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...and just a footnote.

VX agent was developed in the UK during the Cold War. The British used it as a trade to the USA for the Hydrogen Bomb...thus its nickname...the Poor Man's H-Bomb. It's THAT deadly.

Edited by DogOnPorch
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13 minutes ago, Aristides said:

Hillary called Trump personally to concede on the morning of Nov 9.


Clinton called Trump to concede only after Obama urged her to do so.   Several Clinton campaign staffers wanted to hold out for counts & recounts in "Blue Wall" states like Wisconsin and Michigan.

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32 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


Clinton called Trump to concede only after Obama urged her to do so.   Several Clinton campaign staffers wanted to hold out for counts & recounts in "Blue Wall" states like Wisconsin and Michigan.

So what, she conceded three days after the election. Trump still hasn't after three months, 60 failed lawsuits and one failed insurrection.

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2 hours ago, DogOnPorch said:


No...Ronald Reagan didn't sell Saddam chemical weapons. Nor is he my hero.

What Saddam did do is use the thiodiglycol that was provided to Iraq as part of oil for food and used it to make mustard agent. While mustard is pretty gnarly stuff and best employed as an area denial weapon, it's not a WMD. 

The USA has been out of the chemical/bio weapon business since Nixon, btw.

As for your incredulity about Muthanna...



As for chemicals weapon shelf life...agents like sarin and VX are binary weapons...that is: two non-volatile chemicals mix and produce sarin, VX, etc. Usually right inside the device itself...rocket, artillery shell or what-have-you. Muthanna contained stockpiles of these binary chemicals.

As for rendering these chemicals inert...never happened. The facilities do not exist in Iraq to handle VX or sarin disposal. The US got rid of their stocks on Johnston Atoll well away from ANY humans...it's that dangerous a procedure. 

Rumsfeld 'helped Iraq get chemical weapons'

02:36 EST 31 Dec 2002 , updated 03:43 EST 31 Dec 2002

US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld helped Saddam Hussein build up his arsenal of deadly chemical and biological weapons, it was revealed last night. 

As an envoy from President Reagan 19 years ago, he had a secret meeting with the Iraqi dictator and arranged enormous military assistance for his war with Iran. 

The CIA had already warned that Iraq was using chemical weapons almost daily. But Mr Rumsfeld, at the time a successful executive in the pharmaceutical industry, still made it possible for Saddam to buy supplies from American firms. 

They included viruses such as anthrax and bubonic plague, according to the Washington Post. 

The extraordinary details have come to light because thousands of State Department documents dealing with the 1980-88 Iran-Iraq war have just been declassified and released under the Freedom of Information Act. 

At the very least, it is highly embarrassing for 70-year-old Mr Rumsfeld, who is the most powerful and vocal of all the hawks surrounding President Bush. 

He bitterly condemns Saddam as a ruthless and brutal monster and frequently backs up his words by citing the use of the very weapons which it now appears he helped to supply. 

The question is: Why has he never said anything about his role in the negotiations? 

'Donald Rumsfeld has some explaining to do,' a senior Pentagon official said last night, while Congressional sources said that a Senate Committee was considering opening hearings to investigate exactly what happened.


U.S. Had Key Role in Iraq Buildup

High on the Bush administration's list of justifications for war against Iraq are President Saddam Hussein's use of chemical weapons, nuclear and biological programs, and his contacts with international terrorists. What U.S. officials rarely acknowledge is that these offenses date back to a period when Hussein was seen in Washington as a valued ally.

Among the people instrumental in tilting U.S. policy toward Baghdad during the 1980-88 Iran-Iraq war was Donald H. Rumsfeld, now defense secretary, whose December 1983 meeting with Hussein as a special presidential envoy paved the way for normalization of U.S.-Iraqi relations. Declassified documents show that Rumsfeld traveled to Baghdad at a time when Iraq was using chemical weapons on an "almost daily" basis in defiance of international conventions.


The story of U.S. involvement with Saddam Hussein in the years before his 1990 attack on Kuwait -- which included large-scale intelligence sharing, supply of cluster bombs through a Chilean front company, and facilitating Iraq's acquisition of chemical and biological precursors -- is a topical example of the underside of U.S. foreign policy. It is a world in which deals can be struck with dictators, human rights violations sometimes overlooked, and accommodations made with arms proliferators, all on the principle that the "enemy of my enemy is my friend.”


Throughout the 1980s, Hussein's Iraq was the sworn enemy of Iran, then still in the throes of an Islamic revolution. U.S. officials saw Baghdad as a bulwark against militant Shiite extremism and the fall of pro-American states such as Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and even Jordan -- a Middle East version of the "domino theory" in Southeast Asia. That was enough to turn Hussein into a strategic partner and for U.S. diplomats in Baghdad to routinely refer to Iraqi forces as "the good guys," in contrast to the Iranians, who were depicted as "the bad guys."

A review of thousands of declassified government documents and interviews with former policymakers shows that U.S. intelligence and logistical support played a crucial role in shoring up Iraqi defenses against the "human wave" attacks by suicidal Iranian troops. The administrations of Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush authorized the sale to Iraq of numerous items that had both military and civilian applications, including poisonous chemicals and deadly biological viruses, such as anthrax and bubonic plague.







As to your claims that Saddam had a WMD arsenal in 2003 that is just completely false as evidenced by that face that neither Saddam nor ISIS used WMD to prevent their own defeat  

Regarding Muthanna, once again a Trump supporter doesn’t have the intellectual acumen to fully read his own articles... shocking.  All of your links confirm there was nothing usable at the site since Desert Storm as it had been bombed during that war and then under UNSCOM control.  

And remember your Republican liars did not claim Saddam might have a few obsolete mothballed shells in Disposal sites that he might refurbish someday. They said he had a highly sophisticated and fully operational and ACTIVE State of the art WMD program with mobile ICBM launchers roving the desert that could strike US soil within 45 minutes. Remember?

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49 minutes ago, Aristides said:

So what, she conceded three days after the election. Trump still hasn't after three months, 60 failed lawsuits and one failed insurrection.

Hillary then went on to call Trump an illegitimate president and claim Russia stole the election for him.  STFU with your revisionist history.  I have no more patience for you degenerates anymore.

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2 minutes ago, Shady said:

The future of the Republican Party will consist of huge victories during the mid term election. Then hopefully impeaching Biden and Harris based on the precedent set by Democrats from 2016-2021.

Says the guy who thought Trump was going to overturn the election results. Your predictions are not very accurate 

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2 hours ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


Exactly the same thing...why are you denying it ?    The Democrats tried to stop Trump with unfaithful electors, procedural motions, and public protest....all of which failed.   So then they went after Trump with impeachment....which failed to remove Trump as well.

Nothing like Trump’s assault on democracy 

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15 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:

Nothing like Trump’s assault on democracy 


It's not a democracy...it's a constitutional republic...and some Democrats tried to use Congress to deny Trump the presidency...before and after the 2017 inauguration.

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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1 hour ago, BeaverFever said:

No, Putin calls him collect

Dang, I knew that times suddenly got really tough for Putin when Obama left the WH but I didn't know that he couldn't even afford to make long distance calls anymore. Kids with a newspaper route can afford to do that for Pete's sake.

I guess that Putin already blew the money that he got from Obama's side-deal. You know, the one that Obama got caught talking to Medvedev about when he thought his mic was off. 

Anyhooo... now that Biden is POTUS, Putin can get back to annexing land from other sovereign nations again. Good times.

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1 hour ago, BeaverFever said:

As to your claims that Saddam had a WMD arsenal in 2003 that is just completely false as evidenced by that face that neither Saddam nor ISIS used WMD to prevent their own defeat  

Regarding Muthanna, once again a Trump supporter doesn’t have the intellectual acumen to fully read his own articles... shocking.  All of your links confirm there was nothing usable at the site since Desert Storm as it had been bombed during that war and then under UNSCOM control.  

And remember your Republican liars did not claim Saddam might have a few obsolete mothballed shells in Disposal sites that he might refurbish someday. They said he had a highly sophisticated and fully operational and ACTIVE State of the art WMD program with mobile ICBM launchers roving the desert that could strike US soil within 45 minutes. Remember?


Saddam never deployed the Plague or anthrax as weapons. Articles about 'what might have been' aren't worth anything other than for entertainment. 

The question was: did Saddam have WMDs? Not if there are functional WMDs in Iraq today. 

As for if Saddam had a nuclear & ballistic missile program. Sure he did...we know quite a bit about it. As well as his plans for superguns and other vengeance style weapons. But it had been decimated by the time the whole Iraq invasion event took place. Both Bush-Cheney and I discussed this at length at the time including Saddam's frantic mystery shipments to Syria...I don't recall you being there. Had you been, you'd likely recall my stance on the whole Iraq invasion. Against it.

Edited by DogOnPorch
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1 hour ago, BeaverFever said:

Nothing like Trump’s assault on democracy 

You talk about that like it's a thing. Do you have some cites? Does it upset you that Trump did the things that he promised to do when he was running for president?

Was Trump the guy who signed 28 executive orders in his first month? (Nope, 12, Biden signed 28)

Was Trump the guy who used the vast power of the oval office for super-important things like allowing trans ex-men to smack women around in sports? Nope. Dang, that was a really good one by Biden. Now Giuliani can fight Pelosi if he just tucks in his junk. 


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9 minutes ago, Cannucklehead said:





Sink or swim you peasant maggots!  ?



Los Angeles Times columnist Virginia Heffernan shared that her Trump-supporting neighbors “plowed our driveway without being asked and did a great job,” according to The Daily Wire.

Heffernan then compared her neighbors to Nazi supporters and Hezbollah terrorists.



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3 hours ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

It's not a democracy...it's a constitutional republic

This ridiculous made-in-Russia line that Republicans have using lately in order to justify their anti-democracy tactics. It’s what you’ll recite when you’re hailing your next leader as dictator for life. 

America is both a democracy and a Republic. The 2 are not mutually exclusive.


And no matter how you try to spin it, nothing is comparable ti Trump’s false fraud claims and baseless lawsuits and smears of the integrity of the electoral system that dragged out for 2 months and culminated with his sack of the Capitol

Edited by BeaverFever
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2 hours ago, DogOnPorch said:


Saddam never deployed the Plague or anthrax as weapons. Articles about 'what might have been' aren't worth anything other than for entertainment. 

The question was: did Saddam have WMDs? Not if there are functional WMDs in Iraq today. 

As for if Saddam had a nuclear & ballistic missile program. Sure he did...we know quite a bit about it. As well as his plans for superguns and other vengeance style weapons. But it had been decimated by the time the whole Iraq invasion event took place. Both Bush-Cheney and I discussed this at length at the time including Saddam's frantic mystery shipments to Syria...I don't recall you being there. Had you been, you'd likely recall my stance on the whole Iraq invasion. Against it.

And yet the Republican base was 100% for it, based or fraudulent threat claims that were deliberately fabricated by the Bush regime.  

There’s a pattern here:  Republicans increasingly relying on GREAT BIG LIES, and blatantly false lies not just the usual petty or hard-to-prove politician lies. 

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2 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Dang, I knew that times suddenly got really tough for Putin when Obama left the WH but I didn't know that he couldn't even afford to make long distance calls anymore. Kids with a newspaper route can afford to do that for Pete's sake.

I guess that Putin already blew the money that he got from Obama's side-deal. You know, the one that Obama got caught talking to Medvedev about when he thought his mic was off. 

Anyhooo... now that Biden is POTUS, Putin can get back to annexing land from other sovereign nations again. Good times.

Yeah ok that’s why Putin supported Trump because he really liked Obama freezing those billions of Oligarch money. The billions that Trump said he wanted to give back. Good one pal.   Your crackpot hot mic moment is another Republicans made up controversy when you tale something benign and then pretend it’s something it isn’t. 

Trumtards spent the first half of the Trump presidency claiming Trump was a peacemaker bringing America back from the brink of war with Russia started by the warmongering Obama.  This is how they defended Trump constantly licking Putin’s balls and bending over for him. That story didn’t really go over well so of course they eventually tried to flip the narrative but nobody really buys that either 

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1 hour ago, BeaverFever said:

And no matter how you try to spin it, nothing is comparable ti Trump’s false fraud claims and baseless lawsuits and smears of the integrity of the electoral system that dragged out for 2 months and culminated with his sack of the Capitol


Definitely not a democracy for presidential elections...by design.

No spin required....see Bush v. Gore (2000)....Florida...et al.

Trump is gone...you will have to find another American thing to play with.


Edited by bush_cheney2004
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