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America Under pResident Biden

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1 minute ago, BeaverFever said:

As I said he’s the least worst option in a system that can only produce bad options. Bernie and the true left will never be viable contenders for the throne. The only viable candidates for most important offices are corporate puppets in the corrupt US political system. Characters like Bernie and AOC are just for show but don’t ever stand a chance 

My beef is that I don't think that 'least worst option' is anywhere near acceptable to most working Americans during these times....which were already getting bad in the US before Covid-19 struck! They were already heading into a recession....so they would have taken us with them, but along came a global pandemic to distract everyone from money and economics for a little while, but after a year of this with no end in sight, nobody here or in the US is willing to accept the usual bullshit claptrap from politicians!

As for Bernie....he started as a radical, who tried in the 70's to start a real leftwing party .... but then gave up! His "independent socialist" label has been a fraud for decades because it's been predicated on the unspoken contract he has with the Democratic Party: he refrains from criticizing the Party, while they refrain from selecting primary opponents to run against him for his senate seat. Every so often he proposes leftwing legislation....which almost immediately get shot down or watered down so much that it's unrecognizable. I even think there was collusion with his 2016 presidential run! The Dems' experts informed them that preselected candidate - Hillary, had huge...almost Trump level negative ratings and just did not appeal to most typical voters. The Dems often want a pseudo-left progressive to run on the left of the main candidate to prevent left third parties from rising up and taking away votes....and that was Bernie's job in 2016. BUT, he became too popular, because Clinton was so goddawful horrible and had no real reasons for running for president...other than feeling "it's my turn." By convention time, Bernie endorsed the hag who stole the nomination from him (revealing this is why Wikileaks and Assange became the targets of liberal persecution), and still keeps his mouth shut, even though the Bitch rags on about him ruining her chance to sit in the Oval Office in that slimy documentary they did for her a year ago. 

And oh yeah, AOC! I don't know what to make of her now, but when she burst on to the scene in New York, she was a definite outsider who knocked off one of the Party oligarchs, and the rest of the kleptocracy will never forgive her for that, so I don't know why she is even bothering. They have tried and will continue to try to take away her seat in every congressional election and refuse to give her any committee appointments....which her fans have told us is why she supported Octogenarian Nancy...so, someone else will have to figure it out!


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21 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:

mocking you for the ridiculous things you say isn’t trolling or lying 

If anybody cared enough to check all they'd have to do is scroll back to discover who began this and how. You turned up out of the blue so desperate to attack you brought lying claims you spun from an old message board that very few go to anymore after it got polluted by lying leftists like yourself beyond the point anything was credible. So thanks for the confirmation, I guess. A lying, stalking, troll appeared here stalked and lied some lies - I mean you, Buddy.

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10 minutes ago, Infidel Dog said:

If anybody cared enough to check all they'd have to do is scroll back to discover who began this and how. You turned up out of the blue so desperate to attack you brought arguments from an old message board that very few go to anymore after it got polluted by lying leftists like yourself beyond the point anything was credible. So thanks for the confirmation, I guess. A lying, stalking, troll appeared here stalked and lied some lies - I mean you, Buddy.

You hilariously declared that McCarthy was “an American hero”. And I rightly corrected and mocked you, which was neither lying nor trolling. Everything since has been a response to your ongoing butthurt reactions.  Now let’s get back on topic 

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28 minutes ago, Right To Left said:

My beef is that I don't think that 'least worst option' is anywhere near acceptable to most working Americans during these times....

what he said. and the "whataboutism" has to stop... its what keeps politicians able to continue to screw people over and make a mockery of democracy.

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27 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:

You hilariously declared that McCarthy was “an American hero”. And I rightly corrected and mocked you, which was neither lying nor trolling. Everything since has been a response to your ongoing butthurt reactions.  Now let’s get back on topic 

That's an excuse that doesn't cover the crime.

You attacked by bringing lying claims from another board.

Actually the McCarthy claim was itself a counter-troll because McCarthy has nothing to do with Biden and was only brought up to get a rise out of people. But if you want to discuss that you can do it without the personal lies and insults born out of something that has no place on this board.

Look this has gone on beyond the point where it's tolerable. It doesn't take a crystal ball to know a moderator will be here soon to shut this diversion into trolldom down.

Seeing as the troll brought up the other board I'll mention something one of the moderators here already knows. The moderators that took over that board had a policy of punishing the counter-puncher while letting the instigator smile and walk away unpunished. That policy contributed to that board's uselessness.

I'll cheerfully accept my punishment and admit this is dumb but request recognition of the fact two were involved.

And no, I was never banned or even suspended from the other board. Not sure about Beave.

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1 hour ago, BeaverFever said:

 I don’t think there was a moderator problem there at all. 

Of course not. I allege leftist bias there and you're a leftist. But this has nothing to do with "America Under pResident Biden," so I'm going to be the mature one and stop talking about it.

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4 minutes ago, godzilla said:

Russian supporters of Navalny feeling emboldened with Biden in office? i wouldn't be surprise if the CIA is actually lighting this shit up.


They shouldn't be emboldened by Biden....didn't work out too well for Ukraine the last time Biden was in office.

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The wall to block caravans of illegal immigrants has been shut down:

That doesn't mean Chairman Xiden is against walls in general though.

A new wall of armed guards has gone up around the recently constructed Chain link fence surrounding the new DC police state.


There's also this:

Militarized Capitol Police Use Fences And Razor Wire To Keep Preschoolers From Sledding


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A San Francisco teacher has been ridiculed for her 'performative wokeness' after she claimed that viral Bernie Sanders wearing mittens at President Joe Biden's inauguration was a lesson in 'white privilege and male privilege.'

High school teacher Ingrid Seyer-Ochi penned the San Francisco Chronicle op-ed published on Sunday, nearly two weeks after Sanders and his mittens took the internet by storm. 

In it, she criticized the 79-year-old senator for wrapping up against the cold in his mittens and winter coat, while she claimed that his female colleagues, and especially women of color such as Vice President Kamala Harris, did not have the same opportunity to dress down for such a prestigious event.

"Sen. Sanders is no white supremacist insurrectionist. But he manifests privilege, white privilege, male privilege and class privilege, in ways that my students could see and feel,' Seyer-Ochi, who earns six figures working for the San Francisco Unified School District, wrote.

Ingrid Seyer-Ochi, a high school teacher in San Franscisco, has received criticism after publishing an op-ed calling Bernie Sanders' mittens a lesson in 'white privilege'

Ingrid Seyer-Ochi, a high school teacher in San Franscisco, has received criticism after publishing an op-ed calling Bernie Sanders' mittens a lesson in 'white privilege'


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On 1/31/2021 at 3:56 PM, godzilla said:

what he said. and the "whataboutism" has to stop... its what keeps politicians able to continue to screw people over and make a mockery of democracy.

I don't think we have to look in the rearview mirror at Biden's long, long Senate career any longer, to figure out how he will act (or not) as a president. 

So far, now that the flowery rhetoric has begun to lose its petals, the Biden Admin's early actions reveal he is the same amoral, do anything to curry favor with powerful interests type -- Wall Street, big pharma and military+security police state complex leaders, and dismiss or give symbolism more than substance to grassroots base support groups that the Democrats depend on for votes at election time.

So, among Biden's cabinet appointments are Janet Yellin who has been hopscotching between government and Wall Street bank and brokerage firms like every other finance appointment in recent decades....most noted for getting paid over $850,000 per speech by banking groups. Something that should be illegal on the face of it, but the obvious quid pro quo has to be overlooked, at least since the Dems ran Hillary Clinton for president!  And among the rest, the most likely damaging appointment (for the American people) is Lloyd Austin, ret. Army general and until he was given a special deferment (another red flag) for being out of the military forces for less than the required 7 years, to become the new Defense Secretary. The whole point for that 7 year rule was to provide a buffer and maintain real civilian control of the Armed Forces....something US governments have given up on since JFK got himself accidentally shot! 

But then there's all the 'little' things that most people will only pay a passing glance to, since all of their Democratic Party-allied media and social media will not mention such negative stories more than once.....like the Biden Administration's decision to carry over the Trump decision to remove Grey Wolves from protection from hunters, as endangered species in the lower 48.

This is one I did not expect! Now, it looks like the same environmental agencies and volunteer groups that fought Trump policies for four years, have to keep fighting the new Biden regime! What was that old line from "Who's Next?"  -  "Meet the new boss, same as the old boss".................... https://www.bloombergquint.com/onweb/biden-backs-trump-decision-to-strip-gray-wolf-of-protections

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1 hour ago, mowich said:

A San Francisco teacher has been ridiculed for her 'performative wokeness' after she claimed that viral Bernie Sanders wearing mittens at President Joe Biden's inauguration was a lesson in 'white privilege and male privilege.'

High school teacher Ingrid Seyer-Ochi penned the San Francisco Chronicle op-ed published on Sunday, nearly two weeks after Sanders and his mittens took the internet by storm. 

In it, she criticized the 79-year-old senator for wrapping up against the cold in his mittens and winter coat, while she claimed that his female colleagues, and especially women of color such as Vice President Kamala Harris, did not have the same opportunity to dress down for such a prestigious event.

"Sen. Sanders is no white supremacist insurrectionist. But he manifests privilege, white privilege, male privilege and class privilege, in ways that my students could see and feel,' Seyer-Ochi, who earns six figures working for the San Francisco Unified School District, wrote.

Ingrid Seyer-Ochi, a high school teacher in San Franscisco, has received criticism after publishing an op-ed calling Bernie Sanders' mittens a lesson in 'white privilege'

Ingrid Seyer-Ochi, a high school teacher in San Franscisco, has received criticism after publishing an op-ed calling Bernie Sanders' mittens a lesson in 'white privilege'


The monied elites learned a long time ago that the easiest way for them to coopt leftists and leftwing movements is to put a laser-like focus on identity politics issues, to 'erase' class antagonisms between rich and working classes from being up for discussion. 

The liberal billionaires and their millionaire servants discovered that they can get a lot of mileage and completely disarm any liberal-left critics by appointing a few token women and visible minorities in high places...CEO's of every major weapons-producer...like new Defense chief- Lloyd Austin, who received some...extremely limited consternation for needing a special waiver from the new prez to be accepted as Defense Secretary. The whole point of this cabinet position to start with, was to have the chief of what had previously been known as the War Department under civilian/not military control! Along with the power and influence of the makers of more and more expensive weapons and delivery systems coopting former generals and admirals, it's easy to see how the US Government has devolved into a permanent war state that can't allow peace to break out anywhere in the world! Not even someone like Trump was allowed to end US involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan by House Democrats who overruled his late decisions to bring troops home!

So, I think we can expect that the actions of a centrist Democrat president will actually be to make the world an even more dangerous place than the most bellicose Republican ever could! Military budgets will increase and strip more and more from domestic priorities, and more saber-rattling and proxy wars will be engaged in to keep troops in their bases, carriers sailing the oceans, and the missiles flying and bombs dropping around the world. What could go wrong?

But none of these things....which used to be liberal priorities years ago, intrude on the thinking of present day liberals whose concerns are all grounded by identity politics. So that, as much as I see him as a great disappointment or potential fraud, Bernie is made a target because of his skin color and gender by liberal opinion shapers who as the SF Chronicle editorial displays, still have many brainwashed followers who don't have enough sense to focus and work first in their own economic interests!



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how is identity politics dangerous?

Identity politics

"Identity politics is a term that describes a political approach wherein people of a particular religion, race, social background, class or other identifying factor develop political agendas and organize based upon the interlocking systems of oppression that affect their lives and come from their various identities. Identity politics centers the lived experiences of those facing various systems of oppression to better understand the ways in which racial, economic, sex-based, gender-based, and other forms of oppression are linked and to ensure that political agendas and political actions arising out of identity politics leave no one behind."

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17 hours ago, godzilla said:

how is identity politics dangerous?

Identity politics

"Identity politics is a term that describes a political approach wherein people of a particular religion, race, social background, class or other identifying factor develop political agendas and organize based upon the interlocking systems of oppression that affect their lives and come from their various identities. Identity politics centers the lived experiences of those facing various systems of oppression to better understand the ways in which racial, economic, sex-based, gender-based, and other forms of oppression are linked and to ensure that political agendas and political actions arising out of identity politics leave no one behind."

Identity politics as commonly practiced today, does not include economic class among their concerns! If they do, they're not liberals anymore and have joined the political left somewhere after realizing that whites living in poverty zones are also 'oppressed' while women and POC's who've become millionaires and billionaires have reached the level where they can buy all of the 'freedom from oppression' they will ever need!  

After all, how "oppressed" are Kanye or Oprah today?

And it needs to be noted also, that wealthy POC's start thinking like rich white folks and taking on more and more of their concerns after they move upscale and leave the ghetto and the people who live there, behind.

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2 hours ago, Right To Left said:

Identity politics as commonly practiced today, does not include economic class among their concerns! If they do, they're not liberals anymore and have joined the political left somewhere after realizing that whites living in poverty zones are also 'oppressed' while women and POC's who've become millionaires and billionaires have reached the level where they can buy all of the 'freedom from oppression' they will ever need!  

After all, how "oppressed" are Kanye or Oprah today?

And it needs to be noted also, that wealthy POC's start thinking like rich white folks and taking on more and more of their concerns after they move upscale and leave the ghetto and the people who live there, behind.

i don't know... class is part of the definition. people do complain when rich people get a tax break or enjoy avoiding taxation altogether.

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