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America Under pResident Biden

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12 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Hillary has been completely exonerated by the MSM, just like Trudeau was for the We scandal. 

It's actually hard for judges and prosecutors to work against the full, combined force of the MSM. Especially when they have terrorist groups like Antifa and BLM on their side who can kill folks with impunity ("the protests were mainly peaceful" and "Antifa doesn't exist" lol)

The greatest threat that our countries face is the control that the Demonrats and Libelars have over our MSM. 

Trump failed at locking her up. It's almost like he invents crimes for political purposes. 



Aside from the fact that you obviously don't understand how and why policing is one of the cornerstones of a complex society, your post shows that you have a pathetic disregard/complete lack of empathy for other people. 

Says the Trump fan. :lol:

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On 12/8/2020 at 7:00 PM, bush_cheney2004 said:


False...there were several unfaithful electors in 2016.  The Democrats even tried to remove Trump by impeachment.   

They impeached him for using government funding to blackmail a foreign leader to try to get him to launch a criminal investigation of his election rival.

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On 12/8/2020 at 10:51 PM, WestCanMan said:

Most of the free world knew the fix was in when the Demmies started pimping mail-in ballots back in 2018.

And yet the stupid Republicans, I guess being so innocent and naive and clueless, didn't do a thing to stop it or even watch for it so they could collect evidence.  Even in the states they controlled! What a bunch of morons!

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So how united are the Republicans behind Trump? Not very. But they are scared of his rabid followers. Which is, again, the sort of thing you find in a cult.

But Ward pointed to the overall mood among Trump's base as a more pressing issue. 

She told The Times that were she to come out and say she would not sign a letter drafted by Republicans in the lower chamber — which calls for Pennsylvania's congressional delegation to reject the state's electoral votes for President-elect Joe Biden — she would face the wrath of Trump's most fervent supporters.

"If I would say to you, 'I don't want to do it,' I'd get my house bombed tonight," Ward said.


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14 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

By definition everything in the above quote is a judgment and therefore cannot be a fact. If you had finished high school you might have known that. 


He's had several scandals in just 5 years as PM. FYI that = scandal-plagued. Fact. Not opinion, at all.

He's definitely a fool. His pandemic response was completely idiotic, and his main job as PM is to protect Canadians. The fact that he let covid get such a firm foothold here by his disastrous decisions is why we had so many deaths early on and so much continuing economic hardship. It's what proves that he's a fool.

This isn't like the US where the POTUS was locking the country down while the Dem mayors and Governors were trying to convince people to engage in the riskiest behaviours possible. Our provinces and mayors have been on board with fighting covid since the very beginning, even over-reactive sometimes. Provincial parks in BC were shut down just after the airports closed.

You might not think that Trudeau's not a fool, because you weren't aware that blocking infected travellers was important and you didn't know that masks were important, but people who are smart knew that he was being dumb while he was actually doing it.

It's just a fact that you don't want to acknowledge.


Dummy you still don’t get it. Opinions can’t be proven or disproven. They are subjective, not objective. Sub-ject-ive. Go look it up. 

FYI you just made a declarative statement about my intelligence which implies that it's a matter of fact and not merely an opinion. 

How can you make the case that anyone is actually a dummy if the matter of whether or not they're dumb is merely the opinion of the claimant and not an actual fact? Do people have to confess to being stupid in order to be called stupid in your world?

FYI there are things called IQ tests which are an attempt to quantify the level of a person's intelligence, but there's also blatant evidence of people's intelligence level which can be spotted by people who actually have intelligence.

Again, I realize that you're not aware of how low Trudeau's intelligence for the same reason that you don't know what the top of Shaq's head looks like. 

I actually am well aware of Trudeau's lack of intelligence, you just have to take my word for it. 


I already told you and you avoided responding, even Trudeaus accuser said it wasn’t sexual assault. Unlike the many accusations against Trump, reflective of e same behaviour that he is on tape admitting to. I never denied Bill Clintons accusations because unlike you I’m not a brainless follower who needs to worship a political  leader as a god. 

Right. She said that he groped her non-sexually. LMAO.

The evidence of brainlessness here is your assertion that Trump's boob-grabbing is as serious as Clinton's biting women and forcing his penis into them. That's unfathomable.


Too much  lying, bullshiting gaslighting and repeating already debunked false claims in this quote to go through again, we’ve dealt with it already.  And  through that whole pile of shit you never even answered the question:  has the whole world been fooled and you’re among  the select few who knew the real truth?  Or is the whole world in your side and only a select few oppose trump?  Answer the damn question 

Your whole position that anyone who doesn’t subscribe to your far-fetched and implausible election conspiracy claims is automatically  a conspiracy nut themselves is another of your retarded claims.  It is not a conspiracy theory to say that the very small number of people involved in Trumps false claims are lying. It is, however a whacko conspiracy theory to claim that the thousands involved in the election, the media, the “deep state”,  fellow Republican state officials and judges etc etc are all conspiring together with communist countries,Iran,  the ghost of Hugo Chavez, North Korea and all the other absolutely fucking crazy batshit that you fruitcakes have come up with and swallow without question  

You're just way out to lunch.

There's a reason why no one ever took the stand and 'swore' that they saw Trump colluding or testified to any direct evidence of collusion, just like there's a reason why there are hundreds of pages of affidavits and people who swore under oath in courts of law that they witnessed election fraud. 

You can't make that distinction within your head because you're emotionally invested in one story and dead against the other. You see what you want to see, nothing of a factual nature can make a dent in your opinion. Have fun with that Beave, but your opinion is utterly worthless again, as usual. 

Edited by WestCanMan
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52 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:


He's had several scandals in just 5 years as PM. FYI that = scandal-plagued. Fact. Not opinion, at all.

He's definitely a fool. His pandemic response was completely idiotic, and his main job as PM is to protect Canadians. The fact that he let covid get such a firm foothold here by his disastrous decisions is why we had so many deaths early on and so much continuing economic hardship. It's what proves that he's a fool.

Nope you’re just continuing to prove that you still can’t tell how to separate fact from opinion dummy. Go back to school.  Also tour hypocrisy on Trudeau vs Trump is hilarious. In Canada it’s nobody fault but Trudeaus because you hate Trudeau while in the US  where COVID is worse its everybody fault except Trump because you love Trump. If only you could reflect on how shoddy your logic is and how brainstorming you are.  Trump  never “blocked infected travellers” and still hasn’t. The half-ass measures he implemented did nothing  to stop or slow COViD. He has publicly undermined COVID efforts and his own personal whitehouse has been a superspreader party with dozens of his staff infected including himself, and recently too, when everyone knew better.  


1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

FYI you just made a declarative statement about my intelligence which implies that it's a matter of fact and not merely an opinion. 

How can you make the case that anyone is actually a dummy if the matter of whether or not they're dumb is merely the opinion of the claimant and not an actual fact? Do people have to confess to being stupid in order to be called stupid in your world?

FYI there are things called IQ tests which are an attempt to quantify the level of a person's intelligence, but there's also blatant evidence of people's intelligence level which can be spotted by people who actually have intelligence.

Again, I realize that you're not aware of how low Trudeau's intelligence for the same reason that you don't know what the top of Shaq's head looks like. 

I actually am well aware of Trudeau's lack of intelligence, you just have to take my word for it. 

Its is my opinion that you are a dummy. For the record I don’t think Trudeau is especially smart either. Unlike you I’m not a political cult follower who has to worship a political  leader of the day as some sort of god. I know you can barely understand that based on your limited  juvenile black-and-white understanding of the world but you’ll just have to accept that not everyone is a kool-aid drinker like you 

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On 11/24/2020 at 4:50 PM, bcsapper said:

Given the craziness they are rescuing them from, they probably should be known as "The Plumbers".

Considering that 'The Plumbers' was the name given to Nixon's illegal goon squads, I doubt that using it for the Dems is a good choice..........but then, that's just me.

"The White House Plumbers, sometimes simply called the Plumbers, the " Room 16 Project ," or more officially, the White House "Special Investigations Unit" was a covert White House Special Investigations Unit, established within a week after the publication of the "Pentagon Papers" in June 1971, during the presidency of Richard Nixon. "

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_House_Plumbers#:~:text=The White House Plumbers%2C sometimes simply called the,June 1971%2C during the presidency of Richard Nixon.

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19 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:

Nope you’re just continuing to prove that you still can’t tell how to separate fact from opinion dummy. Go back to school.  Also tour hypocrisy on Trudeau vs Trump is hilarious. In Canada it’s nobody fault but Trudeaus because you hate Trudeau while in the US  where COVID is worse its everybody fault except Trump because you love Trump. If only you could reflect on how shoddy your logic is and how brainstorming you are.  Trump  never “blocked infected travellers” and still hasn’t. The half-ass measures he implemented did nothing  to stop or slow COViD. He has publicly undermined COVID efforts and his own personal whitehouse has been a superspreader party with dozens of his staff infected including himself, and recently too, when everyone knew better.  

This is totally laughable. Trudeau is actually guilty of several ethics breaches now. 

Trump took actual decisive, recorded actions against C19. Several, including getting vaccine trials started.

Trudeau actually did nothing until March 16th, aside from give the worst advice possible (don't wear masks). Then he didn't even finalize a vaccine order until a few days ago. 

Your failure to understand travel restrictions is duly noted. LMAO.


Its is my opinion that you are a dummy. 

Given the accuracy of all your other observations and opinions, this is a ringing endorsement of my brilliance. 

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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

He's definitely a fool. His pandemic response was completely idiotic, and his main job as PM is to protect Canadians. The fact that he let covid get such a firm foothold here by his disastrous decisions is why we had so many deaths early on and so much continuing economic hardship. It's what proves that he's a fool.

This isn't like the US where the POTUS was locking the country down while the Dem mayors and Governors were trying to convince people to engage in the riskiest behaviours possible.

Yeah, it is. Mayors in Canada were also trying to convince people it was no big deal. that was because the federal government - like the one in the US - was saying it was no big deal. Yes, Trump locked the Chinese out, but that was the extent of what he did. Everything since then has been a disaster, and he's likely responsible for at least 100k extra American deaths so far.

I condemn them both. For some reason, you have no problem seeing Trudeau's mistakes but cling to the bizarre belief Trump did better.

He didn't.


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Just now, Argus said:

Yeah, it is. Mayors in Canada were also trying to convince people it was no big deal. that was because the federal government - like the one in the US - was saying it was no big deal. Yes, Trump locked the Chinese out, but that was the extent of what he did. Everything since then has been a disaster, and he's likely responsible for at least 100k extra American deaths so far.

I condemn them both. For some reason, you have no problem seeing Trudeau's mistakes but cling to the bizarre belief Trump did better.

He didn't.


No, operation warp speed was a magnificent success.

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5 minutes ago, Argus said:


I condemn them both. For some reason, you have no problem seeing Trudeau's mistakes but cling to the bizarre belief Trump did better.

He didn't.


Just the fact that Trump didn't regurgitate the WHO's idiocy of "Don't block travel and don't wear masks" was a massive improvement over Trudeau's response to C19.

There's literally no room to debate that, at all. 

Conventional wisdon right now is that the WHO/Trudeau were 100% wrong. Trump didnt follow either of the WHO's directives.

/lesson. If you don't understand this now, you never will.

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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

Just the fact that Trump didn't regurgitate the WHO's idiocy of "Don't block travel and don't wear masks" was a massive improvement over Trudeau's response to C19.

There's literally no room to debate that, at all. 

Conventional wisdon right now is that the WHO/Trudeau were 100% wrong. Trump didnt follow either of the WHO's directives.

/lesson. If you don't understand this now, you never will.

You’re living in a fantasy world. 

Trump restricted (not blocked) travel from China to US Nationals only. Which did nothing to stop tens of thousands of people legally traveling between US and China, or to stop COVID from entering the US from Europe, where most US infections came from.  

Trump blocked travel from CONTINENTAL EUROPE ONLY in the same week in March that Trudeau blocked travel from EVERYWHERE. Trump has not blocked any additional travel since. 

It’s still comical that you want to praise Trump and criticize Trudeau and your weak ass excuses donothing but show how brainwashed you are. 

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4 minutes ago, Argus said:

I made no pretense of them 'accepting him' but they didn't dispute that he had won.


Oh yes they did....you didn't care to notice because you hate Trump too.


  • Jan. 6, 2017

WASHINGTON — One by one, the Democratic lawmakers stepped to the microphone on Friday, holding on to their letters and an impossible dream: denying the presidency to Donald J. Trump, two weeks before his inauguration.

And one by one, Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. — presiding over a joint session of Congress to validate the Electoral College results in Mr. Trump’s victory — turned back their challenges with a stoic message, pounding his gavel without hesitation.

“It is over,” Mr. Biden said at one point, as Republicans rose to their feet to cheer.

After weeks of fitful grumblings about the long-shot maneuvers that might obstruct Mr. Trump’s path to the White House, the proceedings on Friday appeared to close the book.



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1 hour ago, BeaverFever said:

You’re living in a fantasy world. 

Trump restricted (not blocked) travel from China to US Nationals only. Which did nothing to stop tens of thousands of people legally traveling between US and China, or to stop COVID from entering the US from Europe, where most US infections came from.  

Trump blocked travel from CONTINENTAL EUROPE ONLY in the same week in March that Trudeau blocked travel from EVERYWHERE. Trump has not blocked any additional travel since. 

It’s still comical that you want to praise Trump and criticize Trudeau and your weak ass excuses donothing but show how brainwashed you are. 

US nationals in China were allowed to come back. Trump couldn't block them even if he wanted to, and no one even said that he wanted to.

People who were in China within 14 days weren't allowed to fly to the US. 

He expanded the travel restrictions to other European countries when their C19 got crazy.


I've been 100% correct about everything I said re: covid going all the way back to January. The truth about C19 is that Japan rocked it - travel bans and masks from the beginning. Their gov't even issued two masks per household.

Trump was in the middle. Slower to ban travel, neutral on masks, but he at least had the brains to completely disregard the WHO.

Trudeau was at the extreme bottom of the barrel. The WHO said 'put out that fire with gasoline' and Trudeau is so stupid that he regurgitated it verbatim, period. A week after Trudeau finally took his very first real action (45 days  behind Trump) our country was so far behind the 8 ball that thousands of people died within two months (over 5K) and we had to shut down almost everything. 1 week after Trudeau finally got off his ass our outdoor provincial parks in BC were even closed. 


I don't give a rip about your snotty little insults or your disinformation Beave. Everyone here has access to all the facts. If you want to dispute them I'll provide you with links. 

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1 hour ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


Oh yes they did....you didn't care to notice because you hate Trump too.

From your cite:

Lawmakers are permitted to make objections to both individual and state tallies, but they must be submitted in writing and signed by at least one member of both the House and the Senate. No senator chose to join the cause of the half-dozen or so House Democrats who raised complaints.

So this was a matter of half a dozen congressmen. And that's that. Did seventeen Democrat states join a ridiculous lawsuit to try and get the election results thrown out in the swing states? Did Hillary Clinton and her family go on TV every day to declare she had been cheated and the Republicans had committed election fraud? Did her legal minions go around the country screaming about how the Republicans committed election fraud and launching dozens of evidence-free lawsuits? Were Democrats, including former national security advisors, asking Obama to declare martial law to rehold the election?

There is simply no comparison and you bloody well know it.

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4 minutes ago, Argus said:

There is simply no comparison and you bloody well know it.


The point is not one of direct comparison, but that Democrats did seek ways to stop a Trump presidency, before and after his inauguration.   Moreover, Democrats demonstrated in many U.S. cities denying Trump as their president.

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17 minutes ago, Argus said:

Did seventeen Democrat states join a ridiculous lawsuit to try and get the election results thrown out in the swing states? Did Hillary Clinton and her family go on TV every day to declare she had been cheated and the Republicans had committed election fraud? Did her legal minions go around the country screaming about how the Republicans committed election fraud and launching dozens of evidence-free lawsuits? Were Democrats, including former national security advisors, asking Obama to declare martial law to rehold the election?

You're correct to say that those things never happened, with the exception of the part about Hillary Clinton lol. She had a new excuse for losing every week and she even wrote a book about about it, where she names Putin and and WikiLeaks as being partly to blame for her loss :lol:

The 2016 election had nowhere near the level of fraud that 2020 had. The bulk of the 2016 election fraud came in the form of the Russian collusion witch hunt. 

And need I remind you that the only person caught cheating in the 2016 election was Hillary, twice?



This is a term that applies to Russian collusion, Blasey-Ford, "Trump called soldiers losers", and almost every other story that sucked in CNN's idiot fanbase, but it doesn't apply to a case with hundreds of pages of sworn affidavits, the sworn court testimony of dozens of people, at least one vote-counting machine that was found to be registering thousands of Trump votes as Biden votes, and all the proven instances where GOP poll scrutineers were being blocked from doing their jobs, etc.

You'd literally have to be on crack or be 100% retarded to think that this case was 'evidence-free' lol. Especially when the accusations from your side of the aisle almost always come without any evidence whatsoever. 

Edited by WestCanMan
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