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A disgraceful coup against President Donald Trump is in the making.

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3 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Nowhere? That's another lie. 

It's 100% known there were some very serious problems with this election that you're completely ignoring. Its another Biden/China Biden/Ukraine scenario where Dems and their idiot sycophant horde scream 'JUST BECAUSE THERE"S EVIDENCE OF A CRIME DOESN'T MEAN THAT IT NEEDS TO BE INVESTIGATED!!!!"

Instead of lying, just wait for info to come in and be processed. 

We both know that if Trump won and all of these 'discrepancies' had plagued the election, and all in Trump's favour, you'd be adamant that something had to be done about it. So you're both a hypocrite and a liar.

No it’s not “100% known” it’s just more of your baseless allegations and there’s absolutely NO EVIDENCE 


Lying Republicans saying that there’s evidence isnt the same as actually producing evidence. After a decade of baseless failed claims one would think you people would have figured that out by now. 

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3 hours ago, BubberMiley said:

Because it's BS generated to fool people who are extremely gullible, poorly informed, and brainwashed by social media. It's not like there aren't checks and balances and the glitch wasn't caught. No need to undermine confidence in the electoral system by citing an example of how well it actually works.

Your answer was 100% BS and you know it, so are you just "extremely gullible, poorly informed, and brainwashed by social media" or are you a liar?

The only reason the Antrim glitch was caught is because it was so blatantly obvious. In a county that's usually 70-30 GOP, Biden was winning after the votes were tallied. If the vote had come out 54-46 for Trump the 'glitch' may have gone unnoticed. 

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Just now, BeaverFever said:

No it’s not “100% known” it’s just more of your baseless allegations and there’s absolutely NO EVIDENCE 

What you "know" and what actually is known are vastly different things beaver.



 After a decade of baseless failed claims one would think you people would have figured that out by now. 

You have only been on this site for a couple months beaver, not decades, but yes we are completely aware of your history history of baseless failed claims.

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30 minutes ago, bcsapper said:

Perhaps.  I still haven't seen any concrete evidence of that.

Still, those votes would not have affected the outcome, if the numbers I've read are true.

It won't matter to the courts. There is no doubt that the courts will have a republican leaning.  If they can overturn the result, legally and without debasing themselves, they will.

Right.  A judge made an order without any evidence.  

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18 minutes ago, BubberMiley said:

But it didn't.

You are taking the position that "the 'glitch' was caught so the faith in the system has been 100% restored" but the people who caught it also told us that it was only caught because it was so blatantly obvious in that one instance.

For your edification, this tells us that if the 'glitch' was more subtle then it almost certainly would have gone unnoticed. 

Therefor, your claim that faith has been restored because the glitch was caught was either evidence that you weren't smart enough to realize that there's a very high likelihood that what happened in Antrim happened elsewhere, or that you're not telling the truth. "But it didn't" is a farce of an answer.

This isn't the time for people like you to be running around casting a shadow of darkness over an investigation into a very serious threat to democracy in general. 

As of right now, the legitimacy of the US electoral system is on extremely shaky ground, maybe shattered.

FYI people in general, and especially the ones who value the freedoms & democracy that their forefathers fought and died for, don't take lightly to the removal of their leaders by skullduggery, and they don't peacefully follow the lead of the ones who took over by such means.

This has to be taken seriously because to the 70 million people who voted for Trump, this is a serious issue. 

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3 hours ago, BubberMiley said:

Because it's BS generated to fool people who are extremely gullible, poorly informed, and brainwashed by social media. It's not like there aren't checks and balances and the glitch wasn't caught. No need to undermine confidence in the electoral system by citing an example of how well it actually works.

47 other counties in Michigan use the exact same machinery and software.  No doubt they are either checking on this issue, or furiously hiding the evidence, depending on whether they are Dem or Republican controlled.

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4 minutes ago, BubberMiley said:

I never had a lot of time for kids who said, with no evidence, the game is fixed, just because they lost. They were always the same ones who tried to cheat before they lost. Losing with disgrace is never attractive to watch. :lol:

I never had a lot of time for the cheaters either...

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8 minutes ago, sharkman said:

47 other counties in Michigan use the exact same machinery and software.  No doubt they are either checking on this issue, or furiously hiding the evidence, depending on whether they are Dem or Republican controlled.

I am saddened to report this, but in Georgia, Spalding County among several others, use the exact same machine and they all experienced a glitch the night before the election, and had to have their software "updated".  An investigation is underway on this one too.

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22 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

You are taking the position that "the 'glitch' was caught so the faith in the system has been 100% restored" but the people who caught it also told us that it was only caught because it was so blatantly obvious in that one instance.

For your edification, this tells us that if the 'glitch' was more subtle then it almost certainly would have gone unnoticed. 

Therefor, your claim that faith has been restored because the glitch was caught was either evidence that you weren't smart enough to realize that there's a very high likelihood that what happened in Antrim happened elsewhere, or that you're not telling the truth. "But it didn't" is a farce of an answer.

This isn't the time for people like you to be running around casting a shadow of darkness over an investigation into a very serious threat to democracy in general. 

As of right now, the legitimacy of the US electoral system is on extremely shaky ground, maybe shattered.

FYI people in general, and especially the ones who value the freedoms & democracy that their forefathers fought and died for, don't take lightly to the removal of their leaders by skullduggery, and they don't peacefully follow the lead of the ones who took over by such means.

This has to be taken seriously because to the 70 million people who voted for Trump, this is a serious issue. 

No.  The “glitch” was caught because regardless of what count is announced on election night, the actual vote counts are audited and reconciled by each state over the days and weeks following the election. By law, the actual results for PA will be certified by the state on November 23, 2020. It is completely normal and routine for initial vote count numbers to contain errors that are corrected and/or investigated during this time



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5 hours ago, sharkman said:

Argus, look up Antrim County glitch.  Now ask yourself why none of the main news networks are covering it?

Because these little glitches happen when you're dealing with a massively complicated voting system administered by fifty separate states and thousand upon thousands of counties and municipalities. They're always caught, as this was. You guys are looking out over the vast system, plucking a few small, temporary issues that emerge, and then waving them triumphantly aloft as 'proof' that there is widespread fraud when there just isn't.

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3 hours ago, sharkman said:

OK, then let me ask you this. If all the polling stations in PA were handling the late ballots correctly, would the supreme court of the land have to step in?  

They didn't 'step in'. The Republicans asked for an order to segregate ballots already being segregated in the event that further court hearings determine they should not be counted. The only reason the Republicans asked was to reinforce to the weak minded that there was fraud going on.

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Followers of Progressives have a problem. It's inculcated into their heads that they're forbidden to be made aware of anything contradicting the Media mind wipe.

First of all in answer to the above boast of Biden breaking election attendance records. Trump also broke Obama's previous record of votes. Democrat operatives then had to find the votes to match then surpass that.

For those who think there was no reason for Trump to suspect upcoming fraud, and incompetence could make the election results suspect I collected about 25 examples as they were happening pre-election:


I've only had time to glance at the posts above but was somebody saying the upcoming lawsuits lacked evidence or something like that. I reply the evidence isn't lacking just because you haven't heard it yet.

Lawsuit: At Least 21K Dead People on Pennsylvania Voter Rolls

For those outrageously outraged that Trump won't acknowledge these questionable results yet I would encourage them to remember this:

MSM loved it when Al Gore didn’t concede until Dec 14th…

OK, little proggies, here's your warning. Cover your ears. Close your eyes. Careful not to click. Somebody is going to tell you something you're not supposed to hear:

Here's a text story on that one:

BREAKING: Michigan Legislature to Convene Joint Oversight Hearing Saturday After 'Glitches' Give 6,000 Trump Votes to Biden

And here's another one claiming that the software responsible for the glitch is use in every state.


The voter fraud is so systemic it was even happening in Texas:


Texas state officials announced late on Friday afternoon that they have charged a social worker with 134 felony counts of election fraud and other related charges.


There are allegations of 2 computer programs called Hammer and Scorecard that were enabling voter fraud in Las Vegas and Detroit. Apparently the FBI and other law enforcement are investigating;

Why do these Computer glitches always seem to first favor the Democrat. Then some are investigated:

Fixed computer glitch turns losing Republican into a winner in Oakland County

I hesitated to mention the O'Keefe allegations that some post office officials were changing the post dates on ballots but now the whistleblower is no longer anonymous. He's gone public and says federal officials are investigating:


BREAKING: Pennsylvania @USPS Whistleblower Richard Hopkins Goes Public; Confirms Federal Investigators Have Spoken With Him About Postmaster Rob Weisenbach's Order To Backdate Ballots To November 3rd, 2020#ExposeUSPS pic.twitter.com/wdO8vUx2Vj



Edited by Infidel Dog
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It really doesn't matter what posters on here put forward as evidence the election was stolen.  The courts lean right.  Trump and his party have had four years to pack them as tight as they could, and his lawsuits up to now make it plain that he expects verdicts to go in his favour due to that, and that alone.

That might not happen.  A lot of the judges he appointed had integrity before the appointment and there is no reason to suppose they would risk that integrity to say thank you.

But if there is the opportunity, (read that as "actual evidence") they will find for Trump.

So you really have nothing at all to worry about if there were any shenanigans.  Come January, the carpets in the White House won't be replaced.

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19 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

He lost fair and square. And it’s to his credit that ue didn’t lose by an even larger margin given how unpopular he is. 

Everyone has been saying for months that he was going to refuse to concede f he lost and resort to baseless accusations, which he does all the time   


Anyone who thinks the number of people who show up at rallies is any indication of election outcomes....especially during the pandemic...doesn’t know their ass from a hole in the ground. 

The attendance and enthusiasm at rallies was one indication of popularity. The other measure was and is polls. But you're obviously unaware of what the polls said back in 2016 when they indicated a likely landslide by Clinton. The polls for this election often had Biden out way ahead and he campaigned like he had it in the bag. This was much closer than most people would have expected and neither party ended up with everything they wanted. I think most of those opposed to Trump are 100% focused on his personality and likely know little or nothing about his actual policies and accomplishments.

Now there's going to be a complete reversal in the type of media coverage as soon as Biden get's sworn in. The press will be fawning over every move the Harris/Biden administration makes. Expect a lot of executive orders to be coming out.

A fair and square election? It seems there were quite a lot of irregularities with the mail in ballots. Most of the in person voting came from Republican supporters and the majority of mail-in ballots were for Democrats where the questionable activities allegedly happened. I said elsewhere on this site that I believe the Democrats will now encourage their supporters to only do mail-in ballots as it seems to give them the potential to wipe out huge leads as required. I'm curious why all States couldn't count their ballots as quickly as Florida.

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1 hour ago, ironstone said:

I said elsewhere on this site that I believe the Democrats will now encourage their supporters to only do mail-in ballots as it seems to give them the potential to wipe out huge leads as required. 

Weird they didn't fix the House and Senate races too then, isn't it?

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2 hours ago, bcsapper said:

It really doesn't matter what posters on here put forward as evidence the election was stolen.  The courts lean right.  Trump and his party have had four years to pack them as tight as they could, and his lawsuits up to now make it plain that he expects verdicts to go in his favour due to that, and that alone.

That might not happen.  A lot of the judges he appointed had integrity before the appointment and there is no reason to suppose they would risk that integrity to say thank you.

But if there is the opportunity, (read that as "actual evidence") they will find for Trump.

So you really have nothing at all to worry about if there were any shenanigans.  Come January, the carpets in the White House won't be replaced.

No one is asking for a lack of integrity.

If Biden really did win then no one should stand in his way when he goes to shamble into the oval office. 

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25 minutes ago, BubberMiley said:

Weird they didn't fix the House and Senate races too then, isn't it?

That is weird, but you don't seem to realize why it's suspicious:


In Michigan and in Georgia the number of votes for Biden far exceeded the number of votes for the Democrat Senate candidates in these states. But for President Trump the Republican Senate candidate was very close to the President in votes recorded. This is typical in Presidential races that the down ticket is often carried by the Presidential candidate. But for some very odd reason, which even Joe Biden can’t explain, Joe Biden received tens of thousands of more votes than the Democrat Senate candidates:


Trump: 2,432,799

GOP Sen: 2,433,617

Dif: 818

Biden: 2,414,651

Dem Sen: 2,318,850

Dif: 95,801

Again, after accounting for 3rd party vote, HUGE amount of mysterious Biden votes w/ no down ticket.

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3 hours ago, Infidel Dog said:


There are allegations of 2 computer programs called Hammer and Scorecard that were enabling voter fraud in Las Vegas and Detroit. Apparently the FBI and other law enforcement are investigating;

Why do these Computer glitches always seem to first favor the Democrat. Then some are investigated:


Wow, ID, that's quite a post.  Sidney Powell is my new favourite lawyer.  I didn't realize that Hammer and Scorecard were what was at fault, and that they were used nation wide.  It gives the Supreme Courts a slam dunk all wrapped up in a bow.  I can't believe how corrupt some of these democrat heads are.  


Well, let it come, let it happen.  If Scotus has to overturn an election after the true count reveals a solid Trump win, then the anarchists, thugs and other idiots are going to go bonkers.  It may well mean extended rioting that requires military action.  

Edited by sharkman
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3 hours ago, Infidel Dog said:

Followers of Progressives have a problem. It's inculcated into their heads that they're forbidden to be made aware of anything contradicting the Media mind wipe.

Great post ID. It's like a whole thread summarized into a single post.

Leftists don't know what cognitive dissonance is. Their mind is a teency train and CNN is their track. Nothing else matters because they're incapable of operating off-track. 


We say hypocrisy, they cry whataboutism. 


This had better result in actual, serious jail-time.


I hesitated to mention the O'Keefe allegations that some post office officials were changing the post dates on ballots but now the whistleblower is no longer anonymous. He's gone public and says federal officials are investigating:


Glad this person stepped out of the shadows. I'm not a fan of anonymous anecdotes. 

Then again, leftists give anonymous sources more credibility than the people who are actually willing to go on record, so the fact that they stepped up might work against them.

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The BBC wrote this article back in September:

Vote rigging: How to spot the tell-tale signs


Today a right-wing guy took a look at how those tell-tale signs of vote-rigging match up with America's 2020 election. It's pretty much a mirror image.

Donald Trump Won the Election On Election Night — Now Media Reinforces What the BBC Calls Textbook Election Fraud, Declare Joe Biden the Victor Anyway



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