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America Under pResident Biden

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9 minutes ago, Petros said:

Please provide examples of the Democratic Party being antisemitic. 

This isn't the only example of Dems chumming around with Farrakhan, and Farrakhan is as bad a racist and anti-Semite as you'll find anywhere. 

This pic isn't from the '80s either. Farrakhan was a well-known racist and anti-Semite for a really long time before this picture was taken. The timing of this photo is like if you had your picture taken with Epstein the day before he went to jail. The cat was waayyyyyyy outta the bag.

Keep in mind that Derek Sloan is just on the hook for receiving a $131 donation from a racist, and he's been thrown out by O'Toole.

Being in this photo is nothing like just accepting money and not noticing who it came from. Obama absolutely knew who he was with. I've known about Farrakhan's vile bigotry for a long time and I obviously don't follow US politics as closely as Obama.

This is an example of Obama giving one of the biggest racists and anti-Semites in America an ear, and a big boost in popularity. The last thing on earth that Obama should be doing is supporting Farrakhan. It's inexcusable and disgusting. There's a reason this photo was hidden for so long. 

If this doesn't bug you then you must be an anti-Semite yourself, but to decent people this is an Obamination. 

Screen Shot 2021-02-06 at 3.54.46 PM.png

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It isn't just Texas though:


LOS ANGELES — President Biden’s first immigration crisis has already begun as thousands of families have surged toward the southwestern border in recent weeks, propelled by expectations of a friendlier reception and by a change in Mexican policy that makes it harder for the United States to expel some of the migrants.

More than 1,000 people have been allowed to enter the country in recent days in a swift reversal from the Trump administration’s near shutdown of the border. Many more are gathering in Mexico in hopes of a similar chance to cross, according to lawyers and aid groups working along the border.


New families every day have been collecting in Mexican border towns, sleeping in the streets, under bridges and in dry ditches. On Thursday in Mexicali, across from Calexico, Calif., desperate migrants could be seen trying to scale a border fence. A migrant camp in Matamoros, Mexico, just across a bridge from Texas, has boomed to 1,000 people over the past few weeks.

To guard against the coronavirus, health authorities in San Diego have arranged housing for hundreds of arriving migrants in a downtown high-rise hotel, where they are being quarantined before being allowed to join family or friends in the interior of the United States.


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Just now, Infidel Dog said:

The record breaker of record breakers. Received more votes than anybody ever.

(Some of them reportedly from actual people.)


The Democrats didn't steal the election. They merely fortified the results...their term.

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On 2/5/2021 at 8:52 PM, DogOnPorch said:


I've repeatedly noted that "Q" seemed more a thing of the Trump opposition...they know far more about it that I ever will...or will ever BOTHER to know. As I've stated, my volunteer work with the Trump rallies let me have a good look at most of them. No weird shaman guys dressed as cows...just saying.

Sea of red hats?? By golly yes to that one...

But, Democrats having weird parties in the Hollywood Hills (et al) involving drugs, children and Satan worship? I'm supposed to be shocked and surprised? They call that Tuesday in that particular circle...

Q must have been someone working behind the scenes in one of the deep state agencies, in need of an anonymous position to manipulate people's thinking and develop a cult following among Republican Trump fans. 

But again, those who seek wealth and power have long been the most depraved and evil members of the human race...narcissists, sociopaths..whatever you want to call them, people who were of sound mind should have been questioning the direction western capitalist civilization was moving in decades ago, instead of waiting until everything is teetering on the edge of collapse! 

I doubt any honest, forensic investigation of the lives, habits and practices of the political class and their financiers would show much of a partisan difference in any western nation, let alone the US. 

What is different now from 20 or 30 years ago, is that the promises of the internet revolution have turned from freedom into Orwellian surveillance and mind control! Sometimes the truth gets out, in MSM and social media platforms, but those who tell too much truth that authorities don't want circulated widely, get pushed down by so called faults of algorithms and have their video channels and web pages demonetized or banned outright with no explanation or recourse for appeal.

This is why so many on both the left and right edges of the political spectrum are abandoning Facebook and Google-owned Youtube for newer startups and trying to bring along as many of their subscribers and regular viewers as possible. 

It's a matter of where the money is coming from! So, any left media that tells followers to stick with Biden and the Democrats is paid for/controlled opposition, no matter what they claim to believe in or stand for! Same on the right side. The right wing is in disarray over what to do about Trump's post-election meltdown. But from the beginning, the Lincoln Project and other 'moderate' Republicans who were trying to move to the glorified and mythical moderate center, are political actors just trying to move where the money is and tells them to go! 

Unlike Democrat politicians, the GOP has been long averse to going against their activist base of supporters. But there seem to be enough in the Senate who are willing to take a dive, even if it means the end of their Senate careers! They have been assured that they will get paid and have new opportunities awaiting them after the consensus of oligarchy has completed their plans of kicking Trump down to a level where neither him or one of his offspring will be able to re-emerge as a candidate for future office.  I wouldn't be surprised if part of the plan is to get a Republican version of "super-delegates" who perform such an invaluable service to the owners of the Democratic Party!

The only thing that can mangle their plans now is if a groundswell of disaffection on either left or right or both turns into a destabilizing force that finally ends these games!


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16 hours ago, Right To Left said:

Q must have been someone working behind the scenes in one of the deep state agencies, in need of an anonymous position to manipulate people's thinking and develop a cult following among Republican Trump fans. 

But again, those who seek wealth and power have long been the most depraved and evil members of the human race...narcissists, sociopaths..whatever you want to call them, people who were of sound mind should have been questioning the direction western capitalist civilization was moving in decades ago, instead of waiting until everything is teetering on the edge of collapse! 

I doubt any honest, forensic investigation of the lives, habits and practices of the political class and their financiers would show much of a partisan difference in any western nation, let alone the US. 

What is different now from 20 or 30 years ago, is that the promises of the internet revolution have turned from freedom into Orwellian surveillance and mind control! Sometimes the truth gets out, in MSM and social media platforms, but those who tell too much truth that authorities don't want circulated widely, get pushed down by so called faults of algorithms and have their video channels and web pages demonetized or banned outright with no explanation or recourse for appeal.

This is why so many on both the left and right edges of the political spectrum are abandoning Facebook and Google-owned Youtube for newer startups and trying to bring along as many of their subscribers and regular viewers as possible. 

It's a matter of where the money is coming from! So, any left media that tells followers to stick with Biden and the Democrats is paid for/controlled opposition, no matter what they claim to believe in or stand for! Same on the right side. The right wing is in disarray over what to do about Trump's post-election meltdown. But from the beginning, the Lincoln Project and other 'moderate' Republicans who were trying to move to the glorified and mythical moderate center, are political actors just trying to move where the money is and tells them to go! 

Unlike Democrat politicians, the GOP has been long averse to going against their activist base of supporters. But there seem to be enough in the Senate who are willing to take a dive, even if it means the end of their Senate careers! They have been assured that they will get paid and have new opportunities awaiting them after the consensus of oligarchy has completed their plans of kicking Trump down to a level where neither him or one of his offspring will be able to re-emerge as a candidate for future office.  I wouldn't be surprised if part of the plan is to get a Republican version of "super-delegates" who perform such an invaluable service to the owners of the Democratic Party!

The only thing that can mangle their plans now is if a groundswell of disaffection on either left or right or both turns into a destabilizing force that finally ends these games!



I agree with what you say...all of it...and that's rare here.

I'm on BitChute & Rumble...both seem like they're okay...but are tiny next to the YouTube behemoth. A beast that gets its power from the creativity of others...and then perversely abuses that power to stifle the same creativity. YouTube was built on bum fights, firework accidents and uncut war footage. Not on MSNBC being algorithmically forced to the top of everyone's feed.

We are in very dangerous territory...unlike I've ever seen...you too, no doubt. Does one fight back??? Or does one let the Brave New World/A Clockwork Orange/1984 vision these "leaders" wish to foist on society become a reality because...alone...you can't stop it? And they do seem to want us all very alone for all this...


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2 hours ago, DogOnPorch said:


I agree with what you say...all of it...and that's rare here.

I'm on BitChute & Rumble...both seem like they're okay...but are tiny next to the YouTube behemoth. A beast that gets its power from the creativity of others...and then perversely abuses that power to stifle the same creativity. YouTube was built on bum fights, firework accidents and uncut war footage. Not on MSNBC being algorithmically forced to the top of everyone's feed.

We are in very dangerous territory...unlike I've ever seen...you too, no doubt. Does one fight back??? Or does one let the Brave New World/A Clockwork Orange/1984 vision these "leaders" wish to foist on society become a reality because...alone...you can't stop it? And they do seem to want us all very alone for all this...


I opened a Bitchute account just in case all of my favorite Youtube channels go down. But so far, Googleborg is just demonitizing them and unsubscribing members (including myself). I hate having to resubscribe to shows I've been a member of for years (like the Jimmy Dore Show), because some in positions of authority want to throw in a monkey wrench without shutting down the channel completely, like a number of rightwing channels....even if they platform the wrong guest- like recently blacklisted and CANCELLED RFK Jr. - because of his constant questioning of vaccine efficacy. That used to earn him consternation and even a few public debates with medical authorities. But, for some reason now (likely the money involved), the subject of vaccines is too dangerous to even be allowed up for debate! RFK Jr., by virtue of being a 2nd generation Kennedy, used to be looked upon as a member of the liberal intelligensia ...especially when adding in being regarded as a role model and advocate for disabled Americans. But you may have noticed that anyone who gets cancelled by the Liberal leadership takes away all of their 'woke' points for being a member of a favored category!  And it's worth noting that Kennedy is not some absolute vaccine refusenik ..like some former Hollywood celebs. Rather than make a better argument, the new normal is just remove any critics from public consideration.

So, I expect anyone on the left or right who insists on speaking the truth on any subject and won't take money to repeat accepted wisdom, or in a growing number of cases of co-opted and bought off left, they will pose as leftist radicals on a few topics their funders allow, but not on subjects that will cross the $$$bosses narratives - like military spending, foreign wars, regime change ops etc.. 

I would add that if Bitchute becomes too popular as growing numbers of dissatisfied radicals move there from Youtube, then they'll find a way to end Bitchute's web hosts... reasons given could be like Parler ... which I never went on, but I was already aware that most of the organizing for the Capitol Hill rioters was done on Twitter and Facebook accounts, not Parler! But no chance that any of the FAANGS will be taken down.

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I go to BitChute, Rumble and YouTube.

My current plan goes something like this.

Try to slowly wean myself off YouTube with Rumble and BitChute. Register at Bitchute so I can keep all my subscriptions even if YouTube cancels them. Don't register but go to Rumble to read the front page and click on videos I find there for entertainment thus eventually neutralizing both arms of what YouTube offers.

The front page of Gab is good for finding entertaining videos too.

Gotta admit, YouTube are still the champs for entertainment vids though. I can't fully switch over until the alternatives catch up with channels like: 

Ozzy Man

Daily Dose of Internet

Joseph Carter the Mink Man

Shawn Woods and his better mousetraps channel


MonaLisa Twins

Larkin Poe

Stuff like that. Get more of that kind of stuff on the alternatives and I won't need to go to YouTube except when I want to transfer a video to a message board.


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It is quite silly to believe that one person, even if that person is the President of the USA, is to be blamed or praised for the economy being good or bad.

Politicians draw the guidelines but a huge economy such as the US is a mechanism of its own.

If the economy is going well the president taking credit for it is like a cock taking credit for the dawn.

In the opposite situation people need a scapegoat for hard times and the president is a perfect one for being one.

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Here they come:


"SAN DIEGO (AP) — The Biden administration on Friday announced plans for tens of thousands of people who are seeking asylum and have been forced to wait in Mexico under a Trump-era policy to be allowed into the U.S. while their cases wind through immigration courts.

The first wave of an estimated 25,000 asylum-seekers with active cases in the “Remain in Mexico” program will be allowed into the United States on Feb. 19, authorities said. They plan to start slowly, with two border crossings each processing up to 300 people a day and a third crossing taking fewer numbers."


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On 2/12/2021 at 7:55 PM, -TSS- said:

It is quite silly to believe that one person, even if that person is the President of the USA, is to be blamed or praised for the economy being good or bad.

Politicians draw the guidelines but a huge economy such as the US is a mechanism of its own.

If the economy is going well the president taking credit for it is like a cock taking credit for the dawn.

In the opposite situation people need a scapegoat for hard times and the president is a perfect one for being one.

Presidents, like Prime Ministers are little more than empty headed figureheads set up by behind the scenes forces that make the policy decisions. At least our Justin fits the role of a figurehead better than Trump....then again, maybe he does it too well!

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On 2/6/2021 at 8:31 PM, WestCanMan said:

This isn't the only example of Dems chumming around with Farrakhan, and Farrakhan is as bad a racist and anti-Semite as you'll find anywhere. 

This pic isn't from the '80s either. Farrakhan was a well-known racist and anti-Semite for a really long time before this picture was taken. The timing of this photo is like if you had your picture taken with Epstein the day before he went to jail. The cat was waayyyyyyy outta the bag.

Keep in mind that Derek Sloan is just on the hook for receiving a $131 donation from a racist, and he's been thrown out by O'Toole.

Being in this photo is nothing like just accepting money and not noticing who it came from. Obama absolutely knew who he was with. I've known about Farrakhan's vile bigotry for a long time and I obviously don't follow US politics as closely as Obama.

This is an example of Obama giving one of the biggest racists and anti-Semites in America an ear, and a big boost in popularity. The last thing on earth that Obama should be doing is supporting Farrakhan. It's inexcusable and disgusting. There's a reason this photo was hidden for so long. 

If this doesn't bug you then you must be an anti-Semite yourself, but to decent people this is an Obamination. 

Screen Shot 2021-02-06 at 3.54.46 PM.png

Oh please. The Republican party is lousy with  anti-semites and white supremacists. They just elected a Trump supporting crackpot who believes that forest fires are started by Jews with Space Lasers!  

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