people like you who will still not get it that herd immunity is the answer and not vaccines. And vaccines are not going to save you either. There have been many people who have taken the vaccine and ended up with Covid. I worry more about my diabetes. So, go away with your silly azz Covid world meter nonsense. They do not scare me or mean anything to me. All I want is to get back to my old normal life. It was going great until this Covid 1984 crap came along and pretty much wrecked my life. My opinion. :D



You are afraid of vaccines that have been shown to be very safe and you call others chicken. Too funny.

Herd immunity without vaccines has never worked. All the diseases we now control with vaccines were around for millennia until we had those vaccines.

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2 hours ago, Aristides said:

You are afraid of vaccines that have been shown to be very safe and you call others chicken. Too funny.

Herd immunity without vaccines has never worked. All the diseases we now control with vaccines were around for millennia until we had those vaccines.

Herd immunity with vaccines may be impossible also, since the Sars-Cov-2 virus is showing itself to be quickly adaptable and fast mutating. I'm wondering if recent Pfizer exec's talk of 'everyone needing six month booster shots for Covid-19 is another signal that this will be an endemic disease we may never get rid of!

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8 hours ago, Right To Left said:

Herd immunity with vaccines may be impossible also, since the Sars-Cov-2 virus is showing itself to be quickly adaptable and fast mutating. I'm wondering if recent Pfizer exec's talk of 'everyone needing six month booster shots for Covid-19 is another signal that this will be an endemic disease we may never get rid of!

That’s possible, particularly if large parts of the population remain unvaccinated allowing the virus to constantly mutate.

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7 hours ago, Aristides said:

That’s possible, particularly if large parts of the population remain unvaccinated allowing the virus to constantly mutate.

In the past....before vaccines were considered lucrative big money investments, it was believed that the worst diseases would eventually be eradicated entirely. 

I'm not sure if it's over or not, but lethal bacterias like one causing small pox were only being found in a few isolated communities in Pakistan and West Africa, and assumed would soon be eliminated by the vaccine. 

It is different with viruses...since they are capable of mutating and changing rapidly.....as we are already finding out with Covid-19, where yesterday's latest horror story was about a new "double mutant" variant of Covid-19 that is spreading fast and believed to be the main factor in new infections at a rate of almost 300,000 per day! And most government and medical officials believe the death rates are much higher than the Covid-19 death rates being reported so far; because of the very high numbers of cremations of people who did not have access to doctors or a hospital because of the ongoing pandemic!  
Non-stop cremations cast doubt on India's counting of COVID dead


Gas and firewood furnaces at a crematorium in the western Indian state of Gujarat have been running so long without a break during the COVID-19 pandemic that metal parts have begun to melt.

"We are working around the clock at 100% capacity to cremate bodies on time," Kamlesh Sailor, the president of the trust that runs the crematorium in the diamond-polishing city of Surat, told Reuters.

And with hospitals full and oxygen and medicines in short supply in an already creaky health system, several major cities are reporting far larger numbers of cremations and burials under coronavirus protocols than official COVID-19 death tolls, according to crematorium and cemetery workers, media and a review of government data.

India on Monday registered a record 273,810 new daily infections and 1,619 deaths. Its total number of cases now stands at more than 15 million, second only to the United States.


Reliable data is at the heart of any government response to the pandemic, without which planning for hospital vacancies, oxygen and medicine becomes difficult, experts say.

Government officials say the mismatch in death tallies may be caused by several factors, including over-caution.

A senior state health official said the increase in numbers of cremations had been due to bodies being cremated using COVID protocols "even if there is 0.1% probability of the person being positive".

"In many cases, patients come to hospital in an extremely critical condition and die before they are tested, and there are instances where patients are brought dead to hospital, and we do not know if they are positive or not," the official said.




But Bhramar Mukherjee, a professor of biostatistics and epidemiology at the University of Michigan, said many parts of India were in "data denial".

"Everything is so muddy," she said. "It feels like nobody understands the situation very clearly, and that's very irksome."


In Surat, Gujarat's second largest city, Sailor's Kurukshetra crematorium and a second crematorium known as Umra have cremated more than 100 bodies a day under COVID protocols over the last week, far in excess of the city's official daily COVID death toll of around 25, according to interviews with workers.

Prashant Kabrawala, trustee of Narayan Trust, which manages a third city crematorium called Ashwinikumar, declined to provide the number of bodies received under COVID protocols, but said cremations there had tripled in recent weeks.

"I have been regularly going to the crematorium since 1987, and been involved in its day-to-day functioning since 2005, but I haven't seen so many dead bodies coming for cremation in all these years," even during an outbreak of the bubonic plague in 1994 and floods in 2006.

Government spokesmen in Gujarat did not respond to requests for comment.


India is not the only country to have its coronavirus statistics questioned. But the testimony of workers and a growing body of academic literature suggest deaths in India are being underreported compared to other countries.

Mukherjee's research of India's first wave concludes that there were 11 times more infections than were reported, in line with estimates from studies in other countries. There were also between two and five times as many deaths than were reported, far in excess of global averages.




In Lucknow, capital of the populous northern state of Uttar Pradesh, data from the largest COVID-only crematorium, Baikunthdham, shows double the number of bodies arriving on six different days in April than government data on COVID deaths for the entire city.

The figures do not take into account a second COVID-only crematorium in the city, or burials in the Muslim community that makes up a quarter of the city's population.

Crematorium head Azad, who goes by only one name, said the number of cremations under COVID protocols had risen five-fold in recent weeks.

"We are working day and night," he said. "The incinerators are running full time but still many people have to wait with the bodies for the last rites."


A spokesman for the Uttar Pradesh government did not respond to a request for comment.

Elsewhere, India Today reported two crematoriums in Bhopal, the capital of the central state of Madhya Pradesh, 187 bodies were cremated following COVID protocols in four days this month, while the official COVID death toll stood at five.

Last week Sandesh, a Gujarati newspaper, counted 63 bodies leaving a single COVID-only hospital for burial in the state's largest city, Ahmedabad, on a day where government data showed 20 coronavirus deaths.

The Lancet medical journal noted last year that four Indian states making up 65% of COVID fatalities nationally each registered 100% of their coronavirus deaths.


But fewer than a quarter of deaths in India are medically certified, particularly in rural areas, meaning the true COVID death rate in many of India's 24 other states may never be known.

"Most of the deaths are not registered so it's impossible to do a validation calculation," Mukherjee said.



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On 4/14/2021 at 12:38 PM, taxme said:

This is great news for the many tens of thousands of anti-vaxer Canadians out there, like me, who have been fighting against forced vaccinations and who refuse to take the jab


It is.  The problem I see is, when you travel and end up in a country where vaccination is mandatory.  You will be either stuck there till you get vaccinated against your will, or you will never reach this country unless you agree to the vaccination.

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7 hours ago, cougar said:

It is.  The problem I see is, when you travel and end up in a country where vaccination is mandatory.  You will be either stuck there till you get vaccinated against your will, or you will never reach this country unless you agree to the vaccination.

Don't travel, problem solved. You're already in the best country in the world.

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15 hours ago, cougar said:

It is.  The problem I see is, when you travel and end up in a country where vaccination is mandatory.  You will be either stuck there till you get vaccinated against your will, or you will never reach this country unless you agree to the vaccination.

We shall see what we shall see. There has been a lot of problems with vaccines these days. People who have taken the jab have either ended up seriously injured or have died shortly after taken the jab. Let me know if you die from your jab, okay?  :D

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6 hours ago, taxme said:

 Let me know if you die from your jab, okay?  :D

I am not in a hurry to get vaccinated; don't get me wrong.   I am just saying we may end up vaccinated against our will if we decide to go outside Canada.

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Life is a continuous series of risks.  Many things we do involve risks.  Simply going for a walk involves risks.  We could get hit by a car when we cross a street.  We could have serious illness or disease.  Some activities are high risk.  Some people like to parachute or climb cliffs for sport.  Others like to hike alone.  One man was followed by a cougar for nearly an hour this past week but managed to chase it away with a big stick.  He was fortunate.  Vaccination entails a very small risk, but the risk of not getting vaccinated is many times greater because Covid is extremely contagious and deadly for some people.  Even if one survives it, it often causes serious bodily harm to parts of the body.  If we don't get vaccinated we are also contributing to the continuation of the pandemic which could kill other people because unless enough people get vaccinated in a community or country, we will not be able to develop herd immunity.  So the answer is get vaccinated as soon as possible.

Edited by blackbird
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18 hours ago, taxme said:

We shall see what we shall see. There has been a lot of problems with vaccines these days. People who have taken the jab have either ended up seriously injured or have died shortly after taken the jab. Let me know if you die from your jab, okay?  :D

Very rare that anyone was injured or died from the vaccine.  One in quarter of a million or one in hundreds of thousands.  Your chances of dying from Covid or being seriously harmed from Covid are far greater.  Far greater chance of harm from a motor vehicle accident, from illness, cancer, heart attack from taking medications, falling down, bicycle accident, etc. etc.  We are doing our duty to protect ourselves and everyone else by getting vaccinated and helping defeat the pandemic.


Incidentally, the health care system is collapsing in some places like India and they are cremating people everywhere.  I heard on the news today they have learned how a few rare cases get blood clots and it sounds like they are able to treat those people in most cases.   If you get a headache, pain in chest, or stomach after being vaccinated, see a doctor and see about being treated for a rare blood clot.  But that is highly unlikely.  Ontario is in crisis mode with overload of Covid patients and cancer patients in need of life saving surgery are being put on hold.  Some people with Covid are starting to die at home because more are opting to stay home instead of going to a hospital, which is not a good idea.  Many require oxygen to have a chance to survive.

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13 minutes ago, blackbird said:

Very rare that anyone was injured or died from the vaccine.  One in quarter of a million or one in hundreds of thousands.  Your chances of dying from Covid or being seriously harmed from Covid are far greater.

That sounds like excuses. Also the "statistics" belie the fact that many people become very ill when they get AZ. They get sick as a dog, so to speak. But only a few die.


Incidentally, the health care system is collapsing in some places like India and they are cremating people everywhere.

Prove they didn't already have such problems, for decades and really centuries before this, and I'll get interested.

For when it comes to statistics one must only compare apples to apples, or else they are the devil. The devil I say!

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3 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

That sounds like excuses. Also the "statistics" belie the fact that many people become very ill when they get AZ. They get sick as a dog, so to speak. But only a few die.

Prove they didn't already have such problems, for decades and really centuries before this, and I'll get interested.

For when it comes to statistics one must only compare apples to apples, or else they are the devil. The devil I say!

I gave just the facts which are widely reported by doctors and health experts.  Video reports showing the situation in India don't lie.  Dr. Alex Wong, infectious diseases physician and researcher is just commenting now on CBC and said the risk from AZ vaccine is far less than not getting vaccinated and catching a Covid variant, which is very contagious.  Listen to the experts and get vaccinated asap.

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Just now, blackbird said:

I gave just the facts which are widely reported by doctors and health experts.  Video reports showing the situation in India don't lie.

I know. You just didn't give all the facts, so I gave some more.

Funeral pyres on the Ganges are daily. It's the way they do things.

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"The stench of smouldering funeral pyres usually hangs heavy by the Ganges river in Varanasi, the mystical Indian city where Hindus believe being cremated will free them from the cycle of rebirth.

Which for you and I if we were to attend one of these, would be a shocking spectacle. Culture shock. Laws, yes. That's why they put it on video, friend.

They really want you to see it.


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4 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

I know. You just didn't give all the facts, so I gave some more.

Funeral pyres on the Ganges are daily. It's the way they do things.

I don't see reports of funeral pyres, I do see reports of people suffocating because oxygen supplies are running out. Not so long ago Los Angeles county was having to ration O2 because they were having shortages.

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On 4/14/2021 at 8:16 PM, CITIZEN_2015 said:

Nobody is forcing anyone to take vaccines. Based on latest poll some 80% of Canadians are going to take vaccines, millions impatiently waiting for their first shot/ People in their right minds will takes the vaccines willingly and look forward to it but those who believe in aliens trying to kidnap us , take over our planet or CIIA put microchips in our bodies will refuse and may risk getting sick or even die. Good for me if you refuse the vaccine, since this means my turn will come sooner.

Grow up dude. People can make their own choices, and this is a "devil you know" scenario.

A lot of people don't fear covid because the data says that they're not at risk from it and that's a choice that's based on the science and data. A lot of people fear covid more than the vaccine and that's a choice too. Waiting to see what happens with covid and with the vaccines is yet another choice. This has nothing to do with aliens or DiCaprio's private jet podcast for climate alarmists, just science.

FYI people have died of the vaccines. That's a real thing, and I bet that if those people had the choice to go back and not take it, they wouldn't. Could you blame them C-2015? There are a lot of other very severe side effects, including shingles. I'm more worried about shingles than covid, because shingles is very bad no matter who you are.

FYI V2.0 - the vaccine rollout goes against the science of vaccinations. No one used to get vaccinated for things that they recently had or currently have because it's either A redundant or B dangerous. And how do you know if you have it if the tests aren't reliable and it's possible that you're infected but asymptomatic? 

I'm in no rush. My mom already had covid so I don't need to get vaccinated to see her, and there's no one else that I might have to take care of. The people who have good reason to fear covid, or who live with/care for those people, can get it first. By the time my turn comes there will probably be herd immunity.

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7 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

I'm in no rush. My mom already had covid so I don't need to get vaccinated to see her, and there's no one else that I might have to take care of. The people who have good reason to fear covid, or who live with/care for those people, can get it first. By the time my turn comes there will probably be herd immunity.

Your post is full of misinformation, however, I only respond to this last paragraph because it is for your personal safety. I am sorry your Mom got covid, but having covid does NOT immune her from catching again. They are NEW variants now in Canada forming the majority of infections. They have different genetic structure and can re-infect those already infected and vaccines are not as effective as original virus on them either. So when you visit your Mom still take all precautions like taking your temperature and wearing mask.

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It is little wonder that some Canadians are skeptical about getting a covid vaccine shot given the way that procurment was badly bungled by the Trudeau government, and the resulting desperation caused by supply shortages prompting health officials to stagger dosage intervals up to 16 weeks and even mixing vaccine types in Quebec.

These vaccines were hastily approved for emergency use during the pandemic, and Canada was not even part of the phase testing trials for Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, AZ, or J&J.   Not following the manufacturers recommended and approved dosing protocols logically increases skepticism.

Criticizing people for not taking or being hesitant about vaccines only increases anti-vax sentiments and behaviours.  

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